// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //importing ArrowDirection for Electromagnetic Effects //ArrowDirection2 = emfields.GetComponent<ArrowDirection2>(); GeneralRelmetric = metric.GetComponent <GeneralRelmetric>(); StairInstantiate = CubePrefab.GetComponent <StairInstantiate>(); //defining rotation matrix R = Matrix4x4.identity; //defining starting position of player playrposworldframe3 = this.transform.position; playrposworldframe4 = playrposworldframe3; playrposworldframe4.w = 0.0f; //defining starting velocity of player playrvelworldframe4 = playrvelworldframe3; playrvelworldframe4.w = 1.0f; //defining starting velocity of player playraccelworldframe4 = playraccelworldframe3; playraccelworldframe4.w = 0.0f; //defining the initial Lorentz transformation Lplayer = Matrix4x4.identity; //defining metric tensor //metrictensor = Matrix4x4.identity; //metrictensor.m33 = -1; metrictensor = GeneralRelmetric.metrictensor; //defining effective chargeovermass of player //qoverm = 0.0f; /*defining unit acceleration * unitAccel = 0.05f; * gravity = 0.02f; */ //defining Electromagnetic tensor at player's position //Ftensor = ArrowDirection2.G; //defining Lorentz Force in world frame //LorentzForceworldframe = qoverm * (metrictensor * Ftensor * playrvelworldframe4); this.transform.position = Lplayer * playrposworldframe4; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { PlayerView = player.GetComponent <PlayerView>(); StairInstantiate = Instant.GetComponent <StairInstantiate>(); Objects = Stair.GetComponent <Objects>(); }