public void StevensvPublicis() { var testContract = new ComLawContract <Promise> { Offer = new SomeEmail(), Acceptance = o => o is SomeEmail ? new SomeEmailResponse() : null, Assent = new MutualAssent { IsApprovalExpressed = lp => true, TermsOfAgreement = lp => GetTerms() } }; testContract.Consideration = new Consideration <Promise>(testContract) { IsGivenByOfferee = (lp, p) => true, IsSoughtByOfferor = (lp, p) => true }; var testSubject = new StatuteOfFrauds <Promise>(testContract); testSubject.Scope.IsYearsInPerformance = c => true; testSubject.IsSufficientWriting = c => c.Offer is SomeEmail && c.Acceptance(c.Offer) is SomeEmailResponse; testSubject.IsSigned = c => c.Offer is SomeEmail && c.Acceptance(c.Offer) is SomeEmailResponse; var testResult = testSubject.IsValid(new Stevens(), new Publicis()); //the statute of frauds written\signed bits are very easy with electronic emails and such Assert.IsFalse(testResult); Console.WriteLine(testSubject.ToString()); }
public void McInerneyvCharterGolf() { var testContract = new ComLawContract <Promise> { Offer = new CharterGolfCounterOfferEmpl(), Acceptance = o => o is CharterGolfCounterOfferEmpl ? new McInerneyContEmplAtCharter() : null, Assent = new MutualAssent { IsApprovalExpressed = lp => true, TermsOfAgreement = lp => GetTerms() } }; testContract.Consideration = new Consideration <Promise>(testContract) { IsGivenByOfferee = (lp, p) => true, IsSoughtByOfferor = (lp, p) => true }; var testSubject = new StatuteOfFrauds <Promise>(testContract); //court finds it is in scope to statute of frauds testSubject.Scope.IsYearsInPerformance = c => true; var testResult = testSubject.IsValid(new CharterGolf(), new McInerney()); //so it is a valid defense because it lacks sufficient writing (was oral agreement) Assert.IsTrue(testResult); Console.WriteLine(testSubject.ToString()); }
public void CrabtreevElizabethSales() { var testContract = new ComLawContract <Promise> { Offer = new ElizabethSalesOfferTelephoneMemorandum(), Acceptance = o => o is ElizabethSalesOfferTelephoneMemorandum ? new AcceptElizabethOffer() : null, Assent = new MutualAssent { IsApprovalExpressed = lp => true, TermsOfAgreement = lp => GetTerms() } }; testContract.Consideration = new Consideration <Promise>(testContract) { IsGivenByOfferee = (lp, p) => true, IsSoughtByOfferor = (lp, p) => true }; var testSubject = new StatuteOfFrauds <Promise>(testContract); //it is within the statute testSubject.Scope.IsYearsInPerformance = c => true; testSubject.IsSufficientWriting = c => c.Offer is ElizabethSalesOfferTelephoneMemorandum; //this was the main doctrine point of this case, the signature-part //of the statute was scattered about but its overall intent and thereby assent are obvious testSubject.IsSigned = c => true; var testResult = testSubject.IsValid(new ElizabethSales(), new Crabtree()); //the defendant was attempting to avoid contract enforcement by // saying it lacked signature part required by statute of frauds Assert.IsFalse(testResult); Console.WriteLine(testSubject.ToString()); }
public void GuenthervAmerTex() { var testContract = new ComLawContract <Promise> { Offer = new LandNextToPottersCreekTx(), Acceptance = o => o is LandNextToPottersCreekTx ? new AcceptLandNextToPottersCreekTx() : null, Assent = new MutualAssent { IsApprovalExpressed = lp => true, TermsOfAgreement = lp => GetTerms() } }; testContract.Consideration = new Consideration <Promise>(testContract) { IsGivenByOfferee = (lp, p) => true, IsSoughtByOfferor = (lp, p) => true }; var testSubject = new StatuteOfFrauds <Promise>(testContract) { IsSufficientWriting = c => { var o = c.Offer as LandNextToPottersCreekTx; return(o?.IsCourtAgreeCouldMapLandOnGround ?? false); }, IsSigned = c => true }; testSubject.Scope.IsExecutorsPersonalResources = c => true; var testResult = testSubject.IsValid(new Guenther(), new AmerTex()); //the court concludes the map is too vague to be used to plot the ground Assert.IsTrue(testResult); Console.WriteLine(testSubject.ToString()); }