Example #1
        } // end of GenerateSqlSlowDict method

        #endregion private static methods declarations

        #region private methods declarations

        /// <summary>Saves single row & slow changing metric</summary>
        private void WriteSlowSingleRowToRepository(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, ProbeResultingData data)
            int    dataMatches;
            string dataSqlStmt;

            object[] newValues;

            // compare with in-memory data
            dataMatches = this.CompareSlowSingleRowWithInMemoryData(targetId, metricGroup, data, this.reposConn);

            // generate SQL statement
            dataSqlStmt = GenerateSqlSingleRowSlow(targetId, metricGroup, dataMatches, data);

            SqlServerProbe.ExecuteSql(dataSqlStmt, targetId, metricGroup);

            // update in-memory data
            newValues = new object[data.NumberOfColumns];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.NumberOfColumns; i++)
                newValues[i] = data.values[0, i];

            if (dataMatches == -1)
                InMemoryCache.Add(InMemoryCache.GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup), -1, new object[] { targetId }, newValues);
                Configuration.inMemoryCache[InMemoryCache.GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup)].UpdateRowValues(new object[] { targetId }, newValues);
        } // end of WriteSlowSingleRowToRepository function
Example #2
        // Returns query that select the latest data record for single-row realtime metric
        private static string QueryToLoadSingleRowRealtime(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup)
            string query = "SELECT TOP 1 ";

            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                query += metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ", ";

            query  = query.Remove(query.Length - 2); // remove last comma
            query += " FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " ORDER BY ";

            switch (metricGroup.changeSpeed)
            case ChangeSpeed.Slow:
                query += "startDate";

            case ChangeSpeed.Fast:
                query += "dt";

                throw new Exception("Only Slow and Fast change speeds have been implemented so far");

            query += " DESC";

Example #3
        } // end of WriteSlowSingleRowToRepository function

        /// <summary>Saves single row & fast changing metric</summary>
        private void WriteFastSingleRowToRepository(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, ProbeResultingData data)
            // generate SQL statement
            string dataSqlStmt = GenerateSqlSingleRowFast(targetId, metricGroup, data);


            SqlServerProbe.ExecuteSql(dataSqlStmt, targetId, metricGroup);

            // update in-memory data
            object[] newValues = new object[data.NumberOfColumns];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.NumberOfColumns; i++)
                newValues[i] = data.values[0, i];

            // create in-memory cache table if it doesn't exist
            string cacheKey = InMemoryCache.GetCacheKey(-1, metricGroup);

            if (!InMemoryCache.ContainsKey(cacheKey))
                // Do no create new cache table if target has been deleted
                if (!Configuration.targets.ContainsKey(targetId))

                InMemoryCache.CreateCacheTableSingleRow(metricGroup, CacheType.Data);

            Configuration.inMemoryCache[cacheKey].AddOrUpdateRowValues(-1, new object[] { targetId }, newValues);
        } // end of WriteFastSingleRowToRepository function
Example #4
        } // end of GenerateFastSqlSingleRow function

        // Generates INSERT statement for a single data row - static dictionary
        private static string GenerateSqlStaticDict(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, ProbeResultingData data, List <int> rowsNotInDict)
            string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO " + SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " (";

            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; i++)
                sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + metricGroup.multiRowKeys[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

            sqlStmt  = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma
            sqlStmt += ")" + Environment.NewLine;

            sqlStmt += "VALUES " + Environment.NewLine;

            foreach (int i in rowsNotInDict)
                sqlStmt += "(";
                for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; j++)
                    sqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.multiRowKeys[j].type, data.values[i, j]) + ",";

                sqlStmt  = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma
                sqlStmt += "),";

            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma

        } // end of GenerateSqlStaticDict method
Example #5
        } // end of GenerateSlowSqlSingleRow function

        // Generates INSERT statement for a single data row - fast changing metric
        private static string GenerateSqlSingleRowFast(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, ProbeResultingData data)
            string dataSqlStmt = "INSERT INTO " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " (dt,";

            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                dataSqlStmt += metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

            dataSqlStmt  = dataSqlStmt.Remove(dataSqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma
            dataSqlStmt += ")" + Environment.NewLine + "VALUES ('" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "',";

            if (metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics != data.NumberOfColumns)
                throw new Exception("Number of metrics don't match number of columns in probe results");

            // add metric values
            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                dataSqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.metrics[i].type, data.values[0, metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes + i]) + ",";

            dataSqlStmt  = dataSqlStmt.Remove(dataSqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma
            dataSqlStmt += ")";

        } // end of GenerateFastSqlSingleRow function
        // returns a set of datetime-value tuples in a JSON string
        // param0: MetricGroupName - MetricGroup->Name
        // param1: MetricName - MetricGroup->Metrics->Name
        // param2: TargetId - Targets->Id
        // param3: StartDateTime - YYYYMMDDHHMM
        // param4: EndDateTime - YYYYMMDDHHMM
        // param5: Interval - M in minutes
        // test string ok http://localhost:3128/ws/fastsingle/Range/SQL%20Server%20Activity/CPU%20mils/0/201305201800/201305201900/5
        // test string not ok http://localhost:3128/ws/fastsingle/Range/SQL%20Server%20Activity/CPU%20mils/0/201305201800/201305M900/5
        private WebServiceResult Range(string[] parameters)
            if (parameters.Count() < 6)
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): not enough parameters. Format is MetricGroupName/MetricName/TargetId/StartDateTime/EndDateTime/IntervalInMinutes"));

            Regex r = new Regex("^[0-9]*$");

            // check that supplied target id is valid
            if (!r.IsMatch(parameters[2]) || !Configuration.targets.ContainsId(Convert.ToInt32(parameters[2])))
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): TargetId is either not numeric or doesn't exist"));

            if (!r.IsMatch(parameters[3]) || !r.IsMatch(parameters[4]) || !r.IsMatch(parameters[5]))
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): at least one of the parameters is not numeric. Format is TargetId/StartDateTime/EndDateTime/IntervalInMinutes"));

            if (parameters[3].Length != 12 || parameters[4].Length != 12)
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): StartDateTime and EndDateTime must be in YYYYMMDDHHMM format"));

            // look up metric group by name
            int metricGroupId = Configuration.metricGroups[parameters[0]].id;

            // look up metric by name
            string columnName = parameters[1].Replace(' ', '_');

            // prepare parameters
            SqlParameters sqlParameters = new SqlParameters
                { "@tablename", SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(Convert.ToInt32(parameters[2]), Configuration.metricGroups[metricGroupId]) },
                { "@columnname", columnName },
                { "@start_dt", SqlServerProbe.FormatDate(parameters[3]) },
                { "@end_dt", SqlServerProbe.FormatDate(parameters[4]) },
                { "@interval", parameters[5] }

            // execute procedure and return results
            return(GetData(System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.GetRangeSingleRowFastCumulative", sqlParameters));
Example #7
        } // end of CreateCacheTableSingleRowRealtime

        /// <summary> Returns cache key name
        /// For single-row metric cache is common for all targets (table name only, no schema)
        /// Multi-row metrics each have its own cache </summary>
        /// <param name="targetId">target id or -1 for single row metrics</param>
        /// <param name="metricGroup">metric group</param>
        /// <param name="CacheType">data/dictionary</param>
        public static string GetCacheKey(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, CacheType cacheType = CacheType.Data)
            switch (cacheType)
            case CacheType.Data:
                if (metricGroup.isMultiRow)
                    return(SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup));

            case CacheType.Dictionary:
                return(SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(targetId, metricGroup));

                throw new Exception("Unsupported cache type");
        } // end of GetCacheKey method
Example #8
        } // end of ProcessQueue function

        #endregion public methods declarations

        #region private static methods declarations

        /// <summary>Generates UPDATE or INSERT statement for a single data row - slow changing metric</summary>
        private static string GenerateSqlSingleRowSlow(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, int dataMatches, ProbeResultingData data)
            string dataSqlStmt;

            if (dataMatches == 0) // just update endDate when current data matches one stored in repository
                dataSqlStmt = "UPDATE " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup)
                              + " SET endDate = '" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "'"
                              + " WHERE startDate = (SELECT MAX(startDate) FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + ")";
                if (metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics != data.NumberOfColumns)
                    throw new Exception("Number of metrics doesn't match number of columns in probe results");

                dataSqlStmt = "INSERT INTO " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " (";

                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                    dataSqlStmt += metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

                dataSqlStmt += "startDate,endDate)"
                               + Environment.NewLine + "VALUES (";

                // add metric values
                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                    dataSqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.metrics[i].type, data.values[0, metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes + i]) + ",";

                // startDate,endDate
                dataSqlStmt += "'" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "','" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "')";

        } // end of GenerateSlowSqlSingleRow function
Example #9
        private static void LoadCacheTableFromDatabaseSingleRowRealtime(MetricGroup metricGroup)
            SqlConnection conn       = null;
            SqlCommand    cmd        = null;
            SqlDataReader dataReader = null;

            // check whether dictionary is loaded
            if (!ContainsKey(GetCacheKey(-1, metricGroup)))
                CreateCacheTableSingleRow(metricGroup, CacheType.Data);

            CacheTable cache = _cache[GetCacheKey(-1, metricGroup)];

            if (cache.loadedFromDatabase)

                conn = new SqlConnection(Configuration.GetReposConnectionString("Cache"));

                int    targetId;
                string query;

                object[] values = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics];

                // load data for each target with the specified metric group active
                foreach (InstanceSchedule schedule in Configuration.timeTable.Values)
                    targetId = schedule._targetId;

                    if (schedule._metricGroupId == metricGroup.id)
                        query = QueryToLoadSingleRowRealtime(targetId, metricGroup);

                        cmd        = null;
                        dataReader = null;

                        int  attempt = 1;
                        bool canTry  = true;

                        while (attempt < 3 && canTry)
                                cmd            = new SqlCommand(query);
                                cmd.Connection = conn;

                                dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                                // should return only one row
                                if (dataReader.Read())
                                    for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                                        values[i] = dataReader[metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_')];

                                    cache.Add(-1, new object[] { targetId }, values);

                            catch (SqlException e)
                                switch (e.Number)
                                case 208:     // Invalid object
                                    // Do not create tables if target has been deleted
                                    if (!Configuration.targets.ContainsKey(targetId))

                                    SqlServerProbe.CreateTablesForMetricGroup(targetId, metricGroup);

                                    _logger.Error("SqlException: " + e.Message + " ErrorCode: " + e.Number.ToString());
                                    canTry = false;
                                if (dataReader != null)

                                if (cmd != null)


            catch (SqlException e)
                if (conn != null)

            cache.loadedFromDatabase = true;
Example #10
        }     // end of LoadDictionaryIntoCache function

        // Loads data from repository into in-memory cache. Creates a new record in dictionaryCache
        public static void LoadDataIntoCache(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, bool allowReload, SqlConnection connection = null, SqlTransaction transaction = null)
            string        cacheKey;
            SqlConnection conn;

            if (metricGroup.changeSpeed != ChangeSpeed.Fast)
                throw new Exception("Only fast changing metric is allowed");

            SqlCommand    cmd        = null;
            SqlDataReader dataReader = null;

            // create new in-memory cache for dictionary
            if (!ContainsKey(GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup, CacheType.Data)))
                Dictionary <int, Column> valueColumns = new Dictionary <int, Column>();

                // value/metric columns
                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                    valueColumns.Add(i, metricGroup.metrics[i]);

                TryAdd(GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup, CacheType.Data), new CacheTable(new Dictionary <int, Column>(), valueColumns, metricGroup.isCumulative));

            cacheKey = GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup, CacheType.Data);
            CacheTable tmpCache = _cache[cacheKey].CloneAndClear();

            // don't reload cache unless allowReload is specified
            if (allowReload == false && tmpCache.loadedFromDatabase)

                string sqlStmt = "SELECT dictId, ";

                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                    sqlStmt += metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ", ";

                sqlStmt = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 2); // remove last comma

                sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + "FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) +
                           Environment.NewLine + "WHERE dt = (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + ")";


                if (connection == null)
                    conn = new SqlConnection(Configuration.GetReposConnectionString("Cache"));
                    conn = connection;

                int  attempt = 1;
                bool canTry  = true;

                while (attempt < 3 && canTry)
                    cmd             = conn.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandText = sqlStmt;
                    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                    if (transaction != null)
                        cmd.Transaction = transaction;

                        dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                        int      id;
                        object[] values = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics];

                        while (dataReader.Read())
                            id = (int)dataReader["dictId"];

                            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                                values[i] = dataReader[metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_')];

                            tmpCache.Add(id, new object[0], values);


                        tmpCache.loadedFromDatabase = true;

                        Replace(cacheKey, tmpCache);
                    catch (SqlException e)
                        if (transaction != null)

                        switch (e.Number)
                        case 208:     // Invalid object
                            // Do not create tables if target has been deleted
                            if (!Configuration.targets.ContainsKey(targetId))

                            SqlServerProbe.CreateTablesForMetricGroup(targetId, metricGroup);

                            _logger.Error("SqlException: " + e.Message + " ErrorCode: " + e.Number.ToString());
                            canTry = false;
                        if (dataReader != null)

                        if (cmd != null)


                if (connection == null)
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error("SqlException: " + e.Message);
        } // end of LoadDataIntoCache function
Example #11
        // Loads dictionary from repository into in-memory cache. Creates a new record in dictionaryCache
        public static void LoadDictionaryIntoCache(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, bool allowReload, SqlConnection connection = null, SqlTransaction transaction = null)
            string        cacheKey;
            SqlConnection conn;

            int  tryCount = 0;
            bool canExit  = false;

            // create new in-memory cache for dictionary
            if (!ContainsKey(GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup, CacheType.Dictionary)))
                Dictionary <int, Column> keyColumns  = new Dictionary <int, Column>();
                Dictionary <int, Column> attrColumns = new Dictionary <int, Column>();

                // key columns
                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; i++)
                    keyColumns.Add(i, metricGroup.multiRowKeys[i]);

                // attribute columns
                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; i++)
                    attrColumns.Add(i, metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributes[i]);

                TryAdd(GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup, CacheType.Dictionary), new CacheTable(keyColumns, attrColumns, false));

            cacheKey = GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup, CacheType.Dictionary);
            CacheTable tmpCache = _cache[cacheKey].CloneAndClear();

            // don't reload cache unless allowReload is specified
            if (allowReload == false && tmpCache.loadedFromDatabase)

            string sqlStmt = "SELECT id, ";

            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; i++)
                sqlStmt += metricGroup.multiRowKeys[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ", ";

            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; i++)
                sqlStmt += metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributes[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ", ";

            if (metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributesChangeSpeed == ChangeSpeed.Static)
                sqlStmt = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 2); // remove last comma
                sqlStmt += "startDate ";

            sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + "FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(targetId, metricGroup);

            if (metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributesChangeSpeed == ChangeSpeed.Slow)
                sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + "WHERE endDate IS NULL";


            while (!canExit && tryCount < 2)
                    if (connection == null)
                        conn = new SqlConnection(Configuration.GetReposConnectionString("Cache"));
                        conn = connection;

                    using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = sqlStmt;
                        cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                        if (transaction != null)
                            cmd.Transaction = transaction;

                        using (SqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            int      id;
                            object[] keys   = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys];
                            object[] values = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes];

                            while (dataReader.Read())
                                id = (int)dataReader["id"];

                                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; i++)
                                    keys[i] = dataReader[1 + i];

                                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; i++)
                                    values[i] = dataReader[1 + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + i];

                                // add record to dictionary
                                switch (metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributesChangeSpeed)
                                case ChangeSpeed.Static:
                                    tmpCache.Add(id, keys, values);

                                case ChangeSpeed.Slow:
                                    tmpCache.Add(id, keys, values, (DateTime)dataReader[1 + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes]);

                                    throw new Exception("Only Static and Slow changing dictionaries are supported");

                            tmpCache.loadedFromDatabase = true;
                            Replace(cacheKey, tmpCache);


                    if (connection == null)
                catch (SqlException e)
                    if (e.Number == 208) // Invalid object
                        // Do not create tables if target has been deleted
                        if (!Configuration.targets.ContainsKey(targetId))

                        SqlServerProbe.CreateTablesForMetricGroup(targetId, metricGroup);
                        _logger.Error("SqlException: " + e.Message + " ErrorCode: " + e.Number.ToString());
                } // end of catch

            } // end of while
        }     // end of LoadDictionaryIntoCache function
Example #12
        // method that runs continuously and purges data in repository
        public void Work()
            int              targetId;
            int              timeTableId;
            string           sqlStmt;
            MetricGroup      metricGroup;
            InstanceSchedule schedule;
            List <Tuple <DateTime, int> > lastPurgeList;

            _logger.Info("Purger started");

            _reposConn = new SqlConnection(Configuration.GetReposConnectionString("Purger"));

            while (!_shouldStop)
                    // this is to wait until the repository is ready to serve requests
                    if (!Manager.IsRepositoryAccessible)

                    if (this._reposConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                    lastPurgeList = Configuration.timeTable.LastPurge();
                    foreach (Tuple <DateTime, int> lastPurge in lastPurgeList)
                        timeTableId = lastPurge.Item2;

                        // Skip schedules that have been deleted
                        if (!Configuration.timeTable.TryGetValue(timeTableId, out schedule))

                        // skip schedules that were purged recently
                        if (DateTime.Compare(lastPurge.Item1.AddMinutes(Configuration.purgeInterval), DateTime.Now) > 0)

                        targetId    = schedule._targetId;
                        metricGroup = Configuration.metricGroups[schedule._metricGroupId];

                        // prepare SQL statement
                        switch (metricGroup.changeSpeed)
                        case ChangeSpeed.Slow:
                            sqlStmt = "DELETE FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup)
                                      + " WHERE endDate <= '" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1 * schedule._schedule.retention)) + "'";

                        case ChangeSpeed.Fast:
                            sqlStmt = "DELETE FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup)
                                      + " WHERE dt <= '" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1 * schedule._schedule.retention)) + "'";

                            throw new Exception("Unsupported change speed");

                        // execute SQL statement
                            if (!Manager.IsRepositoryAccessible)

                            if (_reposConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                            using (SqlCommand cmd = _reposConn.CreateCommand())
                                cmd.CommandType    = CommandType.Text;
                                cmd.CommandText    = sqlStmt;
                                cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;
                                int rowCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                                _logger.Debug("Rows deleted from table " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + ": " + rowCount.ToString());

                            // update last purge time
                            Configuration.timeTable.SetLastPurge(lastPurge.Item2, DateTime.Now);
                        catch (SqlException e)
                            if (e.Number == 208)
                                _logger.Debug("Table " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " does not exist");
                            else if (this._reposConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                                _logger.Error("Could not purge " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " due to error: " + e.Message);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (this._reposConn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                                _logger.Error("Could not purge " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " due to error: " + e.Message);


                        Thread.Sleep(250); // we don't want to stress the repository too much
                    } // foreach

                catch (Exception e)
                    if (this._reposConn != null)
                        switch (this._reposConn.State)
                        case System.Data.ConnectionState.Broken:
                        case System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed:

                } // end of catch
            }     // end of while (!_shouldStop)

            _logger.Info("Purger stopped");
Example #13
        } // end of WriteFastSingleRowToRepository function

        /// <summary>Saves data into dictionary and data table for multi-value metrics</summary>
        private void WriteMultipleRowsToRepository(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, ProbeResultingData data)
            int        id;
            CacheTable dictCache, dataCache;
            List <int> newDictRows;
            List <Tuple <int, int> > oldDictRows;

            object[] key, attributes;
            string   dataTableName, dictTableName;

            byte           tryCount    = 0;
            bool           canExit     = false;
            SqlTransaction tran        = null;
            string         dictSqlStmt = string.Empty;
            string         dataSqlStmt = string.Empty;

            newDictRows = new List <int>();               // ids of records that should be added to the dictionary (new rows or rows with updated attributes)
            oldDictRows = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); // ids and dictionary ids of records that changed since last probe and need to be closed

            dataTableName = SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup);
            _logger.Debug("Name of data table: " + dataTableName);

            dictTableName = SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(targetId, metricGroup);
            _logger.Debug("Name of dictionary: " + dictTableName);

            // load the dictionary cache table if it doesn't exist
            if (!InMemoryCache.ContainsKey(dictTableName))
                InMemoryCache.LoadDictionaryIntoCache(targetId, metricGroup, false);

            dictCache = Configuration.inMemoryCache[dictTableName];

            // load the dictionary cache table if it doesn't exist
            if (!InMemoryCache.ContainsKey(dataTableName))
                InMemoryCache.LoadDataIntoCache(targetId, metricGroup, false);

             * Checks for changed or new records in dictionary and if needed prepares SQL statement to update dictionary table
            switch (metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributesChangeSpeed)
            case ChangeSpeed.Static:
                // check whether all records are in the dictionary or some need to be added to it
                for (int i = 0; i < data.NumberOfRows; i++)
                    key = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys];

                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; j++)
                        key[j] = data.values[i, j];

                    if (dictCache.GetIdByKey(key) == -1)

                // generate SQL statements if there are any new dictionary records
                if (newDictRows.Count > 0)
                    dictSqlStmt = GenerateSqlStaticDict(targetId, metricGroup, data, newDictRows);


            case ChangeSpeed.Slow:
                // check whether all records are in the dictionary or some need to be added to it
                for (int i = 0; i < data.NumberOfRows; i++)
                    key = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys];
                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; j++)
                        key[j] = data.values[i, j];

                    id = dictCache.GetIdByKey(key);
                    if (id == -1)
                    else     // check that attributes match
                        attributes = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes];
                        for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; j++)
                            attributes[j] = data.values[i, metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + j];

                        if (!dictCache.CompareAttributesForKey(id, attributes))
                            oldDictRows.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, id));    // this is to close the old record - UPDATE

                // generate SQL statements if there are any changes or new records in dictionary
                if (oldDictRows.Count > 0 || newDictRows.Count > 0)
                    dictSqlStmt = GenerateSqlSlowDict(targetId, metricGroup, data, oldDictRows, newDictRows);


                throw new Exception("Unknown dictionary change speed");

             * Write new data into dictionary but don't close transaction yet
            if (dictSqlStmt.CompareTo(string.Empty) != 0)

                // If tables don't exist, will try to create them and rerun SQL statements
                while (!canExit && tryCount < 2)
                        // we will write to the dictionary first and then to the data table so we need to begin a transaction
                        tran = this.reposConn.BeginTransaction();

                        if (dictSqlStmt.CompareTo(string.Empty) != 0)
                            // save dictionary changes
                            using (SqlCommand cmd = this.reposConn.CreateCommand())
                                cmd.Transaction = tran;
                                cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                                cmd.CommandText = dictSqlStmt;
                                int rowCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                                _logger.Debug("Rows affected: " + rowCount.ToString());

                        InMemoryCache.LoadDictionaryIntoCache(targetId, metricGroup, true, this.reposConn, tran);
                        canExit = true;
                    catch (SqlException e)
                        if (tran != null)
                            tran = null;

                        switch (e.Number)
                        case 208:     // Invalid object
                            // Do not create tables if target has been deleted
                            if (!Configuration.targets.ContainsKey(targetId))

                            SqlServerProbe.CreateTablesForMetricGroup(targetId, metricGroup);

                            _logger.Error("SqlException: " + e.Message + " ErrorCode: " + e.Number.ToString());


             * Prepare SQL statement to save data with right references to the dictionary records
            switch (metricGroup.changeSpeed)
            case ChangeSpeed.Fast:
                dataSqlStmt = "INSERT INTO " + dataTableName + " (dt,dictId,";

                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                    dataSqlStmt += metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

                dataSqlStmt  = dataSqlStmt.Remove(dataSqlStmt.Length - 1);    // remove last comma
                dataSqlStmt += ")" + Environment.NewLine + "VALUES";

                for (int i = 0; i < data.NumberOfRows; i++)
                    dataSqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + "('" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "',";

                    // retrieve corresponding id from dictionary
                    key = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys];

                    for (int k = 0; k < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; k++)
                        key[k] = data.values[i, k];

                    id           = dictCache.GetIdByKey(key);
                    dataSqlStmt += id.ToString() + ",";

                    // add metric values
                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; j++)
                        dataSqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.metrics[j].type, data.values[i, metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes + j]) + ",";

                    dataSqlStmt  = dataSqlStmt.Remove(dataSqlStmt.Length - 1);    // remove last comma
                    dataSqlStmt += "),";

                dataSqlStmt = dataSqlStmt.Remove(dataSqlStmt.Length - 1);     // remove last comma

                throw new Exception("Unsupported data change speed");

             * Executes SQL statements
             * If tables don't exist, will try to create them and rerun SQL statements
                // save data
                using (SqlCommand cmd = this.reposConn.CreateCommand())
                    if (tran != null) // use same transaction as for the dictionary
                        cmd.Transaction = tran;

                    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    cmd.CommandText = dataSqlStmt;
                    int rowCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    _logger.Debug("Rows affected: " + rowCount.ToString());

                if (tran != null)

                InMemoryCache.LoadDictionaryIntoCache(targetId, metricGroup, true);
                dictCache = Configuration.inMemoryCache[dictTableName];

                // Update in-memory data cache
                object[] newValues;

                dataCache = Configuration.inMemoryCache[dataTableName];

                for (int i = 0; i < data.NumberOfRows; i++)
                    key = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys];

                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; j++)
                        key[j] = data.values[i, j];

                    id = dictCache.GetIdByKey(key);

                    newValues = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics];

                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; j++)
                        newValues[j] = data.values[i, metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes + j];

                    dataCache.AddOrUpdateRowValues(id, new object[0], newValues);

                canExit = true;
            catch (SqlException e)
                _logger.Error("SqlException: " + e.Message + " ErrorCode: " + e.Number.ToString());
                if (tran != null)
                    InMemoryCache.LoadDictionaryIntoCache(targetId, metricGroup, true);
Example #14
        } // end of GenerateSqlStaticDict method

        // Generates UPDATE statement for closing records and INSERT statement for openning records
        private static string GenerateSqlSlowDict(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, ProbeResultingData data, List <Tuple <int, int> > rowsChanged, List <int> rowsNotInDict)
            CacheTable dict    = Configuration.inMemoryCache[InMemoryCache.GetCacheKey(targetId, metricGroup, CacheType.Dictionary)];
            string     sqlStmt = string.Empty;

            // old rows where endDate need to be updated
            if (rowsChanged.Count > 0)
                sqlStmt  = "UPDATE " + SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + Environment.NewLine;
                sqlStmt += "SET endDate = '" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "'" + Environment.NewLine;
                sqlStmt += "WHERE";

                foreach (Tuple <int, int> ids in rowsChanged)
                    sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + "(id = " + ids.Item2.ToString() + " AND ";
                    sqlStmt += "startDate = '" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString((DateTime)dict[ids.Item2][metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes]) + "')";
                    sqlStmt += " OR ";

                sqlStmt  = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 4); // remove last ' OR '
                sqlStmt += ";" + Environment.NewLine;

                // new records for changed rows
                sqlStmt += "INSERT INTO " + SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " (id,";
                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; i++)
                    sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + metricGroup.multiRowKeys[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; i++)
                    sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributes[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

                sqlStmt += "startDate,endDate)" + Environment.NewLine;
                sqlStmt += "VALUES " + Environment.NewLine;

                foreach (Tuple <int, int> ids in rowsChanged)
                    sqlStmt += "(" + ids.Item2.ToString() + ",";
                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; j++)
                        sqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.multiRowKeys[j].type, data.values[ids.Item1, j]) + ",";

                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; j++)
                        sqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributes[j].type, data.values[ids.Item1, metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + j]) + ",";

                    // add startDate and endDate
                    sqlStmt += "'" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "',NULL),";

                sqlStmt = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma

            // new rows
            if (rowsNotInDict.Count > 0)
                sqlStmt += "INSERT INTO " + SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " (id,";
                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; i++)
                    sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + metricGroup.multiRowKeys[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; i++)
                    sqlStmt += Environment.NewLine + metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributes[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

                sqlStmt += "startDate,endDate)" + Environment.NewLine;
                sqlStmt += "VALUES " + Environment.NewLine;

                foreach (int i in rowsNotInDict)
                    sqlStmt += "(NEXT VALUE FOR " + SqlServerProbe.SchemaName(targetId) + ".seq_" + metricGroup.dictTableName + ",";
                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys; j++)
                        sqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.multiRowKeys[j].type, data.values[i, j]) + ",";

                    for (int j = 0; j < metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeyAttributes; j++)
                        sqlStmt += SqlServerProbe.DataValueToString(metricGroup.multiRowKeyAttributes[j].type, data.values[i, metricGroup.NumberOfMultiRowKeys + j]) + ",";

                    // add startDate and endDate
                    sqlStmt += "'" + SqlServerProbe.DateTimeToString(data.probeDateTime) + "',NULL),";

                sqlStmt = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma

        } // end of GenerateSqlSlowDict method
Example #15
        /// <summary>Returns true if new data matches in-memory copy or no history is found - single row - slow changing</summary>
        private int CompareSlowSingleRowWithInMemoryData(int targetId, MetricGroup metricGroup, ProbeResultingData data, SqlConnection connection)
            bool       noHistory = false;
            CacheTable dataCache;

            // create in-memory cache table if it doesn't exist
            if (!InMemoryCache.ContainsKey(InMemoryCache.GetCacheKey(-1, metricGroup)))
                // Do not create tables if target has been deleted
                if (!Configuration.targets.ContainsKey(targetId))

                InMemoryCache.CreateCacheTableSingleRow(metricGroup, CacheType.Data);

            dataCache = Configuration.inMemoryCache[InMemoryCache.GetCacheKey(-1, metricGroup, CacheType.Data)];
            // load latest row from the repository if it is not in-memory yet
            int id = dataCache.GetIdByKey(new object[] { targetId });

            if (id == -1)
                string sqlStmt = "SELECT ";

                for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                    sqlStmt += metricGroup.metrics[i].name.Replace(' ', '_') + ",";

                sqlStmt  = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 1); // remove last comma
                sqlStmt += " FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup);
                sqlStmt += " WHERE startDate = (SELECT MAX(startDate) FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + ")";

                using (SqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    cmd.CommandText = sqlStmt;

                        SqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                        if (dataReader.Read())
                            object[] oldValues = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics];

                            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                                // check data type before casting
                                switch (metricGroup.metrics[i].type)
                                case DataType.Ansi:
                                    if (!DataTypeMappingSqlServer.DoesBelong(dataReader.GetDataTypeName(i), DataType.Ansi))
                                        throw new Exception("Data type of column #" + (i + 1).ToString() + " of '" + metricGroup.name + "' metric does not match any allowed data type for internal data type Ansi");

                                    oldValues[i] = (object)dataReader.GetString(i);


                                case DataType.Unicode:
                                    if (!DataTypeMappingSqlServer.DoesBelong(dataReader.GetDataTypeName(i), DataType.Unicode))
                                        throw new Exception("Data type of column #" + (i + 1).ToString() + " of '" + metricGroup.name + "' metric does not match any allowed data type for internal data type Unicode");

                                    oldValues[i] = (object)dataReader.GetString(i);


                                case DataType.Double:
                                    if (!DataTypeMappingSqlServer.DoesBelong(dataReader.GetDataTypeName(i), DataType.Double))
                                        throw new Exception("Data type of column #" + (i + 1).ToString() + " of '" + metricGroup.name + "' metric does not match any allowed data type for internal data type Double");

                                    oldValues[i] = (object)dataReader.GetDouble(i);


                                case DataType.SmallInt:
                                    if (!DataTypeMappingSqlServer.DoesBelong(dataReader.GetDataTypeName(i), DataType.SmallInt))
                                        throw new Exception("Data type of column #" + (i + 1).ToString() + " of '" + metricGroup.name + "' metric does not match any allowed data type for internal data type Int16");

                                    oldValues[i] = (object)dataReader.GetInt16(i);


                                case DataType.Datetime:
                                    if (!DataTypeMappingSqlServer.DoesBelong(dataReader.GetDataTypeName(i), DataType.Datetime))
                                        throw new Exception("Data type of column #" + (i + 1).ToString() + " of '" + metricGroup.name + "' metric does not match any allowed data type for internal data type Datetime");

                                    oldValues[i] = (object)dataReader.GetDateTime(i);


                                    throw new Exception("Unknown data type");
                                } // end of switch

                            id = dataCache.Add(-1, new object[] { targetId }, oldValues);
                            noHistory = true;

                    catch (SqlException e)
                        if (e.Number == 208) // Invalid object
                            // Do not create tables if target has been deleted
                            if (!Configuration.targets.ContainsKey(targetId))

                            SqlServerProbe.CreateTablesForMetricGroup(targetId, metricGroup);
                            noHistory = true;

                if (noHistory)

            // compare old and new values
            object[] newValues = new object[metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics];
            for (int i = 0; i < metricGroup.NumberOfMetrics; i++)
                newValues[i] = data.values[0, i];

            if (dataCache.CompareAttributesForKey(id, newValues))
Example #16
        } // end of Work method

        private bool Archive(int targetId, ArchiveOffset archiveOffset, MetricGroup metricGroup,
                             DateTime archiveTo, DateTime archiveFrom)
            // Do not archive static and slow changing metrics
            if (metricGroup.changeSpeed != ChangeSpeed.Fast)

            // Compose SQL statement

            // Save aggregated data in a temp table
            string sqlStmt = "SELECT " + RoundDate("dt", archiveOffset.IntervalInSeconds) + " as dt, " + Environment.NewLine;

            // add dictId if the metric group has multiple rows
            if (metricGroup.isMultiRow)
                sqlStmt += "dictId, ";

            // Add AVG(column names)
            foreach (var item in metricGroup.metrics)
                sqlStmt += "AVG(" + item.Value.name.Replace(' ', '_') + ") as " + item.Value.name.Replace(' ', '_') + ", ";

            sqlStmt  = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 2) + Environment.NewLine; // remove last comma
            sqlStmt += "INTO #AVG_TMP_" + metricGroup.dataTableName + Environment.NewLine;
            sqlStmt += "FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + Environment.NewLine;
            sqlStmt += "WHERE dt BETWEEN @dateFrom AND @dateTo" + Environment.NewLine;
            sqlStmt += "GROUP BY " + RoundDate("dt", archiveOffset.IntervalInSeconds) + ", ";

            // add dictId if the metric group has multiple rows
            if (metricGroup.isMultiRow)
                sqlStmt += "dictId, ";

            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 2) + ";" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; // remove last comma

            // Delete aggregated records
            sqlStmt += "DELETE FROM " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " WHERE dt BETWEEN @dateFrom AND @dateTo;" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            // Copy records from the temp table
            sqlStmt += "INSERT INTO " + SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(targetId, metricGroup) + " (dt, ";

            // add dictId if the metric group has multiple rows
            if (metricGroup.isMultiRow)
                sqlStmt += "dictId, ";

            // Add column names
            foreach (var item in metricGroup.metrics)
                sqlStmt += item.Value.name.Replace(' ', '_') + ", ";

            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 2); // remove last comma

            sqlStmt += ")" + Environment.NewLine;
            sqlStmt += "SELECT dt, ";

            // add dictId if the metric group has multiple rows
            if (metricGroup.isMultiRow)
                sqlStmt += "dictId, ";

            // Add column names
            foreach (var item in metricGroup.metrics)
                sqlStmt += item.Value.name.Replace(' ', '_') + ", ";

            sqlStmt  = sqlStmt.Remove(sqlStmt.Length - 2) + Environment.NewLine; // remove last comma
            sqlStmt += "FROM #AVG_TMP_" + metricGroup.dataTableName + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            // Update ArchivedToDate value
            sqlStmt += "UPDATE dbo.ArchiveWatermarks SET ArchivedToDate = @dateTo WHERE ArchiveOffsetId = @archiveOffsetId and TargetId = @targetId;";

            // Execute SQL statement
            SqlTransaction reposTran = null;
            SqlCommand     reposCmd  = null;

                if (_reposConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                reposTran = _reposConn.BeginTransaction();

                reposCmd                = _reposConn.CreateCommand();
                reposCmd.Transaction    = reposTran;
                reposCmd.CommandType    = CommandType.Text;
                reposCmd.CommandText    = sqlStmt;
                reposCmd.CommandTimeout = 300;

                reposCmd.Parameters.Add("@targetId", SqlDbType.Int);
                reposCmd.Parameters["@targetId"].Value = targetId;

                reposCmd.Parameters.Add("@archiveOffsetId", SqlDbType.Int);
                reposCmd.Parameters["@archiveOffsetId"].Value = archiveOffset.Id;

                reposCmd.Parameters.Add("@dateFrom", SqlDbType.DateTime2, 6);
                reposCmd.Parameters["@dateFrom"].Value = RoundDate(archiveFrom, archiveOffset.IntervalInSeconds);

                reposCmd.Parameters.Add("@dateTo", SqlDbType.DateTime2, 6);
                reposCmd.Parameters["@dateTo"].Value = archiveTo;



            catch (SqlException e)
                if (_reposConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                switch (e.Number)
                case 208:     // Ignore missing tables. Target might be recently initialized

                    _logger.Error("SqlException: {0} ErrorCode: {1}", e.Message, e.Number);

                if (reposTran != null)
                    // Transaction might be rolled back if commit fails. In this case second rollback will fail
                    catch (Exception)
                        _logger.Debug("Transaction has been rolled back already");

            catch (Exception e)
                if (_reposConn.State == ConnectionState.Open)

                if (reposCmd != null)

                if (reposTran != null)

        } // end of Archive method
        // returns a set of datetime-value tuples in a JSON string
        // param0: MetricGroupName - MetricGroup->Name
        // param1: TargetId - Targets->Id
        // param2: StartDateTime - YYYYMMDDHHMM
        // param3: EndDateTime - YYYYMMDDHHMM
        // param4: Interval - M in minutes
        // param5: MetricName - MetricGroup->metrics->name
        // param6: NumOfRowsToReturn - Number of records to return (TOP X)
        // param7: DictionaryKeyName - MetricGroup->multiRowKeys->name
        // param8: Optional. Dictionary keys to exclude
        // test string ok     http://localhost:3128/ws/fastmulti/Range/SQL%20Server%20Wait%20Stats/0/201305201800/201305201900/5/Wait%20Time%20ms/5/Wait%20Type/
        // test string not ok http://localhost:3128/ws/fastmulti/Range/SQL%20Server%20Wait%20Stats/0/201305201800/201305M900/5/Wait%20Time%20ms/10/Wait%20Type/
        private WebServiceResult Range(string[] parameters)
            if (parameters.Count() < 8)
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): too few parameters. Format is MetricGroupName/TargetId/StartDateTime/EndDateTime/IntervalInMinutes/MetricName/DictionaryKeyName/[DictionaryKeysToExclude]"));

            if (parameters.Count() > 9)
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): too many parameters. Format is MetricGroupName/TargetId/StartDateTime/EndDateTime/IntervalInMinutes/MetricName/numOfRowsToReturn/DictionaryKeyName/[DictionaryKeysToExclude]"));

            Regex r = new Regex("^[0-9]*$");

            // check that supplied target id is valid
            if (!r.IsMatch(parameters[1]) || !Configuration.targets.ContainsId(Convert.ToInt32(parameters[1])))
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): TargetId is either not numeric or target with specified id doesn't exist"));

            if (!r.IsMatch(parameters[2]) || !r.IsMatch(parameters[3]) || !r.IsMatch(parameters[4]))
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): TargetId or StartDateTime or EndDateTime or Interval is not numeric. Format is MetricGroupName/TargetId/StartDateTime/EndDateTime/IntervalInMinutes/MetricName/DictionaryKeyName/[DictionaryKeysToExclude]"));

            if (parameters[2].Length != 12 || parameters[3].Length != 12)
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): StartDateTime and EndDateTime must be in YYYYMMDDHHMM format"));

            if (!r.IsMatch(parameters[6]))
                return(WebServiceResult.ReturnError(GetType().Name + ".Range(): NumOfRowsToReturn is not numeric"));

            // look up metric group by name
            var metricGroup = Configuration.metricGroups[parameters[0]];

            string metricColumn      = parameters[5].Replace(' ', '_');
            string numOfRowsToReturn = parameters[6];
            string exclusionColumn   = parameters[7].Replace(' ', '_');
            string excludedValues    = string.Empty;

            if (parameters.Count() == 9)
                excludedValues = parameters[8];

            // prepare parameters
            SqlParameters sqlParameters = new SqlParameters
                { "@dataTable", SqlServerProbe.DataTableName(Convert.ToInt32(parameters[1]), metricGroup) },
                { "@dictionary", SqlServerProbe.DictTableName(Convert.ToInt32(parameters[1]), metricGroup) },
                { "@start_dt", SqlServerProbe.FormatDate(parameters[2]) },
                { "@end_dt", SqlServerProbe.FormatDate(parameters[3]) },
                { "@interval", parameters[4] },
                { "@metricColumn", metricColumn },
                { "@numOfRowsToReturn", numOfRowsToReturn },
                { "@exclusionColumn", exclusionColumn },
                { "@excludedValues", excludedValues }

            // execute procedure and return results
            if (metricGroup.isCumulative)
                return(GetData(System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.GetRangeMultiRowFastCumulative", sqlParameters));

            return(GetData(System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.GetRangeMultiRowFastNonCumulative", sqlParameters));