public TabPage DrawMemo(SqlMemo memo)
            TabPage tab = new TabPage(memo.Description);

            ParseTreeTab subTab = new ParseTreeTab();

            subTab.Left   = 0;
            subTab.Top    = 0;
            subTab.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
            subTab.IsMemo = true;

            tab.Size    = mainTabControl.Size;
            subTab.Size = tab.Size;

            List <MemoNodeIcon> memoNodeIcons;
            Bitmap bitmap = MemoVisualizer.Render(memo, out memoNodeIcons);

            subTab.DrawingSurface.Image = bitmap;
            subTab.TreeText             = memo.InnerText;
            subTab.SetIcons(memoNodeIcons.ConvertAll(i => i as NodeIcon));

Example #2
        public static Bitmap Render(SqlMemo memo, out List <MemoNodeIcon> memoNodeIcons)
            if (memo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memo));

            if (_font == null)
                _font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10);

            int columnCount;
            int rowCount;
            Dictionary <int, float> columnWidths;
            Dictionary <int, float> rowHeights;

            // Create a temporary bitmap so we can compute some size information
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                GetMemoExtent(memo, graphics, out columnCount, out rowCount, out columnWidths, out rowHeights);

            int overallWidth  = columnWidths.Sum(c => (int)Ceiling(c.Value)) + _headerColumnWidth + 1;
            int overallHeight = rowHeights.Sum(r => (int)Ceiling(r.Value)) + _headerRowHeight + 1;

            Rectangle[,] cells = new Rectangle[columnCount, rowCount];

            bitmap = new Bitmap(overallWidth, overallHeight);
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, overallWidth, overallHeight);
                Pen gridlinePen = Pens.Black;
                graphics.DrawLine(gridlinePen, 0, 0, overallWidth, 0);
                // Draw the columns
                int columnPosition = _headerColumnWidth;
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex <= columnCount; columnIndex++)
                    graphics.DrawLine(gridlinePen, columnPosition, 0, columnPosition, overallHeight);
                    if (columnIndex < columnCount)
                        int columnWidth = columnWidths.ContainsKey(columnIndex) ? (int)Ceiling(columnWidths[columnIndex]) : 0;
                        columnPosition += columnWidth;

                graphics.DrawLine(gridlinePen, 0, 0, 0, overallHeight);
                // Draw the rows
                int rowPosition = _headerRowHeight;
                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex <= rowCount; rowIndex++)
                    graphics.DrawLine(gridlinePen, 0, rowPosition, overallWidth, rowPosition);
                    if (rowIndex < rowCount)
                        int rowHeight = rowHeights.ContainsKey(rowIndex) ? (int)Ceiling(rowHeights[rowIndex]) : 0;
                        rowPosition += rowHeight;

                        columnPosition = _headerColumnWidth;
                        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++)
                            int columnWidth = columnWidths.ContainsKey(columnIndex) ? (int)Ceiling(columnWidths[columnIndex]) : 0;
                            columnPosition += columnWidth;
                            cells[columnIndex, rowCount - 1 - rowIndex] = new Rectangle(columnPosition - columnWidth, rowPosition - rowHeight, columnWidth, rowHeight);

                Brush operationNameBrush  = Brushes.Black;
                Brush nodeIdentifierBrush = Brushes.Red;
                Brush headerBrush         = Brushes.LightSkyBlue;
                Brush rootBrush           = Brushes.LightGreen;

                // Draw the header row
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++)
                    string     cellName            = "x." + columnIndex.ToString();
                    SizeF      size                = graphics.MeasureString(cellName, _font);
                    RectangleF containingRectangle = new RectangleF(cells[columnIndex, 0].Left + 1, 1, cells[columnIndex, 0].Width - 1, _headerRowHeight - 1);
                    graphics.FillRectangle(headerBrush, containingRectangle);
                    PointF stringStartingPoint = new PointF(
                        containingRectangle.Left + containingRectangle.Width / 2 - size.Width / 2,
                        containingRectangle.Top + containingRectangle.Height / 2 - size.Height / 2);
                    graphics.DrawString(cellName, _font, nodeIdentifierBrush, stringStartingPoint);

                // Draw the header column
                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++)
                    string     cellName            = rowIndex.ToString() + ".x";
                    SizeF      size                = graphics.MeasureString(cellName, _font);
                    RectangleF containingRectangle = new RectangleF(1, cells[0, rowIndex].Top + 1, _headerColumnWidth - 1, cells[0, rowIndex].Height - 1);
                    graphics.FillRectangle(headerBrush, containingRectangle);
                    PointF stringStartingPoint = new PointF(
                        containingRectangle.Left + containingRectangle.Width / 2 - size.Width / 2,
                        containingRectangle.Top + containingRectangle.Height / 2 - size.Height / 2);
                    graphics.DrawString(cellName, _font, nodeIdentifierBrush, stringStartingPoint);

                // Fill the upper left cell
                graphics.FillRectangle(headerBrush, 1, 1, _headerColumnWidth - 1, _headerRowHeight - 1);

                // Fill the root row.  Should be only one, but we'll handle if that's not the case.
                foreach (SqlMemoGroup rootGroup in memo.Groups.Where(g => g.IsRoot))
                    int rootRowIndex = rootGroup.GroupNumber;
                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++)
                        Rectangle outerRectangle      = cells[columnIndex, rootRowIndex];
                        Rectangle containingRectangle = new Rectangle(outerRectangle.Left + 1, outerRectangle.Top + 1, outerRectangle.Width - 1, outerRectangle.Height - 1);
                        graphics.FillRectangle(rootBrush, containingRectangle);

                memoNodeIcons = new List <MemoNodeIcon>();
                Dictionary <SqlMemoNodeIdentifier, MemoNodeIcon> nodeIndex = new Dictionary <SqlMemoNodeIdentifier, MemoNodeIcon>();

                // Draw the nodes
                foreach (SqlMemoNode node in memo.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Operations))
                    int        rowIndex            = node.Identifier.GroupNumber;
                    int        columnIndex         = node.Identifier.OperationNumber;
                    SizeF      fullSize            = graphics.MeasureString(node.DisplayName, _font);
                    SizeF      operationSize       = graphics.MeasureString(node.DisplayOperationName, _font);
                    SizeF      parentSize          = graphics.MeasureString(node.DisplayParentName, _font);
                    Rectangle  outerRectangle      = cells[columnIndex, rowIndex];
                    RectangleF containingRectangle = new RectangleF(outerRectangle.Left + 1, outerRectangle.Top + 1, outerRectangle.Width - 1, outerRectangle.Height - 1);
                    PointF     stringStartingPoint = new PointF(
                        containingRectangle.Left + containingRectangle.Width / 2 - fullSize.Width / 2,
                        containingRectangle.Top + containingRectangle.Height / 2 - fullSize.Height / 2);
                    PointF parentStartingPoint = new PointF(
                        stringStartingPoint.X + operationSize.Width,
                    graphics.DrawString(node.DisplayOperationName, _font, operationNameBrush, stringStartingPoint);
                    graphics.DrawString(node.DisplayParentName, _font, nodeIdentifierBrush, parentStartingPoint);

                    MemoNodeIcon icon = new MemoNodeIcon();
                    icon.Node   = node;
                    icon.X      = columnIndex;
                    icon.Y      = rowIndex;
                    icon.Top    = (int)containingRectangle.Top;
                    icon.Left   = (int)containingRectangle.Left;
                    icon.Height = (int)containingRectangle.Height;
                    icon.Width  = (int)containingRectangle.Width;


                    if (nodeIndex.ContainsKey(node.Identifier) == false)
                        nodeIndex.Add(node.Identifier, icon);

                // Fixup parent links
                foreach (MemoNodeIcon icon in memoNodeIcons)
                    foreach (SqlMemoNode parentNode in icon.Node.Parents)
                        if (nodeIndex.ContainsKey(parentNode.Identifier))
                            MemoNodeIcon parentIcon = nodeIndex[parentNode.Identifier];

Example #3
        private static void GetMemoExtent(
            SqlMemo memo,
            Graphics graphics,
            out int columnCount,
            out int rowCount,
            out Dictionary <int, float> columnWidths,
            out Dictionary <int, float> rowHeights)
            columnCount  = 0;
            rowCount     = 0;
            columnWidths = new Dictionary <int, float>();
            rowHeights   = new Dictionary <int, float>();

            foreach (SqlMemoNode node in memo.Groups.SelectMany(n => n.Operations))
                if (node.Identifier.GroupNumber >= rowCount)
                    rowCount = node.Identifier.GroupNumber + 1;
                if (node.Identifier.OperationNumber >= columnCount)
                    columnCount = node.Identifier.OperationNumber + 1;

                int columnId = node.Identifier.OperationNumber;
                if (columnWidths.ContainsKey(columnId) == false)
                    columnWidths.Add(columnId, 0);

                int rowId = node.Identifier.GroupNumber;
                if (rowHeights.ContainsKey(rowId) == false)
                    rowHeights.Add(rowId, 0);

                SizeF size = graphics.MeasureString(node.DisplayName, _font);
                if (size.Width + 2 * _cellBufferWidth > columnWidths[columnId])
                    columnWidths[columnId] = size.Width + 2 * _cellBufferWidth;
                if (size.Height + 2 * _cellBufferHeight > rowHeights[rowId])
                    rowHeights[rowId] = size.Height + 2 * _cellBufferHeight;

            // Add missed columns and set minimums
            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++)
                if (columnWidths.ContainsKey(columnIndex) == false)
                    columnWidths.Add(columnIndex, _headerColumnWidth);
                    columnWidths[columnIndex] = Max(columnWidths[columnIndex], _headerColumnWidth);

            // Add missed rows and set minimums
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++)
                if (rowHeights.ContainsKey(rowIndex) == false)
                    rowHeights.Add(rowIndex, _headerRowHeight);
                    rowHeights[rowIndex] = Max(rowHeights[rowIndex], _headerRowHeight);