Example #1
 protected void btnStatusAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     statusnamecount = ObjStatus.Get_By_StatusName(txtStatusName.Text.ToString());
     if (statusnamecount == 0)
         ObjStatus.Description = txtStatusDesc.Text.ToString();
         ObjStatus.Statusname  = txtStatusName.Text.ToString();
         lblerrmsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.erradd.ToString();
         lblerrmsg.Text = Resources.MessageResource.errStatusExist.ToString();
     txtStatusName.Text = "";
     txtStatusDesc.Text = "";
    public void GetAllCalls()
        #region Declaretion of local variables
        int    totalResolutionTimeInMins;
        int    totalSpentMinOnCall;
        int    totalEscalateEmailLevel1Min;
        int    totalEscalateEmailLevel2Min;
        int    totalEscalateEmailLevel3Min;
        string status        = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString();
        int    statusId      = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(status);
        int    requesttypeid = Convert.ToInt32(Resources.MessageResource.strRequestTypeIncident.ToString());

        #region Get All Open Calls,of Incident Type
        colIncident = objIncident.Get_All_For_ProcessEmailEscalate(statusId, requesttypeid);
        #region Process Each Call , and check Time spent on call and Escalation Time
        foreach (Incident_mst obj in colIncident)
            #region Get Total Resolution Time Define for Selected SLA
            totalResolutionTimeInMins = GetResolutionTimeInMins(obj.Slaid);
            #region Get Total time Spent on Call,till now
            totalSpentMinOnCall = obj.Get_TimeSpentonRequest(obj.Incidentid, obj.Siteid, obj.Createdatetime, DateTime.Now.ToString());
            #region Get Total Time Define for Level 1 Escalation to shoot mail
            totalEscalateEmailLevel1Min = GetLevel1EscalationTimeInMins(obj.Slaid);

            #region Check ,If Email Escalation time is defined to shoot mail
            if (totalEscalateEmailLevel1Min > 0)
                #region If Call is not resolved till Email shoot time ,then Sent a mail
                if ((totalSpentMinOnCall + totalEscalateEmailLevel1Min) > totalResolutionTimeInMins)
                    SendEmail(obj.Incidentid, 1, obj.Slaid);
            #region Get Total Time Define for Level 2 Escalation to shoot mail
            totalEscalateEmailLevel2Min = GetLevel2EscalationTimeInMins(obj.Slaid);
            #region Check ,If Email Escalation time is defined to shoot mail
            if (totalEscalateEmailLevel2Min > 0)
                #region If Call is not resolved till Email shoot time ,then Sent a mail
                if ((totalSpentMinOnCall + totalEscalateEmailLevel2Min) > totalResolutionTimeInMins)
                    SendEmail(obj.Incidentid, 2, obj.Slaid);

            #region Get Total Time Define for Level 3 Escalation to shoot mail
            totalEscalateEmailLevel3Min = GetLevel3EscalationTimeInMins(obj.Slaid);
            if (totalEscalateEmailLevel3Min > 0)
                #region Check ,If Email Escalation time is defined to shoot mail
                if ((totalSpentMinOnCall + totalEscalateEmailLevel3Min) > totalResolutionTimeInMins)
                    SendEmail(obj.Incidentid, 3, obj.Slaid);
    protected void BindGridForAllParameter()
        #region Declaration of localvariable and table Variable
        int       filterId;
        DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
        dtTable = CreateDataTable();
        string userName        = "";
        int    varTechnicianId = 0;
        if (drpTechnician.SelectedValue != "")
            varTechnicianId = Convert.ToInt32(drpTechnician.SelectedValue);

        string varSortParameter = "";
        varSortParameter = drpSort.SelectedValue;
        if (varSortParameter == "0")
            varSortParameter = "createdatetime";

        #region Get Current User and his Role
        MembershipUser User              = Membership.GetUser();
        string         varUserRole       = "";
        string         varRoleTechnician = "";
        if (User != null)
            userName = User.UserName.ToString();

            string[] arrUserRole = Roles.GetRolesForUser();
            varUserRole       = arrUserRole[0].ToString();
            varRoleTechnician = Resources.MessageResource.strTechnicianRole.ToString();

        #region Get User object  by Calling Function Get_UserLogin_By_UserName() via passing parameter username and organizationid
        objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
        objUser         = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(userName, objOrganization.Orgid);

        #region If User Exist
        if (objUser.Userid != 0)
            ViewState["Userid"] = objUser.Userid;
            string fromdate = null;
            string todate   = null;
            if (ViewState["fromdate"] != null)
                fromdate = ViewState["fromdate"].ToString();
            if (ViewState["todate"] != null)
                todate = ViewState["todate"].ToString();
            if (fromdate == "")
                fromdate = null;
            if (todate == "")
                todate = null;

            #region Declare Local Variables and Collection of Incident_mst Type
            string Status;

            //            int siteid;
            #region Get the Siteid and Filter Parameter
            //siteid = obj.Siteid;
            filterId = Convert.ToInt32(drpFilter.SelectedValue);

            #region If Role of User is Technician
            if (varUserRole == varRoleTechnician)
                lblTechnician.Visible = false;
                drpTechnician.Visible = false;

                btnCancell.Visible = false;
                #region If Filter Variable is All
                if (filterId == 0)
                    //  col = objIncident.Get_All_By_Siteid_Technicianid(siteid, objUser.Userid, fromdate, todate, varSortParameter);
                #region If Filter Variable is Open
                else if (filterId == 1)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);
                    col      = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid_technicianid(statusid, objUser.Userid, fromdate, todate, varSortParameter);
                #region If Filter variable is Onhold
                else if (filterId == 2)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOnHold.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);
                    col      = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid_technicianid(statusid, objUser.Userid, fromdate, todate, varSortParameter);
                #region If Filter Variable is Close
                else if (filterId == 3)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusClose.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);
                    col      = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid_technicianid(statusid, objUser.Userid, fromdate, todate, varSortParameter);
                #region If filter variable is resolved
                else if (filterId == 4)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusResolved.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);
                    col      = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid_technicianid(statusid, objUser.Userid, fromdate, todate, varSortParameter);
            #region If User Role is other than Technician
                #region If Filter Variable is All
                if (filterId == 0)

                    col = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Createdbyid(fromdate, todate, varTechnicianId, varSortParameter);
                #region If Filter Variable is Open
                else if (filterId == 1)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);

                    col = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid(statusid, fromdate, todate, varTechnicianId, varSortParameter);
                #region If Filter variable is Onhold
                else if (filterId == 2)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOnHold.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);
                    col      = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid(statusid, fromdate, todate, varTechnicianId, varSortParameter);
                #region If Filter Variable is Close
                else if (filterId == 3)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusClose.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);
                    col      = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid(statusid, fromdate, todate, varTechnicianId, varSortParameter);
                #region If filter variable is resolved
                else if (filterId == 4)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusResolved.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);

                    col = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid(statusid, fromdate, todate, varTechnicianId, varSortParameter);
                #region If filter variable is UnAssigned
                else if (filterId == 5)
                    Status = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString();
                    int statusid;
                    statusid = objStatus.Get_By_StatusName(Status);

                    col = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Statusid_Unassigned(statusid, fromdate, todate, varSortParameter);
                #region If filter variable is Assigned
                else if (filterId == 6)
                    col = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Assigned(fromdate, todate, varSortParameter);
                #region Else Condition will call using Filter variable all
                    col = ObjProblem.Get_All_By_Createdbyid(fromdate, todate, varTechnicianId, varSortParameter);

        #region Fetch Each object of type Incident_mst from Collection Incident_mst
        foreach (Problem_mst obj in col)
            #region Create Table row and assign value to it
            DataRow row;
            row = dtTable.NewRow();
            row["ProblemId"]      = Convert.ToString(obj.ProblemId);
            row["title"]          = obj.title;
            row["Requesterid"]    = Convert.ToString(obj.Requesterid);
            row["CreatedByid"]    = Convert.ToString(obj.CreatedByid);
            row["Technicianid"]   = Convert.ToString(obj.Technicianid);
            row["Statusid"]       = obj.Statusid;
            row["Priorityid"]     = obj.Priorityid;
            row["CreateDatetime"] = obj.CreateDatetime;
        #region Bind Grid from datasource dtTable
        grdvwProblem.DataSource = dtTable;

        if (varUserRole == varRoleTechnician)