Example #1
    public SsColorRef[]                             Colors;             // [0]:left top(or whole color) [1]:right top [2]:left bottom [3]:right bottom

    public SsColorBlendKeyValue(int colorsNum)
        Target    = SsColorBlendTarget.None;
        Operation = SsColorBlendOperation.Mix;
        if (colorsNum > 0)
            Colors = SsColorRef.CreateArray(colorsNum);
Example #2
    AddMaterials(SsPartRes part, SsColorBlendOperation colorBlendType)
        SsImageFile  img        = part.imageFile;
        SsShaderType shaderType = SsShaderManager.EnumToType(colorBlendType, part.AlphaBlendType, SsMaterialColorBlendOperation.Non);
        Material     material   = img.GetMaterial(shaderType);

        if (material)
            return;             // already added
        // create material
        img.useUnifiedShader = _anmRes.UseCgProgram;
        Shader shader = SsShaderManager.Get(shaderType, _anmRes.UseCgProgram);
        Shader shader = SsShaderManager.Get(shaderType, false);
        // get material asset path
        string assetPath  = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(img.texture)) + "/assets/";
        string shaderName = shader.name;
        shaderName = shaderName.Replace("Ss/", "");
        string assetName = assetPath + img.texture.name + "_Mat_" + shaderName + ".asset";

        // try to load the exiting
        Material existedMat = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetName, typeof(Material));
        Material mat        = (existedMat ?? new Material(shader));

        mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", img.texture);

        if (existedMat == null)
            // if none, create material as asset file newly
//			Debug.Log("create material: " + img.path + " shader: " + shaderType);
            if (!Directory.Exists(assetPath))
                string parentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath.TrimEnd('\\', '/'));
                AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(parentFolder, "assets");
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, assetName);
            // update the existing content
            mat.shader = shader;
            AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();                 //same as EditorApplication.SaveAssets();

        // add to material list
        img.materials[SsShaderManager.ToSerial(shaderType)] = mat;
Example #3
    GetBlendedColor(SsColorRef src, SsColorBlendOperation op)
        Color c = (Color)src;

        if (op == SsColorBlendOperation.Mul)
            // to decrease vertex color's effect, must come near color value to 1
#if false
            // lerp with C#
            c.r = SsInterpolation.Linear(1f - c.a, c.r, 1f);
            c.g = SsInterpolation.Linear(1f - c.a, c.g, 1f);
            c.b = SsInterpolation.Linear(1f - c.a, c.b, 1f);
            // shader: combine texture * primary, texture
            // lerp with shader
            // shader is like this:
            // combine primary lerp (primary) constant=(1,1,1,1), texture
            // combine previous * texture, texture
Example #4
    public SsInterpolatable Interpolate(SsCurveParams curve, float time, SsInterpolatable start_, SsInterpolatable end_, int startTime, int endTime)
        var start = (SsColorBlendKeyValue)start_;
        var end   = (SsColorBlendKeyValue)end_;

        if (start.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.None &&
            end.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.None)
#if false // obsolete
            // act as nothing blending when the targets of both keys are none.
            for (int i = 0; i < Colors.Length; ++i)
                Colors[i].R = Colors[i].G = Colors[i].B = Colors[i].A = 0;
            this.Target    = SsColorBlendTarget.None;
            this.Operation = SsColorBlendOperation.Non;
            // not needs to interpolate, just refers to start key.
            Debug.LogError("Must not come here.");
            for (int i = 0; i < Colors.Length; ++i)
                Colors[i].Interpolate(curve, time, start.Colors[i], end.Colors[i], startTime, endTime);
            bool useStartParam = time < 1 ? true : false;
            if (start.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.None)
                // use the end key colors when the target of start key is none
                for (int i = 0; i < Colors.Length; ++i)
                    Colors[i].R = end.Colors[i].R;
                    Colors[i].G = end.Colors[i].G;
                    Colors[i].B = end.Colors[i].B;
                useStartParam = false;
            if (end.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.None)
                // use the start key colors when the target of end key is none
                for (int i = 0; i < Colors.Length; ++i)
                    Colors[i].R = start.Colors[i].R;
                    Colors[i].G = start.Colors[i].G;
                    Colors[i].B = start.Colors[i].B;
            // inherit target and operation
            if (useStartParam)
                this.Target    = start.Target;
                this.Operation = start.Operation;
                this.Target    = end.Target;
                this.Operation = end.Operation;
Example #5
 public SsColorBlendKeyValue(SsColorBlendKeyValue r)
     Target    = r.Target;
     Operation = r.Operation;
     Colors    = (SsColorRef[])r.Colors.Clone();
 public static SsShaderType EnumToType(SsColorBlendOperation color, SsAlphaBlendOperation alpha, SsMaterialColorBlendOperation matColor)
     return (SsShaderType)( (int)color | ((int)alpha << (int)SsShaderType.AlphaShift) | ((int)matColor << (int)SsShaderType.MatColShift) );
Example #7
 EnumToType(SsColorBlendOperation color, SsAlphaBlendOperation alpha, SsMaterialColorBlendOperation matColor)
     return((SsShaderType)((int)color | ((int)alpha << (int)SsShaderType.AlphaShift) | ((int)matColor << (int)SsShaderType.MatColShift)));
Example #8
    UpdateSub(SsPartRes res, int frame, bool initialize = false)
        // priority
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Prio))
            int nowPrio = (int)res.Prio(frame);
            if (_priority != nowPrio)
                _priority         = nowPrio;
                _mgr._prioChanged = true;

        // visibility
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Hide))
            if (res.IsRoot)
                _visible = !res.Hide(frame);
            if (res.Type == SsPartType.Normal)
                bool nowVisible;
                if (res.IsBeforeFirstKey(frame))
                    nowVisible = false;
                    if (_parent != null &&
                        !_parent._res.IsRoot &&
                        (res.InheritRate(SsKeyAttr.Hide) > 0.5f))
                        nowVisible = _parent._visible;
                        nowVisible = !res.Hide(frame);
                if (_forceVisibleAvailable)
                    nowVisible = _forceVisible;
                if (nowVisible != _visible)

        // vertex color
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.PartsCol))
            SsColorBlendKeyValue  cbk   = res.PartsCol(frame);
            SsColorBlendOperation cbkOp = ColorBlendType;
            if (cbk == null)
                if (_colorBlendKeyValue != null)
                    // set back default color
                    cbkOp = SsColorBlendOperation.Non;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        _mgr._colors[_vIndex + i] = _vertexColor;
                    _mgr._colorChanged = true;
                cbkOp = cbk.Operation;
                if (cbk.Target == SsColorBlendTarget.Vertex)
                    // vertex colors
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        _mgr._colors[_vIndex + i] = GetBlendedColor(cbk.Colors[i], cbk.Operation);
                    // affect a color to overall, so it doesn't inidicate that this is not vertex color.
                    Color c = GetBlendedColor(cbk.Colors[0], cbk.Operation);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        _mgr._colors[_vIndex + i] = c;
                _mgr._colorChanged = true;
            _colorBlendKeyValue = cbk;

            if (_mgr._colorChanged)
                if (cbkOp != ColorBlendType)
                    // change other shader
                    ColorBlendType = cbkOp;
                    // place stored alpha is variable with color blend type. where is simply in color.a if blend is none.
                    AlphaValue = AlphaValue;

        // transparency
        if (_hasTransparency)
            float nowAlpha = res.Trans(frame);
            if (_parent != null && res.Inherits(SsKeyAttr.Trans))
                float parentAlpha;
                // if parent is root, it doesn't have material.
                if (_parent._material == null)
                    parentAlpha = _parent._res.Trans(frame);
                    parentAlpha = _parent.AlphaValue;
                // just multiply simply
                nowAlpha = parentAlpha * nowAlpha;
            if (_forceAlphaAvailable)
                nowAlpha = _forceAlpha;
            if (nowAlpha != AlphaValue)
                AlphaValue = nowAlpha;

        // scale
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Scale))
            var scale = new Vector3(res.ScaleX(frame), res.ScaleY(frame), 1f);
            if (scale != _scale)
                _scale            = scale;
                _mgr._vertChanged = true;

        // rotation (now supports only Z axis)
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Angle))
            var ang = res.Angle(frame);
            // SpriteStudio demands me to Z axis rotation consistently.
            if (_parent)
                // reverse angle direction if parent part's scale is negative value.
                if (_parent._pivotMatrix.m00 * _parent._pivotMatrix.m11 < 0)
                    ang *= -1;
                if (_mgr.hFlip ^ _mgr.vFlip)
                    ang *= -1;
            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, ang);
            if (rot != _quaternion)
                _quaternion       = rot;
                _mgr._vertChanged = true;
                _rotChanged = true;
                _rotChanged = false;

        // translate
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Pos))
            var pos = new Vector3(res.PosX(frame), -res.PosY(frame));
#if false
            if (_parent != null)
                if (_parent._flipH)
                    pos.x *= -1;
                if (_parent._flipV)
                    pos.y *= -1;
            // apply X,Y position as pivot if this is root.
            if (res.IsRoot)
                pos += _rootPivot;

#if false
            // update vertices when position is changed.
            if (_pos != pos)
                _pos = pos;
                _mgr._vertChanged = true;

        bool orgVertChanged = false;

        // UV animation
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.ImageOffset))
            int nowImgOfs = res.ImageOffsetX(frame);
            if (nowImgOfs != _imgOfsX)
                _imgOfsX        = nowImgOfs;
                _mgr._uvChanged = true;
            nowImgOfs = res.ImageOffsetY(frame);
            if (nowImgOfs != _imgOfsY)
                _imgOfsY        = nowImgOfs;
                _mgr._uvChanged = true;
            bool sizeChnaged = false;
            nowImgOfs = res.ImageOffsetW(frame);
            if (nowImgOfs != _imgOfsW)
                _imgOfsW        = nowImgOfs;
                _mgr._uvChanged = true;
                sizeChnaged     = true;
            nowImgOfs = res.ImageOffsetH(frame);
            if (nowImgOfs != _imgOfsH)
                _imgOfsH        = nowImgOfs;
                _mgr._uvChanged = true;
                sizeChnaged     = true;
            if (sizeChnaged)
                // modify polygon size
                Vector2 size = res.PicArea.WH();
                size.x        += _imgOfsW;
                size.y        += _imgOfsH;
                _orgVertices   = res.GetVertices(size);
                orgVertChanged = true;
            if (_mgr._uvChanged)
                res.CalcUVs(_imgOfsX, _imgOfsY, _imgOfsW, _imgOfsH);

        // origin animation
        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.OriginOffset))
            int nowOrgOfsX = -res.OriginOffsetX(frame);
            if (nowOrgOfsX != _originOffset.x)
                _originOffset.x = nowOrgOfsX;
                orgVertChanged  = true;
            int nowOrgOfsY = res.OriginOffsetY(frame);
            if (nowOrgOfsY != _originOffset.y)
                _originOffset.y = nowOrgOfsY;
                orgVertChanged  = true;

        if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Vertex))
            orgVertChanged = true;

        // vertex modification
        if (orgVertChanged &&
            _vertPositions != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < _vertPositions.Length; ++i)
                _vertPositions[i] = _orgVertices[i];
                if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.Vertex))
                    _vertPositions[i] += res.Vertex(frame).Vertex3(i);
                if (res.HasAttrFlags(SsKeyAttrFlags.OriginOffset))
                    _vertPositions[i] += _originOffset;
            orgVertChanged    = false;
            _mgr._vertChanged = true;

        // flip image only. the setting is given from anime resource.
        bool dontFlipCoord = res.IsRoot ? false : _mgr._animation.hvFlipForImageOnly;

        // flip H
        bool nowFlipH = false;

        if (res.IsRoot)
            nowFlipH = _mgr.hFlip;
            if (dontFlipCoord)
                if (_parent != null && res.Inherits(SsKeyAttr.FlipH))
                    if (!_parent._res.IsRoot)
                        nowFlipH = _parent._flipH;
            if (res.FlipH(frame))
                nowFlipH = !nowFlipH;

        if (!dontFlipCoord)
            if ((nowFlipH && _scale.x > 0f) ||
                (!nowFlipH && _scale.x < 0f))
                _scale.x         *= -1;
                _mgr._vertChanged = true;

        // flip V
        bool nowFlipV = false;

        if (res.IsRoot)
            nowFlipV = _mgr.vFlip;
            if (dontFlipCoord)
                if (_parent != null && res.Inherits(SsKeyAttr.FlipV))
                    if (!_parent._res.IsRoot)
                        nowFlipV = _parent._flipV;                              // 2012.06.27 fixed an issue that nowFlipV refers _parent._flipH
            if (res.FlipV(frame))
                nowFlipV = !nowFlipV;
        if (!dontFlipCoord)
            if ((nowFlipV && _scale.y > 0f) ||
                (!nowFlipV && _scale.y < 0f))
                _scale.y         *= -1;
                _mgr._vertChanged = true;

        if (nowFlipH != _flipH ||
            nowFlipV != _flipV)
            _flipH = nowFlipH;
            _flipV = nowFlipV;
            if (dontFlipCoord)
                _mgr._uvChanged = true;

        // udpate uv indices
        if (_mgr._uvChanged &&
            res.UVs != null &&          // root part has no UVs
            res.UVs.Length == 4)
            if (dontFlipCoord)
                int index = -1;
                if (nowFlipV)
                    index = 1;
                if (nowFlipH)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    _mgr._uvs[_vIndex + i] = res.UVs[index >= 0 ? _flippedUvIndices[index, i] : i];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    _mgr._uvs[_vIndex + i] = res.UVs[i];

        // update vertex buffer
        if (_mgr._vertChanged)
            // udpate matrix
            var p = _pos;
            var s = _scale;
            if (_parent)
                // previously apply compensated value if this doesn't want to inherit parent's value.
                if (!res.Inherits(SsKeyAttr.ScaleX))
                    s.x /= _parent._scale.x;
                    p.x /= _parent._scale.x;
                if (!res.Inherits(SsKeyAttr.ScaleY))
                    s.y /= _parent._scale.y;
                    p.y /= _parent._scale.y;
            _pivotMatrix.SetTRS(p, _quaternion, s);

            // multiply parent's
            if (_parent)
                _pivotMatrix = _parent._pivotMatrix * _pivotMatrix;

            if (_vertPositions != null)
                // apply matrix to vertices
                for (int i = 0; i < _vertPositions.Length; ++i)
                    Vector3 v = _pivotMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(_vertPositions[i]);
                    _mgr._vertices[_vIndex + i] = v;
        #if false
                if (_drawPartsRect)
                    // get rectangle from bounding box.
                    Vector3 lt = _vertTransforms[0].position;
                    Vector3 rb = _vertTransforms[2].position;
                    Vector3 rt = lt;
                    rt.x = rb.x;
                    Vector3 lb = lt;
                    lb.y = rb.y;
                    // draw rectangle
                    Debug.DrawLine(lt, rt, Color.red);
                    Debug.DrawLine(rt, rb, Color.red);
                    Debug.DrawLine(rb, lb, Color.red);
                    Debug.DrawLine(lb, lt, Color.red);

        if (_transform)
            // update quaternion in root space and my transform
            if (_parent != null && _parent._rotChanged)
                // apply parent's rotation on ahead
                _rootSpaceQuaternion = _quaternion * _parent._quaternion;
            if (_mgr._vertChanged)
                // update transform in this part's local space.
                _transform.localPosition = _pos;
                _transform.localRotation = _quaternion;
                _transform.localScale    = _scale;

        // ignore when called from initializing.
        if (initialize)

        // do callback at userdata key
        if (ExistsOnUserDataKey &&

        // do callback at sound key
        if (ExistsOnSoundKey &&