Example #1
        public CardGainAvailablility(Card card, int count, StartingLocation startingLocation)
            if (card == null)
                throw new Exception();

            this.card             = card;
            this.count            = count;
            this.startingLocation = startingLocation;
        public async Task GetNearestLocations_WithValidInput_AllNeighborsWithinDistance()

            // Arrange
            var startingLocation = new StartingLocation {
                Latitude = 50.91414, Longitude = 5.95549
            const int maxDistance = 100;
            const int maxResults  = 2;

            var neighborsFromTree = new Tuple <double[], string>[]
                new Tuple <double[], string>(new double[]
                }, "Test1"),
                new Tuple <double[], string>(new double[]
                }, "Test2")

            A.CallTo(() =>
                     _locationsKdTree.GetNearestRadialNeighbors(startingLocation.Latitude, startingLocation.Longitude,

            // Act
            var actualNearestNeighbors = await _nearestLocationsFinderService.GetNearestLocations(startingLocation, maxDistance, maxResults);

            // Assert
            var locationWithDistanceFromStartingPoints = actualNearestNeighbors.ToList();


            var firstNeighbor = locationWithDistanceFromStartingPoints.First();


            var secondNeighbor = locationWithDistanceFromStartingPoints[1];

            secondNeighbor.DistanceFromStartingPoint.Should().BeInRange(0, maxDistance);
        public async Task GetNearestLocations_WithInvalidMaxDistance_ShouldThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(int maxDistance)

            // Arrange
            var startingLocation = new StartingLocation {
                Latitude = 0.1, Longitude = 0.2

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = async() =>
                await _nearestLocationsFinderService.GetNearestLocations(startingLocation, maxDistance, 1);

            // Assert
            await act.Should().ThrowAsync <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>();
Example #4
        public CharacterCityListPacket(PacketReader reader)
            : base(0xA9, "Char/City List")
            var characterCount = reader.ReadByte();

            _characters = new CharacterListEntry[characterCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < characterCount; i++)
                _characters[i] = new CharacterListEntry(reader);
            var locationCount = reader.ReadByte();

            _locations = new StartingLocation[locationCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < locationCount; i++)
                _locations[i] = new StartingLocation(reader);
        public CharacterCityListPacket(PacketReader reader)
            : base(0xA9, "Char/City List")
            int characterCount = reader.ReadByte();
            m_characters = new CharacterListEntry[characterCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < characterCount; i++)
                m_characters[i] = new CharacterListEntry(reader);

            int locationCount = reader.ReadByte();
            m_locations = new StartingLocation[locationCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < locationCount; i++)
                m_locations[i] = new StartingLocation(reader);
Example #6
    // Use this for initialization
    IEnumerator Start()
        switch (simulationMode)
        case SimulationMode.A:
            yield return(LoadGalaxyMapRoutine("GalaxyMapA"));


        case SimulationMode.B:
            yield return(LoadGalaxyMapRoutine("GalaxyMapB"));


        case SimulationMode.C:
            yield return(LoadGalaxyMapRoutine("GalaxyMapC"));


        GalaxyMapNode defaultNode = GalaxyMapVisual.GetDefaultNode();

        if (defaultNode == null)
            defaultNode = FindObjectOfType <GalaxyMapNode>();
        yield return(LoadSolarSystemSceneRoutine(defaultNode.name));

        ship = Instantiate(shipPrefab, transform).GetComponent <Ship>();

        StartingLocation startingLocation = FindObjectOfType <StartingLocation>();

        externalCamera = Instantiate(externalCameraPrefab, transform).GetComponent <ExternalCamera>();

        DynamicObjectsRoot = new GameObject("DynamicObjectsRoots").transform;
Example #7
 public CardGainAvailablility(Card card, int count, StartingLocation startingLocation)
     this.card             = card;
     this.count            = count;
     this.startingLocation = startingLocation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the K nearest neighbors.
        /// O(K logN)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startingLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="maxDistance"></param>
        /// <param name="maxResults"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <LocationWithDistanceFromStartingPoint> > GetNearestLocations(StartingLocation startingLocation, int maxDistance, int maxResults)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(startingLocation, nameof(startingLocation));
            EnsureArg.IsGte(maxDistance, 0, nameof(maxDistance));
            EnsureArg.IsGt(maxResults, 0, nameof(maxResults));

            var startLoc = new Location(startingLocation.Latitude, startingLocation.Longitude);

            var nearestNeighbors = _locationsKdTree.GetNearestRadialNeighbors(

            var res = nearestNeighbors
                      .Select(t =>
                var loc = new Location(t.Item2, t.Item1[0], t.Item1[1]);
                return(new LocationWithDistanceFromStartingPoint(loc, loc.CalculateDistance(startLoc)));
                      .Where(l => l.DistanceFromStartingPoint <= maxDistance)
                      .OrderBy(l => l.DistanceFromStartingPoint)

            return(await Task.FromResult(res));
        public async Task <IEnumerable <LocationWithDistanceFromStartingPoint> > GetNearestLocations(StartingLocation startingLocation, int maxDistance, int maxResults)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(startingLocation, nameof(startingLocation));
            EnsureArg.IsGte(maxDistance, 0, nameof(maxDistance));
            EnsureArg.IsGt(maxResults, 0, nameof(maxResults));

            // In the case of an actual database with lots of records, we can use caching to save time when
            // fetching al the records.
            var allLocations = await _locationsRepository.GetAllAsync();

            var startLoc = new Location(startingLocation.Latitude, startingLocation.Longitude);

            // Time complexity depends on the size of M. Worst case if M is big then TC=O(M log M), else Omega(N)
            var res = allLocations
                      .Select(l => new LocationWithDistanceFromStartingPoint(l, l.CalculateDistance(startLoc))) // Select: O(N)
                      .Where(l => l.DistanceFromStartingPoint <= maxDistance)                                   // Where: O(N)
                      .OrderBy(l => l.DistanceFromStartingPoint)                                                //O(M log M)
                      .Take(maxResults);                                                                        // Take: O(M)

Example #10
 public static void SetStartingLocations(StartingLocation[] list)
     _locations = list;
Example #11
 public CardGainAvailablility(Card card, int count, StartingLocation startingLocation)
     this.card = card;
     this.count = count;
     this.startingLocation = startingLocation;
Example #12
        public AiControlledAircraftScript SpawnSandboxAiFromXml(string aircraftId, string aircraftXml, bool autoDespawn, bool forceSpawnEvenIfUnflyable, StartingLocation location, AiCsSandboxAirTraffic.AiModeType?aiMode)
            var aggressive = aiMode == AiCsSandboxAirTraffic.AiModeType.Aggressive;
            var mode       = aggressive ? null : Enum.ToObject(AiCsSandboxAirTraffic.AiMode.RealType, (int)(aiMode ?? AiCsSandboxAirTraffic.AiModeType.Default));

            return(AiControlledAircraftScript.Wrap(_spawnSandboxAiFromXml.Invoke(this.RealObject, new object[] { aircraftId, aircraftXml, autoDespawn, forceSpawnEvenIfUnflyable, location.RealObject, mode, aggressive })));
Example #13
 protected Card(
     string name,
     Expansion expansion,
     int coinCost      = 0,
     int potionCost    = 0,
     int debtCost      = 0,
     Edition edition   = Edition.First,
     bool isDeprecated = false,
     string pluralName = null,
     StartingLocation startingLocation = Dominion.StartingLocation.Supply,
     int plusActions = 0,
     int plusBuy     = 0,
     int plusCards   = 0,
     int plusCoins   = 0,
     VictoryPointCounter victoryPoints = null,
     int plusVictoryToken             = 0,
     int defaultSupplyCount           = 10,
     bool isAction                    = false,
     bool isAttack                    = false,
     bool attackDependsOnPlayerChoice = false,
     bool isAttackBeforeAction        = false,
     bool isCurse              = false,
     bool isReaction           = false,
     bool isNight              = false,
     bool isPrize              = false,
     bool isRuins              = false,
     bool isTreasure           = false,
     bool isDuration           = false,
     bool isLooter             = false,
     bool requiresSpoils       = false,
     bool isShelter            = false,
     bool isTraveller          = false,
     bool isReserve            = false,
     bool isGathering          = false,
     bool isHeirloom           = false,
     bool isFate               = false,
     bool isDoom               = false,
     bool isZombie             = false,
     bool isSpirit             = false,
     bool isCastle             = false,
     bool canOverpay           = false,
     bool canGivePlusAction    = false,
     bool mightMultiplyActions = false,
     bool isKingdomCard        = true,
     CardIntValue provideDiscountForWhileInPlay                    = null,
     GameStateMethod doSpecializedCleanupAtStartOfCleanup          = null,
     GameStateCardMethod doSpecializedActionOnBuyWhileInPlay       = null,
     GameStateCardPredicate doSpecializedActionOnTrashWhileInHand  = null,
     GameStateCardToPlacement doSpecializedActionOnGainWhileInPlay = null,
     GameStateCardToPlacement doSpecializedActionOnBuyWhileInHand  = null,
     GameStateCardToPlacement doSpecializedActionOnGainWhileInHand = null,
     GameStateCardMethod doSpecializedActionToCardWhileInPlay      = null)
     : base(name, expansion, edition, isDeprecated, pluralName)
     this.coinCost                    = coinCost;
     this.potionCost                  = potionCost;
     this.debtCost                    = debtCost;
     this.plusAction                  = plusActions;
     this.plusBuy                     = plusBuy;
     this.plusCard                    = plusCards;
     this.plusCoin                    = plusCoins;
     this.victoryPointCounter         = victoryPoints;
     this.plusVictoryToken            = plusVictoryToken;
     this.isAction                    = isAction;
     this.isAttack                    = isAttack;
     this.attackDependsOnPlayerChoice = attackDependsOnPlayerChoice;
     this.isAttackBeforeAction        = isAttackBeforeAction;
     this.isCurse                     = isCurse;
     this.isReaction                  = isReaction;
     this.isNight                     = isNight;
     this.isPrize                     = isPrize;
     this.isRuins                     = isRuins;
     this.isTreasure                  = isTreasure;
     this.isFate                                = isFate;
     this.isDoom                                = isDoom;
     this.isHeirloom                            = isHeirloom;
     this.isSpirit                              = isSpirit;
     this.isZombie                              = isZombie;
     this.isCastle                              = isCastle;
     this.isLooter                              = isLooter;
     this.defaultSupplyCount                    = defaultSupplyCount;
     this.isLooter                              = isLooter;
     this.isDuration                            = isDuration;
     this.isShelter                             = isShelter;
     this.isTraveller                           = isTraveller;
     this.isReserve                             = isReserve;
     this.isGathering                           = isGathering;
     this.isKingdomCard                         = isKingdomCard;
     this.requiresSpoils                        = requiresSpoils;
     this.canOverpay                            = canOverpay;
     this.canGivePlusAction                     = canGivePlusAction;
     this.mightMultiplyActions                  = mightMultiplyActions;
     this.provideDiscountForWhileInPlay         = provideDiscountForWhileInPlay;
     this.doSpecializedCleanupAtStartOfCleanup  = doSpecializedCleanupAtStartOfCleanup;
     this.doSpecializedActionOnBuyWhileInPlay   = doSpecializedActionOnBuyWhileInPlay;
     this.doSpecializedActionOnTrashWhileInHand = doSpecializedActionOnTrashWhileInHand;
     this.doSpecializedActionOnGainWhileInPlay  = doSpecializedActionOnGainWhileInPlay;
     this.doSpecializedActionOnBuyWhileInHand   = doSpecializedActionOnBuyWhileInHand;
     this.doSpecializedActionOnGainWhileInHand  = doSpecializedActionOnGainWhileInHand;
     this.doSpecializedActionToCardWhileInPlay  = doSpecializedActionToCardWhileInPlay;