Example #1
        private void refreshMap()
            if (resultsTreeView.SelectedItem == null)

            var location = ((GeographicPosition)((TreeViewItem)resultsTreeView.SelectedItem).Tag);
            var map      = new StaticMap();

            map.Center  = location.Latitude.ToString() + "," + location.Longitude;
            map.Zoom    = zoomSlider.Value.ToString("0");
            map.Size    = "332x332";
            map.Markers = map.Center;
            map.MapType = ((ComboBoxItem)mapTypeComboBox.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();
            map.Sensor  = "false";

            var image = new BitmapImage();

            image.CacheOption     = BitmapCacheOption.OnDemand;
            image.UriSource       = map.ToUri();
            image.DownloadFailed += new EventHandler <ExceptionEventArgs>(image_DownloadFailed);
            image1.Source = image;
Example #2
        public void TestThatConstructorInitializeStaticMap()
            var staticMap = new StaticMap <int, string>();

            Assert.That(staticMap, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(staticMap.ExceptionInfo, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(staticMap.ExceptionInfo, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(staticMap.ExceptionInfo, Is.EqualTo(string.Format("{0}, TSource={1}, TTarget={2}", staticMap.GetType().Name, typeof(int).Name, typeof(string).Name)));
            Assert.That(staticMap.MappingObject, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(staticMap.MappingObject, Is.EqualTo(staticMap));
            Assert.That(staticMap.MappingObjectData, Is.Null);
Example #3
        public Uri GenerateStaticMapUrl(GeocodingResult searchResult)
            var map = new StaticMap();
            map.Center = searchResult.FormattedAddress; // or a lat/lng coordinate
            //map.Path = searchResult.FormattedAddress + "|" + "9 Snowball Place Wanniassa";
            map.Zoom = "14";
            map.Size = "400x400";
            map.Sensor = "true";
            map.Markers = searchResult.FormattedAddress;
            Uri url = map.ToUri();

            return url;
Example #4
        // a simple intuitive public access point for the client to get a map from Google, by coordinates.
        public string GetMap(string i_Coordinates)
            var map = new StaticMap();

            map.Center   = i_Coordinates;
            map.Language = "hebrew";
            map.Zoom     = "14";
            map.Size     = "400x400";
            map.Sensor   = "false";
            map.Markers  = map.Center;
            string url = map.ToUri().ToString();

Example #5
        public void CanMapToMqtt(string googleValue, object value, string expectedResult)
            // Arrange
            var mapper = new StaticMap
                Google = googleValue

            // Act
            var matches = mapper.MatchesGoogle(value);
            var result  = mapper.ConvertToMqtt(value);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
Example #6
    static StaticMap[,] SetAdjacentLand(StaticMap[,] map)
        int sizex = map.GetLength(0);
        int sizey = map.GetLength(1);

        StaticMap[,] new_map = new StaticMap[sizex, sizey];
        for (int y = 0; y < sizey; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sizex; x++)
                new_map[x, y] = map[x, y];
        for (int y = 0; y < sizey; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sizex; x++)
                if (new_map[x, y].type == 1)
                    Vector2[] neighbours = new Vector2[4];
                    neighbours[0] = new Vector2(x + 1, y);
                    neighbours[1] = new Vector2(x - 1, y);
                    neighbours[2] = new Vector2(x, y + 1);
                    neighbours[3] = new Vector2(x, y - 1);
                    List <Vector2> found = new List <Vector2>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.Length; i++)
                        int xindex = (int)neighbours[i].x;
                        int yindex = (int)neighbours[i].y;
                        if (CheckIfCellExists(new_map, xindex, yindex))
                            if (new_map[xindex, yindex].type == 1)
                                found.Add(new Vector2(xindex, yindex));
                    new_map[x, y].adjacent_land = found.ToArray();
Example #7
        private void updateMap()
            var result = (GeocodingResult)currentSelectedLocation;

            fullAddress.Text = result.FormattedAddress;

            var location = result.Geometry.Location;
            var map      = new StaticMap();

            map.Center         = location.Latitude.ToString() + "," + location.Longitude.ToString();
            txtLatitude.Text   = location.Latitude.ToString();
            txtLongtitude.Text = location.Longitude.ToString();
            map.Zoom           = (zoomLevels.SelectedItem == null) ? "10" : zoomLevels.Text.ToString();
            map.Markers        = map.Center; map.Size = "1000" + "x" + "485";
            map.MapType        = (mapTypeColombo.SelectedItem == null) ? "roadmap" : mapTypeColombo.Text.ToString();
            map.Sensor         = "false";
            String urlToMap = map.ToUri().AbsoluteUri.ToString();

Example #8
		private void refreshMap()
			if (resultsTreeView.SelectedItem == null) return;

			var location = ((GeographicPosition)((TreeViewItem)resultsTreeView.SelectedItem).Tag);
			var map = new StaticMap();
			map.Center = location.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + location.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			map.Zoom = zoomSlider.Value.ToString("0");
			map.Size = "332x332";
			map.Markers = map.Center;
			map.MapType = ((ComboBoxItem)mapTypeComboBox.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();
			map.Sensor = "false";

			var image = new BitmapImage();
			image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnDemand;
			image.UriSource = map.ToUri();
			image.DownloadFailed += new EventHandler<ExceptionEventArgs>(image_DownloadFailed);
			image1.Source = image;
Example #9
    static StaticMap[,] GenerateMap(int size)
        //Generates a map with perlin noise
        //No smoothness or validity
        StaticMap[,] new_map = new StaticMap[size * 2, size];
        float xseed = Random.Range(0f, 100f);
        float yseed = Random.Range(0f, 100f);

        xseed = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
        yseed = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
        for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < size * 2; x++)
                new_map[x, y] = new StaticMap();
                float cell_perlin = Mathf.PerlinNoise(((float)x / 35) + xseed, ((float)y / 35) + yseed) * 2;
                new_map[x, y].perlin = cell_perlin;
        xseed = Random.Range(0f, 100f);
        yseed = Random.Range(0f, 100f);
        for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < size * 2; x++)
                float cell_perlin = Mathf.PerlinNoise(new_map[x, y].perlin * x / 15 + xseed, y / 15 + yseed) * new_map[x, y].perlin;
                new_map[x, y].perlin = cell_perlin;
                if (cell_perlin >= 0.4f)
                    new_map[x, y].type = 1;
                    new_map[x, y].type = 0;
        public LocationMapState() : base()
            this.currentMap = new StaticMap(TmxMapDeserializer.Deserialize("Content/Maps/town.tmx"));

            // Create one entity per tile
            for (var i = 0; i < this.currentMap.Tiles.Length; i++)
                var sourceTile = this.currentMap.Tiles[i];

                this.Add(new CobaltEntity()
                               sourceTile.SourceTileX, sourceTile.SourceTileY, this.currentMap.TileWidth, this.currentMap.TileHeight)
                         .Move(sourceTile.X, sourceTile.Y));

            this.player = new CobaltEntity().Sprite("Content/Images/Player.png")
                          .Move( // Locate just two tiles above the exit.
                this.currentMap.ExitLocationX, this.currentMap.ExitLocationY - 2 * this.currentMap.TileHeight);

Example #11
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string raidImageUrl)
            var pkmnInfo        = MasterFile.GetPokemon(PokemonId, Form);
            var name            = IsEgg ? "Egg" /*TODO: Localize*/ : Translator.Instance.GetPokemonName(PokemonId);
            var form            = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(Form);
            var costume         = Translator.Instance.GetCostumeName(Costume);
            var evo             = Translator.Instance.GetEvolutionName(Evolution);
            var gender          = Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon();
            var level           = Level;
            var move1           = Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(FastMove);
            var move2           = Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(ChargeMove);
            var types           = pkmnInfo?.Types;
            var type1           = types?[0];
            var type2           = types?.Count > 1 ? types?[1] : PokemonType.None;
            var type1Emoji      = types?[0].GetTypeEmojiIcons();
            var type2Emoji      = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? types?[1].GetTypeEmojiIcons() : string.Empty;
            var typeEmojis      = $"{type1Emoji} {type2Emoji}";
            var weaknesses      = Weaknesses == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(", ", Weaknesses);
            var weaknessesEmoji = types?.GetWeaknessEmojiIcons();
            var perfectRange    = PokemonId.MaxCpAtLevel(20);
            var boostedRange    = PokemonId.MaxCpAtLevel(25);
            var worstRange      = PokemonId.MinCpAtLevel(20);
            var worstBoosted    = PokemonId.MinCpAtLevel(25);
            var exEmojiId       = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis["ex"];
            var exEmoji         = exEmojiId > 0 ? $"<:ex:{exEmojiId}>" : "EX";
            var teamEmojiId     = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis[Team.ToString().ToLower()];
            var teamEmoji       = teamEmojiId > 0 ? $"<:{Team.ToString().ToLower()}:{teamEmojiId}>" : Team.ToString();

            var gmapsLink               = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink           = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink            = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink         = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var staticMapLink           = StaticMap.GetUrl(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, whConfig.StaticMaps["raids"], Latitude, Longitude, raidImageUrl, Team);
            var gmapsLocationLink       = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);
            var address = new Location(null, city, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(whConfig);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);

            var now           = DateTime.UtcNow.ConvertTimeFromCoordinates(Latitude, Longitude);
            var startTimeLeft = now.GetTimeRemaining(StartTime).ToReadableStringNoSeconds();
            var endTimeLeft   = now.GetTimeRemaining(EndTime).ToReadableStringNoSeconds();

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Raid boss properties
                { "pkmn_id", PokemonId.ToString() },
                { "pkmn_id_3", PokemonId.ToString("D3") },
                { "pkmn_name", name },
                { "pkmn_img_url", raidImageUrl },
                { "evolution", evo },
                { "evolution_id", Convert.ToInt32(Evolution).ToString() },
                { "evolution_id_3", Evolution.ToString("D3") },
                { "form", form },
                { "form_id", Form.ToString() },
                { "form_id_3", Form.ToString("D3") },
                { "costume", costume },
                { "costume_id", Costume.ToString() },
                { "costume_id_3", Costume.ToString("D3") },
                { "is_egg", Convert.ToString(IsEgg) },
                { "is_ex", Convert.ToString(IsExEligible) },
                { "ex_emoji", exEmoji },
                { "team", Team.ToString() },
                { "team_id", Convert.ToInt32(Team).ToString() },
                { "team_emoji", teamEmoji },
                { "cp", CP ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lvl", level ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "gender", gender ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "move_1", move1 ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "move_2", move2 ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "moveset", $"{move1}/{move2}" },
                { "type_1", type1?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "type_2", type2?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "type_1_emoji", type1Emoji },
                { "type_2_emoji", type2Emoji },
                { "types", $"{type1}/{type2}" },
                { "types_emoji", typeEmojis },
                { "weaknesses", weaknesses },
                { "weaknesses_emoji", weaknessesEmoji },
                { "perfect_cp", perfectRange.ToString() },
                { "perfect_cp_boosted", boostedRange.ToString() },
                { "worst_cp", worstRange.ToString() },
                { "worst_cp_boosted", worstBoosted.ToString() },

                //Time properties
                { "start_time", StartTime.ToLongTimeString() },
                { "start_time_24h", StartTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") },
                { "start_time_left", startTimeLeft },
                { "end_time", EndTime.ToLongTimeString() },
                { "end_time_24h", EndTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") },
                { "end_time_left", endTimeLeft },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Latitude.ToString() },
                { "lng", Longitude.ToString() },
                { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") },
                { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                //Gym properties
                { "gym_id", GymId },
                { "gym_name", GymName },
                { "gym_url", GymUrl },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Example #12
        public ProposalDocumentViewModel ProposalDocumentData()
            string QRFID = Request.Query["QRFId"];
            ProposalDocumentViewModel model = new ProposalDocumentViewModel();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QRFID))
                    #region fetching all data from service
                    COProviders      objCOProvider      = new COProviders(_configuration);
                    QuoteAgentGetReq objQRFAgentRequest = new QuoteAgentGetReq()
                        QRFID = QRFID
                    ProposalDocumentGetRes objProposalRes = objCOProvider.GetProposalDocumentDetailsByQRFID(objQRFAgentRequest, token).Result;
                    model.COHeaderViewModel   = COCommonLibrary.GetProposalDocumentHeaderDetails(QRFID, Request, Response, token);
                    model.Itinerary           = objProposalRes.Itinerary;
                    model.Proposal            = objProposalRes.Proposal;
                    model.QRFQuote            = objProposalRes.QRFQuote;
                    model.ProductImages       = objProposalRes.ProductImages;
                    model.GenericImages       = objProposalRes.GenericImages;
                    model.CountryImageInitial = _configuration.GetValue <string>("SystemSettings:CountryImageInitial");
                    model.URLinitial          = model.COHeaderViewModel.URLinitial = HttpContext.Request.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Host.Value;
                    model.RoutingCities.AddRange(objProposalRes.Itinerary.ItineraryDays.Select(a => a.City + "," + a.Country));
                    model.RoutingCities.AddRange(objProposalRes.Itinerary.ItineraryDays.Select(a => a.ToCityName + "," + a.ToCountryName));
                    model.RoutingCities = model.RoutingCities.Distinct().ToList();
                    model.RoutingCities.RemoveAll(a => string.IsNullOrEmpty(a) || a == ",");
                    model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays.ForEach(a => a.Hotel = a.Hotel.Where(b => b.IsDeleted == false).ToList());
                    model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays.ForEach(a => a.Meal  = a.Meal.Where(b => b.IsDeleted == false).ToList());

                    if (model.Proposal != null && model.Proposal.ProposalIncludeRegions == null)
                        model.Proposal.ProposalIncludeRegions = new ProposalIncludeRegions();

                    #region creating dates list for date range
                    DateTime date; string month;
                    var      list = new List <ProposalDepartDate>();
                    foreach (var item in model.QRFQuote.Departures.OrderBy(a => a.Date))
                        date  = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Date);
                        month = date.ToString("MMMM");
                        list.Add(new ProposalDepartDate {
                            Day = date.Day.ToString(), Month = month, Year = date.Year.ToString()
                    var list2 = new List <ProposalDepartDate>();
                    foreach (var item in list)
                        month = item.Month + " " + item.Year;
                        if (list2.Where(a => a.Month == month).Count() > 0)
                            list2.Where(a => a.Month == month).FirstOrDefault().Day += (", " + item.Day);
                            list2.Add(new ProposalDepartDate {
                                Month = month, Day = item.Day
                    model.DatesList = list2;

                    #region google maps section
                    StaticMap._configuration = _configuration;
                    //GeocoderLocation geocoder = StaticMap.Locate(model.QRFQuote.AgentProductInfo.Destination.Split('|')[1]);
                    string mapURL = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center={0}&zoom=3&size=233x206&maptype=roadmap&key=GoogleAPIKey&markers=color:red|label:AA|{0}";
                    mapURL = string.Format(mapURL, model.QRFQuote.AgentProductInfo.Destination.Split('|')[1]);
                    if (StaticMap.RenderImage(mapURL, QRFID + "_ProposalDocument_smallmap.png", out string output))
                        model.SmallMapURL = output;

                    mapURL = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=773x682&maptype=roadmap&key=GoogleAPIKey";
                    foreach (string city in model.RoutingCities)
                        //geocoder = StaticMap.Locate(city);
                        mapURL += "&markers=color:red|label:AA|{0}";
                        mapURL  = string.Format(mapURL, city);
                    if (StaticMap.RenderImage(mapURL, QRFID + "_ProposalDocument_bigmap.png", out output))
                        model.BigMapURL = output;

                    string ProdId = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel.Count; j++)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].Lat) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].Long) &&
                                model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].IsDeleted == false)
                                ProdId  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].HotelId) ? model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].HotelId : model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].PositionId;
                                mapURL  = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?zoom=10&size=284x191&maptype=roadmap&key=GoogleAPIKey";
                                mapURL += "&markers=color:red|label:AA|{0},{1}";
                                mapURL  = string.Format(mapURL, model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].Lat, model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].Long);
                                if (StaticMap.RenderImage(mapURL, ProdId + "_ProposalDocument_hotelmap.png", out output))
                                    model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays[i].Hotel[j].HotelMapURL = output;

                    #region Proposal Terms
                    string templatePath = _configuration.GetValue <string>("Pages:ProposalTermsTemplate");
                    var    pathToFile   = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), templatePath);
                    var    builder      = new StringBuilder();
                    using (StreamReader SourceReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(pathToFile))
                        model.Proposal.Terms += Environment.NewLine + builder.ToString();

                    #region fetching hotel images from expedia

                    string HotelMapImage;
                    List <ArrProductResources> HotelRes = new List <ArrProductResources>();
                    foreach (var days in model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays)
                        foreach (var hotel in days.Hotel)
                            if (hotel.ProdResources != null)
                                HotelRes = hotel.ProdResources.Where(a => a.ResourceType == "Image").OrderBy(a => a.OrderNr).ToList();
                            if (hotel.ProdResources == null || HotelRes == null || HotelRes.Count < 1 || (HotelRes.Count > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HotelRes[0].ImageSRC)))
                                if (StaticMap.RenderExpediaImage(hotel.HotelCode, ProdId + "_ProposalDocument_hotelimage.png", out output))
                                    HotelMapImage = output;


                    #region replacing image urls from resources to ImageResources

                    foreach (var ItineraryDay in model.Itinerary.ItineraryDays)
                        if (ItineraryDay.Hotel != null)
                            foreach (var Hotel in ItineraryDay.Hotel)
                                if (Hotel.ProdResources != null)
                                    foreach (var ProdResource in Hotel.ProdResources)
                                        if (ProdResource.ImageSRC != null)
                                            ProdResource.ImageSRC = ProdResource.ImageSRC.Replace("resources/", "ImageResources/");

                    #region Get Hotel Summary details from Itinerary

                    ProposalGetReq req = new ProposalGetReq();
                    ProposalGetRes res = new ProposalGetRes();
                    req.QRFID = QRFID;
                    res       = objCOProvider.GetHotelSummaryByQrfId(req, token).Result;
                    var hotellist = res.Hotels;
                    model.HotelList = hotellist.Select(x => new Hotel {
                        HotelName = x.HotelName, Location = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Location) ? "" : x.Location.Split(',')[0], Stars = x.Stars, Duration = x.Duration

                catch (Exception ex)
Example #13
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string questRewardImageUrl)
            var questMessage            = this.GetQuestMessage();
            var questConditions         = this.GetConditions();
            var questReward             = this.GetReward();
            var gmapsLink               = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink           = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink            = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink         = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var staticMapLink           = StaticMap.GetUrl(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, whConfig.StaticMaps["quests"], Latitude, Longitude, questRewardImageUrl);
            var gmapsLocationLink       = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);
            var address = new Location(null, city, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(whConfig);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Main properties
                { "quest_task", questMessage },
                { "quest_conditions", questConditions },
                { "quest_reward", questReward },
                { "quest_reward_img_url", questRewardImageUrl },
                { "has_quest_conditions", Convert.ToString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(questConditions)) },
                { "is_ditto", Convert.ToString(IsDitto) },
                { "is_shiny", Convert.ToString(IsShiny) },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Latitude.ToString() },
                { "lng", Longitude.ToString() },
                { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") },
                { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                //Pokestop properties
                { "pokestop_id", PokestopId ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "pokestop_name", PokestopName ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "pokestop_url", PokestopUrl ?? defaultMissingValue },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Example #14
File: Nests.cs Project: versx/WhMgr
        public IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, Nest nest, string pokemonImageUrl)
            var pkmnInfo        = MasterFile.GetPokemon(nest.PokemonId, 0);
            var pkmnImage       = pokemonImageUrl;
            var nestName        = nest.Name ?? "Unknown";
            var type1           = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0];
            var type2           = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo.Types?[1] : PokemonType.None;
            var type1Emoji      = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0].GetTypeEmojiIcons();
            var type2Emoji      = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo?.Types?[1].GetTypeEmojiIcons() : string.Empty;
            var typeEmojis      = $"{type1Emoji} {type2Emoji}";
            var gmapsLink       = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink   = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink    = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink = string.Format(_dep.WhConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude);
            var staticMapLink   = StaticMap.GetUrl(_dep.WhConfig.Urls.StaticMap, _dep.WhConfig.StaticMaps["nests"], nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude, pkmnImage, Net.Models.PokemonTeam.All, _dep.OsmManager.GetNest(nest.Name)?.FirstOrDefault());
            var geofence        = _dep.Whm.GetGeofence(guild.Id, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude);
            var city            = geofence?.Name ?? "Unknown";
            var address         = new Location(null, city, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude).GetAddress(_dep.WhConfig);

            var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Main properties
                { "pkmn_id", Convert.ToString(nest.PokemonId) },
                { "pkmn_id_3", nest.PokemonId.ToString("D3") },
                { "pkmn_name", pkmnInfo?.Name },
                { "pkmn_img_url", pkmnImage },
                { "avg_spawns", Convert.ToString(nest.Average) },
                { "nest_name", nestName },
                { "type_1", Convert.ToString(type1) },
                { "type_2", Convert.ToString(type2) },
                { "type_1_emoji", type1Emoji },
                { "type_2_emoji", type2Emoji },
                { "types", $"{type1} | {type2}" },
                { "types_emojis", typeEmojis },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city },
                { "lat", Convert.ToString(nest.Latitude) },
                { "lng", Convert.ToString(nest.Longitude) },
                { "lat_5", Convert.ToString(Math.Round(nest.Latitude, 5)) },
                { "lng_5", Convert.ToString(Math.Round(nest.Longitude, 5)) },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Example #15
    static DynamicMap[,] SmoothDynamicMap(DynamicMap[,] smoothing_map, StaticMap[,] static_map)
        int xsize = smoothing_map.GetLength(0);
        int ysize = smoothing_map.GetLength(1);

        DynamicMap[,] result = new DynamicMap[xsize, ysize];
        for (int y = 0; y < ysize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < xsize; x++)
                result[x, y] = smoothing_map[x, y];

        for (int y = 0; y < ysize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < xsize; x++)
                //Get influences over this cell and store it
                DynamicMap       d          = result[x, y];
                StaticMap        s          = static_map[x, y];
                List <Influence> influences = new List <Influence>();
                Vector2[]        adjacents  = { new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(1, -1), new Vector2(0, -1), new Vector2(-1, -1), new Vector2(-1, 0), new Vector2(-1, 1) };
                //if(s.adjacent_land != null){
                if (d.owner_id != -1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < adjacents.Length; i++)
                        int cx = (int)(adjacents[i].x + d.coordinates.x);
                        int cy = (int)(adjacents[i].y + d.coordinates.y);
                        if (CheckIfCellExists(static_map, cx, cy))
                            if (result[cx, cy].owner_id != -1)
                                DynamicMap c = result[cx, cy];
                                bool       created_already = false;
                                for (int o = 0; o < influences.Count; o++)
                                    if (influences[o].owner_id == c.owner_id)
                                        influences[o] = new Influence {
                                            owner_id = influences[o].owner_id, quantity = influences[o].quantity + 1
                                        created_already = true;
                                if (!created_already)
                                    influences.Add(new Influence {
                                        owner_id = c.owner_id, quantity = 0
                //Find the most influential player on this cell
                Influence influencer = new Influence {
                    owner_id = d.owner_id, quantity = -1
                for (int i = 0; i < influences.Count; i++)
                    if (influences[i].quantity > influencer.quantity)
                        influencer = influences[i];
                    else if (influences[i].quantity == influencer.quantity)
                        int coin = Random.Range(0, 2);
                        if (coin == 0)
                            influencer = influences[i];
                d.owner_id = influencer.owner_id;

Example #16
 private void ShowStaticMap(double lat, double lon)
     picBox.LoadAsync(StaticMap.GetMapUrl(lat, lon, picBox.Width, picBox.Height));
Example #17
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string weatherImageUrl)
            var weather                 = Translator.Instance.GetWeather(GameplayCondition);
            var weatherKey              = $"weather_{Convert.ToInt32(GameplayCondition)}";
            var weatherEmoji            = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis.ContainsKey(weatherKey) && GameplayCondition != WeatherCondition.None ? GameplayCondition.GetWeatherEmojiIcon() : string.Empty;
            var hasWeather              = GameplayCondition != WeatherCondition.None;
            var gmapsLink               = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink           = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink            = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink         = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var staticMapLink           = StaticMap.GetUrl(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, whConfig.StaticMaps["weather"], Latitude, Longitude, weatherImageUrl, PokemonTeam.All, null, Polygon);
            var gmapsLocationLink       = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);
            var address                 = new Location(null, city, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(whConfig);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Main properties
                { "id", Id.ToString() },
                { "weather_condition", weather },
                { "has_weather", Convert.ToString(hasWeather) },
                { "weather", weather ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weather_emoji", weatherEmoji ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weather_img_url", weatherImageUrl },

                { "wind_direction", WindDirection.ToString() },
                { "wind_level", WindLevel.ToString() },
                { "raid_level", RainLevel.ToString() },
                { "cloud_level", CloudLevel.ToString() },
                { "fog_level", FogLevel.ToString() },
                { "snow_level", SnowLevel.ToString() },
                { "warn_weather", Convert.ToString(WarnWeather ?? false) },
                { "special_effect_level", SpecialEffectLevel.ToString() },
                { "severity", Severity.ToString() },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Latitude.ToString() },
                { "lng", Longitude.ToString() },
                { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") },
                { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Example #18
    static StaticMap[,] SmoothStaticMap(StaticMap[,] smoothing_map)
        Debug.Log("Smoothing map");
        //Generates a map with perlin noise
        //No smoothness or validity
        int sy = smoothing_map.GetLength(1);
        int sx = smoothing_map.GetLength(0);

        StaticMap[,] smoothen_map = new StaticMap[sx, sy];
        for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
                smoothen_map[x, y] = smoothing_map[x, y];
        for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
                bool      is_edge    = false;
                Vector2[] neighbours = new Vector2[8];
                neighbours[0] = new Vector2(x + 1, y);
                neighbours[1] = new Vector2(x - 1, y);
                neighbours[2] = new Vector2(x, y + 1);
                neighbours[3] = new Vector2(x, y - 1);
                neighbours[2] = new Vector2(x + 1, y + 1);
                neighbours[3] = new Vector2(x - 1, y - 1);
                neighbours[2] = new Vector2(x + 1, y - 1);
                neighbours[3] = new Vector2(x - 1, y + 1);
                //Clear cell if it is on edge
                foreach (Vector2 v in neighbours)
                    if (!CheckIfCellExists(smoothen_map, (int)v.x, (int)v.y))
                        is_edge = true;
                if (is_edge)
                    smoothen_map[x, y].type = 0;
                    int land_around = 0;
                    foreach (Vector2 v in neighbours)
                        if (smoothen_map[(int)v.x, (int)v.y].type == 1)

                    bool is_water = false;
                    int  r        = Random.Range(0, 100);
                    int  maximum;
                    if (land_around == 0)
                        maximum = 100;
                    else if (land_around == 1)
                        maximum = 90;
                    else if (land_around == 2)
                        maximum = 70;
                    else if (land_around == 3)
                        maximum = 10;
                    //else if(land_around == 4)
                    //    maximum = 0;
                    //else if(land_around == 5)
                    //    maximum = 0;
                    //else if(land_around == 6)
                    //    maximum = 0;
                    //else if(land_around == 7)
                    //    maximum = 0;
                        maximum = 0;
                    if (r < maximum)
                        is_water = true;
                    if (is_water)
                        smoothen_map[x, y].type = 0;
Example #19
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, GymDetailsData oldGym)
            var exEmojiId = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis["ex"];
            var exEmoji   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis["ex"]) ? exEmojiId > 0
                ? string.Format(Strings.EmojiSchema, "ex", exEmojiId): "EX"
                : MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis["ex"];
            var teamEmojiId = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis[Team.ToString().ToLower()];
            var teamEmoji   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[Team.ToString().ToLower()])
                ? teamEmojiId > 0
                    ? string.Format(Strings.EmojiSchema, Team.ToString().ToLower(), teamEmojiId)
                    : Team.ToString()
                : MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[Team.ToString().ToLower()];
            var oldTeamEmojiId = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis[oldGym?.Team.ToString().ToLower()];
            var oldTeamEmoji   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[oldGym?.Team.ToString().ToLower()])
                ? oldTeamEmojiId > 0
                    ? string.Format(Strings.EmojiSchema, oldGym?.Team.ToString().ToLower(), oldTeamEmojiId)
                    : oldGym?.Team.ToString()
                : MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[oldGym.Team.ToString().ToLower()];

            var gmapsLink       = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink   = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink    = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var gymImageUrl     = $"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nileplumb/PkmnHomeIcons/ICONS/ICONS/gym/{Convert.ToInt32(Team)}.png"; // TODO: Build gym image url
            var staticMapLink   = StaticMap.GetUrl(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, whConfig.StaticMaps["gyms"], Latitude, Longitude, gymImageUrl);
            //var staticMapLink = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, Latitude, Longitude);//whConfig.Urls.StaticMap.Gyms.Enabled ? string.Format(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap.Gyms.Url, Latitude, Longitude) : string.Empty
            var gmapsLocationLink       = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);
            var address = new Location(null, city, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(whConfig);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Main properties
                { "gym_id", GymId },
                { "gym_name", GymName },
                { "gym_url", Url },
                { "gym_team", Team.ToString() },
                { "gym_team_id", Convert.ToInt32(Team).ToString() },
                { "gym_team_emoji", teamEmoji },
                { "old_gym_team", oldGym.Team.ToString() },
                { "old_gym_team_id", Convert.ToInt32(oldGym.Team).ToString() },
                { "old_gym_team_emoji", oldTeamEmoji },
                { "team_changed", Convert.ToString(oldGym?.Team != Team) },
                { "in_battle", Convert.ToString(InBattle) },
                { "under_attack", Convert.ToString(InBattle) },
                { "is_ex", Convert.ToString(SponsorId) },
                { "ex_emoji", exEmoji },
                { "slots_available", SlotsAvailable == 0
                                        ? "Full"
                                        : SlotsAvailable == 6
                                            ? "Empty"
                                            : SlotsAvailable.ToString("N0") },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Latitude.ToString() },
                { "lng", Longitude.ToString() },
                { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") },
                { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Example #20
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(MessageProperties properties)// DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string pokemonImageUrl)
            var pkmnInfo         = MasterFile.GetPokemon(Id, FormId);
            var pkmnName         = Translator.Instance.GetPokemonName(Id);
            var form             = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(FormId);
            var costume          = Translator.Instance.GetCostumeName(Costume);
            var gender           = Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon();
            var genderEmoji      = Gender.GetGenderEmojiIcon();
            var level            = Level;
            var size             = Size?.ToString();
            var weather          = Weather?.ToString();
            var hasWeather       = Weather.HasValue && Weather != WeatherCondition.None;
            var isWeatherBoosted = pkmnInfo?.IsWeatherBoosted(Weather ?? WeatherCondition.None);
            var weatherKey       = $"weather_{Convert.ToInt32(Weather ?? WeatherCondition.None)}";
            var weatherEmoji     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[weatherKey])
                ? MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis.ContainsKey(weatherKey) && Weather != WeatherCondition.None
                    ? (Weather ?? WeatherCondition.None).GetWeatherEmojiIcon()
                    : string.Empty
                : MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[weatherKey];
            var move1        = int.TryParse(FastMove, out var fastMoveId) ? Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(fastMoveId) : "Unknown";
            var move2        = int.TryParse(ChargeMove, out var chargeMoveId) ? Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(chargeMoveId) : "Unknown";
            var type1        = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0];
            var type2        = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo.Types?[1] : PokemonType.None;
            var type1Emoji   = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0].GetTypeEmojiIcons();
            var type2Emoji   = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo?.Types?[1].GetTypeEmojiIcons() : string.Empty;
            var typeEmojis   = $"{type1Emoji} {type2Emoji}";
            var catchPokemon = IsDitto ? Translator.Instance.GetPokemonName(DisplayPokemonId ?? Id) : pkmnName;
            var isShiny      = Shiny ?? false;
            var height       = double.TryParse(Height, out var realHeight) ? Math.Round(realHeight).ToString() : "";
            var weight       = double.TryParse(Weight, out var realWeight) ? Math.Round(realWeight).ToString() : "";

            var gmapsLink               = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink           = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink            = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink         = string.Format(properties.Config.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var staticMapLink           = StaticMap.GetUrl(properties.Config.Urls.StaticMap, properties.Config.StaticMaps["pokemon"], Latitude, Longitude, properties.ImageUrl);
            var gmapsLocationLink       = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);
            var address = new Location(null, properties.City, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(properties.Config);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);
            var pokestop = Pokestop.Pokestops.ContainsKey(PokestopId) ? Pokestop.Pokestops[PokestopId] : null;

            var greatLeagueEmoji = PvPLeague.Great.GetLeagueEmojiIcon();
            var ultraLeagueEmoji = PvPLeague.Ultra.GetLeagueEmojiIcon();
            var pvpStats         = GetPvP();

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                // Main properties
                { "pkmn_id", Convert.ToString(Id) },
                { "pkmn_id_3", Id.ToString("D3") },
                { "pkmn_name", pkmnName },
                { "pkmn_img_url", properties.ImageUrl },
                { "form", form },
                { "form_id", Convert.ToString(FormId) },
                { "form_id_3", FormId.ToString("D3") },
                { "costume", costume ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "costume_id", Convert.ToString(Costume) },
                { "costume_id_3", Costume.ToString("D3") },
                { "cp", CP ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lvl", level ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "gender", gender },
                { "gender_emoji", genderEmoji },
                { "size", size ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "move_1", move1 ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "move_2", move2 ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "moveset", $"{move1}/{move2}" },
                { "type_1", type1?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "type_2", type2?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "type_1_emoji", type1Emoji },
                { "type_2_emoji", type2Emoji },
                { "types", $"{type1} | {type2}" },
                { "types_emoji", typeEmojis },
                { "atk_iv", Attack ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "def_iv", Defense ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "sta_iv", Stamina ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "iv", IV ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "iv_rnd", IVRounded ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "is_shiny", Convert.ToString(isShiny) },

                // Catch rate properties
                { "has_capture_rates", Convert.ToString(CatchRate1.HasValue && CatchRate2.HasValue && CatchRate3.HasValue) },
                { "capture_1", CatchRate1.HasValue ? Math.Round(CatchRate1.Value * 100).ToString() : string.Empty },
                { "capture_2", CatchRate2.HasValue ? Math.Round(CatchRate2.Value * 100).ToString() : string.Empty },
                { "capture_3", CatchRate3.HasValue ? Math.Round(CatchRate3.Value * 100).ToString() : string.Empty },
                { "capture_1_emoji", CaptureRateType.PokeBall.GetCaptureRateEmojiIcon() },
                { "capture_2_emoji", CaptureRateType.GreatBall.GetCaptureRateEmojiIcon() },
                { "capture_3_emoji", CaptureRateType.UltraBall.GetCaptureRateEmojiIcon() },

                // PvP stat properties
                { "is_great", Convert.ToString(MatchesGreatLeague) },
                { "is_ultra", Convert.ToString(MatchesUltraLeague) },
                { "is_pvp", Convert.ToString(MatchesGreatLeague || MatchesUltraLeague) },
                //{ "great_league_stats", greatLeagueStats },
                //{ "ultra_league_stats", ultraLeagueStats },
                { "great_league_emoji", greatLeagueEmoji },
                { "ultra_league_emoji", ultraLeagueEmoji },
                { "pvp_stats", pvpStats },

                // Other properties
                { "height", height ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weight", weight ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "is_ditto", Convert.ToString(IsDitto) },
                { "original_pkmn_id", Convert.ToString(DisplayPokemonId) },
                { "original_pkmn_id_3", (DisplayPokemonId ?? 0).ToString("D3") },
                { "original_pkmn_name", catchPokemon },
                { "is_weather_boosted", Convert.ToString(isWeatherBoosted) },
                { "has_weather", Convert.ToString(hasWeather) },
                { "weather", weather ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weather_emoji", weatherEmoji ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "username", Username ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "spawnpoint_id", SpawnpointId ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "encounter_id", EncounterId ?? defaultMissingValue },

                // Time properties
                { "despawn_time", DespawnTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt") },
                { "despawn_time_24h", DespawnTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") },
                { "despawn_time_verified", DisappearTimeVerified ? "" : "~" },
                { "is_despawn_time_verified", Convert.ToString(DisappearTimeVerified) },
                { "time_left", SecondsLeft.ToReadableString(true) ?? defaultMissingValue },

                // Location properties
                { "geofence", properties.City ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Convert.ToString(Latitude) },
                { "lng", Convert.ToString(Longitude) },
                { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") },
                { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") },

                // Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                // Pokestop properties
                { "near_pokestop", Convert.ToString(pokestop != null) },
                { "pokestop_id", PokestopId ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "pokestop_name", pokestop?.Name ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "pokestop_url", pokestop?.Url ?? defaultMissingValue },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", properties.Guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", properties.Guild?.IconUrl },

                // Event properties
                { "is_event", Convert.ToString(IsEvent.HasValue && IsEvent.Value) },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                // Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Example #21
        public IActionResult _Accomodation(string ProductId)
            ProductsPDPViewModel model = new ProductsPDPViewModel();

            //model.MenuViewModel.QRFID = Request.Query["QRFId"].ToString();
            //model.MenuViewModel.MenuName = "Accomodation";
            model.ImageInitial = _configuration.GetValue <string>("SystemSettings:CountryImageInitial");

            #region Get Costing Officer Tour Info Header By QRFId
            //NewQuoteViewModel modelQuote = new NewQuoteViewModel { QRFID = "255" };
            //model.COHeaderViewModel = coCommonLibrary.GetCOTourInfoHeader(ref modelQuote, token);
            //model.MenuViewModel.EnquiryPipeline = modelQuote.mdlMenuViewModel.EnquiryPipeline;

            #region Get Product Info from service
            //string ProductId = Request.Query["ProductId"].ToString();
            ProductPDPSearchRes ProductPDP = productProviders.GetProductPDPDetails(new List <string> {
            }, token).Result;
            if (ProductPDP.ProductDetails?.Count > 0)
                model.Products = ProductPDP.ProductDetails.FirstOrDefault();
            model.KeyFacilities = GetKeyFacilities();

            StaticMap._configuration = _configuration;
            //GeocoderLocation geocoder = null;
            string Landmark, mapURL = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?zoom=10&size=640x416&maptype=roadmap&key=GoogleAPIKey";
            mapURL += "&markers=color:red|label:" + model.Products.ProductName.Substring(0, 1) + "|{0},{1}";
            mapURL  = string.Format(mapURL, model.Products.Lat, model.Products.Long);
            //model.Products.InAndAround.Add(new InAndAround
            //    LandmarkName = "British Museum",
            //    LandmarkType = "Attraction",
            //    Direction = "south",
            //    Distance = "10",
            //    DistanceUnit = "km",
            foreach (var item in model.Products.InAndAround)
                Landmark = item.LandmarkName + "," + model.Products.CityName + "," + model.Products.CountryName;
                //geocoder = StaticMap.Locate(Landmark);
                //if (geocoder.Latitude != 0 && geocoder.Longitude != 0)
                mapURL += "&markers=color:blue|label:" + item.LandmarkName.Substring(0, 1) + "|" + Landmark;
                //mapURL = string.Format(mapURL, geocoder.Latitude, geocoder.Longitude);
            if (StaticMap.RenderImage(mapURL, model.Products.VoyagerProduct_Id + "_PDP_hotelmap.png", out string output))
                model.ProductMapUrl = output;


            #region replacing image urls from resources to ImageResources
            if (model.Products != null)
                foreach (var ProdResource in model.Products.ProductResources)
                    if (ProdResource.ImageSRC != null)
                        ProdResource.ImageSRC = ProdResource.ImageSRC.Replace("resources/", "ImageResources/");
        public void ConstructorSetsSolidTileValueFromTileset()
            var map = new StaticMap(new TmxMap(PathToSolidTilesetMap));

            Assert.That(map.Tiles.Any(t => t.IsSolid));
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Get key values for a given key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyFields">Fields in the key.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data from which to get key values.</param>
        /// <param name="excludeNulls">>Indicates whether to exclude key values where the last field value is null.</param>
        /// <param name="keyValueBuilder">String builder which can build key values.</param>
        /// <returns>Key values for the key.</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <string> GetKeyValues(IEnumerable <IField> keyFields, IEnumerable <IEnumerable <IDataObjectBase> > data, bool excludeNulls, StringBuilder keyValueBuilder = null)
            if (keyFields == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("keyFields");
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
            if (keyValueBuilder == null)
                keyValueBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var getFields = new List <IField>(keyFields);

                var keyValues = new Collection <string>();
                foreach (var dataRow in data)
                    var dataObjects = new List <IDataObjectBase>(dataRow);
                        foreach (var field in getFields)
                            var  dataObject     = GetDataObject(dataObjects, field);
                            var  dataObjectType = dataObject.Field.DatatypeOfTarget;
                            IMap mapper         = null;
                            if (excludeNulls && field.Equals(getFields.Last()))
                                if (dataObjectType == typeof(string))
                                    mapper = new StaticMap <string, string>();
                                    ((IStaticMap <string, string>)mapper).AddRule(string.Empty, null);
                                if (dataObjectType.IsGenericType && dataObjectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>))
                                    mapper = (IMap)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(StaticMap <,>).MakeGenericType(new[] { dataObjectType, dataObjectType }));
                                    var addRuleMethod = mapper.GetType().GetMethod("AddRule", new[] { dataObjectType, dataObjectType });
                                    if (dataObjectType == typeof(long?))
                                        const long defaultValue = 0;
                                        addRuleMethod.Invoke(mapper, new object[] { defaultValue, null });
                                    else if (dataObjectType == typeof(int?))
                                        const int defaultValue = 0;
                                        addRuleMethod.Invoke(mapper, new object[] { defaultValue, null });
                                        throw new DeliveryEngineSystemException(Resource.GetExceptionMessage(ExceptionMessage.DataTypeNotSupported, dataObjectType.Name));
                            var getValueMethod = dataObject.GetType()
                                                 .GetMethod("GetTargetValue", new[] { typeof(IMap) })
                                                 .MakeGenericMethod(new[] { dataObjectType });
                            if (keyValueBuilder.Length > 0)
                                var value = getValueMethod.Invoke(dataObject, new object[] { mapper });
                                if (Equals(value, null))
                            catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                                var deliveryEngineException = ex.InnerException as DeliveryEngineExceptionBase;
                                if (deliveryEngineException != null)
                                    throw ex.InnerException;
                                throw new DeliveryEngineSystemException(Resource.GetExceptionMessage(ExceptionMessage.UnableToGetValueForField, dataObject.Field.NameTarget, dataObject.Field.Table.NameTarget, ex.InnerException.Message), ex.InnerException);
                        var keyValue = (string)keyValueBuilder.ToString().Clone();
                        if (excludeNulls == false || keyValue.EndsWith("{null}") == false)
                        while (dataObjects.Count > 0)
                while (getFields.Count > 0)
Example #24
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, bool useLure, bool useInvasion)
            var lureImageUrl            = IconFetcher.Instance.GetLureIcon(whConfig.Servers[guild.Id].IconStyle, LureType);
            var invasionImageUrl        = IconFetcher.Instance.GetInvasionIcon(whConfig.Servers[guild.Id].IconStyle, GruntType);
            var imageUrl                = useInvasion ? invasionImageUrl : useLure ? lureImageUrl : Url;
            var gmapsLink               = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink           = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink            = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink         = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var staticMapLink           = StaticMap.GetUrl(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, useInvasion ? whConfig.StaticMaps["invasions"] : useLure ? whConfig.StaticMaps["lures"] : /* TODO: */ "", Latitude, Longitude, imageUrl);
            var gmapsLocationLink       = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);
            var address = new Location(null, city, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(whConfig);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);
            var invasion          = MasterFile.Instance.GruntTypes.ContainsKey(GruntType) ? MasterFile.Instance.GruntTypes[GruntType] : null;
            var leaderString      = Translator.Instance.Translate("grunt_" + Convert.ToInt32(GruntType));
            var pokemonType       = MasterFile.Instance.GruntTypes.ContainsKey(GruntType) ? Notifications.GetPokemonTypeFromString(invasion?.Type) : PokemonType.None;
            var invasionTypeEmoji = pokemonType == PokemonType.None
                ? leaderString
                : pokemonType.GetTypeEmojiIcons();
            var invasionEncounters = GruntType > 0 ? invasion.GetPossibleInvasionEncounters() : string.Empty;

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow.ConvertTimeFromCoordinates(Latitude, Longitude);
            var lureExpireTimeLeft     = now.GetTimeRemaining(LureExpireTime).ToReadableStringNoSeconds();
            var invasionExpireTimeLeft = now.GetTimeRemaining(InvasionExpireTime).ToReadableStringNoSeconds();

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Main properties
                { "has_lure", Convert.ToString(HasLure) },
                { "lure_type", LureType.ToString() },
                { "lure_expire_time", LureExpireTime.ToLongTimeString() },
                { "lure_expire_time_24h", LureExpireTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") },
                { "lure_expire_time_left", lureExpireTimeLeft },
                { "has_invasion", Convert.ToString(HasInvasion) },
                { "grunt_type", invasion?.Type },
                { "grunt_type_emoji", invasionTypeEmoji },
                { "grunt_gender", invasion?.Grunt },
                { "invasion_expire_time", InvasionExpireTime.ToLongTimeString() },
                { "invasion_expire_time_24h", InvasionExpireTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") },
                { "invasion_expire_time_left", invasionExpireTimeLeft },
                { "invasion_encounters", $"**Encounter Reward Chance:**\r\n" + invasionEncounters },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Latitude.ToString() },
                { "lng", Longitude.ToString() },
                { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") },
                { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                //Pokestop properties
                { "pokestop_id", PokestopId ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "pokestop_name", Name ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "pokestop_url", Url ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lure_img_url", lureImageUrl },
                { "invasion_img_url", invasionImageUrl },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

 private void updateMap()
     var result = (GeocodingResult)currentSelectedLocation;
     fullAddress.Text = result.FormattedAddress;
     var location = result.Geometry.Location;
     var map = new StaticMap();
     map.Center = location.Latitude.ToString() + "," +location.Longitude.ToString();
     txtLatitude.Text = location.Latitude.ToString();
     txtLongitude.Text = location.Longitude.ToString();
     map.Zoom =
     (zoomLevels.SelectedItem == null) ? "10" : zoomLevels.Text.ToString();
     map.Markers = map.Center;
     map.Size = "1000" + "x" + "485";
     map.MapType =
     (mapTypeCombo.SelectedItem == null) ? "roadmap" : mapTypeCombo.Text.ToString();
     map.Sensor = "false";
     String urlToMap = map.ToUri().AbsoluteUri.ToString();