Example #1
        public void DropDatabaseWithActiveConnection(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int    currentRetries = 0;
            string database       = DataTestUtility.GetUniqueNameForSqlServer($"RetryLogic_{provider.RetryLogic.RetryIntervalEnumerator.GetType().Name}", false);
            var    builder        = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnnString)
                InitialCatalog = database,
                ConnectTimeout = 1

            using (var cnn3 = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                using (var cnn2 = new SqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString))
                    using (var cnn1 = new SqlConnection(new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnnString)
                        ConnectTimeout = 120
                        using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
                            cmd.Connection = cnn1;
                            // Create the database and wait until it is finalized.
                            cmd.CommandText = $"CREATE DATABASE [{database}]; \nWHILE(NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = '{database}')) \nWAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10' ";

                                // open an active connection to the database to raise error 3702 if someone drops it.

                                // kill the active connection to the database after the first faliure.
                                provider.Retrying += (s, e) =>
                                    currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
                                    if (cnn2.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                                        // in some reason closing connection doesn't eliminate the active connection to the database
                                        using (var cmd3 = cnn3.CreateCommand())
                                            cmd3.CommandText = $"KILL {cnn2.ServerProcessId}";

                                // drop the database
                                cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                                cmd.CommandText        = $"DROP DATABASE [{database}]";

                                Assert.True(currentRetries > 0);
                                // additional try to drop the database if it still exists.
                                DataTestUtility.DropDatabase(cnn1, database);
Example #2
        private static void RetryConnection(string connectionString)
            // <Snippet1>
            // Define the retry logic parameters
            var options = new SqlRetryLogicOption()
                // Tries 5 times before throwing an exception
                NumberOfTries = 5,
                // Preferred gap time to delay before retry
                DeltaTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                // Maximum gap time for each delay time before retry
                MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
                // SqlException retriable error numbers
                TransientErrors = new int[] { 4060, 1024, 1025 }
            // </Snippet1>

            // <Snippet2>
            // Create a custom retry logic provider
            SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider = CustomRetry.CreateCustomProvider(options);

            // </Snippet2>

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                // <Snippet3>
                // Assumes that connection is a valid SqlConnection object
                // Set the retry logic provider on the connection instance
                connection.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                // Establishing the connection will trigger retry if one of the given transient failure occurs.
                // </Snippet3>
Example #3
 private void TestCommandExecute(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, RetryLogicConfigs cnfig)
     using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(TcpCnnString))
         using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
             cmd.Connection         = cnn;
             cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
             cmd.CommandText        = "SELECT bad command";
             var ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalar());
             Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
             ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader());
             Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
             ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default));
             Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
             ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
             Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
             if (DataTestUtility.IsNotAzureSynapse())
                 cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + " FOR XML AUTO";
                 ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReader());
                 Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
Example #4
    private static void RetryConnection(string connectionString)
        // <Snippet1>
        // Define the retry logic parameters
        var options = new SqlRetryLogicOption()
            // Tries 5 times before throwing an exception
            NumberOfTries = 5,
            // Preferred gap time to delay before retry
            DeltaTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
            // Maximum gap time for each delay time before retry
            MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)
        // </Snippet1>

        // <Snippet2>
        // Create a retry logic provider
        SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider = SqlConfigurableRetryFactory.CreateExponentialRetryProvider(options);

        // </Snippet2>

        using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
            // <Snippet3>
            // Assumes that connection is a valid SqlConnection object
            // Set the retry logic provider on the connection instance
            connection.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
            // Establishing the connection will retry if a transient failure occurs.
            // </Snippet3>
// </Snippet3>
// <Snippet4>
    private static void RetryCommand(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
        // Change this if you already have a database with the same name in your database.
        string dbName = "RetryCommand_TestDatabase";

        // Subscribe to the retry event and discover the active sessions in a database
        EventHandler <SqlRetryingEventArgs> retryEvent = (object s, SqlRetryingEventArgs e) =>
            // Run just at first execution
            if (e.RetryCount == 1)
                FindActiveSessions(s_generalConnection, dbName);
                Console.WriteLine($"Before exceeding {provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries} attempts.");

        provider.Retrying += retryEvent;

        // Create a new database.
        ExecuteCommand(s_generalConnection, string.Format(CreateDatabaseFormat, dbName));
        Console.WriteLine($"The '{dbName}' database is created.");

        // Open a connection to the newly created database to block it from being dropped.
        using var blockingCnn = new SqlConnection(string.Format(CnnStringFormat, dbName));
        Console.WriteLine($"Established a connection to '{dbName}' to block it from being dropped.");

        Console.WriteLine("Dropping the database...");
        // Try to drop the new database.
        RetryCommandBeginExecuteAsync(provider, dbName).Wait();

        Console.WriteLine("Command executed successfully.");

        provider.Retrying -= retryEvent;
Example #6
        private async Task TestCommandExecuteAsync(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, RetryLogicConfigs cnfig)
            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(TcpCnnString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    cmd.Connection         = cnn;
                    cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                    cmd.CommandText        = "SELECT bad command";
                    var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.Default));

                    Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + " FOR XML AUTO";
                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
Example #7
        public void ConcurrentExecution(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int numberOfTries       = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            int cancelAfterRetries  = numberOfTries + 1;
            int retriesCount        = 0;
            int concurrentExecution = 5;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => Interlocked.Increment(ref retriesCount);

            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (var cnn = CreateConnectionWithInvalidCatalog(cnnString, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                    Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cnn.Open());
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            retriesCount = 0;
            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (var cnn = CreateConnectionWithInvalidCatalog(cnnString, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                    Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cnn.OpenAsync()).Wait();
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);
Example #8
        public void RetryExecuteWithTrans(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int numberOfTries      = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            int cancelAfterRetries = numberOfTries + 1;
            int currentRetries     = 0;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
            string query = "SELECT bad command";

            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = CreateCommand(cnn, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                    using (SqlTransaction tran = cnn.BeginTransaction())
                        cmd.CommandText = query;
                        cmd.Transaction = tran;
                        Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                        Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                        Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader());
                        Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                        Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default));
                        Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                        Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                        Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                        cmd.CommandText = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
                        Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReader());
                        Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

Example #9
        public void NoneRetriableExecuteFail(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            string query = "SELECT bad command";

            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    cmd.Connection         = cnn;
                    cmd.CommandText        = query;
                    cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader());
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default));
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());

                    Assert.ThrowsAsync <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync()).Wait();
                    Assert.ThrowsAsync <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()).Wait();
                    Assert.ThrowsAsync <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.Default)).Wait();
                    Assert.ThrowsAsync <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync()).Wait();

                    cmd.CommandText = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReader());
                    Assert.ThrowsAsync <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync()).Wait();
 private static async Task RetryCommandBeginExecuteAsync(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, string dbName)
     using var cmd   = s_generalConnection.CreateCommand();
     cmd.CommandText = string.Format(DropDatabaseFormat, dbName);
     // Execute the BeginExecuteXXX and EndExecuteXXX functions by using Task.Factory.FromAsync().
     // Apply the retry logic by using the ExecuteAsync function of the configurable retry logic provider.
     Console.WriteLine("The first attempt, before getting into the retry logic.");
     await provider.ExecuteAsync(cmd, () => Task.Factory.FromAsync(cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery(), cmd.EndExecuteNonQuery));
 private static async Task RetryCommandAsync(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, string dbName)
     using var cmd   = s_generalConnection.CreateCommand();
     cmd.CommandText = string.Format(DropDatabaseFormat, dbName);
     // 3. Assign the `provider` to the command
     cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
     Console.WriteLine("The first attempt, before getting into the retry logic.");
     await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
Example #12
        static public void Main(string[] args)
            // Read the connection string from the app.config file
            string connString;
            ConnectionStringSettings settings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConsoleAppConnectiongp1"];

            connString = settings.ConnectionString;

            // Setup retry logic
            // Define the retry logic parameters
            var options = new SqlRetryLogicOption()
                // Tries 5 times before throwing an exception
                NumberOfTries = 5,
                // Preferred gap time to delay before retry
                DeltaTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                // Maximum gap time for each delay time before retry
                MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
                // Let's add a few errors to the default
                TransientErrors = new int[] { 0, 64, 40615, 40914, 40613 }

            // Create a retry logic provider
            SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider = SqlConfigurableRetryFactory.CreateExponentialRetryProvider(options);

            // define the retrying event to report the execution attempts
            provider.Retrying += (s, e) =>
                int attempts = e.RetryCount;
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine($"attempt {attempts} - current delay time:{e.Delay} \n");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                if (e.Exceptions[e.Exceptions.Count - 1] is SqlException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{e.Exceptions[e.Exceptions.Count - 1].Message}\n");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
                RunWorkload(connString, provider);
                //if ((i % 100) == 0)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                    Console.WriteLine("Workload executed... {0}", i);

                // Delay a bit to make this a typical app instead of just making DB calls as fast as I can
Example #13
        public void UpdateALockedTable(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int    currentRetries = 0;
            string tableName      = DataTestUtility.GetUniqueNameForSqlServer("Region");
            string fieldName      = "RegionDescription";

            using (var cnn1 = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                using (var cmd1 = new SqlCommand())
                    using (var cnn2 = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                        using (var cmd2 = new SqlCommand())

                            cmd1.Connection = cnn1;
                            cmd2.Connection = cnn2;

                            // Create a separate table from Region
                            cmd1.CommandText = $"SELECT TOP (1) * INTO {tableName} FROM Region;";

                                CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                                provider.Retrying += (s, e) =>
                                    currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
                                    // cancel the blocker task

                                // Hold lock the table for 10 seconds (more that the connection timeout)
                                cmd1.CommandText = $"BEGIN TRAN; SELECT * FROM {tableName} WITH(TABLOCKx, HOLDLOCK); WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'; ROLLBACK;";
                                // Be sure the table is locked.

                                // Update the locked table
                                cmd2.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                                cmd2.CommandTimeout     = 1;
                                cmd2.CommandText        = $"UPDATE {tableName} SET {fieldName} = 'updated';";
                                DataTestUtility.DropTable(cnn2, tableName);

                            Assert.True(currentRetries > 0);
Example #14
 private void TestConnection(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, RetryLogicConfigs cnfig)
     using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(InvalidTcpCnnString))
         cnn.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
         var ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cnn.Open());
         Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
         var tex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cnn.OpenAsync());
         Assert.Equal(cnfig.NumberOfTries, tex.Result.InnerExceptions.Count);
Example #15
        public void ConnectionCancelRetryOpenInvalidCatalog(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int cancelAfterRetries = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries - 1;
            int currentRetries     = 0;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
            using (var cnn = CreateConnectionWithInvalidCatalog(cnnString, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                var ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cnn.Open());
                Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);
Example #16
        public void RetryExecuteUnauthorizedSqlStatementDML(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int numberOfTries      = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            int cancelAfterRetries = numberOfTries + 1;
            int currentRetries     = 0;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => currentRetries = e.RetryCount;

            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = CreateCommand(cnn, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                    #region unauthorized
                    cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                    cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                    cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                    cmd.CommandText = "TRUNCATE TABLE bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(0, currentRetries);

                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(numberOfTries, currentRetries + 1);

                    cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(numberOfTries, currentRetries + 1);

                    cmd.CommandText = "EXEC bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(numberOfTries, currentRetries + 1);

                    cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(numberOfTries, currentRetries + 1);

                    cmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE bad command";
                    Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(numberOfTries, currentRetries + 1);
        public void InvalidExecute()
            SqlRetryLogicOption option = new SqlRetryLogicOption()
                NumberOfTries   = 5,
                DeltaTime       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
                MinTimeInterval = TimeSpan.Zero,
                MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)

            SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider retryLogicProvider = SqlConfigurableRetryFactory.CreateFixedRetryProvider(option);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => retryLogicProvider.Execute <int>(null, null));
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(() => retryLogicProvider.ExecuteAsync(null, null));
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(() => retryLogicProvider.ExecuteAsync <int>(null, null));
Example #18
        public void CreateDatabaseWhileTryingToConnect(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int    currentRetries = 0;
            string database       = DataTestUtility.GetUniqueNameForSqlServer($"RetryLogic_{provider.RetryLogic.RetryIntervalEnumerator.GetType().Name}", false);
            var    builder        = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnnString)
                InitialCatalog = database,
                ConnectTimeout = 1

            using (var cnn1 = new SqlConnection(new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnnString)
                ConnectTimeout = 60, Pooling = false
                Task createDBTask = null;
                    provider.Retrying += (s, e) =>
                        currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
                        using (var cmd = cnn1.CreateCommand())
                            // Try to create database just after first faliure.
                            if (createDBTask == null || createDBTask.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted)
                                cmd.CommandText = $"IF (NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = '{database}')) CREATE DATABASE [{database}];";
                                createDBTask    = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                    using (var cnn2 = new SqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString))
                        cnn2.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                    DataTestUtility.DropDatabase(cnn1, database);
            Assert.True(currentRetries > 0);
Example #19
        private SqlCommand CreateCommand(SqlConnection cnn, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, int cancelAfterRetries)
            SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand();

            cmd.RetryLogicProvider           = provider;
            cmd.RetryLogicProvider.Retrying += (object s, SqlRetryingEventArgs e) =>
                Assert.Equal(e.RetryCount, e.Exceptions.Count);
                Assert.NotEqual(TimeSpan.Zero, e.Delay);

                if (e.RetryCount >= cancelAfterRetries)
                    e.Cancel = true;
Example #20
        public void DefaultOpenWithoutRetry(string connectionString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider cnnProvider)
            var cnnString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString)
                InitialCatalog = InvalidInitialCatalog

            Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => new SqlConnection(cnnString).Open());
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <SqlException>(() => new SqlConnection(cnnString).OpenAsync()).Wait();

            using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                cnn.RetryLogicProvider = cnnProvider;
                Assert.Throws <SqlException>(() => cnn.Open());
                cnn.RetryLogicProvider = cnnProvider;
                Assert.ThrowsAsync <SqlException>(() => cnn.OpenAsync()).Wait();
Example #21
        public void RetryExecuteCancel(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int numberOfTries      = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            int cancelAfterRetries = numberOfTries - 1;
            int currentRetries     = 0;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
            string query = "SELECT bad command";

            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = CreateCommand(cnn, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                    cmd.CommandText = query;
                    var ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader());
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default));
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    if (DataTestUtility.IsNotAzureSynapse())
                        cmd.CommandText = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
                        ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReader());
                        Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                        Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                        Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);
Example #22
        static public void ExecuteQuery(SqlConnection connection, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            using (var command = new SqlCommand())
                command.Connection         = connection;
                command.CommandType        = CommandType.Text;
                command.CommandText        = @"SELECT @@VERSION";
                command.CommandTimeout     = 180;
                command.RetryLogicProvider = provider;

                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
Example #23
        private SqlConnection CreateConnectionWithInvalidCatalog(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, int cancelAfterRetries)
            var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnnString)
                InitialCatalog = InvalidInitialCatalog

            SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString);

            cnn.RetryLogicProvider           = provider;
            cnn.RetryLogicProvider.Retrying += (s, e) =>
                Assert.Equal(e.RetryCount, e.Exceptions.Count);
                Assert.NotEqual(TimeSpan.Zero, e.Delay);
                if (e.RetryCount >= cancelAfterRetries)
                    e.Cancel = true;

Example #24
        // Workload routine to connect and run query
        static public void RunWorkload(string connString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            // Setup a string to hold error messages
            StringBuilder errorMessages = new StringBuilder();

                // Build the connection
                using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connString))
                    // Set the retry logic provider on the connection instance
                    //connection.RetryLogicProvider = provider;

                    // open the connection

                    var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                    Program.ExecuteQuery(connection, provider);


                    // Close the connection
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    "Message: " + ex.Message + "\n" +
                    "Source: " + ex.Source + "\n");
Example #25
    private static void RetryConnection(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
        // Change this if you already have a database with the same name in your database.
        string dbName = "Invalid_DB_Open";

        // Create a connection to an invalid database.
        using var cnn = new SqlConnection(string.Format(CnnStringFormat, dbName));
        // 3. Assign the `provider` to the connection
        cnn.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
        Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to the [{dbName}] ...");
        // Manually execute the following command in SSMS to create the invalid database while the SqlConnection is attempting to connect to it.
        // >> CREATE DATABASE Invalid_DB_Open;
        Console.WriteLine($"Manually, run the 'CREATE DATABASE {dbName};' in the SQL Server before exceeding the {provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries} attempts.");
        // the connection tries to connect to the database 5 times
        Console.WriteLine("The first attempt, before getting into the retry logic.");
        Console.WriteLine($"Connected to the [{dbName}] successfully.");


        // Drop it after test
        ExecuteCommand(s_generalConnection, string.Format(DropDatabaseFormat, dbName));
        Console.WriteLine($"The [{dbName}] is removed.");
 public ErrorInfoRetryLogicProvider(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider innerProvider)
     InnerProvider = innerProvider;
Example #27
        public void ConcurrentExecution(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int    numberOfTries       = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            string query               = "SELECT bad command";
            int    retriesCount        = 0;
            int    concurrentExecution = 3;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => Interlocked.Increment(ref retriesCount);

            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalar());
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            retriesCount = 0;
            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            retriesCount = 0;
            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader());
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            if (DataTestUtility.IsNotAzureSynapse())
                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                        using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                            cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                            cmd.CommandText        = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
                            Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReader());
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            retriesCount = 0;
            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync()).Wait();
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            retriesCount = 0;
            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync()).Wait();
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            retriesCount = 0;
            Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                         i =>
                using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()).Wait();
            Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

            // TODO: there is a known issue by ExecuteXmlReaderAsync that should be solved first- issue #44

             * if(DataTestUtility.IsNotAzureSynapse())
             * {
             *  retriesCount = 0;
             *  Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
             *  i =>
             *  {
             *      using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
             *      using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
             *      {
             *          cnn.Open();
             *          cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
             *          cmd.CommandText = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
             *          Assert.ThrowsAsync<AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync()).Wait();
             *      }
             *  });
             *  Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);
             * }
Example #28
        public async void ConnectionRetryOpenAsyncInvalidCatalogFailed(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int numberOfTries      = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            int cancelAfterRetries = numberOfTries + 1;
            int currentRetries     = 0;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
            using (var cnn = CreateConnectionWithInvalidCatalog(cnnString, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cnn.OpenAsync());

                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries, currentRetries + 1);
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                Assert.Contains(string.Format(_exceedErrMsgPattern, numberOfTries), ex.Message);
Example #29
        public async void RetryExecuteAsyncCancel(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            int numberOfTries      = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            int cancelAfterRetries = numberOfTries - 1;
            int currentRetries     = 0;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => currentRetries = e.RetryCount;
            string query = "SELECT bad command";

            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = CreateCommand(cnn, provider, cancelAfterRetries))
                    cmd.CommandText = query;
                    var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.Default));

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.Default, CancellationToken.None));

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => provider.ExecuteAsync(cmd, () => Task.Factory.FromAsync(cmd.BeginExecuteReader(), cmd.EndExecuteReader)));

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => provider.ExecuteAsync(cmd, () => Task.Factory.FromAsync(cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery(), cmd.EndExecuteNonQuery)));

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    cmd.CommandText = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync());

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);

                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => provider.ExecuteAsync(cmd, () => Task.Factory.FromAsync(cmd.BeginExecuteXmlReader(), cmd.EndExecuteXmlReader)));

                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, currentRetries);
                    Assert.Equal(cancelAfterRetries, ex.InnerExceptions.Count);
                    Assert.Contains(string.Format(_cancelErrMsgPattern, currentRetries), ex.Message);
Example #30
        public void ConcurrentExecution(string cnnString, SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
            var cnnStr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnnString)
                MultipleActiveResultSets = true, ConnectTimeout = 0
            int    numberOfTries       = provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries;
            string query               = "SELECT bad command";
            int    retriesCount        = 0;
            int    concurrentExecution = 5;

            provider.Retrying += (s, e) => Interlocked.Increment(ref retriesCount);

            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cnnStr))

                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQuery());
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReader());
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
                        Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReader());
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync()).Wait();
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync()).Wait();
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query;
                        Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()).Wait();
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);

                retriesCount = 0;
                Parallel.For(0, concurrentExecution,
                             i =>
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
                        cmd.CommandText        = query + " FOR XML AUTO";
                        Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(() => cmd.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync()).Wait();
                Assert.Equal(numberOfTries * concurrentExecution, retriesCount + concurrentExecution);