protected override void OnCreate(ref CreateWindowPacket packet) { this.m_textBox1 = StaticBox.Create(hParent: this.Handle, styles: WindowStyles.WS_CHILD | WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE, exStyles: 0); // You can use this to create the static box like this as well. // But there's rarely any performance benefit in doing so, and // this doesn't have a WindowProc that's connected. this.m_textBox2 = WindowFactory.CreateExternalWindow("static", hParent: this.Handle, styles: WindowStyles.WS_CHILD | WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE, exStyles: 0); this.m_layout.ClientArea = this.GetClientRect(); this.m_layout.Margin = new Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10); this.m_layout.Children.Add(this.m_textBox1); this.m_layout.Children.Add(this.m_textBox2); this.m_layout.PerformLayout(); var r = new Random(); this.m_task = Task.Run(() => { while (this.m_times < Iterations) { this.m_times++; this.SetPosition(50, 50, 1200 - r.Next(0, 1100), 900 - r.Next(0, 800)); } this.m_endTime = DateTime.Now; this.m_done = true; this.SetPosition(50, 50, 700, 500); }); this.m_startTime = DateTime.Now; base.OnCreate(ref packet); }
public static Sizer MyDialogFunc( Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer ) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL ); StaticBox item2 = new StaticBox( parent, -1, "Copyright" ); item2.Font = new wx.Font( 16, wx.FontFamily.wxROMAN, wx.FontStyle.wxNORMAL, wx.FontWeight.wxNORMAL ); StaticBoxSizer item1 = new StaticBoxSizer( item2, Orientation.wxVERTICAL ); StaticText item3 = new StaticText( parent, ID_TEXT, "Copyright 2002 T. Coon. 1000,- ¤.", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item3.ForegroundColour = Colour.wxBLUE; item3.Font = new wx.Font( 16, wx.FontFamily.wxROMAN, wx.FontStyle.wxNORMAL, wx.FontWeight.wxNORMAL ); item1.Add( item3, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); item0.Add( item1, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); StaticLine item4 = new StaticLine( parent, ID_LINE, Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(20,-1), StaticLine.wxLI_HORIZONTAL ); item0.Add( item4, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); Button item5 = new Button( parent, Window.wxID_OK, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item0.Add( item5, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); if (set_sizer) { parent.SetSizer( item0 ); if (call_fit) item0.SetSizeHints( parent ); } return item0; }
public static Sizer MyDialogFunc(Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer(Orientation.wxVERTICAL); StaticBox item2 = new StaticBox(parent, -1, "Controls will remember their values"); StaticBoxSizer item1 = new StaticBoxSizer(item2, Orientation.wxVERTICAL); FlexGridSizer item3 = new FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0); item3.AddGrowableCol(0); item3.AddGrowableCol(1); StaticText item4 = new StaticText(parent, ID_TEXT, "wxSpinCtrl:", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item4.Name = "TestName"; item3.Add(item4, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); SpinCtrl item5 = new SpinCtrl(parent, ID_MY_NUMBER, "0", Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(130, -1), SpinCtrl.wxSP_ARROW_KEYS | SpinCtrl.wxSP_WRAP, 0, 100, 0); item3.Add(item5, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticText item6 = new StaticText(parent, ID_TEXT, "wxTextCtrl:", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item3.Add(item6, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); TextCtrl item7 = new TextCtrl(parent, ID_MY_TEXT, "", Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(130, -1), 0); item3.Add(item7, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); item1.Add(item3, 1, Stretch.wxGROW | Direction.wxALL, 5); item0.Add(item1, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticLine item8 = new StaticLine(parent, ID_LINE, Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(300, -1), StaticLine.wxLI_HORIZONTAL); item0.Add(item8, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); Button item9 = new Button(parent, Window.wxID_OK, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item0.Add(item9, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); if (set_sizer) { parent.SetSizer(item0); if (call_fit) { item0.SetSizeHints(parent); } } return(item0); }
public static Sizer PageTwoFunc(Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer(Orientation.wxVERTICAL); StaticBox item2 = new StaticBox(parent, -1, "Checks"); StaticBoxSizer item1 = new StaticBoxSizer(item2, Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL); CheckBox item3 = new CheckBox(parent, ID_CHECKBOX, "Check", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item1.Add(item3, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); CheckBox item4 = new CheckBox(parent, ID_CHECKBOX, "Check", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item1.Add(item4, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); CheckBox item5 = new CheckBox(parent, ID_CHECKBOX, "Check", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item1.Add(item5, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); item0.Add(item1, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticBox item7 = new StaticBox(parent, -1, "Buttons"); StaticBoxSizer item6 = new StaticBoxSizer(item7, Orientation.wxVERTICAL); Button item8 = new Button(parent, ID_BUTTON, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item6.Add(item8, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); Button item9 = new Button(parent, ID_BUTTON, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item6.Add(item9, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); Button item10 = new Button(parent, ID_BUTTON, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item6.Add(item10, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); item0.Add(item6, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); if (set_sizer) { parent.SetSizer(item0); if (call_fit) { item0.SetSizeHints(parent); } } return(item0); }
public static Sizer frmSobre(Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer(Orientation.wxVERTICAL); StaticBox item2 = new StaticBox(parent, -1, ""); StaticBoxSizer item1 = new StaticBoxSizer(item2, Orientation.wxVERTICAL); StaticBitmap item3 = new StaticBitmap(parent, ID_STATICBITMAP, ListaBitmaps(6), Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize); item1.Add(item3, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticText item4 = new StaticText(parent, ID_TEXT, "Versão: 1.0.0", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item1.Add(item4, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticText item5 = new StaticText(parent, ID_TEXT, "Todos os direitos reservados para: Henrique F. de Souza", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item1.Add(item5, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticText item6 = new StaticText(parent, ID_TEXT, "Sistema integrante do projeto Livrus Virtus,", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item1.Add(item6, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticText item7 = new StaticText(parent, ID_TEXT, "versão programado no wxDesigner.", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item1.Add(item7, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); item0.Add(item1, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); Button item8 = new Button(parent, BTN_OK, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item8.Name = "btnOk"; item0.Add(item8, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); if (set_sizer) { // parent.SetAutoLayout( true ); parent.SetSizer(item0); if (call_fit) { item0.Fit(parent); item0.SetSizeHints(parent); } } return(item0); }
protected override void OnCreate(ref CreateWindowPacket packet) { this.m_textBox = StaticBox.Create( "Ahoy!", hParent: this.Handle); this.m_editBox = EditBox.Create( "Nothing here yet.", hParent: this.Handle, controlStyles: EditBox.EditStyles.ES_MULTILINE | EditBox.EditStyles.ES_WANTRETURN | (EditBox.EditStyles)WindowStyles.WS_VSCROLL); this.m_layout.ClientArea = this.GetClientRect(); this.m_layout.Margin = new Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10); this.m_layout.Children.Add(this.m_textBox); this.m_layout.Children.Add(this.m_editBox); this.m_layout.PerformLayout(); this.m_timerProc = (wnd, uMsg, eventId, millis) => { try { this.m_timesExecuted++; Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[0], VirtualKey.H, false); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[1], VirtualKey.H, true); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[3], VirtualKey.E, false); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[4], VirtualKey.E, true); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[5], VirtualKey.L, false); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[6], VirtualKey.L, true); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[7], VirtualKey.L, false); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[8], VirtualKey.L, true); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[9], VirtualKey.O, false); Input.InitKeyboardInput(out this.m_inputs[10], VirtualKey.O, true); var x = User32Helpers.SendInput(this.m_inputs); } catch (Exception ex) { this.m_editBox.SetText($"ERROR: {ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}"); } }; this.m_timerId = User32Methods.SetTimer(this.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, 20, this.m_timerProc); base.OnCreate(ref packet); }
public static Sizer MyDialogFunc( Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer ) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL ); StaticBox item2 = new StaticBox( parent, -1, "Controls will remember their values" ); StaticBoxSizer item1 = new StaticBoxSizer( item2, Orientation.wxVERTICAL ); FlexGridSizer item3 = new FlexGridSizer( 0, 2, 0, 0 ); item3.AddGrowableCol( 0 ); item3.AddGrowableCol( 1 ); StaticText item4 = new StaticText( parent, ID_TEXT, "wxSpinCtrl:", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item4.Name = "TestName"; item3.Add( item4, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); SpinCtrl item5 = new SpinCtrl( parent, ID_MY_NUMBER, "0", Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(130,-1), SpinCtrl.wxSP_ARROW_KEYS|SpinCtrl.wxSP_WRAP, 0, 100, 0 ); item3.Add( item5, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); StaticText item6 = new StaticText( parent, ID_TEXT, "wxTextCtrl:", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item3.Add( item6, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); TextCtrl item7 = new TextCtrl( parent, ID_MY_TEXT, "", Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(130,-1), 0 ); item3.Add( item7, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); item1.Add( item3, 1, Stretch.wxGROW|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); item0.Add( item1, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); StaticLine item8 = new StaticLine( parent, ID_LINE, Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(300,-1), StaticLine.wxLI_HORIZONTAL ); item0.Add( item8, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); Button item9 = new Button( parent, Window.wxID_OK, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item0.Add( item9, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); if (set_sizer) { parent.SetSizer( item0 ); if (call_fit) item0.SetSizeHints( parent ); } return item0; }
public static Sizer MyDialogFunc(Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer(Orientation.wxVERTICAL); StaticBox item2 = new StaticBox(parent, -1, "Copyright"); item2.Font = new wx.Font(16, wx.FontFamily.wxROMAN, wx.FontStyle.wxNORMAL, wx.FontWeight.wxNORMAL); StaticBoxSizer item1 = new StaticBoxSizer(item2, Orientation.wxVERTICAL); StaticText item3 = new StaticText(parent, ID_TEXT, "Copyright 2002 T. Coon. 1000,- ¤.", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item3.ForegroundColour = Colour.wxBLUE; item3.Font = new wx.Font(16, wx.FontFamily.wxROMAN, wx.FontStyle.wxNORMAL, wx.FontWeight.wxNORMAL); item1.Add(item3, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); item0.Add(item1, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); StaticLine item4 = new StaticLine(parent, ID_LINE, Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(20, -1), StaticLine.wxLI_HORIZONTAL); item0.Add(item4, 0, Stretch.wxGROW | Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | Direction.wxALL, 5); Button item5 = new Button(parent, Window.wxID_OK, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0); item0.Add(item5, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER | Direction.wxALL, 5); if (set_sizer) { parent.SetSizer(item0); if (call_fit) { item0.SetSizeHints(parent); } } return(item0); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); //Class which encapsulate webservices. /* var _autoCompleteService = new AutoCompleteService(); * * _searchView = v.FindViewById<AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.SearchBox); * * _searchView.TextChanged += async (sender, e) => * { * try * { * //async call which fetch suggestin from webservices. * var results = await _autoCompleteService.SearchSuggestionAsync(_searchView.Text); * var adapter = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, results.ToList()); * _searchView.Adapter = adapter; * } * catch * { * } * }; * * _searchView.AfterTextChanged += (sender, e) => * { * if (!_searchView.IsPopupShowing && _searchView.Text.Length > 0) * { * _searchView.ShowDropDown(); * } * }; * * SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); * ////////*/ //setting the view for the Activity //////// SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_container_selection); //Get autoComplete1 AutoCompleteTextView and btn_Hello Button control from the Main.xaml Layout. box_name1 = FindViewById <AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.box_name1); box_selection = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.box_selection); btn_box_registr = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_box_registr); btn_back_a = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btn_back_a); preloader = FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.preloader); string dir_path = "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/GeoGeometry.GeoGeometry/files/"; //string array used for displayling AutoComplete Suggestion /*var names = new string[] { "Anoop", "Arjit", "Akshay", "Ankit", "Rakesh" }; * //Use ArrayAdapter for filling the View in other words AutoCompleteTextView with the list of names(Array). * //Use SimpleSpinnerItem(Predefined layout in Android Resources) for displaying the dropdown list * ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, names); * box_name1.Adapter = adapter;*/ /////////// /*SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_container_selection); * * box_name1 = FindViewById<AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.box_name1); * box_selection = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.box_selection); * btn_back_a = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btn_back_a); * preloader = FindViewById<ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.preloader); * * btn_back_a.Click += (s, e) => * { * Finish(); * };*/ box_name1.TextChanged += async(sender, e) => { try { //async call which fetch suggestin from webservices. RegisterBoxModel register = new RegisterBoxModel { Name = box_name1.Text, }; var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); var uri = ("" + box_name1.Text); HttpResponseMessage response = await myHttpClient.GetAsync(uri); AuthApiData <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> > o_data = new AuthApiData <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> >(); string s_result; using (HttpContent responseContent = response.Content) { s_result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } o_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthApiData <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> > >(s_result); var o_boxes_data = o_data.ResponseData; StaticBox.AddInfoObjects(o_boxes_data); //запись в файл using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> >(fs, o_boxes_data); } //чтение данных с файла using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { ListResponse <ContainerResponse> containers = await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> >(fs); var name = containers.Objects[0].Name; } var boxes = o_data.ResponseData.Objects.Select(b => new BoxNames { Name = b.Name }).ToList(); int count = boxes.Count(); string[] names1 = new string[count]; for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count(); i++) { names1[i] = boxes[i].Name; } ArrayAdapter adapter1 = new ArrayAdapter <string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, names1); box_name1.Adapter = adapter1; } catch { } }; //box_name1.AfterTextChanged += (sender, e) => //{ // if (!box_name1.IsPopupShowing && box_name1.Text.Length > 0) // { // box_name1.ShowDropDown(); // } //}; //SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_container_selection); box_selection.Click += async delegate { preloader.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible; box_selection.Click += btn_Submit_Click; /* * XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ListResponse<ContainerResponse>)); * //Сериализация * using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) * serializer.Serialize(fs,); * /* * ListResponse<ContainerResponse> boxess = new ListResponse<ContainerResponse>(); * using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) * { * await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<ListResponse<ContainerResponse>>(fs); * } */ /* * */ ListResponse <ContainerResponse> boxess = new ListResponse <ContainerResponse>(); var Res = ContainerSelection.DeserializeListResponse(dir_path + "box_list.txt"); if (Res != null) { boxess = Res; } var name = box_selection.Text; var uri = "" + box_selection.Id; }; btn_box_registr.Click += async delegate { Intent ContainerRegisterActivity = new Intent(this, typeof(Auth.RegisterBoxActivity)); StartActivity(ContainerRegisterActivity); this.Finish(); }; }
private async void GetOrderParameters() { try { var o_data = new ServiceResponseObject <OrderObjectResponse <OrderParameters, SensorResponse, StageResponse> >(); o_data = await OrderService.GetSensorParameters(StaticOrder.Order_id); if (o_data.Status == HttpStatusCode.OK) { StaticBox.AddInfoSensors(o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS); StaticOrder.AddInfoOrder(o_data.ResponseData.ORDER); Id.Text = ( == null) ? "неизвестно" :; Weight.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.weight == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.weight; Temperature.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.temperature == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.temperature; Battery.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.battery == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.battery; Illumination.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.illumination == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.illumination; Humidity.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.humidity == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.humidity; Events.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.event_count == null) ? "неизвестно" : StaticOrder.Event_Count + " шт."; progressBar.Progress = (o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.order_stage_id == null) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.order_stage_id); if (progressBar.Progress != 0) { Status.Text = progressBar.Progress.ToString() + ". " + o_data.ResponseData.STAGES[progressBar.Progress - 1].name; } else { Status.Text = "неизвестно"; } Cost.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.payment_amount == null) ? "неизвестно" : StaticOrder.Payment_Amount + " руб."; if (o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.payment_status == "1") { Payment.Text = "Оплачено"; Payment.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor("#8EF892")); } else if (o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.payment_status == "0") { Payment.Text = "Не оплачено"; Payment.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor("#EC8F9B")); } else { Payment.Text = "неизвестно"; } if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "1") { Lock.Text = "Опущена"; btn_Lock.Text = "Поднять"; } else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "0") { Lock.Text = "Поднята"; btn_Lock.Text = "Опустить"; } else { Lock.Text = "Неизвестно"; btn_Lock.Text = "Неизвестно"; } //if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold == "1") //{ // Fold.Text = "Разложен"; //} //else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold == "0") //{ // Fold.Text = "Сложен"; //} //else //{ // Fold.Text = "Неизвестно"; //} //if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "1") //{ // Gate.Text = "Закрыта"; //} //else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "0") //{ // Gate.Text = "Открыта"; //} //else //{ // Gate.Text = "Неизвестно"; //} btn_Lock.Enabled = (StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "1" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "4" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "7" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "5" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "8") ? false : true; btn_Pay.Enabled = (StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "5") ? true : false; btn_Photo.Enabled = (StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "7" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "8" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "1") ? false : true; btn_Video.Enabled = (StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "7" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "8" || StaticOrder.Order_Stage_Id == "1") ? false : true; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(Activity, ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
public static Sizer PageTwoFunc( Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer ) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL ); StaticBox item2 = new StaticBox( parent, -1, "Checks" ); StaticBoxSizer item1 = new StaticBoxSizer( item2, Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL ); CheckBox item3 = new CheckBox( parent, ID_CHECKBOX, "Check", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item1.Add( item3, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); CheckBox item4 = new CheckBox( parent, ID_CHECKBOX, "Check", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item1.Add( item4, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); CheckBox item5 = new CheckBox( parent, ID_CHECKBOX, "Check", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item1.Add( item5, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); item0.Add( item1, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); StaticBox item7 = new StaticBox( parent, -1, "Buttons" ); StaticBoxSizer item6 = new StaticBoxSizer( item7, Orientation.wxVERTICAL ); Button item8 = new Button( parent, ID_BUTTON, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item6.Add( item8, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); Button item9 = new Button( parent, ID_BUTTON, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item6.Add( item9, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); Button item10 = new Button( parent, ID_BUTTON, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item6.Add( item10, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); item0.Add( item6, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); if (set_sizer) { parent.SetSizer( item0 ); if (call_fit) item0.SetSizeHints( parent ); } return item0; }
private async void GetInfoAboutBox(string dir_path) { try { ContainerResponse container = new ContainerResponse(); //извлечение данных контейнера из файла //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // container = await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<ContainerResponse>(fs); //} //пример чтения данных с файла string file_data_remember; using (FileStream file = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { // преобразуем строку в байты byte[] array = new byte[file.Length]; // считываем данные file.Read(array, 0, array.Length); // декодируем байты в строку file_data_remember = Encoding.Default.GetString(array); file.Close(); } container = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ContainerResponse>(file_data_remember); string name = container.Name;//!!!! //if(s_payment.Text == "Оплачено") //{ var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); var uri = new Uri("" + container.SmartBoxId); HttpResponseMessage response = await myHttpClient.GetAsync(uri); AuthApiData <BoxDataResponse> o_data = new AuthApiData <BoxDataResponse>(); string s_result; using (HttpContent responseContent = response.Content) { s_result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } o_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthApiData <BoxDataResponse> >(s_result); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (o_data.Status == "0") { Toast.MakeText(this, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); BoxDataResponse exported_data = new BoxDataResponse(); exported_data = o_data.ResponseData; StaticBox.AddInfoBox(exported_data); //добавляем инфу о найденном контейнере //container_name.Text = exported_data.Name.ToString(); //container_name.Text = name; s_temperature.Text = exported_data.Temperature; s_light.Text = exported_data.Light.ToString(); s_humidity.Text = exported_data.Wetness; StaticBox.Longitude = exported_data.Longitude; StaticBox.Latitude = exported_data.Latitude; s_longitude.Text = StaticBox.Longitude.ToString(); s_latitude.Text = StaticBox.Latitude.ToString(); //coordinates lat lon s_weight.Text = "100.0"; //progressBar.Progress = 6; Text3.Text = "ПИН-код доступа отобразится после оплаты"; //status_view.Text = "6. Ожидание выгрузки"; if (s_payment.Text == "Оплачено") { s_pin_access_code.Text = (exported_data.Code == null) ? "0000" : "1324";// !!!! } else { s_pin_access_code.Text = "****"; } if (exported_data.IsOpenedDoor.ToString() == "true") { s_lock_unlock_door.Text = "разблокирована"; } else { s_lock_unlock_door.Text = "заблокирована"; } s_cost.Text = "39537.5"; //var boxState = s_open_close_container.Text; //var doorState = s_lock_unlock_door.Text; } else { Toast.MakeText(this, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } //else if(s_payment.Text == "Не оплачено") //{ // s_temperature.Text = "****"; // s_light.Text = "****"; // s_humidity.Text = "****"; // s_weight.Text = "****"; // s_pin_access_code.Text = "****"; // s_lock_unlock_door.Text = "****"; // s_cost.Text = "1000"; // container_name.Text = name; // s_latitude.Text = "****"; // s_longitude.Text = "****"; //} } catch (Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(this, "" + ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
private async void GetOrderParameters() { var o_data = new ServiceResponseObject <OrderObjectResponse <OrderParameters, SensorResponse, StageResponse> >(); StaticOrder.Order_id = StaticTask.order_id; o_data = await OrderService.GetSensorParameters(StaticTask.order_id); if (o_data.Status == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Toast.MakeText(Activity, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); Id.Text = ( == null) ? "неизвестно" :; Weight.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.weight == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.weight; Temperature.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.temperature == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.temperature; Battery.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.battery == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.battery; Illumination.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.illumination == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.illumination; Humidity.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.humidity == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.humidity; //Gate.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate; //Lock.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.Lock == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.Lock; //Fold.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold; Events.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.event_count == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.ORDER.event_count; StaticOrder.AddInfoOrder(o_data.ResponseData.ORDER); StaticBox.AddInfoSensors(o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS); if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.Lock == "1") { Lock.Text = "Закрыт"; } else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.Lock == "0") { Lock.Text = "Открыт"; } else { Lock.Text = "Неизвестно"; } if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold == "1") { Fold.Text = "Разложен"; } else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold == "0") { Fold.Text = "Сложен"; } else { Fold.Text = "Неизвестно"; } if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "1") { Gate.Text = "Закрыта"; } else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "0") { Gate.Text = "Открыта"; } else { Gate.Text = "Неизвестно"; } } else { Toast.MakeText(Activity, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_registerbox); box_name = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.box_name); btn_registerbox = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_registerbox); preloader = FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.preloader); btn_back_a = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btn_back_a); btn_back_a.Click += (s, e) => { Finish(); }; string dir_path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); string file_data_remember; btn_registerbox.Click += async delegate { try { preloader.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible; RegisterBoxModel register = new RegisterBoxModel { Name = box_name.Text, }; var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); var uri = new Uri("" + register.Name); //GetAsync HttpResponseMessage response = await myHttpClient.PostAsync(uri.ToString(), new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(register.Name), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); string s_result; using (HttpContent responseContent = response.Content) { s_result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } AuthApiData <ContainerResponse> o_data = new AuthApiData <ContainerResponse>(); o_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthApiData <ContainerResponse> >(s_result); //AuthApiData <ListResponse< ContainerResponse >> o_data if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (o_data.Status == "0") { Toast.MakeText(this, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); //ListReponse<T> ContainerResponse o_box_data = new ContainerResponse(); o_box_data = o_data.ResponseData; StaticBox.AddInfoAuth(o_box_data); //using (FileStream file = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // // преобразуем строку в байты // byte[] array = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("0" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o_box_data)); // // запись массива байтов в файл // file.Write(array, 0, array.Length); //} //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync<ContainerResponse>(fs,o_box_data); //} using (FileStream file = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) { // преобразуем строку в байты byte[] array = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o_box_data)); // запись массива байтов в файл file.Write(array, 0, array.Length); } //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // ContainerResponse container = await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<ContainerResponse>(fs); // var name = container.Name; //} preloader.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Invisible; // Переход на страницу водителя. Intent Driver = new Intent(this, typeof(Auth.DriverActivity)); Driver.PutExtra("idAction", "2"); StartActivity(Driver); } else { Toast.MakeText(this, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } ClearField(); } catch (Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(this, "" + ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }; /// <summary> /// Метод очистки полей. /// </summary> void ClearField() { box_name.Text = ""; } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }; //Class which encapsulate webservices. /* var _autoCompleteService = new AutoCompleteService(); * * _searchView = v.FindViewById<AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.SearchBox); * * _searchView.TextChanged += async (sender, e) => * { * try * { * //async call which fetch suggestin from webservices. * var results = await _autoCompleteService.SearchSuggestionAsync(_searchView.Text); * var adapter = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, results.ToList()); * _searchView.Adapter = adapter; * } * catch * { * } * }; * * _searchView.AfterTextChanged += (sender, e) => * { * if (!_searchView.IsPopupShowing && _searchView.Text.Length > 0) * { * _searchView.ShowDropDown(); * } * }; * * SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); * ////////*/ //setting the view for the Activity //////// SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_container_selection); //Get autoComplete1 AutoCompleteTextView and btn_Hello Button control from the Main.xaml Layout. box_name1 = FindViewById <AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.box_name1); box_selection = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.box_selection); //btn_box_registr = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.btn_box_registr); btn_back_a = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btn_back_a); preloader = FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.preloader); string dir_path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); //string file_data_remember; //using (FileStream file = new FileStream(dir_path + "user_data.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) //{ // // преобразуем строку в байты // byte[] array = new byte[file.Length]; // // считываем данные // file.Read(array, 0, array.Length); // // декодируем байты в строку // file_data_remember = Encoding.Default.GetString(array); // file.Close(); // } var role = StaticUser.UserRole; //AuthResponseData user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AuthResponseData>(file_data_remember); //if (role == "user") //{ // btn_box_registr.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible; //} //else if(role == "driver") //{ // btn_box_registr.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; //} //string array used for displayling AutoComplete Suggestion /*var names = new string[] { "Anoop", "Arjit", "Akshay", "Ankit", "Rakesh" }; * //Use ArrayAdapter for filling the View in other words AutoCompleteTextView with the list of names(Array). * //Use SimpleSpinnerItem(Predefined layout in Android Resources) for displaying the dropdown list * ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, names); * box_name1.Adapter = adapter;*/ /////////// /*SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_container_selection); * * box_name1 = FindViewById<AutoCompleteTextView>(Resource.Id.box_name1); * box_selection = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.box_selection); * btn_back_a = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.btn_back_a); * preloader = FindViewById<ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.preloader); * * btn_back_a.Click += (s, e) => * { * Finish(); * };*/ box_name1.TextChanged += async(sender, e) => { try { //async call which fetch suggestin from webservices. RegisterBoxModel register = new RegisterBoxModel { Name = box_name1.Text, }; var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); var uri = new Uri("" + box_name1.Text); HttpResponseMessage response = await myHttpClient.GetAsync(uri); AuthApiData <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> > o_data = new AuthApiData <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> >(); string s_result; using (HttpContent responseContent = response.Content) { s_result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } o_data.ResponseData = new ListResponse <ContainerResponse>(); o_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthApiData <ListResponse <ContainerResponse> > >(s_result); ListResponse <ContainerResponse> o_boxes_data = new ListResponse <ContainerResponse>(); o_boxes_data.Objects = o_data.ResponseData.Objects; //StaticBox.AddInfoObjects(o_boxes_data); StaticBox.AddInfoObjects(o_boxes_data); //запись в file //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync<ListResponse<ContainerResponse>>(fs, o_boxes_data, options); //} //чтение данных с файла //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // ListResponse<ContainerResponse> containers = await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<ListResponse<ContainerResponse>>(fs); // var name = containers.Objects[0].Name; //} var boxes = o_data.ResponseData.Objects.Select(b => new BoxNames { Name = b.Name }).ToList(); int count = boxes.Count(); string[] names1 = new string[count]; var name4 = box_selection.Text; for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count(); i++) { names1[i] = boxes[i].Name; } ArrayAdapter adapter1 = new ArrayAdapter <string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, names1); box_name1.Adapter = adapter1; } catch { } }; //box_name1.AfterTextChanged += (sender, e) => //{ // if (!box_name1.IsPopupShowing && box_name1.Text.Length > 0) // { // box_name1.ShowDropDown(); // } //}; //SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_container_selection); box_selection.Click += async delegate { preloader.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible; box_selection.Click += btn_Submit_Click; /* * XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ListResponse<ContainerResponse>)); * //Сериализация * using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) * serializer.Serialize(fs,); * /* * ListResponse<ContainerResponse> boxess = new ListResponse<ContainerResponse>(); * using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) * { * await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<ListResponse<ContainerResponse>>(fs); * } */ /* * */ //ListResponse<ContainerResponse> boxess = new ListResponse<ContainerResponse>(); //var Res = ContainerSelection.DeserializeListResponse(dir_path + "box_list.txt"); //if (Res!=null) //{ // boxess = Res; //} ContainerResponse box = new ContainerResponse(); ListResponse <ContainerResponse> boxes = new ListResponse <ContainerResponse>(); foreach (var box1 in StaticBox.Objects) { boxes.Objects.Add(box1); } box = boxes.Objects.Where(f => f.Name == box_name1.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // Objects = (ListResponse<ContainerResponse>)await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<ListResponse<ContainerResponse>>(fs); // box = Objects.Objects.Where(f => f.Name == box_name1.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //} //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync<ContainerResponse>(fs, box); //} using (FileStream file = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) { // преобразуем строку в байты byte[] array = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(box)); // запись массива байтов в файл file.Write(array, 0, array.Length); } //using (FileStream ddd = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_list.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync<ContainerResponse>(ddd, box); //} if (role == "driver") { Intent Driver = new Intent(this, typeof(Auth.DriverActivity)); Driver.PutExtra("idAction", "2");// через объект идёт обращение к . StartActivity(Driver); } else { Intent UserBox = new Intent(this, typeof(Auth.ActivityUserBox)); UserBox.PutExtra("idMethod", "2");// через объект идёт обращение к . StartActivity(UserBox); } //var box_name = box_name1.Text; //var uri = "" + id; //этот запрос делать в драйаавер активити }; //btn_box_registr.Click += async delegate //{ // Intent ContainerRegisterActivity = new Intent(this, typeof(Auth.RegisterBoxActivity)); // StartActivity(ContainerRegisterActivity); // this.Finish(); //}; btn_back_a.Click += async delegate { Intent ContainerRegisterActivity = new Intent(this, typeof(Auth.RegisterBoxActivity)); StartActivity(ContainerRegisterActivity); this.Finish(); }; }
private async void GetBoxParameters() { var o_data = new ServiceResponseObject <InfoBoxResponse>(); using (var client = ClientHelper.GetClient(CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault("token", ""))) { BoxService.InitializeClient(client); o_data = await BoxService.GetInfoBox(; if (o_data.Status == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Toast.MakeText(Activity, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); StaticBox.AddInfoSensors(o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS); StaticBox.AddInfoContainer(o_data.ResponseData.CONTAINER, o_data.ResponseData.EVENT_COUNT); StaticBox.AddInfoAlarms(o_data.ResponseData.ALARMS_STATUS); BoxTextIdValue.Text = ( == null) ? "неизвестно" :; BoxTexWeight.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.weight == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.weight; BoxTextTemperature.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.temperature == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.temperature; BoxTexBattery.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.battery == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.battery; BoxTextIllumination.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.illumination == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.illumination; BoxTextHumidity.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.humidity == null) ? "неизвестно" : o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.humidity; BoxTextEvents.Text = (o_data.ResponseData.EVENT_COUNT == null) ? "неизвестно" : StaticBox.event_count + " шт."; if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "1") { //BoxTextLock.Text = "Закрыт"; BoxTextGate.Text = "Закрыта"; btn_gate.Text = "Поднять"; } else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.gate == "0") { //BoxTextLock.Text = "Открыт"; BoxTextGate.Text = "Открыта"; btn_gate.Text = "Опустить"; } else { //BoxTextLock.Text = "Неизвестно"; BoxTextGate.Text = "Неизвестно"; btn_gate.Text = "Неизвестно"; btn_gate.Enabled = false; } if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold == "1") { BoxTextFold.Text = "Сложен"; btn_fold.Text = "Разложить"; } else if (o_data.ResponseData.SENSORS_STATUS.fold == "0") { BoxTextFold.Text = "Разложен"; btn_fold.Text = "Сложить"; } else { BoxTextFold.Text = "Неизвестно"; btn_fold.Text = "Неизвестно"; } } else { Toast.MakeText(Activity, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } }
/// <summary> /// сбор информации о контейнере /// </summary> /// <param name="dir_path"></param> private async void GetInfoAboutBox(string dir_path) { try { ContainerResponse container = new ContainerResponse(); //извлечение данных контейнера из файла //using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) //{ // container = await System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<ContainerResponse>(fs); //} //пример чтения данных с файла string file_data_remember; using (FileStream file = new FileStream(dir_path + "box_data.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { // преобразуем строку в байты byte[] array = new byte[file.Length]; // считываем данные file.Read(array, 0, array.Length); // декодируем байты в строку file_data_remember = Encoding.Default.GetString(array); file.Close(); } container = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ContainerResponse>(file_data_remember); var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); var uri = new Uri("" + container.SmartBoxId); HttpResponseMessage response = await myHttpClient.GetAsync(uri); AuthApiData <BoxDataResponse> o_data = new AuthApiData <BoxDataResponse>(); string s_result; using (HttpContent responseContent = response.Content) { s_result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync(); } o_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthApiData <BoxDataResponse> >(s_result);// !!!! if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (o_data.Status == "0") { Toast.MakeText(this, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); BoxDataResponse exported_data = new BoxDataResponse(); exported_data = o_data.ResponseData; StaticBox.AddInfoBox(exported_data); //добавляем инфу о найденном контейнере container_name.Text = container.Name; s_open_close_container.Text = /*(exported_data.IsOpenedBox == false) ? "закрыт" : "раскрыт";*/ "открыт"; //s_weight.Text = exported_data.Weight.Replace(",","."); s_weight.Text = "100.0"; s_lock_unlock_door.Text = (exported_data.IsOpenedDoor == false) ? "заблокирована" : "разблокирована"; //progressBar.Progress = 6; //status_view.Text = "6. Ожидание выгрузки"; var boxState = s_open_close_container.Text; var doorState = s_lock_unlock_door.Text; if (exported_data.BoxState == ContainerState.onBase) { a_situation = "На складе"; } else if (exported_data.BoxState == ContainerState.onCar) { a_situation = "На автомобиле"; } else if (exported_data.BoxState == ContainerState.onConsignee) { a_situation = "Выгруженным у грузоотправителя"; } else if (exported_data.BoxState == ContainerState.onShipper) { a_situation = "После разгрузки у грузополучателя"; } s_temperature.Text = exported_data.Temperature.Replace(",", "."); s_light.Text = exported_data.Light.ToString(); s_humidity.Text = exported_data.Wetness.Replace(",", "."); s_battery.Text = exported_data.BatteryPower.Replace(",", "."); btn_lock_unlock_door.Text = "Заблокировать/Разблокировать"; s_signal_strength.Text = "Хороший"; } else { Toast.MakeText(this, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(this, "" + ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }