Example #1
 private void SetBoardStatus(PathManager manager, SquarePathStatus status)
     for (int i = 0; i < manager.Path.Count; i++)
         this.currentSquareBoard[manager.Path[i].X, manager.Path[i].Y].PathStatus = status;
Example #2
        private void SelectTreeNode(PathManager selectedManager)
            SquarePathStatus status = SquarePathStatus.PATH;

            if (selectedManager.PathStatus == SquarePathStatus.CORRECT)
                status = SquarePathStatus.CORRECT;
            else if (selectedManager.PathStatus == SquarePathStatus.WRONG)
                status = SquarePathStatus.WRONG;

            PathManager tmpPathManager = selectedManager;

            while (prevPathManager != null)
                SetBoardStatus(prevPathManager, SquarePathStatus.NONE);

                prevPathManager = prevPathManager.ParentPathManager;

            while (selectedManager != null)
                SetBoardStatus(selectedManager, status);

                selectedManager = selectedManager.ParentPathManager;

            prevPathManager = tmpPathManager;

Example #3
        public void ResetSquare()
            // set type to square
            this.innerType_ = SquareType.SQUARE;

            // set square to empty
            this.innerStatus_ = SquareStatus.EMPTY;

            // no path information
            this.innerPathStatus_ = SquarePathStatus.NONE;

            // also no owners
Example #4
        public PathManager(PathManager parentPathManager, int subIndex, Square startPoint, Square sourceSquare, Square targetSquare, SquareBoard board, bool isRoot)
            // assign square board
            this.innerBoard_ = board;

            // which square this manager starts?
            this.startPointSquare_ = startPoint;

            // is this a root manager?
            this.isRoot_ = isRoot;

            // parent manager of this manager
            this.parentPathManager_ = parentPathManager;

            // total cost of this manager if we decide to take it
            this.totalCost_ = 0;

            this.innerThreadCount_ = 0;

            this.totalSolutions_ = 0;

            this.innerPathSquares_ = new SquareCollection();

            // sub mangers collections
            this.subPathManagers_ = new PathManagerCollection();

            this.innerSolutions_ = new PathManagerCollection();

            // which path are we looking for a solution?
            this.sourceSquare_ = sourceSquare;
            this.targetSquare_ = targetSquare;

            this.endPointSquare_ = null;

            this.pathStatus_ = SquarePathStatus.PATH;

            // assign a unique name to the manager
            if (isRoot)
                this.managerName_ = "0";
                this.managerName_ = parentPathManager.Name + subIndex.ToString();
Example #5
        private void EndManagePath(Square endPointSquare, bool noMoreNeighBour)

            // if no more solution found then indicate that this is a wrong path
            if (noMoreNeighBour)
                this.endPointSquare_ = endPointSquare;

                if (this.endPointSquare_.X == this.TargetSquare.X && this.endPointSquare_.Y == this.TargetSquare.Y)
                    // we have found the solution
                    this.pathStatus_ = SquarePathStatus.CORRECT;

                    // found the solution
                    this.SolutionFound = true;

                    // also indicate that we have found the solution for parent managers and add it to the solution list
                    PathManager tmpManager = this;

                    while (tmpManager != null)
                        tmpManager.SolutionFound = true;


                        tmpManager = tmpManager.ParentPathManager;
                    // we have not found the solution
                    this.pathStatus_ = SquarePathStatus.WRONG;

                    // found the solution
                    this.SolutionFound = false;

            this.endManagePath_ = true;