public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { if (SqlRepo.AdminScriptsInstalled() == false) { LogWarning("Installation of Performance Dashboard is incomplete. Please install the latest scripts from PDB's custom pages."); return(true); } bool bSuccess = true; base.ExecuteForServers(server => { try { if (server.ServerTypeId == (int)ServerType.Database) { SqlRepo.EnvironmentCheckRepository.ExecuteCollectDatabaseDetails(server.ServerName); } var serverDetails = GetServerDetails(server); SqlRepo.EnvironmentCheckRepository.SaveServerDetails(serverDetails); } catch (COMException exception) { // Catch RPC exception and swallow for now, but log error to investigate and continue attempting to get details from other servers. bSuccess = false; LogError($"Caught exception ({exception.Message}) for server {server.ServerName}. Skipping and continuing environment check for other servers."); } }); return(bSuccess); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { if (SqlRepo.AdminScriptsInstalled() == false) { LogWarning("Installation of Performance Dashboard is incomplete. Please install the latest scripts from PDB's custom pages."); return(true); } SqlRepo.SummarizeSqlServerPageouts(); return(true); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { if (SqlRepo.AdminScriptsInstalled() == false) { LogWarning("Installation of Performance Dashboard is incomplete. Please install the latest scripts from PDB's custom pages."); return(true); } SqlRepo.EnvironmentCheckRepository.ExecuteTuningForkRelativity(); return(true); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { if (SqlRepo.AdminScriptsInstalled() == false) { LogWarning("Installation of Performance Dashboard is incomplete. Please install the latest scripts from PDB's custom pages."); return(true); } SqlRepo.ExecuteVirtualLogFileMonitor(AgentId); return(true); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { /* * TODO -- Refactor this mess in the future * -- Get EDDSPerformance server instead of PrimarySqlServer (currently tied together) * //*/ var registeredSqlServers = SqlRepo.GetRegisteredSQLServers(); var primary = this.SqlRepo.PrimarySqlServerRepository.GetPrimarySqlServer(); ExecuteForServers(server => { if (server.ServerTypeId == (int)ServerType.Database && registeredSqlServers.Select(s => s.Name).Any(s => s.ToLower() == server.ServerName.ToLower())) { SqlRepo.FileLatencyRepository.ExecuteSaveFileLevelLatencyDetails(server.ServerName, primary.Name); } }); return(true); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { if (SqlRepo.AdminScriptsInstalled() == false) { LogWarning("Installation of Performance Dashboard is incomplete. Please install the latest scripts from PDB's custom pages."); return(true); } var checkIFIEnabledValue = SqlRepo.ConfigurationRepository.ReadConfigurationValue(ConfigurationKeys.Section, ConfigurationKeys.EnableInstantFileInitializationCheck); bool checkIFIEnabled; Boolean.TryParse(checkIFIEnabledValue, out checkIFIEnabled); Exception firstFailureException = null; Server firstFailureServer = null; ExecuteForServers(server => { if (server.ServerTypeId == (int)ServerType.Database) { try { ExecuteTuningForkForServer(server, checkIFIEnabled); } catch (Exception ex) { firstFailureServer = firstFailureServer ?? server; firstFailureException = firstFailureException ?? ex; } } }); if (firstFailureException != null) { var message = firstFailureException.GetExceptionDetails(); LogError("Failure Running tunning for {0}. Details: {1}", firstFailureServer.ServerName, message); processControl.LastErrorMessage = firstFailureException.ToString(); return(false); } return(true); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var repo = new SqlRepo <Model>("test", "Data Source=;User ID=sa;Password=Ss303384755;Initial Catalog=brnmall;Pooling=true", "System.Data.SqlClient"); //var model1 = new Model() { contents = "1" }; //var model2 = new Model() { contents = "2" }; //repo.Add(model1); //repo.Add(model2); //var model3 = repo.Get(1); //model1.contents = "3"; //repo.Update(model1); //repo.Remove(model2); //repo.SaveChanges(); //var list = repo.Query.Where(m => > 1).ToList(); //var single = repo.Query.Where(m => > 1).Single(); //var subPage = repo.Query.Where(m => > 1).OrderByDescending( m=> ).Skip(1).Take(5).ToList(); //var count = repo.Query.Where(m => > 1).Count(); var m1 = repo.Query.Select(m => new { id1 = }).First(); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { //Run wait monitor SqlRepo.ExecuteWaitMonitor(AgentId); return(true); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { SqlRepo.CleanupDataTables(); return(true); }
public bool Execute(ProcessControl processControl) { if (SqlRepo.AdminScriptsInstalled() == false) { LogWarning("Installation of Performance Dashboard is incomplete. Please install the latest scripts from PDB's custom pages."); return(true); } var processCtrl = this.SqlRepo.ProcessControlRepository.ReadById(ProcessControlId.CycleErrorLog); var updateLastExecutedTime = false; if (processCtrl == null) { return(true); } var execSucceeded = processCtrl.LastExecSucceeded; var utcDate = DateTime.UtcNow; try { this.Log("Called"); var interval = processCtrl.Frequency.GetValueOrDefault(10080); if (interval > 0 && processCtrl.LastProcessExecDateTime.AddMinutes(interval) <= utcDate) { updateLastExecutedTime = true; // QoS_CycleErrorLog needs to be run on every active SQL server associated with Relativity var servers = this.SqlRepo.GetRegisteredSQLServers(); foreach (var server in servers) { // Run the procedure SqlRepo.CycleSqlErrorLog(server.Name); } execSucceeded = true; } else { this.Log("Called - Skipping due to Interval"); } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = ex.GetExceptionDetails(); this.LogError("Called - Failure. Details: {0}", message); execSucceeded = false; processCtrl.LastErrorMessage = ex.ToString(); } finally { if (updateLastExecutedTime) { processCtrl.LastProcessExecDateTime = utcDate; } processCtrl.LastExecSucceeded = execSucceeded; this.SqlRepo.ProcessControlRepository.Update(processControl); } return(true); }
public static void InitRepo(IDatabaseConfig hostConfig) { Repo = new SqlRepo(hostConfig); }