public void StampReadFileTest() { var testFile = Path.Combine("Testfiles", ""); var stamps = StampTools.ReadStampFile(testFile); Assert.Equal(85, stamps.Count); }
public void StampReadFileTest() { var testFile = Path.Combine("Testfiles", ""); var stamps = StampTools.ReadStampFile(testFile); Assert.Equal(192, stamps.Count); Assert.Equal(64, stamps.Count(s => s.Protocol == Models.StampProtocol.DoH)); Assert.Equal(128, stamps.Count(s => s.Protocol == Models.StampProtocol.DnsCrypt)); }
public void StampReadRelayFileTest() { var testFile = Path.Combine("Testfiles", ""); var stamps = StampTools.ReadStampFile(testFile); Assert.Equal(44, stamps.Count(s => s.Protocol == Models.StampProtocol.DNSCryptRelay)); }
private static async Task Main(string[] args) { var showHelp = false; var list = ""; var noLogs = false; var noFilter = false; var onlyDnssec = false; var json = false; var p = new OptionSet { { "l|list=", "the path or url (starting with https://) to a file", v => { if (v != null) { list = v; } } }, { "nl|nologs", "only test resolvers with NoLogs support enabled.", v => { if (v != null) { noLogs = true; } } }, { "nf|nofilter", "only test resolvers with NoFilter support enabled.", v => { if (v != null) { noFilter = true; } } }, { "d|dnssec", "only test resolvers with DNSSEC support enabled.", v => { if (v != null) { onlyDnssec = true; } } }, { "j|json", "print result as JSON.", v => { if (v != null) { json = true; } } }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null } }; try { p.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { Console.Write("Measurement: "); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `Measurement --help' for more information."); return; } if (showHelp) { ShowHelp(p); return; } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(list)) { if (list.StartsWith("https://")) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { if (!json) { Console.WriteLine("Try downloading remote list . . ."); } const string tmpFile = ""; var getDataTask = client.GetByteArrayAsync(list); var remoteListData = await getDataTask.ConfigureAwait(false); File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFile, remoteListData); if (File.Exists(tmpFile)) { list = tmpFile; } } } } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not use remote file: {list}"); } if (File.Exists(list)) { var stamps = StampTools.ReadStampFile(list, noLogs, noFilter, onlyDnssec); if (!json) { Console.WriteLine("measuring . . ."); } var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); var measurementTasks = new List <Task <MeasurementResult> >(); foreach (var stamp in stamps) { if (stamp.Protocol == StampProtocol.DnsCrypt) { measurementTasks.Add(MeasurementTools.Proxy(stamp)); } } var measurements = await Task.WhenAll(measurementTasks); var measurementResults = measurements.Where(measurement => !measurement.Failed).ToList(); stopWatch.Stop(); var ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; measurementResults.Sort((a, b) => a.Time.CompareTo(b.Time)); if (!json) { Console.WriteLine("====================================="); Console.WriteLine($"{measurementResults.Count} Resolvers (fastest first)"); Console.WriteLine($"Only DNSSEC: {onlyDnssec}"); Console.WriteLine($"Only NoLogs: {noLogs}"); Console.WriteLine($"Only NoFilter: {noFilter}"); Console.WriteLine("====================================="); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var measurement in measurementResults) { Console.WriteLine( $"{measurement.Time} ms, {measurement.Stamp.ProviderName}, " + $"NoLogs: {measurement.Stamp.Properties.NoLog}, " + $"NoFilter: {measurement.Stamp.Properties.NoFilter} " + $"DNSSEC: {measurement.Stamp.Properties.DnsSec}, " + $"Certificate Valid: {measurement.Certificate.Valid}"); } Console.WriteLine("Total processing time: " + string.Format("{0} min {1} seconds", Math.Floor(ts.TotalMinutes), ts.ToString("ss\\.ff"))); } else { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(measurementResults.Where(m => m.Failed == false).ToList(), Formatting.Indented)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Missing"); } }