Example #1
 public HomeController(IRepositoryBase <Entrada> context)
     _context   = context;
     _rito      = RiotApi.GetInstance(k);
     _claves    = new Claves();
     _staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(k);
Example #2
        public async Task Run(string[] args)
            System.IO.StreamReader file =
                new System.IO.StreamReader("token.txt");
            string riotToken    = file.ReadLine();
            string discordToken = file.ReadLine();

            api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(riotToken);
            staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(riotToken);
            client    = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfig()
                Token                 = discordToken,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                DiscordBranch         = Branch.Canary,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true,
                AutoReconnect         = true
            client.UseCommands(new CommandConfig()
                Prefix  = "$",
                SelfBot = false
            await client.Connect();

            champions = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.na, ChampionData.info).Champions.Values.ToList <ChampionStatic>();
            spells    = staticApi.GetSummonerSpells(Region.eune, SummonerSpellData.basic).SummonerSpells.Values.ToList <SummonerSpellStatic>();
        public void GetSummonerInfo(string summonerName, string api, SummonerViewModel model)
            var myApi     = RiotApi.GetInstance(api);
            var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(api);

            if (summonerName != null)
                GrabSummoner(myApi, summonerName, model);

                var champions      = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.na, ChampionData.image).Champions.Values;
                var summonerSpells = staticApi.GetSummonerSpells(Region.na, SummonerSpellData.image).SummonerSpells.Values;
                var version        = staticApi.GetVersions(Region.na).FirstOrDefault();
                var rankedStats    = myApi.GetStatsRanked(Region.na, model.SummonerId);
                var summonerIdList = new List <long> {
                var leagues = myApi.GetLeagues(Region.na, summonerIdList).FirstOrDefault().Value;

                GrabEntries(leagues, model);
                GrabMatchHistory(myApi, model, version, champions, summonerSpells);

                model.Champions    = champions;
                model.SummonerIcon = "http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/" + version + "/img/profileicon/" + model.SummonerIconId + ".png";
Example #4
        public bool CollectVersionData()
            bool          success       = false;
            List <string> checkVersions = new List <string>();
            // Setup RiotApi
            var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Resources.App.ApiKey);

                //Get all Version list and Realm
                versions = staticApi.GetVersions(RiotSharp.Region.na);
                realm    = staticApi.GetRealm(RiotSharp.Region.na);
                success  = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: correctly handle errors rather than this
                XtraMessageBox.Show(@"There was a problem downloading Versions from League of Legends.
								"                                 + ex.Message + @"
								  "                                 + ex.ToString(), "League Build Stats - Notice");
                //System.NullReferenceException means no interenet connection or something
            if (success)
                success = StoreRiotVersionData();

Example #5
        public bool DownloadListOfItems(string inputVersion = null)
            bool success = false;

                // Setup RiotApi
                var            staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Resources.App.ApiKey);
                ItemListStatic items;
                //Get all Items
                if (inputVersion == null)
                    items = staticApi.GetItems(RiotSharp.Region.na, ItemData.all);
                    items = staticApi.GetItems(RiotSharp.Region.na, inputVersion, ItemData.all);



                success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: correctly handle errors rather than this
                success = false;
Example #6
        public async void LoadAllChampionsRiotApi()
            if (MySettings.UserApiKey.Length == 36)
                try {
                    StaticRiotApi staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(_s.UserApiKey);
                    RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.ChampionListStatic champions = await staticApi.GetChampionsAsync(RiotSharp.Region.euw, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.ChampionData.info, RiotSharp.Language.en_US);

                    for (int i = 0; i < champions.Champions.Count; i++)
                        string ChampionName = champions.Champions.Values.ElementAt(i).Name;
                } catch (RiotSharpException ex) {
                    StaticErrorLogger.WriteErrorReport(ex, "Handled; AppRuntimeResourcesManager/LoadAllChampionsRiotApi:RiotSharpException");
                    DisplayPopup("Trouble with loading champions trough the api");
                } catch (NullReferenceException ex) {
                    StaticErrorLogger.WriteErrorReport(ex, "Handled;  AppRuntimeResourcesManager/LoadAllChampionsRiotApi:NullReferenceException");
                    DisplayPopup("Internet problem while loading champions");
                DisplayPopup("No correct API key found, get one at https://developer.riotgames.com/");
        public RiotApiScrapeJob()
            var key        = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"];
            var rateLimit1 = int.Parse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RateLimitPer10Seconds"]);
            var rateLimit2 = int.Parse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RateLimitPer10Minutes"]);

            _api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(key, rateLimit1, rateLimit2);
            _staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(key);
Example #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var    api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
            var    staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
            var    statusApi = StatusRiotApi.GetInstance();
            int    id        = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Id"]);
            string name      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Name"];
            int    id2       = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Id"]);
            string name2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Name"];
            string team      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team1Id"];
            string team2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team2Id"];
            int    gameId    = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GameId"]);
            Region region    = (Region)Enum.Parse(typeof(Region), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Region"]);

            var languages = staticApi.GetLanguages(region);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", languages));

            var summ = api.GetSummoner(region, name);

            var teams = summ.GetTeams();

            var match1 = api.GetMatch(region, gameId);


            var shards = statusApi.GetShards();

            var shardStatus = statusApi.GetShardStatus(region);

            var statSummaries = api.GetStatsSummaries(region, id);

            var championIds = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i += 15)
                var matches = api.GetMatchHistory(region, id, i, i + 15, null,
                                                  new List <Queue>()
                foreach (var match in matches)
            var mostPlayedChampId = championIds.GroupBy(c => c).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count()).FirstOrDefault().Key;
            var mostPlayedChamp   = staticApi.GetChampion(region, mostPlayedChampId);


            var games = api.GetRecentGames(region, id);

            Console.WriteLine("Done! Press Enter to exit.");
Example #9
        private static ChampionStatic getChampion(int championId)
            if (Champions == null)
                Champions = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(API_KEY).GetChampions(Region.na, ChampionData.all);
            var champion = Champions.Champions.First(x => x.Value.Id == championId);

Example #10
        public async Task HelpCommand()
            var champions = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Settings.RiotAPIKey).GetChampions(RiotSharp.Misc.Region.euw).Champions;
            var champ     = champions.First(c => c.Key == "Aatrox").Value;

            MessageHandler messageHandler = new MessageHandler();
            EmbedBuilder   message        = messageHandler.BuildEmbed("Team creation and management command", $"Use `help team` to see how to use it.", Palette.Pink);

            await ReplyAsync("", false, message.Build());
Example #11
        public MainWindow()
            Instance = this;
            Closing += delegate
                if (Variables.FirstRun)
                    Variables.FirstRun = false;
            var cmdArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

            if (Variables.FirstRun || cmdArgs.Contains("firstrun"))
                SummonerView.Loaded += (s, e) =>
                Transitioner.SelectedIndex = 2;
            if (cmdArgs.Contains("update"))
                Variables.Items     = null;
                Variables.Champions = null;
                var versions = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Variables.ApiKey).GetVersionsAsync(Variables.Region).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                Variables.Patch = versions[0];
                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute

            if (!Directory.Exists("Downloads/Splashes"))
            var          key     = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", true);
            const string appName = "SummonersCompanion.exe";

            if (key != null && key.GetValue(appName) == null)
                key.SetValue(appName, 11001, RegistryValueKind.DWord);

            key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", true);
            if (key?.GetValue(appName) != null)
                key.SetValue("YourApplicationName.exe", 11001, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
Example #12
 private static ItemStatic getItem(int itemId)
     if (Items == null)
         Items = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(API_KEY).GetItems(Region.na, ItemData.all);
     if (Items.Items.ContainsKey(itemId))
         var item = Items.Items[itemId];
Example #13
 private RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic GetChampionNameById(string id)
         var champions = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Settings.RiotAPIKey).GetChampions(RiotSharp.Misc.Region.euw).Champions;
         return(champions.First(c => c.Value.Id.ToString() == id).Value);
     catch (Exception e)
         Debugging.Log("GetChampionNameById", $"Error getting champion name by id: {e.Message}", LogSeverity.Error);
Example #14
        internal static UpsetModel GetUpsetModel()
            UpsetModel model = new UpsetModel();

            if (Items == null)
                Items = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(API_KEY).GetItems(Region.na, ItemData.all);
            if (PotentialUpgrades == null)
            model.CompleteItems     = Items.Items.Where(x => x.Value.Into == null && x.Value.From != null).Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
            model.PotentialUpgrades = PotentialUpgrades;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for this class which fetches the API instance..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="apiKey">A developer key from https://developer.riotgames.com/ </param>
        public LeagueStats(string apiKey)
            api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey);
            staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey);
            statusApi = StatusRiotApi.GetInstance();

                this.api.GetChampion(Region.br, 1);
            catch (RiotSharpException ex)
                throw new InvalidAPITokenException("Please provide a valid Riot API token for SmellyBot to use League of Legends commands.");
Example #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var    api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
            var    staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
            var    statusApi = StatusRiotApi.GetInstance();
            int    id        = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Id"]);
            string name      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Name"];
            int    id2       = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Id"]);
            string name2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Name"];
            string team      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team1Id"];
            string team2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team2Id"];

            var match1 = api.GetMatch(Region.euw, 1929054645);


            var shards = statusApi.GetShards();

            var shardStatus = statusApi.GetShardStatus(Region.euw);

            var statSummaries = api.GetStatsSummaries(Region.euw, id);

            var championIds = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i += 15)
                var matches = api.GetMatchHistory(Region.euw, id, i, i + 15, null,
                                                  new List <Queue>()
                foreach (var match in matches)
            var mostPlayedChampId = championIds.GroupBy(c => c).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count()).FirstOrDefault().Key;
            var mostPlayedChamp   = staticApi.GetChampion(Region.euw, mostPlayedChampId);


            var games = api.GetRecentGames(Region.euw, id);

        public async Task GetChampions()
            var api = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Resources.apiKey);

            if (Variables.Champions == null)
                Champions = (await api.GetChampionsAsync(Variables.Region, ChampionData.all, Variables.Language))
                            .Champions.Values.OrderBy(x => x.Name)
                Variables.Champions = new ChampionStaticCollection(Champions);
                var c = Variables.Champions.ToList();
                Champions = c;
            ChampionsLoaded = true;
Example #18
        public bool DownloadListOfChampions(string inputVersion = null)
            bool success = false;

                // Setup RiotApi
                var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Resources.App.ApiKey);

                //Get all Items
                if (inputVersion == null)
                    champions = staticApi.GetChampions(RiotSharp.Region.na, ChampionData.all);
                    champions = staticApi.GetChampions(RiotSharp.Region.na, inputVersion, ChampionData.all);


                //This action happens almost isntantly
                //SortRiotChampionData(champions); //Todo: this is disabled because LoadRiotChampionData() calls this.

                //TODO: for now i am loading the data in order to cause ChampionDataCorrections

                success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: correctly handle errors rather than this
                    string.Format(@"pvp.net/api/lol {1}
Note: This error may happen when selecting versions below 3.7.1", ex.Message), "League Build Stats - Notice");
                success = false;

Example #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var    api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
            var    staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
            var    statusApi = StatusRiotApi.GetInstance();
            int    id        = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Id"]);
            string name      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Name"];
            int    id2       = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Id"]);
            string name2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Name"];
            string team      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team1Id"];
            string team2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team2Id"];
            int    gameId    = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GameId"]);
            Region region    = (Region)Enum.Parse(typeof(Region), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Region"]);

            var mastery = staticApi.GetMastery(Region.euw, 6111, MasteryData.all);

            var languages = staticApi.GetLanguages(region);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", languages));

            var summ = api.GetSummoner(region, name);

            var teams = summ.GetTeams();

            var match1 = api.GetMatch(region, gameId);


            var shards = statusApi.GetShards();

            var shardStatus = statusApi.GetShardStatus(region);

            var statSummaries = api.GetStatsSummaries(region, id);

            var games = api.GetRecentGames(region, id);

            Console.WriteLine("Done! Press Enter to exit.");
Example #20
        public void GetSummonerInfo(string summonerName, string api)
            var myApi     = RiotApi.GetInstance(api);
            var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(api);
            var statusApi = StatusRiotApi.GetInstance();

            var summoner = myApi.GetSummoner(Region.na, summonerName);

            var champions = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.na, ChampionData.image).Champions.Values;

            foreach (var champion in champions)

            var varusRanked = summoner.GetStatsRanked(RiotSharp.StatsEndpoint.Season.Season2017);

Example #21
        public JsonResult GetMatchInformation(int hours, int minutes, string date)
            SummonerModel model = new SummonerModel();

            API riotApi = new API();

            DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.Parse(date);

            parsedDate = parsedDate.AddHours(hours);
            parsedDate = parsedDate.AddMinutes(minutes);

            List <long> gameIds = riotApi.GetUrfGames(parsedDate);

            if (gameIds.Count > 0)
                var api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(riotApi.KeyOnly);
                var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(riotApi.KeyOnly);

                List <MatchDetail> matchDetails = new List <MatchDetail>();

                for (int i = 0; i < gameIds.Count; i++)
                    matchDetails.Add(api.GetMatch(Region.euw, gameIds[i]));

                ChampionListStatic championList = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw);

                ScoreCardCalculator scoreCalculator = new ScoreCardCalculator();

                model.ChampionScoreCards = scoreCalculator.CalculateChampionScores(matchDetails, riotApi.GetChampions());

            return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #22
        public LeagueofLegendsService(
            DiscordSocketClient discord,
            CommandService commands,
            IConfigurationRoot config,
            LoggingService logging)
            _config   = config;
            _discord  = discord;
            _commands = commands;
            _logging  = logging;

                cacheTimer = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
                api        = RiotApi.GetInstance(RiotApiKey, RateLimitPer10S,
                                                 RateLimitPer10M); // This gets an API instance with our API Key and rate limits.
                staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(RiotApiKey, true,
                                                      cacheTimer); // THis gets a static endpoint API instance with our API key.
            catch (RiotSharpException ex)
        public bool DownloadListOfMasteries(string inputVersion = null)
            bool success = false;

            // Get all Items for NA
                // Setup RiotApi
                var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Resources.App.ApiKey);

                //Get all Items
                if (inputVersion == null)
                    masteries = staticApi.GetMasteries(RiotSharp.Region.na, MasteryData.all);
                    masteries = staticApi.GetMasteries(RiotSharp.Region.na, inputVersion, MasteryData.all);

                version = masteries.Version;



                success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: correctly handle errors rather than this
                success = false;
Example #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create query parameters
            // TODO: pass these in on command line, or in a settings file?
            RiotQuerySettings querySettings = new RiotQuerySettings(Queue.RankedSolo5x5);

            // Parse api key from args
            if (args.Length == 0)

            // Check if no-download mode is requested
            // NOTE: will only disable player/match queries
            if (args.Contains("-nodownload"))
                querySettings.NoDownload = true;
                args = args.Where(arg => arg != "-nodownload").ToArray();

            string apiKey = args[0];

            // Check if rates were included in the args
            RiotApi api = null;

            if (args.Length >= 3)
                int rateper10s, rateper10m;
                if (int.TryParse(args[1], out rateper10s) && int.TryParse(args[2], out rateper10m))
                    // Create a production API
                    api = RiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey, rateper10s, rateper10m);

            if (api == null)
                // No rates, create a non-production API
                api = RiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey);

            // Get static API and initialize static data
            StaticRiotApi staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(apiKey);


            // Create pipeline
            //ChampionWinCounter winCounter = new ChampionWinCounter();
            ItemPurchaseRecorder purchaseRecorder = new ItemPurchaseRecorder();
            MatchPipeline        pipeline         = new MatchPipeline(api, querySettings, purchaseRecorder);


            // Get stats
            var championPurchaseStats =
                    kvp => kvp.Value.ChampionId,
                    kvp => kvp.Value.GetStats());

            // Generate item sets
            Dictionary <PurchaseSetKey, ItemSet> itemSets = ItemSetGenerator.generateAll(championPurchaseStats);

            // Write all sets to disk
            string itemSetRoot = "itemsets";
            string webDataRoot = "web";

            string webItemSetRoot = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, itemSetRoot);

            // Create web directory if it doesn't exist
            if (!Directory.Exists(webDataRoot))

            // Clear old item sets
            if (Directory.Exists(webItemSetRoot))
                Directory.Delete(webItemSetRoot, true);


            // Filter out sets we don't consider valid
            long minMatchCount = Math.Min(
                (long)((double)pipeline.MatchCount * SetBuilderSettings.FilterMatchMinPercentage));

            var filteredSets = itemSets.Where(kvp =>
                // Filter out item sets without a minimum percentage of matches
                if (kvp.Value.MatchCount < minMatchCount)

                // While smiteless-jungle might be viable, from the data this looks more like a
                // situation where the champion in question was roaming a lot, so the lane was
                // misidentified as jungle. We'll just exclude these for now.
                if (SetBuilderSettings.FilterExcludeNoSmiteJungle &&
                    kvp.Value.SetKey.Lane == Lane.Jungle && !kvp.Value.SetKey.HasSmite)

                // All other sets are fine

            // Group sets
            var groupedSets = filteredSets.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.ChampionId);

            // Combine sets
            var smiteSpell = StaticDataStore.SummonerSpells.SummonerSpells["SummonerSmite"];

            var combinedSets = groupedSets.Select(g =>
                // If there aren't two sets, or the two sets both do or don't have smite
                if (g.Count() != 2 ||
                    !(g.Any(set => set.Key.HasSmite) && g.Any(set => set.Key.HasSmite)))
                    return new { Key = g.Key, Sets = g.ToList(), HasOtherLane = false, OtherLane = Lane.Bot }

                var seta = g.ElementAt(0);
                var setb = g.ElementAt(1);

                var smiteset   = seta.Key.HasSmite ? seta : setb;
                var nosmiteset = seta.Key.HasSmite ? setb : seta;

                // Mark set blocks as smite required or not required
                smiteset.Value.blocks.ForEach(block => block.showIfSummonerSpell   = smiteSpell.Key);
                nosmiteset.Value.blocks.ForEach(block => block.hideIfSummonerSpell = smiteSpell.Key);

                // Combine into smite set
                smiteset.Value.MatchCount = Math.Max(smiteset.Value.MatchCount, nosmiteset.Value.MatchCount);

                // Return combined block
                return(new { Key = g.Key, Sets = Enumerable.Repeat(smiteset, 1).ToList(), HasOtherLane = true, OtherLane = nosmiteset.Key.Lane });

            // Generate names for item sets
            var setsWithNames = combinedSets.SelectMany(g =>
                var champion = StaticDataStore.Champions.GetChampionById(g.Key);

                // Ensure the champion directory exists
                string webpath = Path.Combine(itemSetRoot, champion.Key, "Recommended");
                string path    = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, webpath);
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))

                // Find differentiating fields
                bool diffHasSmite = g.Sets.Any(kvp => kvp.Key.HasSmite != g.Sets.First().Key.HasSmite);
                bool diffLane     = g.Sets.Any(kvp => kvp.Key.Lane != g.Sets.First().Key.Lane);

                // Create name for each based on differentiating fields
                return(g.Sets.Select(setkvp =>
                    string filename = "ProBuilds_" + champion.Key;
                    string title = "";

                    // Always handle combined sets specially
                    if (g.Sets.Count == 1 && g.HasOtherLane == true)
                        title += g.OtherLane.ToString() + " / " + g.Sets.First().Key.Lane.ToString();
                        filename += "_" + g.OtherLane.ToString() + "_" + g.Sets.First().Key.Lane.ToString();
                        // We always write out jungle
                        // We always write out the lane if it has smite (to differentiate it from jungle)
                        if (g.Sets.Count == 1 ||
                            diffLane ||
                            (setkvp.Key.Lane == Lane.Jungle && !setkvp.Value.blocks.Any(block => block.showIfSummonerSpell != "")) ||
                            title += setkvp.Key.Lane.ToString();
                            filename += "_" + setkvp.Key.Lane.ToString();

                        if (diffHasSmite)
                            // Add smite information to title if jungling without smite, or taking smite without jungling
                            if ((setkvp.Key.HasSmite && setkvp.Key.Lane != Lane.Jungle) ||
                                (!setkvp.Key.HasSmite && setkvp.Key.Lane == Lane.Jungle))
                                title += setkvp.Key.HasSmite ? " with Smite" : " without Smite";

                            filename += setkvp.Key.HasSmite ? "_Smite" : "_NoSmite";

                    // Set the title
                    setkvp.Value.title = title;

                    filename += ".json";

                    return new
                        Name = filename,
                        WebPath = webpath,
                        FilePath = path,
                        Key = setkvp.Key,
                        Set = setkvp.Value

            // Write item sets
            var setfiles = setsWithNames.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(4).Select(set =>
                string filename = set.Name;
                string file     = Path.Combine(set.FilePath, filename);
                string setJson  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(set.Set);
                File.WriteAllText(file, setJson);

                return(new { Key = set.Key, File = Path.Combine(set.WebPath, filename).Replace('\\', '/'), Title = set.Set.title });
            }).GroupBy(set => set.Key.ChampionId).ToDictionary(
                g => StaticDataStore.Champions.Keys[g.Key],
                g => g.ToList());

            // Write static data
            string championsfile      = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "champions.json");
            string itemsfile          = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "items.json");
            string summonerspellsfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "summonerspells.json");

            string championsjson      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.Champions);
            string itemsjson          = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.Items);
            string summonerspellsjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(StaticDataStore.SummonerSpells);

            File.WriteAllText(championsfile, championsjson);
            File.WriteAllText(itemsfile, itemsjson);
            File.WriteAllText(summonerspellsfile, summonerspellsjson);

            // Write item set manifest
            var manifest = new { root = itemSetRoot + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, sets = setfiles };

            string manifestfile = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "setmanifest.json");
            string manifestjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest);

            File.WriteAllText(manifestfile, manifestjson);

            // Zip all item sets
            string zipSource         = webItemSetRoot;
            string zipOutputFilename = Path.Combine(webDataRoot, "allprosets.zip");

            if (File.Exists(zipOutputFilename))

            ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(zipSource, zipOutputFilename);

            // Serialize all purchase stats
            //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(championPurchaseStats);

            // Complete
            Console.WriteLine("Complete, press any key to exit");
Example #25
        public string GetInfoShort(Summoner summoner)
            StaticRiotApi staticApi    = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Keys.Keys.riotKey);
            string        returnstring = "";

            returnstring += "**" + summoner.Name + ": **";
            returnstring += "\n**Region:** " + summoner.Region.ToString().ToUpper();
            returnstring += "\n**Level:** " + summoner.Level.ToString();
            if (summoner.Level == 30)
                RankAPI rankApi = new RankAPI();
                    returnstring += "\n**Rankings: **";
                    if (rankApi.GetRankingHarder(summoner, Queue.RankedSolo5x5) != null)
                        returnstring += "\nSolo: " + rankApi.GetRankingHarder(summoner, Queue.RankedSolo5x5);
                    if (rankApi.GetRankingHarder(summoner, Queue.RankedFlexSR) != null)
                        returnstring += "\nFlex: " + rankApi.GetRankingHarder(summoner, Queue.RankedFlexSR);
                    if (rankApi.GetRankingHarder(summoner, Queue.RankedFlexTT) != null)
                        returnstring += "\n3v3: " + rankApi.GetRankingHarder(summoner, Queue.RankedFlexTT);
                catch { }
                int gamesplayed = new RoleAPI().GetGamesPlayed(summoner);
                if (gamesplayed != 0)
                    returnstring += "**\nTotal Solo Games Played:** " + gamesplayed + " games";
                var champList = new ChampionAPI().Get5MainChampions(summoner);
                returnstring += "**\nMain ranked champions:**";
                foreach (var champ in champList)
                    returnstring += "\n" + champ.Name + ": " + champ.Count + " games.";
            catch { }
                var masteryList = new MasteryAPI().GetChampionMasterys(summoner);
                masteryList = masteryList.OrderBy(c => c.ChampionLevel).ThenBy(c => c.ChampionPoints).ToList();
                int champions = 3;
                if (masteryList.Count < 3)
                    champions = masteryList.Count;
                returnstring += "\n**Highest mastery:** ";
                for (int i = 0; i < champions; i++)
                    returnstring += "\n" + staticApi.GetChampion(RiotSharp.Region.br, (Convert.ToInt32((masteryList[i].ChampionId)))).Name + ": Level " + masteryList[i].ChampionLevel.ToString() + ", " + masteryList[i].ChampionPoints.ToString() + " Points";
            catch { }

Example #26
        private RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic GetChampionByName(string name)
            var champions = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Settings.RiotAPIKey).GetChampions(RiotSharp.Misc.Region.euw).Champions;

            return(champions.First(c => c.Key == name).Value);
        public static void Obtener_Enemigos()
            RiotSharp.RiotApi       Api       = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(_Key);
            RiotSharp.StaticRiotApi StaticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(_Key);

                RiotSharp.SummonerEndpoint.Summoner            Summoner     = Api.GetSummonerByName(_Region, _NombreInvocador);
                List <RiotSharp.SpectatorEndpoint.Participant> Participants = Api.GetCurrentGame(_Region, Summoner.Id).Participants;

                // --- ## Diccionarios para cargar los campeones & hechizos ## --- //

                Dictionary <string, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic> .ValueCollection championlist =
                    StaticApi.GetChampions(_Region, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.ChampionData.All).Champions.Values;

                Dictionary <string, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic> .ValueCollection SummonerSpell =
                    StaticApi.GetSummonerSpells(_Region, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpellData.All).SummonerSpells.Values;

                // --- ## Diccionarios para cargar los campeones & hechizos ## --- //

                int total = Participants.Count;
                int index = Participants.FindIndex(a => a.SummonerName == _NombreInvocador);

                if (index > (total / 2) - 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= (total / 2) - 1; i++)
                        IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic>
                        CampeonWhere = championlist.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[i].ChampionId);

                        IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic>
                        Spell1Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[i].SummonerSpell1);

                        IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic>
                        Spell2Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[i].SummonerSpell2);

                    for (int i = 0; i <= (total / 2) - 1; i++)
                        IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic>
                        CampeonWhere = championlist.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[total / 2 + i].ChampionId);

                        IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic>
                        Spell1Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[total / 2 + i].SummonerSpell1);

                        IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic>
                        Spell2Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[total / 2 + i].SummonerSpell2);

            catch (RiotSharpException e)
                _controlar_excepcion = e.Message;
Example #28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var    api       = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"], false);
            var    staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
            int    id        = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Id"]);
            string name      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner1Name"];
            int    id2       = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Id"]);
            string name2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Summoner2Name"];
            string team      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team1Id"];
            string team2     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Team2Id"];

            //var leagues = api.GetLeagues(Region.euw, new List<int> { id });
            //foreach (var l in leagues) Console.WriteLine(l.Key);

            var champs = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw);

            var sum = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, "C9 Hai");

            foreach (var league in sum.GetLeagues())
                foreach (var entry in league.Entries)

            Console.WriteLine(api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, id).Name);
            Console.WriteLine(api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, id2).Name);

            var teams = api.GetTeams(Region.euw, new List <int> {
                id, id2

            foreach (var t in teams)

            //foreach (var l in api.GetEntireLeagues(Region.euw, new List<string> { team2 }))
            //    if (l.Key.Equals(team)) Console.WriteLine("OK");
            //    Console.WriteLine(l.Key);

            //var sum = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, id);
            //var teams = sum.GetTeams();
            //foreach (var t in teams) Console.WriteLine(t.Name);

            //var leagues = sum.GetLeaguesV23();
            //foreach (var l in leagues) Console.WriteLine(l.LeagueName);

            //var sum = api.GetSummoner(Region.na, 20851493);
            //var leagues = sum.GetLeaguesV23();
            //foreach (var league in leagues)

            //var spell = staticApi.GetSummonerSpell(Region.euw, SummonerSpell.Barrier, SummonerSpellData.none);

            //var masteries = staticApi.GetMasteries(Region.euw, MasteryData.all);
            //var tree = masteries.Tree;
            //foreach (var mastTree in tree.Defense)
            //    foreach (var mast in mastTree.MasteryTreeItems)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(mast.Prerequisite);
            //    }

            //var champ = staticApi.GetChampion(Region.euw, 1, ChampionData.all);

            //var sum = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, id);
            //foreach (var stat in sum.GetStatsRanked())
            //    Console.WriteLine(stat.ChampionId);

            //foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(id, 100))
            //    var summ = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, i);
            //    Console.WriteLine(summ.Name);

            //var champions = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw, ChampionData.all, Language.en_US);

            //var league = api.GetChallengerLeague(Region.euw, Queue.RankedSolo5x5);

            //var champs = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw, ChampionData.blurb);
            //var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(champs);
            //File.WriteAllText("test.json", json);
            //champs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ChampionListStatic>(File.ReadAllText("test.json"));

            //var summ = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, 20937547);

            //var recentGames = summ.GetRecentGames();
            //foreach (var game in recentGames)
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.SubType);

            //using (var fileStream = File.Create("test.xml"))
            //    var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Summoner));
            //    serializer.Serialize(fileStream, summ);

            //using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead("test.xml"))
            //    var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Summoner));
            //    var summoner = (Summoner)deserializer.Deserialize(fileStream);
            //    Console.WriteLine(summoner.Id);
            //    Console.WriteLine(summoner.Level);
            //    Console.WriteLine(summoner.Name);
            //    Console.WriteLine(summoner.ProfileIconId);
            //    Console.WriteLine(summoner.Region);
            //    Console.WriteLine(summoner.RevisionDate);
            //    var leagues = summoner.GetLeagues();
            //    foreach (var league in leagues)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(league.LeagueName);
            //        Console.WriteLine(league.LeaguePoints);
            //    }

            //var champs = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw);
            //var items = staticApi.GetItems(Region.euw);
            //var masteries = staticApi.GetMasteries(Region.euw);
            //var runes = staticApi.GetRunes(Region.euw);
            //var spells = staticApi.GetSummonerSpells(Region.euw);

            //var teams = api.GetTeams(Region.euw, new List<string> { team, team2 });

            //var tmp = api.GetSummonerV12Async(Region.euw, id2);

            //var teams = tmp.Result.GetTeams();

            //var res = tmp.Result;

            //var tmp2 = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw, ChampionData.recommended);

            //var tmp = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, id2);

            //var tmp2 = tmp.GetEntireLeagues();

            //var league = api.GetChallengerLeague(Region.euw, Queue.RankedSolo5x5);

            //var spell = staticApi.GetSummonerSpell(Region.euw, SummonerSpell.Barrier);

            //spell = staticApi.GetSummonerSpell(Region.euw, SummonerSpell.Barrier);

            //var spells = staticApi.GetSummonerSpells(Region.euw);

            //var item = staticApi.GetItems(Region.euw);

            //var items = staticApi.GetItemsAsync(Region.euw);

            //items = staticApi.GetItemsAsync(Region.euw);

            ////var champ1 = staticApi.GetChampion(Region.euw, 1, ChampionData.none);

            //var champs = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw);

            //var champSame = staticApi.GetChampion(Region.euw, 1);

            //var champ = staticApi.GetChampion(Region.euw, 1);

            //champs = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw);

            //champs = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw, ChampionData.blurb, Language.ko_KR);

            //var masteries = api.GetMasteryPages(Region.euw, new List<int> { id, id2 });

            //var summName = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, name2);

            //var leagues = summName.GetLeagues();

            //var runePages = summName.GetRunePages();

            //var summNameById = api.GetSummonerName(Region.euw, id);

            //var summNamesById = api.GetSummonersNames(Region.euw, new List<int>() { id, id2 });

            //var summNames = api.GetSummoners(Region.euw, new List<string> { name, name2 });

            //var summs = api.GetSummoners(Region.euw, new List<int> { id, id2 });

            //var summ = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, id);

            //var games = summ.GetRecentGames();

            //var team = summ.GetTeamsV21();

            //var stats = summ.GetStatsSummaries(Season.Season3);

            //foreach (var stat in stats)
            //    var aggStat = stat.AggregatedStats;
            //    Console.WriteLine(stat.Losses);
            //    Console.WriteLine(stat.Wins);
            //    Console.WriteLine(stat.ModifyDate);
            //    Console.WriteLine(stat.PlayerStatSummaryType);

            //var rankedVarus = summ.GetStatsRankedV11(Season.Season3)
            //    .Where((s) => s.Name != null && s.Name.Equals("Varus"))
            //    .FirstOrDefault();
            //if (rankedVarus.Stats != null && rankedVarus.Stats.Count > 0)
            //    foreach (var s in rankedVarus.Stats)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + s.Count);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + s.Name);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + s.Id);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + s.Value);
            //        Console.WriteLine();
            //    }

            //var stats = summ.GetStatsSummaries(Season.Season3);
            //foreach (var stat in stats)
            //    if (stat.AggregatedStats != null && stat.AggregatedStats.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        foreach (var aStat in stat.AggregatedStats)
            //        {
            //            Console.WriteLine("    " + aStat.Count);
            //            Console.WriteLine("    " + aStat.Id);
            //            Console.WriteLine("    " + aStat.Name);
            //            Console.WriteLine();
            //        }
            //        Console.WriteLine(stat.Losses);
            //        Console.WriteLine(stat.ModifyDate);
            //        Console.WriteLine(stat.ModifyDateString);
            //        Console.WriteLine(stat.PlayerStatSummaryType);
            //        Console.WriteLine(stat.Wins);
            //        Console.WriteLine();
            //    }

            //var leagues = summ.GetLeagues();
            //foreach (League league in leagues)
            //    Console.WriteLine(league.Name);
            //    Console.WriteLine(league.Queue);
            //    Console.WriteLine(league.Tier);
            //    foreach (LeagueItem entry in league.Entries)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.IsFreshBlood);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.IsHotStreak);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.IsInactive);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.IsVeteran);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.LastPlayed);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.LeagueName);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.LeaguePoints);
            //        if (entry.MiniSeries != null)
            //        {
            //            Console.WriteLine("        " + entry.MiniSeries.Losses);
            //            Console.Write("        ");
            //            foreach (var c in entry.MiniSeries.Progress)
            //            {
            //                Console.Write(c);
            //            }
            //            Console.WriteLine();
            //            Console.WriteLine("        " + entry.MiniSeries.Target);
            //            Console.WriteLine("        " + entry.MiniSeries.TimeLeftToPlayMillis);
            //            Console.WriteLine("        " + entry.MiniSeries.Wins);
            //        }
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.PlayerOrTeamId);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.PlayerOrTeamName);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.QueueType);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.Rank);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.Tier);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + entry.Wins);
            //        Console.WriteLine();
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine();

            //var games = summ.GetRecentGames();
            //foreach (Game game in games)
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.ChampionId);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.CreateDate);
            //    foreach (var player in game.FellowPlayers)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + player.ChampionId);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + player.SummonerId);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + player.TeamId);
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.GameId);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.GameMode);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.GameType);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.Invalid);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.Level);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.MapId);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.Spell1);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.Spell2);
            //    foreach (var stat in game.Statistics)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + stat.Id);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + stat.Name);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    " + stat.Value);
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.SubType);
            //    Console.WriteLine(game.TeamId);
            //    Console.WriteLine();

            //var champs = api.GetChampions(Region.euw);
            //foreach (Champion champ in champs)
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.Active);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.AttackRank);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.BotEnabled);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.BotMmEnabled);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.DefenseRank);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.DifficultyRank);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.FreeToPlay);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.Id);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.MagicRank);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.Name);
            //    Console.WriteLine(champ.RankedPlayEnabled);
            //    Console.WriteLine();

            //var summoner = api.GetSummoners(Region.euw, new List<int> { 42091042 });

            //foreach (SummonerBase parent in summoner)
            //    Console.WriteLine(parent.Id);
            //    Console.WriteLine(parent.Name);
            //    Console.WriteLine();

            //var summ = api.GetSummoner(Region.euw, 42091042);
            //var masteries = summ.GetMasteryPages().First();

            //foreach (Talent talent in masteries.Talents)
            //    Console.WriteLine(talent.Name + " " + talent.Rank);

            //var pages = summ.GetRunePages();

            //foreach (RunePage page in pages.Take(100))
            //    if (page.Slots != null && page.Slots.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        foreach (RuneSlot slot in page.Slots)
            //        {
            //            Console.WriteLine(slot.RuneSlotId);
            //            Console.WriteLine(slot.Rune.Description);
            //            Console.WriteLine(slot.Rune.Tier);
            //            Console.WriteLine(slot.Rune.Name);
            //            Console.WriteLine();
            //        }
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine(page.Name);
            //    Console.WriteLine();

