private static void RegisterStandalonePropertyGetter(AutomationProperty automationProperty)
            // With WPF Automation peers, retrieving UIA property value goes through these steps:
            //  1. UIA request comes at ElementProxy which linked with AutomationPeer and wraps it from multithreading, COM etc
            //  2. ElementProxy passes request to UI thread and directs it to AutomationPeer.GetPropertyValue(int propertyId)
            //  3. AutomationPeer consults its hashtable of getters and tries to find there getter for required property. These
            //     getters are basically Func<AutomationPeer, object>
            //  4. If getter is found - it is called like getter(this) from AutomationPeer, otherwise null returned
            // Similarly to RegisterPattern() method, we need to add new item to
            // private static Hashtable AutomationPeer.s_propertyInfo, in order to let 3rd step from above pass correctly
            // Like this line
            //   AutomationPeer.s_propertyInfo[property.PropertyId] = new AutomationPeer.GetProperty(getter);
            // where GetProperty defined in AutomationPeer as:
            //   private delegate object GetProperty(AutomationPeer peer);
            // Our getter will try to cast AutomationPeer to IStandalonePropertyProvider and if successful - get result from it.
            // Otherwise returns null.
            var automationPeerType         = typeof(AutomationPeer);
            var propertyInfoHashtableField = automationPeerType.GetField("s_propertyInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            var getterDelegateType         = automationPeerType.GetNestedType("GetProperty", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var getterObject     = new StandalonePropertyGetter(automationProperty);
            var getterMethodInfo = ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfo(() => getterObject.Getter(null));
            var getter           = Delegate.CreateDelegate(getterDelegateType, getterObject, getterMethodInfo);

            using (Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.DisableProcessing())
                var propertyHashtable = (Hashtable)propertyInfoHashtableField.GetValue(null);
                propertyHashtable[automationProperty.Id] = getter;
        private static void RegisterStandalonePropertyGetter(AutomationProperty automationProperty)
            // With WPF Automation peers, retrieving UIA property value goes through these steps:
            //  1. UIA request comes at ElementProxy which linked with AutomationPeer and wraps it from multithreading, COM etc
            //  2. ElementProxy passes request to UI thread and directs it to AutomationPeer.GetPropertyValue(int propertyId)
            //  3. AutomationPeer consults its hashtable of getters and tries to find there getter for required property. These
            //     getters are basically Func<AutomationPeer, object>
            //  4. If getter is found - it is called like getter(this) from AutomationPeer, otherwise null returned
            // Similarly to RegisterPattern() method, we need to add new item to
            // private static Hashtable AutomationPeer.s_propertyInfo, in order to let 3rd step from above pass correctly
            // Like this line
            //   AutomationPeer.s_propertyInfo[property.PropertyId] = new AutomationPeer.GetProperty(getter);
            // where GetProperty defined in AutomationPeer as:
            //   private delegate object GetProperty(AutomationPeer peer);
            // Our getter will try to cast AutomationPeer to IStandalonePropertyProvider and if successful - get result from it.
            // Otherwise returns null.
            var automationPeerType = typeof(AutomationPeer);
            var propertyInfoHashtableField = automationPeerType.GetField("s_propertyInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            var getterDelegateType = automationPeerType.GetNestedType("GetProperty", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var getterObject = new StandalonePropertyGetter(automationProperty);
            var getterMethodInfo = ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfo(() => getterObject.Getter(null));
            var getter = Delegate.CreateDelegate(getterDelegateType, getterObject, getterMethodInfo);

            using (Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.DisableProcessing())
                var propertyHashtable = (Hashtable)propertyInfoHashtableField.GetValue(null);
                propertyHashtable[automationProperty.Id] = getter;