private void Startup() { if (ObjectState.ObjectStates.Dead != StatefulObject.GetState(gameObject).State) { _isActive = true; BoxCollider2D collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); collider.isTrigger = true; foreach (var obj in Physics2D.OverlapBoxAll(transform.position, collider.size, 0f)) { if (obj.CompareTag(_targetTag)) { _isActive = false; if (_canTriggerOnStart) { triggered.Invoke(); } } } } else { gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
private void Use(Ray ray) { if (heldObject.Value != null) { Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up,; float d; plane.Raycast(ray, out d); if (d > 0) { Vector3 target = ray.origin + ray.direction * d; Vector3 to = target - transform.position; heldObject.Value.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = to * throwVelocity; heldObject.Value = null; } } else { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { StatefulObject stateful = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <StatefulObject>(); if (stateful != null && stateful != GetComponent <StatefulObject>() && stateful.Ownable.TryTakeOwnership(GetComponent <OwnableObject>().Owner.Value)) { heldObject.Value = stateful; } } } }
public void Receive_WhenPassedNull_ThrowsArgumentNullException() { var contract = StatefulObject.Create <FavoriteNumberContract>(new Dictionary <string, object>()); var receiver = contract.RegisterWithRegistry(new InMemoryIntegration.FakeContractContext(this.addressFactory.CreateAddress())); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => receiver.Invoke(null)); }
public static StatefulObject DeserializeStatefulObject(byte[] serialized) { var dictionary = StateSerialization.DeserializeState(serialized); var type = Type.GetType(dictionary.Get <string>("Type")); var state = dictionary.Get <IDictionary <string, object> >("State"); return(StatefulObject.Create(type, state, true)); }
public static void UpdateState(GameObject obj, ObjectState objState) { StatefulObject state = obj.GetComponent <StatefulObject>(); if (null != state) { state.State = objState; } }
public static byte[] SerializeStatefulObject(StatefulObject statefulObject) { var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "Type", statefulObject.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName }, { "State", statefulObject.GetState() }, }; return(StateSerialization.SerializeState(dictionary)); }
private void Spawn(StatefulObject obj) { if (obj.obj != null) { return; } obj.obj = Instantiate(objectsToSpawn[obj.index]); obj.spawned = true; obj.obj.transform.position = objectsToSpawn[obj.index].transform.position; obj.obj.SetActive(true); }
private void HeldObject_OnChanged(StatefulObject current, StatefulObject previous) { if (current != null) { current.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; } if (previous != null) { previous.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; previous.Ownable.RelinquishOwnership(); } }
public ContractRegistry LoadContractRegistry() { var data = this.LoadData(this.integration.contractRegistryAddress); this.integration.logger.LogTrace("Received registry data: " + data.Length + " bytes"); if (data.Length == 0) { return(new ContractRegistry()); } return(StatefulObject.Create <ContractRegistry>( StateSerialization.DeserializeState(data))); }
public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if ((_isActive) && collision.CompareTag(_targetTag)) { triggered.Invoke(); _isActive = false; if (_oneshot) { BoxCollider2D collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); collider.enabled = false; StatefulObject.GetState(gameObject).State = ObjectState.ObjectStates.Dead; } } }
public static ObjectState GetState(GameObject obj) { StatefulObject state = obj.GetComponent <StatefulObject>(); ObjectState objState = null; if (null == state) { objState = new ObjectState(); } else { objState = state.State; } return(objState); }
private void Start() { triggers = GetComponentsInChildren <TriggerNotify>(); foreach (var trigger in triggers) { trigger.OnTriggerEnter += SpawnAll; } objects = new StatefulObject[objectsToSpawn.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < objectsToSpawn.Count; i++) { objects[i] = new StatefulObject { index = i } } ; }
public void Receive_WhenReceivedSupportedAction_ReturnsTrue() { var contract = StatefulObject.Create <FavoriteNumberContract>(new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "User", null } }); var receiver = contract.RegisterWithRegistry(new InMemoryIntegration.FakeContractContext(this.addressFactory.CreateAddress())); receiver.Invoke(new Message( contract.Address, contract.Address, contract.Address, SetFavoriteNumberAction.Type, new Dictionary <string, object>() { { SetFavoriteNumberAction.Number, 0 }, })); }
public void Serializes_And_Deserializes_Contracts() { var address = new Address(new byte[] { 10, 20, 127, 54, 51 }); var adminAddress = new Address(new byte[] { 10, 20, 4 }); var contract = StatefulObject.Create <FavoriteNumberContract>(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Admin", adminAddress.ToString() }, { "Number", 15 } }); contract.RegisterWithRegistry(new InMemoryIntegration.FakeContractContext(address)); var serializedContract = StrongForceSerialization.SerializeStatefulObject(contract); var deserializedContract = (FavoriteNumberContract)StrongForceSerialization.DeserializeStatefulObject(serializedContract); deserializedContract.RegisterWithRegistry(new InMemoryIntegration.FakeContractContext(address)); Assert.Equal(contract.GetState(), deserializedContract.GetState()); Assert.Equal(contract.Address, deserializedContract.Address); Assert.Equal(contract.Number, deserializedContract.Number); }
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var initialKit = (KitContract)StatefulObject.Create( this.settings.InitialKitType, this.settings.InitialKitPayload); initialKit.RegisterWithRegistry( new InMemoryIntegration.FakeContractContext( KitContract.DefaultAddress)); var facade = new CosmosIntegration( this.logger, StrongForceSerialization.SerializeStatefulObject(initialKit)); this.server = new Server { Services = { Strongforce.StrongForce.BindService(facade) }, Ports = { new ServerPort(this.settings.Hostname, this.settings.Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }, }; this.server.Start(); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { pantheroffset = Random.Range(-0.99f, 0.99f); StartPosition = this.transform.position; thisAnim = this.GetComponent <Animator>(); Player = GameObject.Find("character"); BloodSplatter = GameObject.Find("splat"); _state = StatefulObject.GetState(gameObject); if (null == _state) { Debug.Log("What " + GetComponent <StatefulObject>().UniqueID); } if (ObjectState.ObjectStates.Dead == _state.State) { GameObject splatter = GameObject.Instantiate(BloodSplatter); transform.position = _state.Position; splatter.transform.position = this.transform.position; GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>().enabled = false; } }
public void Receive_WhenPassedSetFavoriteNumberAction_SetsNumberCorrectly() { const int expectedNumber = 32; var contract = StatefulObject.Create <FavoriteNumberContract>(new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "User", null } }); var receiver = contract.RegisterWithRegistry(new InMemoryIntegration.FakeContractContext(this.addressFactory.CreateAddress())); var action = new Message( contract.Address, contract.Address, contract.Address, SetFavoriteNumberAction.Type, new Dictionary <string, object>() { { SetFavoriteNumberAction.Number, expectedNumber }, }); receiver.Invoke(action); Assert.Equal(expectedNumber, ((FavoriteNumberContract)contract).Number); }
private void AddDebugView(StatefulObject obj) { Instantiate(statefulObjectDebugViewPrefab).Initialize(obj); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) { if ( == "Explosion" || == "Slash") { if (lastHurt < Time.realtimeSinceStartup) { if (isHurt || enemyType == "panther") { if (enemyType == "panther") { AudioManager.Get().PlaySfxOnce(AudioManager.SFX.Jungle_Cat_See_You_Around); } else { if ( == "Enemy2") { AudioManager.Get().PlaySfxOnce(AudioManager.SFX.Enemy_Die_Female); } else { AudioManager.Get().PlaySfxOnce(AudioManager.SFX.Enemy_Die_Male); } } GameObject splatter = GameObject.Instantiate(BloodSplatter); splatter.transform.position = this.transform.position; _state.State = ObjectState.ObjectStates.Dead; _state.Position = transform.position; GameStateManager.Get().AddKill(); StatefulObject.UpdateState(gameObject, _state); GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>().enabled = false; } else { switch (Random.Range(0, 3)) { case 0: AudioManager.Get().PlaySfxOnce(AudioManager.SFX.Enemy_Hit_1); break; case 1: AudioManager.Get().PlaySfxOnce(AudioManager.SFX.Enemy_Hit_2); break; case 2: AudioManager.Get().PlaySfxOnce(AudioManager.SFX.Enemy_Hit_3); break; } } setFalse(thisAnim); thisAnim.SetBool("IsHurt", true); isHurt = true; lastHurt = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 0.5f; if (ObjectState.ObjectStates.Dead != _state.State) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce((this.transform.position - coll.transform.position) * 15, ForceMode2D.Impulse); } } } }
public override void Run(object[] args) { // Create an instance of StatefulObject. StatefulObject obj = new StatefulObject(); // Output its state. Output.WriteLine(obj.State); // Output: ( 2 4 6 8 ) // Attempt to modify the state through the State property. // It is not possible. The state is protected against // modifications from the outside world. It is only possible // to add an item through the member function Add. //obj.State.Add(10); // This is not possible. //obj.State.Remove(8); // This is also not possible. obj.Add(10); // This is the only way to modify the state. Output.WriteLine(obj.State); // Output: ( 2 4 6 8 10 ) // Create a "snapshot" of the state. You will get a copy // that you can then modify. Naturally, the modifications to // the copy do not affect the original state. ArrayList <int> state = obj.State.GetWritableCopy(); state.Add(12); Output.WriteLine(state); // Output: ( 2 4 6 8 10 12 ) Output.WriteLine(obj.State); // Output: ( 2 4 6 8 10 ) // Invoke GetMax by passing the state as the parameter. // Note that it is also possible to pass normal, writable // instances as parameters to such functions. This is // demonstrated below. Output.WriteLine(GetMax(obj.State)); // Output: 10 Output.WriteLine(GetMax(state)); // This is also possible. // Output: 12 // By setting the PUBLIC_INNER conditional compilation // symbol, we are able to modify a read-only instance // through its Inner property. This, however, can cause the // instance to become incoherent and is thus to be avoided. obj.State.Inner.Add(12); Output.WriteLine(obj.State); // Output: ( 2 4 6 8 10 12 ) // Create an ArrayList of sets of numbers and populate it. ArrayList <Set <int> > array = new ArrayList <Set <int> >( new Set <int>[] { new Set <int>(new int[] { 1, 3, 5 }), new Set <int>(new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }), new Set <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }) }); Output.WriteLine(array); // Output: ( { 1 3 5 } { 2 4 6 } { 1 2 3 } ) // Create a read-only adapter for the created array of sets. // The easiest way to do it: ArrayList <Set <int> > .ReadOnly readOnlyArray = array; // This happens behind the curtains: //ArrayList<Set<int>>.ReadOnly readOnlyArray // = new ArrayList<Set<int>>.ReadOnly(array); Output.WriteLine(readOnlyArray); // Output: ( { 1 3 5 } { 2 4 6 } { 1 2 3 } ) // Try to add an empty set through the read-only adapter. It // is not possible. It is possible, however, to change each // of the three contained sets. This means that read-only // adapters are shallow. //readOnlyArray.Add(new Set<int>()); // Not possible. readOnlyArray[0].Add(7); // Still possible. Output.WriteLine(readOnlyArray); // Output: ( { 1 3 5 7 } { 2 4 6 } { 1 2 3 } ) // To create a "deeply" read-only instance, you need to make // contained instances read-only as well. ArrayList <Set <int> .ReadOnly> .ReadOnly readOnlyArray2 = new ArrayList <Set <int> .ReadOnly>( new Set <int> .ReadOnly[] { new Set <int>(new int[] { 1, 3, 5 }), new Set <int>(new int[] { 2, 4, 6 }), new Set <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }) }); Output.WriteLine(readOnlyArray2); // Output: ( { 1 3 5 } { 2 4 6 } { 1 2 3 } ) //readOnlyArray2.Add(new Set<int>()); // Not possible. //readOnlyArray2[0].Add(7); // Also not possible. }
public void Invoke(StatefulObject invoker, T arg) { StartInvoke(invoker, arg); }
public void Initialize(StatefulObject statefulObject) { this.statefulObject = statefulObject; }
private void OnAdd(StatefulObject obj) { AddDebugView(obj); }