Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates specific values for the DungeonType.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="room">The current room.</param>
        /// <param name="dungeonRoomObject">The gameobject to which the room should be generate don.</param>
        /// <param name="levelNumber">The number of the level.</param>
        /// <returns>The fully generated DungeonRoom.</returns>
        private DungeonRoom SetRoomType(Room room, GameObject dungeonRoomObject, int levelNumber, DungeonConfig config)
            switch (room.Type)
            case RoomType.Start:
                StartRoom startRoom = dungeonRoomObject.AddComponent <StartRoom>();
                if (Player.LocalPlayer.isServer && levelNumber == 0)
                    startRoom.SpawnItems(RegionDict.Instance.StartingRoomPickables, DungeonCreator.Instance.TilePositionToWorldPosition(room.Position + (room.Layout.Size / 2)));

            case RoomType.Combat:
                CombatRoom combatRoom = dungeonRoomObject.AddComponent <CombatRoom>();
                combatRoom.ThreatLevel    = room.TileCount;
                combatRoom.enemiesToSpawn = new EnemyObject[combatRoom.ThreatLevel / 48];
                for (int j = 0; j < combatRoom.enemiesToSpawn.Length; j++)
                    combatRoom.enemiesToSpawn[j] = RandomUtil.Element(RegionDict.Instance.EnemiesToSpawn);

            case RoomType.Loot:
                LootRoom lootRoom = dungeonRoomObject.AddComponent <LootRoom>();
                lootRoom.pickables = new Pickable[room.TileCount / 48];
                for (int j = 0; j < lootRoom.pickables.Length; j++)
                    lootRoom.pickables[j] = RandomUtil.Element(RegionDict.Instance.LootingRoomPickables);

            case RoomType.Shop:
                ShopRoom  shopRoom = dungeonRoomObject.AddComponent <ShopRoom>();
                const int numItems = 4;
                shopRoom.shopItems = new Pickable[numItems];
                shopRoom.locations = new Vector2[numItems];
                // TODO: Replace Pickabledict with dungeon config shop pickables.
                for (int j = 0; j < numItems; j++)
                    int rnd = Random.Range(0, config.shopItems.Length);
                    shopRoom.shopItems[j] = config.shopItems[rnd];
                    shopRoom.locations[j] = room.Position + new Vector2Int((int)room.GameObjects[j + 4].Position.x, (int)room.GameObjects[j + 4].Position.y);

            case RoomType.Boss:
                BossRoom bossRoom = dungeonRoomObject.AddComponent <BossRoom>();
                bossRoom.bossObjects = new BossObject[] { RandomUtil.Element(RegionDict.Instance.BossesToSpawn) };

            case RoomType.Empty:
                EmptyRoom emptyRoom = dungeonRoomObject.AddComponent <EmptyRoom>();

                throw new System.Exception("Unknown room type! (" + room.Type + ")");
Example #2
    private void Awake()
        room = this;

        cachedRoomList  = new Dictionary <string, RoomInfo>();
        roomListEntries = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>();

        PhotonNetwork.AutomaticallySyncScene = true;
    private void PlaceStartRoom()
        startRoom = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab) as StartRoom;

        AddDoorwaysToList(startRoom, ref availableDoorways);

        startRoom.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        startRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Example #4
        protected override void Awake()
            CurrentRoomID = -1;

            GameObject startRoomObj = Instantiate(_startRoomPrefab, _levelGrid.transform);

            startRoomObj.transform.position = _offScreenPosition;
            StartRoom = startRoomObj.GetComponent <StartingRoom>();
    void PlaceStartRoom()
        //instanticate room
        startRoom = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab) as StartRoom;
        startRoom.transform.parent = this.transform;

        //get doorways from current room and add the randomly to the list of availible dorways
        AddDorwaysToList(startRoom, ref availableDoorways);

        //position room
        startRoom.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        startRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Example #6
    void PlaceStartRoom()
        // Instantiate room
        startRoom = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab) as StartRoom;
        startRoom.transform.parent = this.transform;

        // Get doorways from current room and add them randomly to the list of available doorways
        AddDoorwaysToList(startRoom, ref availableDoorways);

        // Position room
        startRoom.transform.position = new Vector3(0.0f, yOffSet, 0.0f);
        startRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Example #7
    /// <summary>
    ///     This function instantiate start room
    /// </summary>
    private void PlaceStartRoom()
        Debug.Log("Place start room");

        // Instantiate start room
        _startRoom = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab, transform) as StartRoom;

        // Get doorways from current room and add them randomly to the list of available doorways
        AddDoorwaysToList(_startRoom, ref _availableDoorways);

        // Position room
        _startRoom.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        _startRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Example #8
    void PlaceStartRoom()
        // Instantiate room
        startRoom = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab) as StartRoom;
        startRoom.transform.parent = this.transform;

        // Get doorways from current room and add them randomly to
        // a list of available doorways
        AddDoorwayToList(startRoom, ref allAvailableDoorways);

        // Position the room
        startRoom.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        startRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

Example #9
    void PlaceStartRoom()
        //Instantiate room
        startRoom = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab) as StartRoom;
        startRoom.transform.parent = this.transform;

        //Get doorways from current room and add them randomly to the list of available doorways
        AddDoorwaysToList(startRoom, ref availableDoorways);

        //Position room
        startRoom.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        startRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        for (int i = 0; i < startRoom.gameObject.transform.childCount; i++)
            Track track = startRoom.gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Track>();
            if (prevTrack != null)
                prevTrack.NextTrack = track;
                track.PrevTrack     = prevTrack;
            prevTrack = track;
    public PlanetData Generate(float difficultySetting)
        PlanetData data = new PlanetData();
        PlanetDifficultyModifiers difficultyModifiers
            = new PlanetDifficultyModifiers(difficultySetting);

        DungeonRoom currentRoom = null;
        int         keyLevel    = 1;

        //rule 1 -	Create starter room
        DungeonRoom startRoom = new StartRoom(IntPair.zero, null);

        data.startRoom = startRoom;

        //rule 2 -	"Current Room" is starter room
        currentRoom = data.startRoom;

        //rule 7 -	Repeat steps 3 - 6 Y amount of times.
        int branchCount = Mathf.Max(1, Random.Range(

        for (int j = 0; j < branchCount; j++)
            //rule 3 -	Create a single branch from the "Current room" until X rooms have been
            //			created. Branch can't overlap with existing rooms. If branch meets a dead
            //			end, end the branch.
            int branchLength = Mathf.Max(1,
                                         Random.Range(difficultyModifiers.minBranchLength, difficultyModifiers.maxBranchLength));
            for (int i = 0; i < branchLength; i++)
                DungeonRoom newRoom = CreateRandomExit(data, currentRoom, false,
                                                       keyLevel, false, false, difficultyModifiers);
                if (newRoom == currentRoom)
                currentRoom = newRoom;

            //rule 4 -	Place a key at the end of that branch

            //rule 5 -	Create a locked exit to a new room from any existing room except the end of
            //			that branch.
            List <DungeonRoom> existingRooms = data.GetRooms();
            DungeonRoom        lockRoom      = currentRoom;
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, existingRooms.Count);
                lockRoom = existingRooms[randomIndex];
            } while (lockRoom == currentRoom || lockRoom.ExitCount == 4);
            lockRoom = CreateRandomExit(data, lockRoom, true,
                                        keyLevel, j == branchCount - 1, false, difficultyModifiers);

            //rule 6 -	"Current room" is the new room on the other side of the locked exit
            currentRoom = lockRoom;

        //rule 8 -	"Current room" is the final room
        data.finalRoom = currentRoom;

        //rule 9 -	Create "Dead end" branches Z times of X length from any room except the boss
        //			room.
        branchCount = Mathf.Max(0, Random.Range(difficultyModifiers.minDeadEndCount, difficultyModifiers.maxDeadEndCount));
        for (int i = 0; i < branchCount; i++)
            List <DungeonRoom> existingRooms = data.GetRooms();
            DungeonRoom        deadEndStart  = null;
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, existingRooms.Count);
                deadEndStart = existingRooms[randomIndex];
            } while (deadEndStart == data.finalRoom || deadEndStart.ExitCount == 4);
            currentRoom = deadEndStart;

            int branchLength = Mathf.Max(1,
                                         Random.Range(difficultyModifiers.minBranchLength, difficultyModifiers.maxBranchLength));
            for (int j = 0; j < branchLength; j++)
                DungeonRoom newRoom = CreateRandomExit(data, currentRoom, false,
                                                       keyLevel, false, j == branchLength - 1, difficultyModifiers);
                if (newRoom == currentRoom)
                currentRoom = newRoom;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.GetRoomCount(); i++)

        for (int i = 0; i < data.GetRoomCount(); i++)

 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     startRoom = FindObjectOfType <StartRoom>();
Example #12
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="startRoom"></param>
    /// <param name="exitRoom"></param>
    private int ResolveRoomConnections(StartRoom startRoom, ExitRoom exitRoom)
        // Put walls around the edge of the map
        for (var x = 0; x < GridSize; ++x)
            for (var y = 0; y < GridSize; ++y)
                foreach (var direction in RoomConnection.Directions)
                    var room = GetRoom(x, y);
                    if (room?.HasConnection(direction) != true)

                    var adjacentRoom = GetAdjacentRoom(x, y, direction);

                    // Adjacent room has no connection point at the opposite side, set to a wall.
                    if (adjacentRoom != null && !adjacentRoom.HasConnection(direction.GetOpposite()))
                        room.SetConnection(direction, RandomArrayItem(WallConnectionPrefabs));

                    // adjacent it out of bounds, set to a wall.
                    if (adjacentRoom == null)
                        room.SetConnection(direction, RandomArrayItem(WallConnectionPrefabs));

        // Find a route from start to exit.
        var      maxPathResolve = (GridSize * GridSize) * RoomConnection.Directions.Length;
        BaseRoom currentRoom    = startRoom;
        var      roomRoute      = new Stack <BaseRoom>();

        while (currentRoom != exitRoom)
            var openDirections = currentRoom.GetFreeConnectionDirections();
            if (!openDirections.Any())
                if (roomRoute.Count == 0)
                    Debug.LogError($"The room '{currentRoom.name}' has no open connections.");

                currentRoom = roomRoute.Pop();

            var moveDirection = openDirections[Random.Range(0, openDirections.Count)];
            var nextRoom      = GetAdjacentRoom(currentRoom, moveDirection);

            var doorPrefabs = DoorConnectionPrefabs;
            if (currentRoom == startRoom)
                doorPrefabs = doorPrefabs.Where(x => x.Type == DoorConnector.DoorType.Normal).ToArray();

            var doorConnection = RandomArrayItem(doorPrefabs);
            currentRoom.SetConnection(moveDirection, doorConnection);
            nextRoom.SetConnection(moveDirection.GetOpposite(), doorConnection);

            currentRoom = nextRoom;

            if (--maxPathResolve == 0)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to generate a path from start to finish within the maximum number of moves.");

        // Fill all open connections with walls.
        for (var x = 0; x < GridSize; ++x)
            for (var y = 0; y < GridSize; ++y)
                var room = GetRoom(x, y);
                if (room == null)

                foreach (var direction in room.GetFreeConnectionDirections())
                    var wallPrefab = RandomArrayItem(WallConnectionPrefabs);
                    room.SetConnection(direction, wallPrefab);

                    var adjacentRoom = GetAdjacentRoom(x, y, direction);
                    if (adjacentRoom?.HasConnection(direction.GetOpposite()) == true)
                        adjacentRoom.SetConnection(direction.GetOpposite(), wallPrefab);

        // Remove completely walled rooms
        for (var x = 0; x < GridSize; ++x)
            for (var y = 0; y < GridSize; ++y)
                var room = GetRoom(x, y);
                if (room?.IsBoxedIn() == true)
                    m_tiles[x, y] = null;

        return(CalculateShortestRoute(startRoom, exitRoom, 0, new HashSet <BaseRoom>()));
Example #13
    public void Generate()
        grid = new bool[width + 1, width + 1];
        maze = new Tile[width + 1, width + 1];

        List <pair> frontiers = new List <pair>(); //cells to visit

        //starting tile
        int pos = width / 2 + 1;

        grid[pos, pos] = true;
        //frontiers.Add(new pair(1, width - 3));
        //frontiers.Add(new pair(3, width - 1));

        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos - 2, pos));
        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos + 2, pos));
        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos, pos - 2));
        frontiers.Add(new pair(pos, pos + 2));

        while (frontiers.Count > 0)
            int  index  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, frontiers.Count); //get random cell from list
            pair coords = frontiers[index];

            List <pair> neighbors = getNeighbors(coords.a, coords.b); //get random neighbor
            int         index2    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, neighbors.Count);
            pair neighbor = neighbors[index2];

            int dx = (neighbor.a - coords.a) / 2;
            int dy = (neighbor.b - coords.b) / 2;

            //Debug.Log("dx: " + dx);
            //Debug.Log("dy: " + dy);

            grid[coords.a, coords.b]           = true;
            grid[coords.a + dx, coords.b + dy] = true; //passage between selected frontier cell and selected neighbor

            if (valid(coords.a + 2, coords.b))         //add chosen cell's frontier cells
                if (!grid[coords.a + 2, coords.b])
                    //Debug.Log(grid[coords.a + 2, coords.b]);

                    pair p1 = new pair(coords.a + 2, coords.b);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p1))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a + 2, coords.b));
            if (valid(coords.a, coords.b + 2))
                if (!grid[coords.a, coords.b + 2])
                    // Debug.Log(grid[coords.a, coords.b + 2]);

                    pair p2 = new pair(coords.a, coords.b + 2);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p2))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a, coords.b + 2));
            if (valid(coords.a - 2, coords.b))
                if (!grid[coords.a - 2, coords.b])
                    //  Debug.Log(grid[coords.a - 2, coords.b]);

                    pair p3 = new pair(coords.a - 2, coords.b);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p3))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a - 2, coords.b));
            if (valid(coords.a, coords.b - 2))
                if (!grid[coords.a, coords.b - 2])
                    // Debug.Log(grid[coords.a, coords.b - 2]);

                    pair p4 = new pair(coords.a, coords.b - 2);
                    if (!frontiers.Contains(p4))
                        frontiers.Add(new pair(coords.a, coords.b - 2));

            frontiers.Remove(coords); //remove chosen cell from list of frontier cells

        //positions of start and end rooms (along top and bottom rows)
        int start = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2) - 1;
        int end   = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2) - 1;

        grid[0, start]   = true; //passage from start room to maze
        grid[width, end] = true; //passage from maze to end room (use width not width-1 because grid is actually width+1 wide)

        startRoom                         = Instantiate(startRoomPrefab) as StartRoom;
        startRoom.name                    = "Start Room";
        startRoom.transform.parent        = transform;
        startRoom.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);

        endRoom                         = Instantiate(endRoomPrefab) as EndRoom;
        endRoom.name                    = "End Room";
        endRoom.transform.parent        = transform;
        endRoom.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(StartRoom.WIDTH / 2 + width + 2f + EndRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0, end + 1f - EndRoom.WIDTH / 2 - start + 1f);

        int catX = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2 + 1) - 3;
        int catZ = 2 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, width / 2 + 1) - 3;

        cat                         = Instantiate(catPrefab) as Cat;
        cat.name                    = "Cat";
        cat.transform.parent        = transform;
        cat.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(catX + 1f + StartRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0f, catZ + 1f - start + 1f);

        for (int z = 0; z < width + 1; ++z)
            for (int x = 0; x < width + 1; ++x)
                if (grid[x, z]) //if a passage
                    Passage pass = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as Passage;
                    maze[x, z]                   = pass;
                    pass.name                    = "Tile " + x + ", " + z;
                    pass.transform.parent        = transform;
                    pass.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x + 1f + StartRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0f, z - start); //want tile at (1,1) to be at position x = 0 z = 0 so player starts in top left
                else //else a wall
                    Wall wall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as Wall;
                    maze[x, z]                   = wall;
                    wall.name                    = "Tile " + x + ", " + z;
                    wall.transform.parent        = transform;
                    wall.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x + 1f + StartRoom.WIDTH / 2, 0f, z - start); //want tile at (1,1) to be at position x = 0 z = 0 so player starts in top left
Example #14
        static Dungeon GetCustomDungeon()
            var roomN = new BossRoom()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(0, 1)
            var roomNE = new Chamber()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(1, 1)
            var roomW = new Chamber()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(-1, 0)
            var roomC = new StartRoom()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(0, 0)
            var roomE = new Chamber()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(1, 0)
            var roomSW = new Chamber()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(-1, -1)
            var roomS = new Chamber()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(0, -1)
            var roomSE = new Chamber()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(1, -1)
            var roomNW = new Chamber()
                Coords = new RoomCoords(-1, 1)

            roomNW.AdjacentEast  = roomN;
            roomNW.AdjacentSouth = roomW;

            roomN.AdjacentWest = roomNW;
            roomN.AdjacentEast = roomNE;

            roomNE.AdjacentWest  = roomN;
            roomNE.AdjacentSouth = roomE;

            roomE.AdjacentNorth = roomNE;
            roomE.AdjacentWest  = roomC;

            roomC.AdjacentEast  = roomE;
            roomC.AdjacentWest  = roomW;
            roomC.AdjacentSouth = roomS;

            roomS.AdjacentNorth = roomC;
            roomS.AdjacentEast  = roomSE;
            roomS.AdjacentWest  = roomSW;

            roomSE.AdjacentWest = roomS;

            roomW.AdjacentNorth = roomNW;
            roomW.AdjacentEast  = roomC;
            roomW.AdjacentSouth = roomSW;

            roomSW.AdjacentNorth = roomW;
            roomSW.AdjacentEast  = roomS;

            return(new Dungeon()
                Rooms = new List <Room>
                    roomNW, roomN, roomNE, roomW, roomC, roomE, roomSW, roomS, roomSE
Example #15
        public WorldBuilder()
            // Create Rooms
            var room1 = new StartRoom(
                "The Room",
                "I'm inside a small room with bad lighting, I can see a door, maybe I can open it?",
                "There's a key and a note on the ground!");

            var room2 = new Hallway(
                "A small hallway with cement covered walls, the air is damp. I think I'm in a cellar?\n" +
                "There is a path leading to the left, it looks dark. There's also a path leading to the right.",

            var room3Right = new JanitorsRoom(
                "Janitor's Room",
                "It's a small room, quite messy, it smells like gasoline. I see a painting of an old man with a handle bar mustasch.\n" +
                "I can't see any exits here besides the way I came from.",

            var room4Left = new FinalRoom(
                "Final Room",
                "It's a small room with walls covered in moist, I can see a door with a codelock next to it.",
                "There's nothing here except the door...");

            // Create Items
            var roomKey = new Item(
                "Room Key",
                "It looks like it could fit to this door.",
                "The key is old and rusty, it looks fragile.");

            var note = new Note(
                "A piece of paper with something written on it.",
                "A piece of paper with something written on it.");

            var bottle = new Bottle(
                "Bottle of Kerosene",
                "It's commonly used to power jet engines.",
                "A bottle of kerosene, it's very flammable.");

            var rags = new Rags(
                "Some old clothes ripped apart.",
                "I think this used to be a shirt...");

            var broom = new Broom(
                "A regular broom used to cleaning.",
                5, "It's a broom, what more do you need to know?");

            var painting = new Item(
                "A painting of Mr.X?",
                "The painting is signed by Mr X." +
                " There seems to be missing a piece of the painting.",

            var rocks = new Rock(
                "Pile of Rocks",
                "It's a pile of rocks.",
                "A large pile of small rocks, almost as someone placed them there? Maybe I can move them.",

            // Create Exit Points
            var roomExit = new Door(
                "Rooms Door",
                "You hear a crack... the door is unlocked! Oh... the key broke in half.",
                "The door is locked, maybe there's a key somewhere?",
                "A brown wooden door with a sturdy lock.");

            var room2RightExit = new RightOfHallway(

            var room2LeftExit = new LeftOfHallway(
                "Finally some light! I can now see where I'm going.",
                "I can't go that way, it's too dark. I need some light...",
                "It's just a dark passage..."

            var finalRoomExit = new FinalDoor(
                "Codelock Door",
                "Success! The door is unlocked, let's get out of here!",
                "The door is locked. There's a codelock to it. I need to find that code!",
                "A big iron door with a codelock next to it."

            // Add exits to room sists
            room2.Exit.Add(new Door(
                               "Rooms Door",
                               "That's the door I came from. The key is still stuck inside the lock, whoops!"));

            room3Right.Exit.Add(new Exit(

            room4Left.Exit.Add(new Exit

            // Add items to room inventory



            // Add all instances of rooms to property Rooms
Example #16
        public GameWorld(int Width, int Height, Point start, int seed = 0)
            ////TODO: Make better world generation
            rng    = new Random(0);
            width  = Width;
            height = Height;

            map = new MapObject[width, height];
            int ID = 0;

            //Fill map with air
            for (int x = 0; x <= map.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= map.GetUpperBound(1); y++)
                    map[x, y] = new Space(ID++, new Point(x, y));

            if (Width % Room.RoomBaseSize != 0 || Height % Room.RoomBaseSize != 0)
                throw new Exception("The large map can not be mapped onto the smaller!");
            roomMap = new Room[Width / Room.RoomBaseSize, Height / Room.RoomBaseSize];

            //Define all possible rooms
            Point       _Position    = new Point(0, 0);
            List <Room> possibilites = new List <Room>
                new IntersectionRoom(_Position),
                new TIntersectionBottom(_Position),
                new TIntersectionTop(_Position),
                new TIntersectionLeft(_Position),
                new TIntersectionRight(_Position),
                new SingleEntranceRoomTop(_Position),
                new SingleEntranceRoomRight(_Position),
                new SingleEntranceRoomLeft(_Position),
                new SingleEntranceRoomBottom(_Position),
                new FilledRoom(_Position)

            //Add start room
            roomMap[0, 0] = new StartRoom(new Point(0, 0));
            roomMap[0, 0].Generate(ref map, ref ID);

            for (int x = 0; x <= roomMap.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= roomMap.GetUpperBound(1); y++)
                    if (roomMap[x, y] != null)

                    //Find possible rooms
                    //Find needed exits
                    List <int> top;
                    List <int> bottom;
                    List <int> left;
                    List <int> right;

                    if (y == 0)
                        top = new List <int>();
                        top = roomMap[x, y - 1].exits.bottom;

                    if (y == roomMap.GetUpperBound(1))
                        bottom = new List <int>();
                    else if (roomMap[x, y + 1] != null)
                        bottom = roomMap[x, y + 1].exits.top;
                        bottom = null;

                    if (x == 0)
                        left = new List <int>();
                        left = roomMap[x - 1, y].exits.right;

                    if (x == roomMap.GetUpperBound(0))
                        right = new List <int>();
                    else if (roomMap[x + 1, y] != null)
                        right = roomMap[x + 1, y].exits.left;
                        right = null;

                    Adjacent <List <int> > neededExits = new Adjacent <List <int> >(top, left, right, bottom);

                    //Find possible rooms
                    Room room = possibilites.First(p =>
                        bool _top    = p.exits.top.SequenceEqual(neededExits.top);
                        bool _left   = p.exits.left.SequenceEqual(neededExits.left);
                        bool _right  = null == neededExits.right || p.exits.right.SequenceEqual(neededExits.right);
                        bool _bottom = null == neededExits.bottom || p.exits.bottom.SequenceEqual(neededExits.bottom);
                        return(_top && _left && _right && _bottom);

                    //Add room
                    roomMap[x, y] = room.NewRoom(new Point(x * Room.RoomBaseSize, y * Room.RoomBaseSize));
                    roomMap[x, y].Generate(ref map, ref ID);
Example #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate Map
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IEnumerator generateMap()
        // Check if the generations stucks in a loop
        if (current_iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
            // Stop all Tweens

            // Increase Iteration
            current_iteration += 1;

            // Delete old map

            // Wait a Frame
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            // Create a new Map

            // Print Matrix
            if (printDebugMatrix)

            // Load all resources rooms in a Array

            resourcesEnemyRoomList = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Rooms/Enemy Rooms").ToList();
            resourcesStartRoomList = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Rooms/Start Rooms").ToList();
            resourcesHallwayList   = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Rooms/Hallways").ToList();
            resourcesSpecialRooms  = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Rooms/Special Rooms").ToList();

            if (resourcesBossRooms.Count == 0)
                resourcesBossRooms = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Rooms/Boss Rooms").ToList();

            // Spawn Rooms

            // Spawn Boss Room
            SpawnSpecialRooms(1, 1);

            // Spawn Special Rooms
            SpawnSpecialRooms(specialRoomCount, 0);

            // Controll that no room is on the same place as a other
            if (controllWorldGen())
                current_iteration += 1;

            // Set Hallway

            // Set Playerpos
            foreach (GameObject r in rooms)
                StartRoom sr = r.GetComponent <StartRoom>();

                if (sr != null)
                    PlayerController.Instance.transform.position = sr.PlayerSpawn.position;

            // Generate Minimap

            // Bake Navmesh
            // Load loading Scene