Example #1
        public List <Adjustment_Voucher_Record> GetVouchersByCriteria(string status, string sortOrder)
            using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
                var vouchers = from v in context.Adjustment_Voucher_Records
                               where v.status == status
                               select v;

                switch (sortOrder)
                case "number_desc":
                    vouchers = vouchers.OrderByDescending(v => v.voucherID);

                case "Voucher Number":
                    vouchers = vouchers.OrderBy(v => v.voucherID);

                case "Issued By":
                    vouchers = vouchers.OrderBy(v => v.User.name);

                case "issued_by_desc":
                    vouchers = vouchers.OrderByDescending(v => v.User.name);

                    vouchers = vouchers.OrderBy(v => v.voucherID);

Example #2
        public int UpdateAdjustmentVoucherInfo(Adjustment_Voucher_Record voucher)
            using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
                    Adjustment_Voucher_Record record = (from r in context.Adjustment_Voucher_Records
                                                        where r.voucherID == voucher.voucherID
                                                        select r).First();

                    record.approvalDate       = voucher.approvalDate;
                    record.authorisingStaffID = voucher.authorisingStaffID;
                    record.handlingStaffID    = voucher.handlingStaffID;
                    record.issueDate          = voucher.issueDate;
                    record.remarks            = voucher.remarks;
                    record.status             = voucher.status;

                catch (Exception e)
                    string errorMessage = String.Format("Error occurs when updating adjustment voucher. ({0})", e.Message);
                    throw new Exception(errorMessage);
 //get permission from DB
 public List <permissionInfo> GetDefinedPermissions()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
        public ActionResult updateRetrieve()
            StationeryModel entity = new StationeryModel();

            if (Request.QueryString["ErrorMessage"] != null)
                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = Request.QueryString["ErrorMessage"];
            var RetrieveQty = Convert.ToInt32((Request.QueryString["key1"]));
            var itemCode    = Request.QueryString["key2"];
            var description = Request.QueryString["key4"];
            var Qty         = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["key3"]);
            var page        = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["key5"]);
            var stock       = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["key6"]);
            var status      = Request.QueryString["key7"];

            if (status != null)
                List <Requisition_Detail> list = entity.Requisition_Detail.Where(x => x.itemCode == itemCode).ToList();
                foreach (var item in list)
                    item.allocatedQty = 0;
            var rlist = (List <RetrieveForm>)HttpContext.Application["retrieveList"];

            rlist.Where(x => x.ItemCode == itemCode).First().retrieveQty = RetrieveQty;
            HttpContext.Application["retrieveList"] = rlist;
            TempData["Successful"] = "Retrieve successfully.";

            return(RedirectToAction("GenerateRetrieveForm", new { pagenumber = page }));
        public List <Stationery> GetStationeriesBasedOnCriteria(string searchString, string categoryID)
            using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
                var stationeries = from s in context.Stationeries select s;

                if (categoryID != "-1")
                    stationeries = stationeries.Where(s => s.categoryID.ToString() == categoryID);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                    string[] searchStringArray = searchString.Split();
                    foreach (string s in searchStringArray)
                        string search = s.ToLower().Trim();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(search))
                            stationeries = stationeries.Where(x => x.description.ToLower().Contains(search));

                return(stationeries.Include(s => s.Category).ToList());
        public User FindByUserID(string userID)
            StationeryModel entity = new StationeryModel();
            var             a      = (from user in entity.Users where user.userID == userID select user).First();

 public Boolean AddNewDepartment(Department dept)
         StationeryModel entity      = new StationeryModel();
         Department      department  = new Department();
         string          capDeptCode = dept.departmentCode.ToUpper();
         department.departmentCode = capDeptCode;
         department.departmentName = dept.departmentName;
         department.contactName    = dept.contactName;
         department.phoneNo        = dept.phoneNo;
         department.faxNo          = dept.faxNo;
         //department.departmentHeadID = dept.departmentHeadID;
         if (dept.collectionPointID.ToString() == "--Select--")
             department.collectionPointID = dept.collectionPointID;
             //department.representativeID = dept.representativeID;
        public RoleInfos GetById(int id)
            List <rolePermission> rolePermissionList = new List <rolePermission>();
            List <permissionInfo> permissions        = new List <permissionInfo>();
            string rolename    = "";
            string description = "";

            using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
                rolePermissionList = context.rolePermissions.Where(x => x.roleID == id).ToList();
                if (context.roleInfoes.Where(x => x.roleID == id).ToList().Count > 0)
                    rolename    = context.roleInfoes.Where(x => x.roleID == id).First().roleName.ToString();
                    description = context.roleInfoes.Where(x => x.roleID == id).First().description.ToString();

                    foreach (var p in rolePermissionList)
                        permissions.Add(context.permissionInfoes.Where(x => x.permissionID == p.permissionID).First());
            return(new RoleInfos
                RoleId = id,
                RoleName = rolename,
                Description = description,
                Permissions = permissions,
Example #9
        //for android: different cos of execution of rd.allocateQty += allocateQty
        public int UpdateRequisitionDetailsAndroid(string itemcode, int requisitionNo, int?allocateQty)
                StationeryModel    entity = new StationeryModel();
                Requisition_Detail rd     = new Requisition_Detail();
                rd = entity.Requisition_Detail.Where(x => x.itemCode == itemcode && x.requisitionNo == requisitionNo).First();
                //start of code added by alex//
                //deduct retrieve qty after doing allocation
                List <RetrieveForm> retrievalList = (List <RetrieveForm>)HttpContext.Current.Application["retrieveForm"];
                int index = retrievalList.FindIndex(x => x.ItemCode == itemcode);
                retrievalList[index].retrieveQty -= allocateQty;

                HttpContext.Current.Application["retrieveForm"] = retrievalList;

                //end of code//
                rd.allocatedQty += allocateQty;
        public List <int> FindAllRole(string id)
            StationeryModel entity = new StationeryModel();
            User            user   = (from u in entity.Users where u.userID == id select u).First();

            return((from a in entity.Users where a.departmentCode == user.departmentCode select a.role).ToList <int>());
        public List <string> GetStoreRoles()
            StationeryModel entity = new StationeryModel();
            List <string>   roles  = (from role in entity.roleInfoes where (role.roleID != 1 && role.roleID != 2 && role.roleID != 3 && role.roleID != 4 && role.roleID != 5 && role.roleID != 8) select role.roleName).ToList <string>();

        public List <WCFRetrievalForm> getRetrievalList()
            StationeryModel     entity = new StationeryModel();
            List <RetrieveForm> list   = new List <RetrieveForm>();
            DateTime            date   = DateTime.Now;
            List <RetrieveForm> model  = requisitionRecordService.GetRetrieveFormByDateTime(date);

            if (HttpContext.Current.Application["retrieveForm"] == null)
                HttpContext.Current.Application["retrieveForm"] = model;
            else if (HttpContext.Current.Application["retrieveForm"] != null)
                List <RetrieveForm> list2 = (List <RetrieveForm>)HttpContext.Current.Application["retrieveForm"];

                foreach (var item in model)
                    foreach (var i in list2)
                        if (i.ItemCode == item.ItemCode)
                            item.retrieveQty = i.retrieveQty;
                HttpContext.Current.Application["retrieveForm"] = model;

            //generate list of requisition records for allocation at the same time
            List <Requisition_Record> rr = entity.Requisition_Records.Where(x => x.status == RequisitionStatus.APPROVED_PROCESSING || x.status == RequisitionStatus.PARTIALLY_FULFILLED).ToList();

            HttpContext.Current.Application["requisitionRecordList_allocation"] = rr;

        public Stationery FindByItemCode(string itemCode)
            StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel();

            return((from s in context.Stationeries
                    where s.itemCode == itemCode
                    select s).FirstOrDefault());
 List <Stationery> IStationeryDAO.GetAllItemCodes()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from s in context.Stationeries
                 select s).Include(s => s.Category).ToList());
 public List <string> GetAllThirdSupplierList()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from s in context.Stationeries
                 select s.thirdSupplierCode).Distinct().ToList());
Example #16
 public User FindByUserID(string id)
     using (StationeryModel entity = new StationeryModel())
         User u = entity.Users.Where(x => x.userID == id).Include(x => x.Department).First();
Example #17
 public List <string> GetAllSupplierCode()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from s in context.Suppliers
                 select s.supplierCode).ToList());
Example #18
        public WCFUser GetUser(string userID)
            StationeryModel entity  = new StationeryModel();
            User            user    = entity.Users.Where(x => x.userID == userID).First();
            WCFUser         wcfUser = WCFModelConvertUtility.ConvertToWCFUser(user);

 public List <DateTime> GetAllStockCheckDate()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from r in context.Inventory_Status_Records
                 select r.date).Distinct().ToList());
 public List <string> GetAllItemCode()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from s in context.Stationeries
                 select s.itemCode).ToList());
 public List <string> GetUOMList()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from s in context.Stationeries
                 select s.unitOfMeasure).Distinct().ToList());
 public List <Category> GetAllCategory()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from c in context.Categories
                 select c).ToList());
 public List <WCFRequisitionDetail> GetRequisitionDetailsByItemCode(string itemCode)
     using (StationeryModel entity = new StationeryModel())
         List <Requisition_Detail> temp = entity.Requisition_Detail.Where(x => x.itemCode == itemCode).ToList();
Example #24
 List <int> ICollectionPointDAO.GetAllCollectionID()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from c in context.Collection_Points
                 select c.collectionPointID).ToList());
 public List <Purchase_Order_Record> GetAllPurchaseOrder()
     using (StationeryModel Entity = new StationeryModel())
         List <Purchase_Order_Record> por = Entity.Purchase_Order_Records.ToList();
 public List <Purchase_Order_Record> FindByStatus(string status)
     using (StationeryModel Entity = new StationeryModel())
         List <Purchase_Order_Record> por = Entity.Purchase_Order_Records.Where(x => x.status == status).ToList();
 public List <int> GetAllCategoryIDList()
     using (StationeryModel context = new StationeryModel())
         return((from s in context.Stationeries
                 select s.categoryID).Distinct().ToList());
        public Purchase_Order_Record FindByOrderID(int orderID)
            StationeryModel Entity = new StationeryModel();

            Purchase_Order_Record por = Entity.Purchase_Order_Records.Where(x => x.orderNo == orderID).First();

        public List <Purchase_Detail> GetPurchaseDetailsByOrderNo(int orderNo)
            StationeryModel Entity = new StationeryModel();

            List <Purchase_Detail> pd = Entity.Purchase_Detail.Where(x => x.orderNo == orderNo).ToList();

        public bool AddNewPurchaseOrder(Purchase_Order_Record purchase_order_record)
            StationeryModel Entity = new StationeryModel();

        public ActionResult update4(FormCollection form)
            Request_StationeryModel rm1 = new Request_StationeryModel();

            List<Stationery> lstr = dc.Stationeries.ToList();
            Config cf = dc.Configs.OrderByDescending(c => c.BuildDate).ToList().First();
            RequestModel rq = new RequestModel();
            StationeryModel stmd = new StationeryModel();
            Employee e = (Employee)Session["Employee"];
            Employee e1 = (Employee)Session["eplo"];
            Employee e2 = dc.Employees.Where(ee => ee.EmployeeNumber == e1.RegistrationNumber).ToList().First();
            RequestModel22 rq22 = new RequestModel22();
               // Employee e1 = dc.Employees.Where(ee => ee.EmployeeNumber == e.RegistrationNumber).ToList().First();
            ViewData["lst5"] = rq22.Listrq2().Where(r1 => (e.EmployeeNumber.Equals(r1.RNumber1) && r1.Stte1.Equals("1") && r1.Acc1 == true) || (r1.Stte1.Equals("5") && r1.Acc1 == true)).OrderByDescending(r => r.DDispatch1).ToList();
            string From = cf.MailName;
            string To = e1.Email;
            string cc = e2.Email;
            string type = cf.Type;
            int post = Convert.ToInt32(cf.Ports);
            string mailnetword = cf.MailNetwork;
            string pass = cf.Password;
            string Subject = "Approved Request " + form["rname"].ToString();
            string Message = "<span><b>From:</b> " + e.FullName + "</span><br/>" + "<b>Date Dispatch:</b> " + form["dd"].ToString() + "<br/>" + "<b>Content:</b> " + form["rc"].ToString() + "<br/>" + "<b>Description:</b> " + form["dt"].ToString();
            List<Request_Stationery> rqs = dc.Request_Stationeries.Where(s => s.RequestId == Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"])).ToList();
            string str = " ";
            Session["result"] = true;
            foreach (Stationery st in lstr)
                foreach (Request_Stationery rs in rqs)

                    if (st.ProductId == rs.ProductId && rs.Quantity > st.Quantity)
                        Session["result"] = false;


            //print item
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["result"]) == false)
                foreach (Stationery st in lstr)
                    foreach (Request_Stationery rs in rqs)
                        if (st.ProductId == rs.ProductId && rs.Quantity > st.Quantity)
                            str = str + st.ProductName.ToString() + "&nbsp_&nbsp";
            else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["result"]) == true)
                if (form["st3"].Equals("5"))
                    if (rq.Send1(From, To, cc, Subject, Message, type, post, mailnetword, pass))
                        List<Stationery> stnr = dc.Stationeries.ToList();
                        List<Request_Stationery> listrq = dc.Request_Stationeries.Where(l => l.RequestId == Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"])).ToList();
                        foreach (Stationery s in stnr)
                           foreach (Request_Stationery v in listrq)
                               if (s.ProductId == v.ProductId)
                                   stmd.EditST_RQ(v.ProductId, Convert.ToInt32(s.Quantity - v.Quantity));

                        rq.update(Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"]), form["rname"].ToString(), form["st"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(form["dd"]), DateTime.Now, Convert.ToBoolean(form["acc"]), form["rc"].ToString(), form["en"].ToString(), form["dt"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(form["ctid"]));

                        Session["email"] = 1;
                        Session["email"] = 2;

                    if (rq.Send(From, To, Subject, Message, type, post, mailnetword, pass))
                        List<Stationery> stnr = dc.Stationeries.ToList();
                        List<Request_Stationery> listrq = dc.Request_Stationeries.Where(l => l.RequestId == Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"])).ToList();
                        foreach (Stationery s in stnr)
                            foreach (Request_Stationery v in listrq)
                                stmd.EditST_RQ(v.ProductId, Convert.ToInt32(s.Quantity-v.Quantity));

                        rq.update(Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"]), form["rname"].ToString(), form["st"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(form["dd"]), DateTime.Now, Convert.ToBoolean(form["acc"]), form["rc"].ToString(), form["en"].ToString(), form["dt"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(form["ctid"]));
                        Session["email"] = 1;
                        Session["email"] = 2;
            Session["qty"] = str;

            return RedirectToAction("MyRequest10");
        public ActionResult update5(FormCollection form)
            Config cf = dc.Configs.OrderByDescending(c => c.BuildDate).ToList().First();
            RequestModel22 rq22 = new RequestModel22();
            RequestModel rq = new RequestModel();
            Employee e = (Employee)Session["Employee"];
            Employee e1 = (Employee)Session["eplo1"];//nb req
            Employee e2 = dc.Employees.Where(ee => ee.EmployeeNumber == e1.RegistrationNumber).ToList().First();
            ViewData["lst7"] = rq22.Listrq2().Where(r1 => (e.EmployeeNumber.Equals(r1.RNumber1) && r1.Stte1.Equals("2") && r1.Acc1 == false) || (e.EmployeeNumber.Equals(r1.RNumber1) && r1.Stte1.Equals("7") && r1.Acc1 == false)).OrderByDescending(r => r.DDispatch1).ToList();
            string From = cf.MailName;
            string To = e1.Email;
            string cc=e2.Email;
            string type = cf.Type;
            int post = Convert.ToInt32(cf.Ports);
            string mailnetword = cf.MailNetwork;
            string pass = cf.Password;
            string Subject = "Approved (Request Rject) " + form["rname"].ToString();
            string Message = "<span><b>From:</b> " + e.FullName + "</span><br/>" + "<b>Date Dispatch:</b> " + form["dd"].ToString() + "<br/>" + "<b>Content:</b> " + form["rc"].ToString() + "<br/>" + "<b>Description:</b> " + form["dt"].ToString();
            if (form["st5"].Equals("7"))
                if (rq.Send1(From, To, cc, Subject, Message, type, post, mailnetword, pass))
                    StationeryModel stmd = new StationeryModel();
                    List<Stationery> stnr = dc.Stationeries.ToList();
                    List<Request_Stationery> listrq = dc.Request_Stationeries.Where(l => l.RequestId == Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"])).ToList();
                    foreach (Stationery s in stnr)
                        foreach (Request_Stationery v in listrq)
                            if (s.ProductId == v.ProductId)
                                stmd.EditST_RQ(v.ProductId, Convert.ToInt32(s.Quantity + v.Quantity));
                    rq.update(Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"]), form["rname"].ToString(), form["st"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(form["dd"]), DateTime.Now, Convert.ToBoolean(form["acc"]), form["rc"].ToString(), form["en"].ToString(), form["dt"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(form["ctid"]));
                    Session["email"] = 1;
                    Session["email1"] = 1;

                    Session["email"] = 2;

                if (rq.Send(From, To, Subject, Message, type, post, mailnetword, pass))
                    StationeryModel stmd = new StationeryModel();
                    List<Stationery> stnr = dc.Stationeries.ToList();
                    List<Request_Stationery> listrq = dc.Request_Stationeries.Where(l => l.RequestId == Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"])).ToList();
                    foreach (Stationery s in stnr)
                        foreach (Request_Stationery v in listrq)
                            if (s.ProductId == v.ProductId)
                                stmd.EditST_RQ(v.ProductId, Convert.ToInt32(s.Quantity + v.Quantity));

                    rq.update(Convert.ToInt32(form["requestid"]), form["rname"].ToString(), form["st"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(form["dd"]), DateTime.Now, Convert.ToBoolean(form["acc"]), form["rc"].ToString(), form["en"].ToString(), form["dt"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(form["ctid"]));
                    Session["email1"] = 1;
                    Session["email"] = 1;
                    Session["email"] = 2;

            return RedirectToAction("MyRequest10");