Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a localorchestrator, and get changes that should be sent to server
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task GetServerChangesToSendToClientAsync()
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Make a first sync to be sure everything is in place
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, Config.GetClientOptions(), Config.GetSetup());

            // Making a first sync, will initialize everything we need
            await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Get the orchestrators (you can create a new instance as well)
            var localOrchestrator  = agent.LocalOrchestrator;
            var remoteOrchestrator = agent.RemoteOrchestrator;

            // Create a productcategory item
            await Helper.InsertOneProductCategoryAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "New Product Category 2");

            await Helper.InsertOneProductCategoryAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "New Product Category 3");

            await Helper.InsertOneCustomerAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "John", "Doe");

            await Helper.InsertOneCustomerAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "Sébastien", "Pertus");

            // Get client scope
            var clientScope = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();

            // Simulate a full get changes (initialization step)
            // clientScope.IsNewScope = true;

            // Get changes to be populated to the server
            var changes = await remoteOrchestrator.GetChangesAsync(clientScope : clientScope, progress : Config.GetProgress());

            // enumerate changes retrieved
            foreach (var tableChanges in changes.ServerChangesSelected.TableChangesSelected)
                var enumerableOfTables = changes.ServerBatchInfo.GetTableAsync(tableChanges.TableName, tableChanges.SchemaName);
                var enumeratorOfTable  = enumerableOfTables.GetAsyncEnumerator();

                while (await enumeratorOfTable.MoveNextAsync())
                    var table = enumeratorOfTable.Current;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Changes for table {table.GetFullName()}");
                    foreach (var row in table.Rows)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the tables in each database
        /// Add some datas in each database
        /// Performs an optional DeprovisionAsync, to be sure we are starting from scratch
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task SetupDatabasesAsync(SqlSyncProvider serverProvider, SqliteSyncProvider clientProvider)
            // Add some datas in both
            var serverConnection = serverProvider.CreateConnection();
            await Helper.CreateSqlServerServiceTicketsTableAsync(serverConnection);

            var clientConnection = clientProvider.CreateConnection();
            await Helper.CreateSqliteServiceTicketsTableAsync(clientConnection);

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            // Be sure we don't have an already existing sync setup.  (from previous run)
            await agent.LocalOrchestrator.DropAllAsync();

            await agent.RemoteOrchestrator.DropAllAsync();

            // Be sure we don't have existing rows (from previous run)
            await Helper.DropRowsAsync(serverConnection);

            await Helper.DropRowsAsync(clientConnection);

            // Add rows
            await Helper.AddRowsAsync(serverConnection);

            await Helper.AddRowsAsync(clientConnection);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a localorchestrator, and get changes that should be sent to server
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task GetServerChangesToSendToClientAsync()
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);
            var setup          = Config.GetSetup();

            // Make a first sync to be sure everything is in place
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, Config.GetClientOptions());

            // Making a first sync, will initialize everything we need
            await agent.SynchronizeAsync(setup);

            // Get the orchestrators (you can create a new instance as well)
            var localOrchestrator  = agent.LocalOrchestrator;
            var remoteOrchestrator = agent.RemoteOrchestrator;

            // Create a productcategory item
            await Helper.InsertOneProductCategoryAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "New Product Category 4");

            await Helper.InsertOneProductCategoryAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "New Product Category 5");

            await Helper.InsertOneCustomerAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "Jane", "Doe");

            await Helper.InsertOneCustomerAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), "Lisa", "Doe");

            // Get client scope
            var clientScope = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync();

            // Get changes to be populated to the server
            var changes = await remoteOrchestrator.GetChangesAsync(clientScope : clientScope, progress : Config.GetProgress());

            // enumerate changes retrieved
            foreach (var tableChanges in changes.ServerChangesSelected.TableChangesSelected)
                var syncTable = await remoteOrchestrator.LoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync(changes.ServerBatchInfo, tableChanges.TableName, tableChanges.SchemaName);

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                Console.WriteLine($"Changes for table {syncTable.TableName}. Rows:{syncTable.Rows.Count}");
                foreach (var row in syncTable.Rows)
Example #4
        private static async Task PreventDeletionAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "Product" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            // First sync to have some rows on client
            var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(tables);

            // Write results

            // do not delete product row. it's your choice !
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplying(args =>
                if (args.State == DataRowState.Deleted && args.SchemaTable.TableName == "Product")
                    Console.WriteLine($"Preventing deletion on {args.BatchPartInfos.Sum(bpi => bpi.RowsCount)} rows.");
                    args.Cancel = true;

            var c   = serverProvider.CreateConnection();
            var cmd = c.CreateCommand();

            cmd.Connection  = c;
            cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Product WHERE ProductId >= 750 AND ProductId < 760";

            // Second sync
            s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results

            // Third sync
            s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results
Example #5
        private static async Task ConflictAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                        "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            Console.WriteLine("- Initialize the databases with initial data");
            // Make a first sync to have everything in place
            Console.WriteLine(await agent.SynchronizeAsync(SyncType.Reinitialize));

            Console.WriteLine("- Insert data in client and server databases to generate a conflict Insert Client - Insert Server");

            var id = new Random(50000).Next();

            // Insert a value on client
            await Helper.InsertNConflictsCustomerAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection(), 10, id, "John", "Clientdoe");

            // Insert a value on server with same key, to generate a conflict
            await Helper.InsertNConflictsCustomerAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), 10, id, "John", "Serverdoe");

                    Console.WriteLine("- Launch synchronization");
                    var res = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Example #6
        private static async Task SynchronizeThenDeprovisionThenProvisionAsync()
            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Create standard Setup and Options
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress" });
            var options = new SyncOptions();

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, options, setup);

            // Using the Progress pattern to handle progession during the synchronization
            var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(args => Console.WriteLine($"{args.ProgressPercentage:p}:\t{args.Message}"));

            // First sync to have a starting point
            var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);


            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Migrating a table by adding a new column
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // Adding a new column called CreatedDate to Address table, on the server, and on the client.
            await Helper.AddNewColumnToAddressAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection());

            await Helper.AddNewColumnToAddressAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection());

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Server side
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // Creating a setup regarding only the table Address
            var setupAddress = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address" });

            // Create a server orchestrator used to Deprovision and Provision only table Address
            var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider, options, setupAddress);

            // Unprovision the old Address triggers / stored proc.
            // We can conserve the Address tracking table, since we just add a column,
            // that is not a primary key used in the tracking table
            // That way, we are preserving historical data
            await remoteOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

            // Provision the new Address triggers / stored proc again,
            // This provision method will fetch the address schema from the database,
            // so it will contains all the columns, including the new Address column added
            await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Client side
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // Now go for local orchestrator
            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider, options, setupAddress);

            // Unprovision the Address triggers / stored proc. We can conserve tracking table, since we just add a column, that is not a primary key used in the tracking table
            // In this case, we will
            await localOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

            // Provision the Address triggers / stored proc again,
            // This provision method will fetch the address schema from the database, so it will contains all the columns, including the new one added
            await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

            // Now test a new sync, everything should work as expected.
                // Console.Clear();
                Console.WriteLine("Sync Start");
                    var s2 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                    // Write results
                catch (Exception e)
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Example #7
        private static async Task OutDatedAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                        "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            Console.WriteLine("- Initialize the databases with initial data");
            // Make a first sync to have everything in place
            Console.WriteLine(await agent.SynchronizeAsync(SyncType.Reinitialize));

            // Call a server delete metadata to update the last valid timestamp value in scope_info_server table
            var dmc = await agent.RemoteOrchestrator.DeleteMetadatasAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("- Insert data in client database and then generate an out dated scenario");
            // Insert a value on client
            await Helper.InsertOneCustomerAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection(), "John", "Doe");

            // Simulate an outdated situation in the local database
            await Helper.SimulateOutDateScenarioAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection(), dmc.TimestampLimit - 1);

            // Action when outdate occurs
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnOutdated(oa =>
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("local database is too old to synchronize with the server.");
                Console.WriteLine("Do you want to synchronize anyway, and potentially lost data ? ");
                Console.Write("Enter a value ('r' for reinitialize or 'ru' for reinitialize with upload): ");
                var answer = Console.ReadLine();

                if (answer.ToLowerInvariant() == "r")
                    oa.Action = OutdatedAction.Reinitialize;
                else if (answer.ToLowerInvariant() == "ru")
                    oa.Action = OutdatedAction.ReinitializeWithUpload;

                    Console.WriteLine("- Launch synchronization");
                    var res = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Example #8
    private static async Task SynchronizeThenDeprovisionThenProvisionAsync()
        // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DBHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(serverDbName));
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DBHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(clientDbName));

        // Create standard Setup and Options
        var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress" });
        var options = new SyncOptions();

        // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, options, setup);

        // Using the Progress pattern to handle progession during the synchronization
        var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s => Console.WriteLine($"{s.Context.SyncStage}:\t{s.Message}"));

        // First sync to have a starting point
        var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);


        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Migrating a table by adding a new column
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------

        // Adding a new column called CreatedDate to Address table, on the server, and on the client.
        await AddNewColumnToAddressAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection());
        await AddNewColumnToAddressAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection());

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Server side
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------

        // Creating a setup regarding only the table Address
        var setupAddress = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address" });

        // Create a server orchestrator used to Deprovision and Provision only table Address
        var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider, options, setupAddress);

        // Unprovision the Address triggers / stored proc.
        // We can conserve the Address tracking table, since we just add a column,
        // that is not a primary key used in the tracking table
        // That way, we are preserving historical data
        await remoteOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Provision the Address triggers / stored proc again,
        // This provision method will fetch the address schema from the database,
        // so it will contains all the columns, including the new Address column added
        await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Now we need the full setup to get the full schema.
        // Setup includes [Address] [Customer] and [CustomerAddress]
        remoteOrchestrator.Setup = setup;
        var newSchema = await remoteOrchestrator.GetSchemaAsync();

        // Now we need to save this new schema to the serverscope table
        // get the server scope again
        var serverScope = await remoteOrchestrator.GetServerScopeAsync();

        // affect good values
        serverScope.Setup  = setup;
        serverScope.Schema = newSchema;

        // save it
        await remoteOrchestrator.WriteServerScopeAsync(serverScope);

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Client side
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------

        // Now go for local orchestrator
        var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider, options, setupAddress);

        // Unprovision the Address triggers / stored proc. We can conserve tracking table, since we just add a column, that is not a primary key used in the tracking table
        // In this case, we will
        await localOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Provision the Address triggers / stored proc again,
        // This provision method will fetch the address schema from the database, so it will contains all the columns, including the new one added
        await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Now we need to save this to clientscope
        // get the server scope again
        var clientScope = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();

        // At this point, if you need the schema and you are not able to create a RemoteOrchestrator,
        // You can create a WebClientOrchestrator and get the schema as well
        // var proxyClientProvider = new WebClientOrchestrator("https://localhost:44369/api/Sync");
        // var newSchema = proxyClientProvider.GetSchemaAsync();

        // affect good values
        clientScope.Setup  = setup;
        clientScope.Schema = newSchema;

        // save it
        await localOrchestrator.WriteClientScopeAsync(clientScope);

        // Now test a new sync, everything should work as expected.
            // Console.Clear();
            Console.WriteLine("Sync Start");
                var s2 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                // Write results
            catch (Exception e)
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Example #9
        private static async Task SpyWhenSyncAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);
            var tables         = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                                "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            // First sync to initialize everything
            var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(tables);

            // Write results

            // Make some changes on the server side
            var sc = serverProvider.CreateConnection();
            await Helper.InsertOneCustomerAsync(sc, "John", "Doe");

            await Helper.InsertOneProductCategoryAsync(sc, Guid.NewGuid(), "Shoes 2020" + Path.GetRandomFileName());

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113141);

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113142);

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113143);

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113144);

            // Get local orchestrator to get some info during sync
            var localOrchestrator = agent.LocalOrchestrator;

            localOrchestrator.OnDatabaseChangesSelecting(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Getting changes from local database:");

                Console.WriteLine($"BatchDirectory: {args.BatchDirectory}. BatchSize: {args.BatchSize}.");

            localOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelecting(args =>

            // Just before applying something locally, at the database level
            localOrchestrator.OnDatabaseChangesApplying(async args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Applying changes to the local database:");
                Console.WriteLine($"Last timestamp used to compare local rows : {args.ApplyChanges.LastTimestamp}");
                Console.WriteLine("List of ALL rows to be sync locally:");

                foreach (var table in args.ApplyChanges.Schema.Tables)
                    var syncTable = await localOrchestrator.LoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync(args.ApplyChanges.BatchInfo, table.TableName, table.SchemaName);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Changes for table {table.TableName}. Rows:{syncTable.Rows.Count}");
                    foreach (var row in syncTable.Rows)


            // Just before applying changes locally, at the table level
            localOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplying(async args =>
                if (args.BatchPartInfos != null)
                    var syncTable = await localOrchestrator.LoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync(
                        args.BatchInfo, args.SchemaTable.TableName, args.SchemaTable.SchemaName, args.State);

                    if (syncTable.HasRows)
                        Console.WriteLine($"- --------------------------------------------");
                        Console.WriteLine($"- Applying [{args.State}] changes to Table {args.SchemaTable.GetFullName()}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Changes for table {args.SchemaTable.TableName}. Rows:{syncTable.Rows.Count}");
                        foreach (var row in syncTable.Rows)

            localOrchestrator.OnRowsChangesApplying(async args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"- --------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine($"- In memory rows that are going to be Applied");
                foreach (var row in args.SyncRows)


            // Once changes are applied
            localOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplied(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"- Applied [{args.TableChangesApplied.State}] to table [{args.TableChangesApplied.TableName}]: Applied:{args.TableChangesApplied.Applied}. Failed:{args.TableChangesApplied.Failed}. Conflicts:{args.TableChangesApplied.ResolvedConflicts}. ");

            // Just before applying something locally, at the database level
            localOrchestrator.OnDatabaseChangesApplied(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Changes applied to the local database:");


            // Launch the sync process
            var s2 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results
        private static async Task ConflictAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "Customer" };

            var setup = new SyncSetup(tables);

            setup.Tables["Customer"].Columns.AddRange(new string[] { "CustomerID", "FirstName", "LastName" });

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            Console.WriteLine("- Initialize the databases with initial data");
            // Make a first sync to have everything in place
            Console.WriteLine(await agent.SynchronizeAsync(setup));

                    Console.WriteLine("- Insert data in client and server databases to generate a conflict Insert Client - Insert Server");

                    var id = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

                    // Insert a value on client
                    await Helper.InsertOneConflictCustomerAsync(
                        clientProvider.CreateConnection(), id, "John", "Clientdoe");

                    // Insert a value on server with same key, to generate a conflict
                    await Helper.InsertOneConflictCustomerAsync(
                        serverProvider.CreateConnection(), id, "John", "Serverdoe");

                    agent.OnApplyChangesFailed(acfa =>
                        Console.WriteLine("Handling conflict:");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Server row : {acfa.Conflict.RemoteRow}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Client row : {acfa.Conflict.LocalRow}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please use which one is the winner of the conflict:");
                        Console.WriteLine("* 1: Server Wins");
                        Console.WriteLine("* 2: Client Wins");
                        Console.WriteLine("* 3: Merge Row");
                        var choose = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (choose == "1")
                            acfa.Resolution = ConflictResolution.ServerWins;
                        else if (choose == "2")
                            acfa.Resolution = ConflictResolution.ClientWins;
                            acfa.Resolution           = ConflictResolution.MergeRow;
                            acfa.FinalRow["LastName"] = "MergedDoe";

                    Console.WriteLine("- Launch synchronization");
                    var res = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();


                    var clientRow = await Helper.GetCustomerAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection(), id);

                    Console.WriteLine("Client row:");

                    var serverRow = await Helper.GetCustomerAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection(), id);

                    Console.WriteLine("Server row:");
                catch (Exception ex)
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Example #11
        public void BuilderTable_CreateTrackingTable()
            var provider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            using (var connection = provider.CreateConnection())
                var options = DbBuilderOption.CreateOrUseExistingSchema;
                var builder = provider.GetDatabaseBuilder(set.Tables["Products"], options);

                var tableBuilder = builder.CreateTrackingTableBuilder(connection);
                tableBuilder.TableDescription = builder.TableDescription;


                // Check if we need to create the tables


            // Check result
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(clientConnectionString))
                var table = set.Tables["Products"];

                // Check Columns
                var commandColumn = $"Select col.name as name, col.column_id, typ.name as [type], col.max_length, col.precision, col.scale, col.is_nullable, col.is_identity from sys.columns as col " +
                                    $"Inner join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = col.object_id " +
                                    $"Inner Join sys.systypes typ on typ.xusertype = col.system_type_id " +
                                    $"Where tbl.name = @tableName " +
                                    $"Order by col.column_id";

                ObjectNameParser tableNameParser = new ObjectNameParser(table.TableName + "_tracking");
                DmTable          dmTable         = new DmTable(tableNameParser.UnquotedStringWithUnderScore);
                using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(commandColumn, connection))
                    sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tableName", tableNameParser.ObjectName);

                    using (var reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())

                // Check columns number
                Assert.Equal(10, dmTable.Rows.Count);
                var rows = dmTable.Rows.OrderBy(r => (int)r["column_id"]).ToList();

                var c    = rows[0];
                var name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("Id", name);
                c    = rows[1];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("name", name);
                c    = rows[2];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("salary", name);
                c    = rows[3];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("create_scope_id", name);
                c    = rows[4];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("update_scope_id", name);
                c    = rows[5];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("create_timestamp", name);
                c    = rows[6];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("update_timestamp", name);
                c    = rows[7];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("timestamp", name);
                c    = rows[8];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("sync_row_is_tombstone", name);
                c    = rows[9];
                name = c["name"].ToString();
                Assert.Equal("last_change_datetime", name);
Example #12
        public void BuilderTable_CreateTable()
            var provider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            using (var connection = provider.CreateConnection())
                var options = DbBuilderOption.CreateOrUseExistingSchema;
                var builder = provider.GetDatabaseBuilder(set.Tables["Products"], options);

                var tableBuilder = builder.CreateTableBuilder(connection);
                tableBuilder.TableDescription = builder.TableDescription;


                // Check if we need to create the tables
                if (tableBuilder.NeedToCreateTable(options))


            // Check result
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(clientConnectionString))
                var table = set.Tables["Products"];

                // Check Columns
                var commandColumn = $"Select col.name as name, col.column_id, typ.name as [type], col.max_length, col.precision, col.scale, col.is_nullable, col.is_identity from sys.columns as col " +
                                    $"Inner join sys.tables as tbl on tbl.object_id = col.object_id " +
                                    $"Inner Join sys.systypes typ on typ.xusertype = col.system_type_id " +
                                    $"Where tbl.name = @tableName " +
                                    $"Order by col.column_id";

                ObjectNameParser tableNameParser = new ObjectNameParser(table.TableName);
                DmTable          dmTable         = new DmTable(tableNameParser.UnquotedStringWithUnderScore);
                using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(commandColumn, connection))
                    sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tableName", tableNameParser.ObjectName);

                    using (var reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())

                // Check columns number
                Assert.Equal(4, dmTable.Rows.Count);
                var rows = dmTable.Rows.OrderBy(r => (int)r["column_id"]).ToList();

                var c          = rows[0];
                var name       = c["name"].ToString();
                var ordinal    = (int)c["column_id"];
                var typeString = c["type"].ToString();
                var maxLength  = (Int16)c["max_length"];
                var precision  = (byte)c["precision"];
                var scale      = (byte)c["scale"];
                var isNullable = (bool)c["is_nullable"];
                var isIdentity = (bool)c["is_identity"];

                Assert.Equal("Id", name);

                c          = rows[1];
                name       = c["name"].ToString();
                ordinal    = (int)c["column_id"];
                typeString = c["type"].ToString();
                maxLength  = (Int16)c["max_length"];
                precision  = (byte)c["precision"];
                scale      = (byte)c["scale"];
                isNullable = (bool)c["is_nullable"];
                isIdentity = (bool)c["is_identity"];

                Assert.Equal("clientId", name);

                c          = rows[2];
                name       = c["name"].ToString();
                ordinal    = (int)c["column_id"];
                typeString = c["type"].ToString();
                maxLength  = (Int16)c["max_length"];
                precision  = (byte)c["precision"];
                scale      = (byte)c["scale"];
                isNullable = (bool)c["is_nullable"];
                isIdentity = (bool)c["is_identity"];

                Assert.Equal("name", name);
                Assert.Equal(300, maxLength);
                Assert.Equal("nvarchar", typeString);

                c          = rows[3];
                name       = c["name"].ToString();
                ordinal    = (int)c["column_id"];
                typeString = c["type"].ToString();
                maxLength  = (Int16)c["max_length"];
                precision  = (byte)c["precision"];
                scale      = (byte)c["scale"];
                isNullable = (bool)c["is_nullable"];
                isIdentity = (bool)c["is_identity"];

                Assert.Equal("salary", name);
                Assert.Equal(6, precision);
                Assert.Equal(2, scale);
Example #13
        private static async Task SpyWhenSyncAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);
            var tables         = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                                "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            // First sync to initialize everything
            var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results

            // Make some changes on the server side
            var sc = serverProvider.CreateConnection();
            await Helper.InsertOneCustomerAsync(sc, "John", "Doe");

            await Helper.InsertOneProductCategoryAsync(sc, "Shoes 2020");

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113141);

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113142);

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113143);

            await Helper.DeleteOneSalesDetailOrderAsync(sc, 113144);

            // Get local orchestrator to get some info during sync
            var localOrchestrator = agent.LocalOrchestrator;

            // Just before applying something locally, at the database level
            localOrchestrator.OnDatabaseChangesApplying(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Applying changes to the local database:");
                Console.WriteLine($"Policy applied : {args.ApplyChanges.Policy}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Last timestamp used to compare local rows : {args.ApplyChanges.LastTimestamp}");
                Console.WriteLine("List of ALL rows to be sync locally:");

                foreach (var table in args.ApplyChanges.Setup.Tables)
                    foreach (var tablePart in args.ApplyChanges.Changes.GetTable(table.TableName, table.SchemaName))
                        if (tablePart == null || !tablePart.HasRows)

                        foreach (var row in tablePart.Rows)

            // Just before applying changes locally, at the table level
            localOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplying(args =>
                if (args.Changes != null && args.Changes.HasRows)
                    Console.WriteLine($"- --------------------------------------------");
                    Console.WriteLine($"- Applying [{args.State}] changes to Table {args.Changes.GetFullName()}");

                    foreach (var row in args.Changes.Rows)
                        Console.WriteLine($"- {row}");

            // Once changes are applied
            localOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplied(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"- Applied [{args.TableChangesApplied.State}] to table [{args.TableChangesApplied.TableName}]: Applied:{args.TableChangesApplied.Applied}. Failed:{args.TableChangesApplied.Failed}. Conflicts:{args.TableChangesApplied.ResolvedConflicts}. ");

            // Just before applying something locally, at the database level
            localOrchestrator.OnDatabaseChangesApplied(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Changes applied to the local database:");


            // Launch the sync process
            var s2 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

            // Write results
Example #14
    public static async Task SyncHttpThroughKestellAsync()
        // server provider
        // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(serverDbName));
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(clientDbName));

        // ----------------------------------
        // Client side
        // ----------------------------------
        var clientOptions = new SyncOptions {
            BatchSize = 500

        var proxyClientProvider = new WebClientOrchestrator();

        // ----------------------------------
        // Web Server side
        // ----------------------------------
        var setup = new SyncSetup(allTables)
            ScopeName = "all_tables_scope",
            StoredProceduresPrefix = "s",
            StoredProceduresSuffix = "",
            TrackingTablesPrefix   = "t",
            TrackingTablesSuffix   = "",
            TriggersPrefix         = "",
            TriggersSuffix         = "t"

        // snapshot directory
        var directory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Snapshots");

        // ----------------------------------
        // Create a snapshot
        // ----------------------------------
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
        Console.WriteLine($"Creating snapshot");
        var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);
        await remoteOrchestrator.CreateSnapshotAsync(new SyncContext(), setup, directory, 500, CancellationToken.None);


        // ----------------------------------
        // Insert a value after snapshot created
        // ----------------------------------
        using (var c = serverProvider.CreateConnection())
            var command = c.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductCategory] ([Name]) VALUES ('Bikes revolution');";

        var webServerOptions = new WebServerOptions {
            SnapshotsDirectory = directory

        // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, proxyClientProvider);

        agent.Options = clientOptions;

        var configureServices = new Action <IServiceCollection>(services =>
            services.AddSyncServer <SqlSyncProvider>(serverProvider.ConnectionString, setup, webServerOptions);

        var serverHandler = new RequestDelegate(async context =>
            var webProxyServer = context.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(WebProxyServerOrchestrator)) as WebProxyServerOrchestrator;
            await webProxyServer.HandleRequestAsync(context);

        using (var server = new KestrellTestServer(configureServices))
            var clientHandler = new ResponseDelegate(async(serviceUri) =>
                proxyClientProvider.ServiceUri = serviceUri;
                    Console.WriteLine("Web sync start");
                        var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(pa => Console.WriteLine($"{pa.Context.SyncStage}\t {pa.Message}"));
                        var s        = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);
                    catch (SyncException e)
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("UNKNOW EXCEPTION : " + e.Message);

                    Console.WriteLine("Sync Ended. Press a key to start again, or Escapte to end");
                } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
            await server.Run(serverHandler, clientHandler);
Example #15
    private static async Task CreateSnapshotAsync()
        // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
        var serverProvider     = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(serverDbName));
        var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider);

        // specific Setup with only 2 tables, and one filtered
        var setup = new SyncSetup(allTables);

        // snapshot directory
        var directory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Snapshots");

        await remoteOrchestrator.CreateSnapshotAsync(new SyncContext(), setup, directory, 500, CancellationToken.None);

        // client provider
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(clientDbName));

        // Insert a value after snapshot created
        using (var c = serverProvider.CreateConnection())
            var command = c.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductCategory] ([Name]) VALUES ('Bikes revolution');";

        // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, setup);

        var syncOptions = new SyncOptions {
            SnapshotsDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Snapshots")

        // Setting the snapshots directory for client
        agent.Options.SnapshotsDirectory = directory;

        // Using the Progress pattern to handle progession during the synchronization
        var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s =>
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

        var remoteProgress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s =>
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

        //// Launch the sync process
        //if (!agent.Parameters.Contains("City"))
        //    agent.Parameters.Add("City", "Toronto");

        //if (!agent.Parameters.Contains("postal"))
        //    agent.Parameters.Add("postal", "NULL");

            Console.WriteLine("Sync Start");
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

            catch (Exception e)
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Example #16
    private static void TestCreateTrackingTable(SqlSyncProvider provider)
        DmSet   set           = new DmSet();
        DmTable clientsTable  = new DmTable("Clients");
        DmTable productsTable = new DmTable("Products");

        // orders matters !!

        DmColumn id = new DmColumn <Int32>("Id");

        id.AllowDBNull   = false;
        id.AutoIncrement = true;

        DmColumn fkClientId = new DmColumn <Guid>("clientId");

        fkClientId.AllowDBNull = true;

        DmColumn name = new DmColumn <string>("name");

        name.AllowDBNull = true;
        name.DbType      = System.Data.DbType.StringFixedLength;
        name.MaxLength   = 150;

        DmColumn salary = new DmColumn <Decimal>("salary");

        salary.AllowDBNull = false;
        salary.DbType      = System.Data.DbType.VarNumeric;
        salary.Precision   = 6;
        salary.Scale       = 2;

        productsTable.PrimaryKey = new DmKey(new DmColumn[] { id, name, salary });

        DmColumn clientId = new DmColumn <Guid>("Id");

        clientId.AllowDBNull = false;

        DmColumn clientName = new DmColumn <string>("Name");


        clientsTable.PrimaryKey = new DmKey(clientId);

        // ForeignKey
        DmRelation fkClientRelation = new DmRelation("FK_Products_Clients", clientId, fkClientId);


        DbConnection connection = null;

            using (connection = provider.CreateConnection())
                foreach (var table in set.Tables)
                    var builder = provider.GetDatabaseBuilder(table, DbBuilderOption.CreateOrUseExistingSchema);

                    if (table.TableName == "Clients")

                    if (table.TableName == "Products")


        catch (Exception ex)
            if (connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)