/// <summary>
        /// Convenience method for adding an item easily from a JSON representation of data to add to the Outbox.  Using
        /// this approach is highly flexible as the payload can control the Outbox and publishing process in an non-coupled
        /// way (via late binding).  Validation of required fields will result in exceptions.
        /// This will parse and process the json payload with the Transactional Outbox using Default implementations (e.g. GUID identifier).
        /// This method assumes the current Transaction and associated Connection is valid and will use it but will not commit the Transaction!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlTransaction"></param>
        /// <param name="jsonText"></param>
        /// <param name="publishTopic"></param>
        /// <param name="fifoGroupingIdentifier"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <ISqlTransactionalOutboxItem <Guid> > AddTransactionalOutboxPendingItemAsync(
            this SqlTransaction sqlTransaction,
            string jsonText,
            string publishTopic           = null,
            string fifoGroupingIdentifier = null
            var payloadBuilder = PayloadBuilder.FromJsonSafely(jsonText);

            //Publishing Target may be defined in the Payload OR as a discrete parameter that overrides the payload,
            //  but it is REQUIRED!
            var publishingTarget = publishTopic ?? payloadBuilder.PublishTarget;

            publishingTarget.AssertNotNullOrWhiteSpace(nameof(payloadBuilder.PublishTarget), "No Publishing Topic was defined in the Payload or as a parameter.");

            //FIFO Grouping Identifier may be defined in the Payload OR as a discrete parameter that overrides the payload,
            //  but it is OPTIONAL.
            var fifoGroupId = fifoGroupingIdentifier ?? payloadBuilder.FifoGroupingId;

            var results = await sqlTransaction
