public ActionResult Sqrt([FromBody] SqrtModel number)
         // Verifies if the model is valid, if not, returns a bad request response.
         // the verification is based on the attributes defined in the DTO.
         if (!ModelState.IsValid)
             MicroserviceException badRequestResponse = new MicroserviceException()
                 ErrorCode    = "InternalError",
                 ErrorMessage = "Unable to process request:" + ModelState.Values,
                 ErrorStatus  = 400
             // Finds the value of the header with the tracking id
             StringValues trackingId;
             Request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Evi-Tracking-Id", out trackingId);
             var response = _calculatorService.Sqrt(number, trackingId);
     // Catches and manages all of the server's errors and responds the client with a controlled object.
     catch (Exception err)
         MicroserviceException internalServerErrorResponse = new MicroserviceException()
             ErrorCode    = "InternalError",
             ErrorMessage = "An unexpected error condition was triggered which made impossible to fulfill the request. Please try again or contact support" + err.InnerException,
             ErrorStatus  = 500
         Log.Error($"Calculator::Exception:: {internalServerErrorResponse}");
         return(StatusCode(500, internalServerErrorResponse));
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of square root method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqrt"></param>
        /// <param name="trackingId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SqrtResponseModel Sqrt(SqrtModel sqrt, string trackingId)
            //Finds square root of input number
            double   square   = Math.Sqrt(sqrt.Number);
            LogModel logModel = new LogModel()
                Operation   = "Sqrt",
                Calculation = $"sqrt({sqrt.Number}) = {square}",
                Date        = DateTime.Now

            //if there is a tracking id, save operation in journal.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trackingId))
                Journal.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, LogModel>(trackingId, logModel));
            // saves data in the log
            Log.Information($"Calculator::Sqrt:: {logModel}");
            return(new SqrtResponseModel()
                Square = square