Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override RestResponse OnDelete(Query query)
            //Make sure we have permission to edit admin accounts
            if (Account.IsAdmin && AuthenticationLevel < AuthLevel.SuperBot)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.Forbidden, msg: "Only SuperBots or above may delete admin accounts"));

            //Reload the server
            var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                if (!await Starbound.Configurator.RemoveAccountAsync(Account))

                return(await Starbound.SaveConfigurationAsync(true));

            if (query.GetBool(Query.AsyncKey, false))
            return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.OK, res: task.Result));
Example #2
        public WhitelistManager GetWhitelistManager()
            var monitors = Starbound.GetMonitors <WhitelistManager>();

            if (monitors.Length == 0)
Example #3
        public RestoreMonitor GetRestoreMonitor()
            var monitors = Starbound.GetMonitors <RestoreMonitor>();

            if (monitors.Length == 0)
Example #4
 public void Render(Starbound.UI.Controls.Control control, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
     if (this.spriteBatch == null)
         this.spriteBatch = new SpriteBatchWrapper(spriteBatch);
     foreach (Primitive primitive in control.Template.Primitives)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="payloadObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override RestResponse OnPost(Query query, object payloadObject)
            //Server must be in SSL mode
            if (!Handler.ApiHandler.IsSecure)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.Forbidden, msg: "Cannot set passwords if the server is not SSL"));

            //Validate the account
            AccountPatch account = (AccountPatch)payloadObject;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.Name))
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, msg: "Account name cannot be empty"));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.Password))
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, msg: "Password cannot be empty"));

            //Only SuperBot and SuperUsers can create admin
            if (account.IsAdmin.GetValueOrDefault(false) && AuthenticationLevel < AuthLevel.SuperBot)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.Forbidden, "Only SuperBot or above may create admin accounts."));

            var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                //Make sure the name isnt a duplicate
                if (await Starbound.Configurator.GetAccountAsync(account.Name) != null)
                    return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, $"The username {account.Name} already exists."));

                //Post it
                await Starbound.Configurator.SetAccountAsync(account.ToAccount());

                //Save the settings
                await Starbound.SaveConfigurationAsync(true);
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.OK, msg: $"Saved: " + account.Name, res: account));

            if (query.GetBool(Query.AsyncKey, false))
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a ban
        /// </summary>
        public override RestResponse OnDelete(Query query)
            //Failed to remove the ban
            if (!Starbound.Configurator.ExpireBanAsync(Ban).Result)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.OK, res: false));

            //Save the settings and reload
            var task = Starbound.SaveConfigurationAsync(true);

            if (query.GetBool(Query.AsyncKey, false))
            return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.OK, res: task.Result));
Example #7
        public override RestResponse OnDelete(Query query)
            if (Player == null)

            string reason;
            int    duration = 0;
            bool   async    = query.GetBool(Query.AsyncKey, false);

            if (Starbound.Rcon == null)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, "Rcon not enabled."));

            //Get the reason
            if (!query.TryGetString("reason", out reason))
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, msg: "Cannot delete user without a reason"));

            //Prepare the task
            Task <RconResponse> task;

            //If we have a duration then kick for the duration
            if (query.TryGetInt("duration", out duration))
                task = Starbound.Kick(Player, reason, duration);
                task = Starbound.Kick(Player, reason);

            //If we are async then return asap, otherwise get the result
            if (async)
            return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.OK, res: task.Result));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="payloadObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override RestResponse OnPatch(Query query, object payloadObject)
            AccountPatch oa = (AccountPatch)payloadObject;

            if (oa.IsAdmin.HasValue && AuthenticationLevel < AuthLevel.SuperBot)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.Forbidden, msg: "Only SuperBots or above may patch admin accounts"));

            if (oa.Password != null && !Handler.ApiHandler.IsSecure)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.Forbidden, msg: "Cannot set passwords if the server is not SSL"));

            string username = oa.Name ?? Account.Name;
            string password = oa.Password ?? Account.Password;
            bool   isAdmin  = oa.IsAdmin ?? Account.IsAdmin;
            bool   isActive = oa.IsActive ?? Account.IsActive;

            //Prepare the task
            var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                if (username != Account.Name)
                    //Make sure the name isnt a duplicate
                    if (Starbound.Configurator.GetAccountAsync(username) != null)
                        return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, "The username " + username + " already exists."));

                    //Remove the old account
                    await Starbound.Configurator.RemoveAccountAsync(Account);

                    //Create the new account
                    Account = new Account(username)
                        IsAdmin  = isAdmin,
                        Password = password,
                        IsActive = isActive
                    //Edit the individual parts of the account
                    Account.Password = password;
                    Account.IsAdmin  = isAdmin;
                    Account.IsActive = isActive;

                //Set the account
                await Starbound.Configurator.SetAccountAsync(Account);

                //Terminate any connections
                var auth = this.Handler.ApiHandler.GetAuthentication(Account.Name);
                this.Handler.ApiHandler.DisconnectAuthentication(auth, reason: "Authentication change");

                //Logout anyone that previously connected
                foreach (var player in Starbound?.Connections?.GetCopiedPlayersEnumerable().Where(p => p != null && p.AccountName != null && p.AccountName.Equals(Account.Name)))
                    await player.Kick("Account details changed.");

                //Apply the settings
                await Starbound.SaveConfigurationAsync(true);

            //If we are async, abort asap, otherwise wait for it to finish.
            if (query.GetBool(Query.AsyncKey, false))
Example #9
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Gets the last ban
        ///// </summary>
        //public override RestResponse OnGet(Query query)
        //    return new RestResponse(RestStatus.OK, res: Starbound.Settings.CurrentBanTicket);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new ban
        /// </summary>
        public override RestResponse OnPost(Query query, object payloadObject)
            //Prepare some values
            Ban    ban    = (Ban)payloadObject;
            Player player = null;

            //Validate the ban exists
            if (ban.Ticket.HasValue)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, msg: "Bans cannot have their tickets preset!"));

            //If we have a connection ID then we will fill the rest with the connection information.
            // otherwise we will just ban the player as usual.
            if (query.ContainsKey("cid"))
                //We are banning a specific connection id.
                int connection = 0;
                if (!query.TryGetInt("cid", out connection))
                    return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, msg: $"Cannot convert '{query["cid"]}' to a int32!"));

                //Get the connection
                player = Starbound.Connections.GetPlayer(connection);

                //Make sure the player is upto date
                if (player != null && player.UUID == null)
                    player = Starbound.Connections.GetPlayer(connection);

            //If we have a player, update the ban information
            if (player != null)
                //Update the results (if nessary)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ban.IP) || query.GetBool("copy_details", false))
                    ban.IP = player.IP;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ban.UUID) || query.GetBool("copy_details", false))
                    ban.UUID = player.UUID;

            //Make sure we have a IP or UUID
            if (ban.BanType == BanType.Invalid)
                return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.BadRequest, "Invalid ban type. IP and/or UUID must be set!"));

            //Update the moderator if required
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ban.Moderator))
                ban.Moderator = Authentication.Name;

            //Apply the correct date time
            ban.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            //Perform the ban and get the ban result
            var task = Starbound.Ban(ban);

            ban = Starbound.Configurator.GetBanAsync(task.Result).Result;

            //Kick the player if nessary, waiting for it to finish.
            if (player != null)
                Starbound.Kick(player.Connection, ban.Reason).Wait();

            //Return the ban
            return(new RestResponse(RestStatus.OK, res: ban));