Example #1
 public void StackBuildingElementConstructed(StackAlgorithm aAlg, StackOutputEntry aEntry)
     lock (this)
        private void EmitElement(StackOutputEntry aEntry)
            // Debug support
            if (base.Engine.Verbose)
                StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder("[AccurateAlgorithm] ");
                if (aEntry.IsCurrentStackPointerEntry)
                    line.Append("[C]       ");
                else if (aEntry.IsRegisterBasedEntry)
                    const int KNormalAddressWidth = 10;
                    string    prefix = "[ " + aEntry.AssociatedRegisterName;
                    prefix  = prefix.PadRight(KNormalAddressWidth - 2);
                    prefix += " ]";
                else if (aEntry.IsGhost)
                    line.Append("[G]       ");
                else if (aEntry.IsOutsideCurrentStackRange)
                    line.Append("          ");
                    line.AppendFormat("[{0:x8}]", aEntry.Address);

                line.AppendFormat(" {0:x8} {1}", aEntry.Data, aEntry.DataAsString);

                if (aEntry.Symbol != null)
                    string baseAddressOffset = aEntry.Symbol.ToStringOffset(aEntry.Data);
                    line.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", baseAddressOffset, aEntry.Symbol.Name);
                else if (aEntry.AssociatedBinary != string.Empty)
                    line.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", SymbolConstants.KUnknownOffset, aEntry.AssociatedBinary);


            // Count the number of accurate entries
            if (aEntry.IsAccurate)

            // Flush entry
            base.StackObserver.StackBuildingElementConstructed(this, aEntry);
Example #3
 private void CreateEntries()
     if (iStackOutput != null)
         int count = iStackOutput.Count;
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
             StackOutputEntry dataOutputEntry = iStackOutput[i];
             CIStackEntry entry = new CIStackEntry(this, dataOutputEntry);
Example #4
        internal CIStackEntry(CIStack aParent, StackOutputEntry aEntry)
            : base(aParent.Container, aParent)
            iEntry = aEntry;

            // If the stack entry references a symbol then associate it with
            // the parent dictionary immediately.
            if (aEntry.Symbol != null)
                ICISymbolManager symbolManager = this.SymbolManager;
                CISymbol         symbol        = symbolManager.SymbolDictionary.Register(aEntry.Symbol);
                base.Trace(string.Format("[CIStackEntry] address: 0x{0:x8}, symbol: {1}, symId: {2}", iEntry.Data, symbol.Symbol, symbol.Id));
Example #5
        private bool AddLRAndPC()
            bool addedLRandPC = false;
            ArmRegisterCollection regs = base.Engine.Registers;

            // If we're inside the stack address range, then poke in the PC and LR values
            if (regs.Count > 0)
                // Working bottom up, so LR should go on the stack first
                if (regs.Contains(TArmRegisterType.EArmReg_LR))
                    ArmRegister regLR = regs[TArmRegisterType.EArmReg_LR];

                    StackOutputEntry entryLR = new StackOutputEntry(0, regLR.Value, base.DebugEngineView);
                    entryLR.IsRegisterBasedEntry       = true;
                    entryLR.IsOutsideCurrentStackRange = true;
                    entryLR.AssociatedRegister         = regLR.RegType;

                // Then the PC...
                if (regs.Contains(TArmRegisterType.EArmReg_PC))
                    ArmRegister regPC = regs[TArmRegisterType.EArmReg_PC];

                    StackOutputEntry entryPC = new StackOutputEntry(0, regPC.Value, base.DebugEngineView);
                    entryPC.IsRegisterBasedEntry       = true;
                    entryPC.IsOutsideCurrentStackRange = true;
                    entryPC.AssociatedRegister         = regPC.RegType;

                // Even if they weren't added, we at least attempted to addd them
                addedLRandPC = true;

Example #6
        protected override void PerformOperation()
            // Get the source data we need to reconstruct and signal we're about to start
            StackSourceData sourceData = base.SourceData;

            // Get the output data sink
            StackOutputData outputData = base.OutputData;

            outputData.AlgorithmName = Name;

            // Get the address range of the stack pointer data
            AddressRange pointerRange         = base.Engine.AddressInfo.StackPointerRange;
            AddressRange pointerRangeExtended = base.Engine.AddressInfo.StackPointerRangeWithExtensionArea;

            // Indicates if we added LR and PC to the call stack
            bool addedLRandPC = false;

            // Get registers
            ArmRegisterCollection regs = base.Engine.Registers;

            foreach (DataBufferUint sourceEntry in sourceData.GetUintEnumerator())
                // Check if it is within the stack domain, taking into account
                // our extended range
                if (pointerRangeExtended.Contains(sourceEntry.Address))
                    StackOutputEntry outputEntry = new StackOutputEntry(sourceEntry.Address, sourceEntry.Uint, base.DebugEngineView);

                    // Is it the element tht corresponds to the current value of SP?
                    bool isCurrentSPEntry = (outputEntry.AddressRange.Contains(base.Engine.AddressInfo.Pointer));
                    outputEntry.IsCurrentStackPointerEntry = isCurrentSPEntry;

                    // Is it within the pure 'stack pointer' address range?
                    bool outsidePureStackPointerRange = !pointerRange.Contains(sourceEntry.Address);
                    outputEntry.IsOutsideCurrentStackRange = outsidePureStackPointerRange;

                    // These are never accurate, but neither are they ghosts
                    outputEntry.IsAccurate = false;
                    outputEntry.IsGhost    = false;

                    // Save entry

                    // If we're inside the stack address range, then poke in the PC and LR values
                    if (isCurrentSPEntry)
                        addedLRandPC = AddLRAndPC();
                    // Nope, ignore it...


            // If the stack overflowed, then SP might be outside of the stack range. Therefore
            // LR and PC will not be added yet.
            if (!addedLRandPC)
Example #7
 private void EmitElement(StackOutputEntry aEntry)
     // Flush entry
     base.StackObserver.StackBuildingElementConstructed(this, aEntry);
        private void CreateStackOutput()
            // Get the source data we need to reconstruct and signal we're about to start
            StackSourceData sourceData = base.SourceData;

            // Get the output data sink
            StackOutputData outputData = base.OutputData;

            outputData.AlgorithmName = Name;

            // Get the address range of the stack pointer data
            AddressRange pointerRange         = base.Engine.AddressInfo.StackPointerRange;
            AddressRange pointerRangeExtended = base.Engine.AddressInfo.StackPointerRangeWithExtensionArea;

            foreach (DataBufferUint sourceEntry in sourceData.GetUintEnumerator())
                // Check if it is within the stack domain, taking into account
                // our extended range
                if (pointerRangeExtended.Contains(sourceEntry.Address))
                    StackOutputEntry outputEntry = new StackOutputEntry(sourceEntry.Address, sourceEntry.Uint, base.DebugEngineView);

                    // Is it the element that corresponds to the current value of SP?
                    bool isCurrentSPEntry = (outputEntry.AddressRange.Contains(base.Engine.AddressInfo.Pointer));

                    // Is it within the pure 'stack pointer' address range?
                    bool outsidePureStackPointerRange = !pointerRange.Contains(sourceEntry.Address);
                    outputEntry.IsOutsideCurrentStackRange = outsidePureStackPointerRange;

                    // Is it a ghost?
                    if (outputEntry.Symbol != null)
                        ArmStackFrame realStackFrame = FrameByStackAddress(sourceEntry.Address);
                        outputEntry.IsAccurate = (realStackFrame != null);
                        outputEntry.IsGhost    = (realStackFrame == null);

                    // Save entry

                    // If we're inside the stack address range, then poke in the PC and LR values
                    if (isCurrentSPEntry)
                        outputEntry.IsCurrentStackPointerEntry = true;

                        // Working bottom up, so LR should go on the stack first
                        ArmStackFrame stackFrameLR = FrameByRegisterType(TArmRegisterType.EArmReg_LR);
                        if (stackFrameLR != null)
                            StackOutputEntry entryLR = new StackOutputEntry(0, stackFrameLR.Data, base.DebugEngineView);
                            entryLR.IsRegisterBasedEntry       = true;
                            entryLR.IsOutsideCurrentStackRange = true;
                            entryLR.AssociatedRegister         = stackFrameLR.AssociatedRegister;

                        // Then the PC...
                        ArmStackFrame stackFramePC = FrameByRegisterType(TArmRegisterType.EArmReg_PC);
                        if (stackFramePC != null)
                            StackOutputEntry entryPC = new StackOutputEntry(0, stackFramePC.Data, base.DebugEngineView);
                            entryPC.IsRegisterBasedEntry       = true;
                            entryPC.IsOutsideCurrentStackRange = true;
                            entryPC.AssociatedRegister         = stackFramePC.AssociatedRegister;
                    // Nope, ignore it...
