Example #1
    AddMaterials(SsPartRes part, SsColorBlendOperation colorBlendType)
        SsImageFile  img        = part.imageFile;
        SsShaderType shaderType = SsShaderManager.EnumToType(colorBlendType, part.AlphaBlendType, SsMaterialColorBlendOperation.Non);
        Material     material   = img.GetMaterial(shaderType);

        if (material)
            return;             // already added
        // create material
        img.useUnifiedShader = _anmRes.UseCgProgram;
        Shader shader = SsShaderManager.Get(shaderType, _anmRes.UseCgProgram);
        Shader shader = SsShaderManager.Get(shaderType, false);
        // get material asset path
        string assetPath  = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(img.texture)) + "/assets/";
        string shaderName = shader.name;
        shaderName = shaderName.Replace("Ss/", "");
        string assetName = assetPath + img.texture.name + "_Mat_" + shaderName + ".asset";

        // try to load the exiting
        Material existedMat = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetName, typeof(Material));
        Material mat        = (existedMat ?? new Material(shader));

        mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", img.texture);

        if (existedMat == null)
            // if none, create material as asset file newly
//			Debug.Log("create material: " + img.path + " shader: " + shaderType);
            if (!Directory.Exists(assetPath))
                string parentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath.TrimEnd('\\', '/'));
                AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(parentFolder, "assets");
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, assetName);
            // update the existing content
            mat.shader = shader;
            AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();                 //same as EditorApplication.SaveAssets();

        // add to material list
        img.materials[SsShaderManager.ToSerial(shaderType)] = mat;
Example #2
        SsSprite manager,
        int index,                              ///< index of parts
        SsPartRes partRes,                      ///< part resource
        SsImageFile imageFile)                  ///< source image path, texture and material.
        _mgr          = manager;
        _index        = index;
        _vIndex       = (index - 1) * 4;
        _subMeshIndex = index - 1;
        _res          = partRes;
        _mesh         = _mgr._mesh;

        if (_res.HasParent)
            _parent = _mgr.Sprite(_res.ParentId);
            if (_parent == null)
                Debug.LogError("##### parent sprite must be created already!!");
                //throw ArgumentNullException;

        // attach parent's transform to inherit its SRT.
        _pivotMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
        switch (_res.Type)
        case SsPartType.Root:
            // root has only position, no vertices
            _rootPivot = new Vector3(-_res.PosX(0), +_res.PosY(0), 0f);

        case SsPartType.Normal:
        case SsPartType.Bound:
            // each vertices are attached to pivot
            _vertPositions = new Vector3[4];
            _orgVertices   = new Vector3[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < _vertPositions.Length; ++i)
                _orgVertices[i] = _vertPositions[i] = _res.OrgVertices[i];
                if (_res.Type == SsPartType.Bound)
                    _vertPositions[i].z = -0.1f;
                    _orgVertices[i].z   = -0.1f;

            // other types don't require vertices.

        // set startup value
        _visible    = !_res.Hide(0);
        _flipH      = false;
        _flipV      = false;
        _pos        = Vector3.zero;
        _quaternion = Quaternion.identity;
        _scale      = Vector3.one;
        _rotChanged = false;
        // not any normal types don't require a material, colors, and vertices.
        if (_res.Type != SsPartType.Normal &&
            _res.Type != SsPartType.Bound)

        // shortcut
        _useUnifiedShader = _res.imageFile.useUnifiedShader;
        _useCgShader = (SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel >= 20);

        if (_res.Type == SsPartType.Bound)
            // set vertex color to transparent red.
            // this alpha value will be overwritten in AlphaValue property later.
            _vertexColor = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                // set UVs to a point at left-top.
                _mgr._uvs[_vIndex + i] = Vector2.zero;

                // set vertex colors
                _mgr._colors[_vIndex + i] = _vertexColor;
            // invisible is default.
            _visible = false;
            _visible = _mgr.DrawBoundingParts;
            // default vertex color
            _vertexColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                // set UVs. use precalculated UVs, it is stored clockwise
                _mgr._uvs[_vIndex + i] = _res.UVs[i];

                // set vertex colors
                _mgr._colors[_vIndex + i] = _vertexColor;
            // set blend type and _shaderType
            ColorBlendType = SsColorBlendOperation.Non;

        // set boolean about having transparency
        if (_res.Type == SsPartType.Bound)
            // become purple that mean invalid.
            _material = null;
            // needs any appropriate material
            _hasTransparency = true;
            AlphaValue       = 0.5f;
            _hasTransparency = _res.HasTrancparency ||
                               (_parent != null && _res.Inherits(SsKeyAttr.Trans));    // always inherits parent's alpha whether the immediate parent has transparency or not. 2012.12.19 bug fixed
            // set alpha value
            AlphaValue = _res.Trans(0);

            // set appropriate material. _shaderType was set inside ColorBlendType property.
            _material = imageFile.GetMaterial(_shaderType);

        //--------- calculates various info...

        // set triangle indices. never changed so far.
        _triIndices = new int[] { _vIndex + 0, _vIndex + 1, _vIndex + 3, _vIndex + 2 };                           // order is LT->RT->LB->RB.
        _triIndices = new int[] { _vIndex + 0, _vIndex + 1, _vIndex + 2, _vIndex + 2, _vIndex + 3, _vIndex + 0 }; // order is LT->RT->RB->RB->LB->LT

        SetToSubmeshArray(_index - 1);