void newDay() { curstudent = 0; curday++; if (curday >= totaldays) { TransitionHandler transhand = StaticChildren.CallTransition(); StaticChildren.endscreen.GetComponent <Endgame>().EndTheGame(); end = true; } }
void Start() { curday = 0; curstudent = 0; end = false; //we give this the number of students we want StaticChildren.GenStudents(totalstudents); StaticChildren.currentStudent = StaticChildren.students[curstudent]; StaticChildren.OnStart(); Debug.Log(StaticChildren.students.Count); }
IEnumerator WaitForAnim(AnimationClip animclip, int child) { Transform anim = transform.GetChild(child); anim.gameObject.SetActive(true); float tempTime = animclip.length; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tempTime)); anim.gameObject.SetActive(false); StaticChildren.DisableTransitions(); }
void newStudent() { TransitionHandler transhand = StaticChildren.CallTransition(); transhand.playWalking(); curstudent++; minigamesComplete = 0; if (curstudent >= totalstudents) { newDay(); } StaticChildren.currentStudent = StaticChildren.students[curstudent]; }
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { instantGame = Instantiate(minigame, transform.parent); instantGame.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, -5); TransitionHandler transhand = StaticChildren.CallTransition(); switch (anim) { case animoption.Hammer: { transhand.playHammer(); break; } case animoption.Paper_Grab: { transhand.playPaper(); break; } } }