Example #1
        public async Task ChannelStatsAsync(CommandContext context, DiscordChannel channel)
            if (channel.Type != ChannelType.Text)
                await ReplyNewEmbedAsync(context, "Channel must be a text channel.", DiscordColor.Orange);


            var totalMessageCount = await StatsUtility.GetTotalMessageCount(Config);

            var channelStats = await StatsUtility.GetMessages(Config, x => x.ChannelId == channel.Id);

            var embedBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                Title = $"#{channel.Name} Stats",
                Color = MomentumColor.Blue
            }.AddField("Total Messages",
                       $"{channelStats.Sum(x => x.MessageCount)} - {(decimal) channelStats.Sum(x => x.MessageCount) / totalMessageCount:P} of total")
            .AddField("Top Users", channelStats
                      .GroupBy(x => x.UserId)
                      .Select(x => new { Id = x.Key, MessageCount = x.Sum(x => x.MessageCount) })
                      .OrderByDescending(x => x.MessageCount)
                      .Aggregate("", (currentString, nextUser)
                                 => currentString + Environment.NewLine +
                                 $"{context.Guild.Members.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == nextUser.Id)?.Mention ?? nextUser.Id.ToString()} - {nextUser.MessageCount} messages"));

            await context.RespondAsync(embed : embedBuilder.Build());
Example #2
        public async Task UserStatsAsync(CommandContext context, DiscordMember member)
            var totalMessageCount = await StatsUtility.GetTotalMessageCount(Config);

            var userStats = await StatsUtility.GetMessages(Config, x => x.UserId == member.Id);

            var embedBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                Title = "User Stats",
                Color = MomentumColor.Blue
            }.WithAuthor(member.DisplayName, iconUrl: member.AvatarUrl ?? member.DefaultAvatarUrl)
            .AddField("Total Messages",
                      $"{userStats.Sum(x => x.MessageCount)} - {(decimal) userStats.Sum(x => x.MessageCount) / totalMessageCount:P} of total"
            .AddField("Top Channels", userStats
                      .GroupBy(x => x.ChannelId)
                      .Select(x => new { Id = x.Key, MessageCount = x.Sum(x => x.MessageCount) })
                      .OrderByDescending(x => x.MessageCount)
                      .Aggregate("", (currentString, nextChannel)
                                 => currentString + Environment.NewLine +
                                 $"{context.Client.FindChannel(nextChannel.Id).Mention} - {nextChannel.MessageCount} messages"));

            await context.RespondAsync(embed : embedBuilder.Build());