public void StatusStrip_RendersBorderCorrectly()
            using Form form = new Form();
            using StatusStrip statusStrip = new StatusStrip
                      BackColor  = Color.Blue,
                      SizingGrip = false,
                      Renderer   = new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(new CustomColorTable()),
                      Size       = new Size(200, 38)

            // Force the handle creation
            Assert.NotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, form.Handle);
            Assert.NotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, statusStrip.Handle);

            // Create an Enhance Metafile into which we will render the control
            using var emf = new EmfScope();
            DeviceContextState state = new DeviceContextState(emf);

            // Render the control

            Rectangle bounds         = statusStrip.Bounds;
            Rectangle bitBltBounds   = new Rectangle(bounds.X, 0, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1);
            Rectangle polylineBounds = new Rectangle(bounds.X, 0, bounds.Width - 1, 15);

            // This is the default pen style GDI+ renders polylines with
            Gdi32.PS penStyle = Gdi32.PS.SOLID | Gdi32.PS.JOIN_ROUND | Gdi32.PS.COSMETIC | Gdi32.PS.ENDCAP_FLAT | Gdi32.PS.JOIN_MITER | Gdi32.PS.GEOMETRIC;

                Validate.BitBltValidator(bitBltBounds, State.BrushColor(Color.Blue)),
                Validate.Polyline16(polylineBounds, null, State.Pen(16, Color.Green, penStyle))

            var details = emf.RecordsToString();