Example #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            projectId      = Request.QueryString["projectId"];
            projectBrandId = Request.QueryString["projectBrandId"];
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            string    sql = string.Format("select areapoints,floorlevel from fv_projectbrand where id={0}  limit 1 ", projectBrandId);
            DataTable dt  = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string spoints = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                floorLevelId = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();
                string[] arrayPoints = spoints.Split(';');

                if (spoints != "")
                    foreach (string item in arrayPoints)
                        strForShow += string.Format("drawPt3{0};", item);
                if (floorLevelId == "")
                    floorLevelId = "1";
            if (!IsPostBack)
Example #2
        private void LoadInfo(int id)
            string sql = "select * from fv_projectbrand where id= " + id;
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            //sqlparams.Add("@id", id);
            DataTable table = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtName.Value         = table.Rows[0]["brandName"].ToString();
                txtdesc.Value         = table.Rows[0]["brandDesc"].ToString();
                ddltype.SelectedValue = table.Rows[0]["brandTypeId"].ToString();
                hidurl.Value          = table.Rows[0]["fvUrl"].ToString();
                fvUrl.Value           = table.Rows[0]["fvUrl"].ToString();
                string imgUrl = table.Rows[0]["brandLogo"].ToString();
                if (imgUrl.Contains(".."))
                    ImageLogo.ImageUrl = Server.MapPath(@"~/release/" + ViewState["proId"].ToString())
                                         + @"/" + imgUrl.Substring(2);
                    ImageLogo.ImageUrl = table.Rows[0]["brandLogo"].ToString();
                string qrcodeUrl = table.Rows[0]["qrcode"].ToString();
                if (qrcodeUrl.Contains(".."))
                    ImageQrcode.ImageUrl = @"~/release/" + ViewState["proId"].ToString()
                                           + @"/" + qrcodeUrl.Substring(2);
                    ImageQrcode.ImageUrl = table.Rows[0]["qrcode"].ToString();
                string spurl = table.Rows[0]["sphone"].ToString();
                if (spurl.Contains(".."))
                    Image1.ImageUrl = @"~/release/" + ViewState["proId"].ToString()
                                      + @"/" + spurl.Substring(2);
                    Image1.ImageUrl = table.Rows[0]["qrcode"].ToString();
                hidPhone.Value          = table.Rows[0]["sphone"].ToString();
                ddlisShow.SelectedValue = table.Rows[0]["isShow"].ToString();
                localpath.Value         = table.Rows[0]["localvpath"].ToString();
                sphoneurl.Value         = table.Rows[0]["sphoneurl"].ToString();
                Text1.Value             = table.Rows[0]["floorlevel"].ToString();
                telephone.Value         = table.Rows[0]["telephone"].ToString();
                address.Value           = table.Rows[0]["address"].ToString();
                brandOrder.Value        = table.Rows[0]["brandOrder"].ToString();
                // Image1.ImageUrl = table.Rows[0]["sphone"].ToString();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得列表数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void LoadMsg(HttpContext context)
            int page = context.Request["page"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["page"]) : 1;
            int size = context.Request["rows"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["rows"]) : 1;

            System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            builder.Append(@"SELECT a.id,a.brandName ,a.brandImg,a.brandDesc ,a.brandLogo, a.brandVideo ,a.brandOrder, a.brandTypeId ,a.brandTypeName , a.projectId, a.isShow, a.isStar ,a.isShowWay ,a.fvUrl ,a.createTime, a.lastChangeTime,a.floorLevel,a.areaPoints,isnull(a.areaPoints) as hasArea,sum( case isnull(b.walkWay) when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as hasPath "
                           + " FROM fv_projectBrand a left join fv_walkway b on a.id=b.projectBrandId where a.brandTypeId= "
                           + context.Request["projectBtId"].ToString());
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            int total = 0;

            if (context.Request["cul"] == null && context.Request["where"] == null)
                total = SqlManage.Query(@"SELECT a.id,a.brandName ,a.brandImg,a.brandDesc ,a.brandLogo, a.brandVideo ,a.brandOrder, a.brandTypeId ,a.brandTypeName , a.projectId, a.isShow, a.isStar ,a.isShowWay ,a.fvUrl ,a.createTime, a.lastChangeTime,a.floorLevel,a.areaPoints,isnull(a.areaPoints) as hasArea,sum( case isnull(b.walkWay) when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as hasPath "
                                        + " FROM fv_projectBrand a left join fv_walkway b on a.id=b.projectBrandId where a.brandTypeId= " + context.Request["projectBtId"].ToString()
                                        + " GROUP BY a.id,a.brandName ,a.brandImg,a.brandDesc ,a.brandLogo, a.brandVideo ,a.brandOrder, a.brandTypeId ,a.brandTypeName , a.projectId, a.isShow, a.isStar ,a.isShowWay ,a.fvUrl ,a.createTime, a.lastChangeTime,a.floorLevel,a.areaPoints ", sqlparams).Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                string where = context.Request["cul"].ToString() + " LIKE '%" + context.Request["where"].ToString() + "%'";
                total        = SqlManage.Query(@"SELECT a.id,a.brandName ,a.brandImg,a.brandDesc ,a.brandLogo, a.brandVideo ,a.brandOrder, a.brandTypeId ,a.brandTypeName , a.projectId, a.isShow, a.isStar ,a.isShowWay ,a.fvUrl ,a.createTime, a.lastChangeTime,a.floorLevel,a.areaPoints,isnull(a.areaPoints) as hasArea,sum( case isnull(b.walkWay) when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as hasPath "
                                               + " FROM fv_projectBrand a left join fv_walkway b on a.id=b.projectBrandId where a.brandTypeId= " + context.Request["projectBtId"].ToString() + " and " + where
                                               + " GROUP BY a.id,a.brandName ,a.brandImg,a.brandDesc ,a.brandLogo, a.brandVideo ,a.brandOrder, a.brandTypeId ,a.brandTypeName , a.projectId, a.isShow, a.isStar ,a.isShowWay ,a.fvUrl ,a.createTime, a.lastChangeTime,a.floorLevel,a.areaPoints ", sqlparams).Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                builder.Append(" and " + where);
            builder.Append(" GROUP BY a.id,a.brandName ,a.brandImg,a.brandDesc ,a.brandLogo, a.brandVideo ,a.brandOrder, a.brandTypeId ,a.brandTypeName , a.projectId, a.isShow, a.isStar ,a.isShowWay ,a.fvUrl ,a.createTime, a.lastChangeTime,a.floorLevel,a.areaPoints ");
            builder.Append(" order by a.brandOrder,lastChangeTime desc LIMIT " + (page - 1) * size + "," + size);

            DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query(builder.ToString(), sqlparams).Tables[0];
            Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //List<SOA.MODEL.DocumentModel> list = docmanage.DataTableToList(dt);

            dictionary.Add("total", total);
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > list = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)//每一行信息,新建一个Dictionary<string,object>,将该行的每列信息加入到字典
                Dictionary <string, object> result = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                    result.Add(dc.ColumnName, dr[dc].ToString());
            dictionary.Add("rows", list);
            JavaScriptSerializer javascriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

Example #4
        private void LoadControl(int pid)
            string sql = "select id,brandTypeName from fv_projectbrandType where projectId=" + pid;
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            //sqlparams.Add("@id", id);
            DataTable table = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            ddltype.DataSource     = table;
            ddltype.DataTextField  = "brandTypeName";
            ddltype.DataValueField = "id";
            ddltype.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["projectBtId"];
Example #5
        private void LoadInfo(int id)
            string sql = "select * from fv_sysbrand where id= " + id;
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            //sqlparams.Add("@id", id);
            DataTable table = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtName.Value = table.Rows[0]["brandName"].ToString();
                txtdesc.Value = table.Rows[0]["brandDesc"].ToString();
Example #6
        private void LoadInfo(int id)
            string sql = "select * from fv_floor where id= " + id;
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            //sqlparams.Add("@id", id);
            DataTable table = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                floorLevel.Value = table.Rows[0]["floorLevel"].ToString();
                //txtdesc.Value = table.Rows[0]["sys_desc"].ToString();
                //ddltype.SelectedValue = table.Rows[0]["sys_type"].ToString();
Example #7
        private void LoadInfo(int id)
            string sql = "select * from fv_project where id= " + id;
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            //sqlparams.Add("@id", id);
            DataTable table = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtName.Value = table.Rows[0]["projectName"].ToString();
                txtdesc.Value = table.Rows[0]["projectDesc"].ToString();
                txtcity.Value = table.Rows[0]["projectCity"].ToString();
                // ddltype.SelectedValue = table.Rows[0]["sys_type"].ToString();
Example #8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            floorId    = Request.QueryString["floorId"];
            projectId  = Request.QueryString["projectId"];
            floorLevel = Request.QueryString["floorLevel"];
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            string    sql = string.Format("select id,clientPoint from fv_client where isClient=1 and floorId={0} and projectId={1} and floorLevel={2} limit 1 ", floorId, projectId, floorLevel);
            DataTable dt  = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                strForShow = string.Format("drawPt3{0};", dt.Rows[0][1].ToString());
                clientId   = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得列表数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void LoadMsg(HttpContext context)
            int page = context.Request["page"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["page"]) : 1;
            int size = context.Request["rows"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["rows"]) : 1;

            System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            builder.Append(@"SELECT * FROM fv_projectbrandtype where projectId=" + context.Request["projectId"].ToString());
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            int total = 0;

            if (context.Request["cul"] == null && context.Request["where"] == null)
                total = SqlManage.Query(@"select * from fv_projectbrandtype where projectId=" + context.Request["projectId"].ToString(), sqlparams).Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                string where = context.Request["cul"].ToString() + " LIKE '%" + context.Request["where"].ToString() + "%'";
                total        = SqlManage.Query(@"select * from fv_projectbrandtype where " +
                                               where + " and projectId=" + context.Request["projectId"].ToString(), sqlparams).Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                builder.Append(" and " + where);
            builder.Append(" order by brandTypeOrder LIMIT " + (page - 1) * size + "," + size);

            DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query(builder.ToString(), sqlparams).Tables[0];
            Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //List<SOA.MODEL.DocumentModel> list = docmanage.DataTableToList(dt);

            dictionary.Add("total", total);
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > list = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)//每一行信息,新建一个Dictionary<string,object>,将该行的每列信息加入到字典
                Dictionary <string, object> result = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                    result.Add(dc.ColumnName, dr[dc].ToString());
            dictionary.Add("rows", list);
            JavaScriptSerializer javascriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

Example #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            floorId        = Request.QueryString["floorId"];
            projectId      = Request.QueryString["projectId"];
            projectBrandId = Request.QueryString["projectBrandId"]; //无用
            floorLevel     = Request.QueryString["floorLevel"];
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //客户端的点 b.isClient=1  nextPointName对应C TO 电梯的路径
            string sql = string.Format("select id,clientPoint,nextPointName from fv_client where isClient=1 and floorId={0} and projectId={1} and floorLevel={2} limit 1 ",
                                       floorId, projectId, floorLevel);
            DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                clientId = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                string ctoLPath = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctoLPath))
                    string[] arrS = ctoLPath.Split(';');
                    foreach (string item in arrS)
                        strForShow += string.Format("drawPt3{0};", item);
                    //strForClient = string.Format("drawPt3{0};", dt.Rows[0][1].ToString());
                    //strForShow += strForClient;

                //floorLevel = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString();

            // //路径的点
            // sql = string.Format("select c.walkWay from fv_projectbrand a,fv_client b,fv_walkway c " +
            //"where a.projectId=b.projectId and a.floorLevel=b.floorLevel and a.id=c.projectBrandId and b.id=c.fromClientId and b.isClient=1 and a.id={0}  limit 1 ", projectBrandId);
            // dt = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];
            // if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            // {
            //     strForShow = "";
            //     string paths = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            //     string[] arrayPaths = paths.Split(';');
            //     foreach (string item in arrayPaths)
            //     {
            //         strForShow += string.Format("drawPt3{0};", item);
            //     }
Example #11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            projectId      = Request.QueryString["projectId"];
            projectBrandId = Request.QueryString["projectBrandId"];
            floorLevel     = Request.QueryString["floorLevel"];

            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //客户端的点 b.isClient=1
            string sql = string.Format("select b.id,b.clientPoint,a.floorLevel from fv_projectbrand a,fv_client b " +
                                       "where a.projectId=b.projectId and a.floorLevel=b.floorLevel and b.isClient=1 and a.id={0}", projectBrandId);
            DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                clientId     = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                strForClient = string.Format("drawPt3{0};", dt.Rows[0][1].ToString());
                strForShow  += strForClient;
                floorLevel   = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(); //重新获取一下,免得数据不准确

            sql = string.Format("select c.walkWay from fv_projectbrand a,fv_client b,fv_walkway c " +
                                "where a.projectId=b.projectId and a.floorLevel=b.floorLevel and a.id=c.projectBrandId and b.id=c.fromClientId and b.isClient=1 and a.id={0}  limit 1 ", projectBrandId);
            dt = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                strForShow = "";
                string   paths      = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                string[] arrayPaths = paths.Split(';');
                foreach (string item in arrayPaths)
                    strForShow += string.Format("drawPt3{0};", item);
            //if (!IsPostBack)
            //    LoadControl();
Example #12
        private void LoadControl()
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query("select id,floorlevel from fv_floor where projectId=" + projectId, sqlparams).Tables[0];

            floorLevel.DataSource     = dt;
            floorLevel.DataValueField = "floorlevel";
            floorLevel.DataTextField  = "floorlevel";
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                floorLevel.Value = floorLevelId;
                hidFloorId.Value = floorLevelId;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得列表数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void LoadMsg(HttpContext context)
            int page = context.Request["page"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["page"]) : 1;
            int size = context.Request["rows"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["rows"]) : 1;

            System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            builder.Append(@"SELECT a.id,a.projectId,a.floorLevel,a.floorImg,a.createTime,a.lastChangeTime,sum(case b.isClient when 1 then 2 when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as hasClient " +
                           "FROM fv_floor a left join fv_client b on a.floorLevel=b.floorLevel and a.projectId=b.projectId ");

            builder.Append(" where a.projectid=" + context.Request["projectId"] + "  group by a.id,a.projectId,a.floorLevel,a.floorImg,a.createTime,a.lastChangeTime ");
            builder.Append(" LIMIT " + (page - 1) + "," + size);
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query(builder.ToString(), sqlparams).Tables[0];
            Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //List<SOA.MODEL.DocumentModel> list = docmanage.DataTableToList(dt);

            dictionary.Add("total", dt.Rows.Count);
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > list = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)//每一行信息,新建一个Dictionary<string,object>,将该行的每列信息加入到字典
                Dictionary <string, object> result = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                    result.Add(dc.ColumnName, dr[dc].ToString());
            dictionary.Add("rows", list);
            JavaScriptSerializer javascriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 用于第二版模板生成
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void BuildHTML2(HttpContext context)
            string msg = "";
            string sql = "";
            int    id  = context.Request["id"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(context.Request["id"].ToString()); //projectId
            string thisClientFloorLevel = context.Request["floorLevel"].ToString();

            if (id == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisClientFloorLevel))
                msg = "";
                //第一步复制文件  *floorLevel 1,2,3,4当前的楼层  *f1,2,3,4 指左侧导航的标记
                string sourcePath = context.Server.MapPath("../WebTemp2/");
                string toPath     = context.Server.MapPath("../release/" + id + "/f" + thisClientFloorLevel + "/");
                if (Directory.Exists(toPath))
                    Directory.Delete(toPath, true);
                CopyDirectory(sourcePath, toPath);
                Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                sql = "select floorLevel from fv_floor where projectid=" + id + " order by floorLevel";
                DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //查找需要展示的信息 for  floor.html   0
                    sql = "select a.id,a.fvUrl,a.areaPoints,a.floorLevel,a.brandDesc,a.brandName,a.telephone,a.address,a.isShow,a.brandLogo,a.qrCode,a.localvpath,a.sphone from fv_projectbrand a " +
                          " where a.projectid=" + id + " ;";   //and a.floorLevel is not null
                    //品类展示   1
                    sql += "select id,brandTypeName,brandTypeImg from fv_projectbrandtype where projectId=" + id + " and isShow =1  ;";
                    //品牌展示   2
                    sql += "select id,brandName,fvUrl,brandDesc,floorlevel,brandLogo,brandTypeId from fv_projectbrand where projectId=" + id + " order by brandOrder ;";
                    //取全景展示的品牌   3
                    sql += "select id,brandName,fvUrl,brandDesc,floorlevel,brandLogo,brandTypeId from fv_projectbrand where fvUrl<>'' and fvUrl is not null and floorLevel is not null and projectId=" + id + ";";
                    //取到品牌的路径 for f.html  4
                    sql += "select b.projectBrandId,b.walkWay,a.IsClient,a.floorLevel from fv_client a,fv_walkway b where a.id=b.fromClientId and a.projectId=" + id + "; ";
                    //取C to lift 路径 for f.html  5
                    sql += "select a.floorLevel,a.nextPointName from fv_client a where a.isClient=1 and a.projectId=" + id;

                    DataSet   ds  = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams);
                    DataTable dt2 = ds.Tables[0];
                    if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string floorLevel = dt.Rows[i][0].ToString();

                            #region 处理floor页面
                            string oldFile = toPath + "floor.html";
                            string newFile = toPath + "floor" + floorLevel + ".html";
                            File.Copy(oldFile, newFile, true);
                            string code = readFile(newFile);
                            code = code.Replace("*floorLevel", floorLevel);
                            for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++)
                                code = code.Replace("*f" + j, (j.ToString() == floorLevel ? j + "_2" : j + "_1"));
                            string areaString = "";

                            DataRow[] dr = dt2.Select("floorLevel=" + floorLevel);
                            foreach (DataRow item in dr)
                                //fvString += string.Format("Arrayfv['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["fvUrl"].ToString());
                                //descString += string.Format("ArrayDesc['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["brandDesc"].ToString().Replace("*空格*", "&nbsp;").Replace("*换行*", "<br/>"));
                                //telephoneString += string.Format("ArrayTele['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["telephone"].ToString());
                                //addressString += string.Format("ArrayAddress['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["address"].ToString());
                                string areaCodes = item["areaPoints"].ToString().Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace(";", ",").Trim();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaCodes))
                                    areaString += string.Format(" <area onclick='loadPanelDesc({0});showPanel();' shape='polygon' coords='{1}' alt='{2}' title='{2}'>"
                                                                , item["id"].ToString(), areaCodes, item["brandName"].ToString());
                            DataRow[] drIsShow  = dt2.Select("floorLevel=" + floorLevel + " and isShow=1");
                            string    strIsShow = "";
                            for (int drIndex = 0; drIndex < 10; drIndex++)
                                if (drIndex % 2 == 0)
                                    strIsShow += @"<tr>";
                                if (drIndex >= drIsShow.Length)
                                    strIsShow += @" <td height='110' align='center' valign='middle'></td>";
                                    string fTemp  = drIsShow[drIndex]["brandLogo"].ToString();
                                    int    fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                    string fName  = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);
                                    strIsShow += @" <td height='110' align='center' valign='middle'><img src='../images/" +
                                                 fName + "' onclick='loadPanelDesc(" + drIsShow[drIndex]["id"].ToString() + ");showPanel();' width='116' height='93' /></td>";
                                if (drIndex % 2 == 1)
                                    strIsShow += @"</tr>";

                            //code = code.Replace("//*fvString", fvString);
                            //code = code.Replace("//*descString", descString);
                            //code = code.Replace("//*telephoneString", fvString);
                            //code = code.Replace("//*addressString", descString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*isShow", strIsShow);
                            code = code.Replace("//*areaString", areaString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*thisClientFloorLevel", thisClientFloorLevel);

                            writeFile(newFile, code);

                            #region 处理data.js页面
                            oldFile = toPath + "/js/data.js";
                            code    = readFile(oldFile);
                            string fvString        = "";
                            string descString      = "";
                            string telephoneString = "";
                            string addressString   = "";
                            string brandLogo       = "";
                            string brandQrCode     = "";
                            string sendToPhone     = "";
                            foreach (DataRow item in dt2.Rows)
                                fvString        += string.Format("Arrayfv['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["localvpath"].ToString());
                                descString      += string.Format("ArrayDesc['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["brandDesc"].ToString().Replace("*空格*", "&nbsp;").Replace("*换行*", "<br/>"));
                                telephoneString += string.Format("ArrayTele['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["telephone"].ToString());
                                addressString   += string.Format("ArrayAddress['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["address"].ToString());
                                brandQrCode     += string.Format("ArrayQrCode['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["qrCode"].ToString());
                                sendToPhone     += string.Format("ArraySendToPhone['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["sPhone"].ToString());

                                string fTemp  = item["brandLogo"].ToString();
                                int    fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                string fName  = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);

                                brandLogo += string.Format("ArrayLogo['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), "../images/" + fName);
                            code = code.Replace("//*fvString", fvString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*descString", descString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*telephoneString", telephoneString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*addressString", addressString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandLogo", brandLogo);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandQrCode", brandQrCode);
                            code = code.Replace("//*sendToPhone", sendToPhone);
                            writeFile(oldFile, code);

                            #region 处理f页面
                            string brandWalkway = "";
                            oldFile = toPath + "f.html";
                            newFile = toPath + "f" + floorLevel + ".html";
                            File.Copy(oldFile, newFile, true);
                            code = readFile(newFile);
                            DataTable dtF = ds.Tables[4];
                            if (dtF != null && dtF.Rows.Count > 0)
                                dr = dtF.Select("floorLevel=" + floorLevel);
                                foreach (DataRow item in dr)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["walkWay"].ToString().Trim()))
                                        brandWalkway += string.Format("ArrayBrand['{0}'] = '{1}';",
                                                                      item["projectBrandId"].ToString() + "_" + item["IsClient"].ToString(), item["walkWay"].ToString());
                            DataTable dtF2 = ds.Tables[5];
                            if (dtF2 != null && dtF2.Rows.Count > 0)
                                dr = dtF2.Select("floorLevel=" + floorLevel);
                                if (dr.Length > 0)
                                    brandWalkway += string.Format("ArrayBrand['CTOL'] = '{0}';", dr[0]["nextPointName"].ToString());  //nextPointName
                            code = code.Replace("*floorLevel", floorLevel);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandWalkway", brandWalkway);
                            writeFile(newFile, code);

                            oldFile = toPath + "PhonePath.html";
                            code    = readFile(oldFile);
                            code    = code.Replace("//*thisClientFloorLevel", thisClientFloorLevel);
                            writeFile(oldFile, code);

                            #region 处理brand.html页面

                            string strBrandType = "";
                            string strBrand     = "";
                            string btIndex      = "";

                            oldFile = toPath + "brand.html";
                            code    = readFile(oldFile);

                            DataTable dt3 = ds.Tables[1];
                            if (dt3 != null && dt3.Rows.Count > 0)
                                int rowCount = 10;  //默认一行10列
                                int liCount  = 3;
                                int btTemp   = dt3.Rows.Count % rowCount;
                                int Count    = btTemp == 0 ? dt3.Rows.Count / rowCount : (dt3.Rows.Count / rowCount) + 1;
                                while (Count % liCount != 0)
                                for (int j = 0; j < Count * rowCount; j++)
                                    //if (j % (liCount * rowCount) == 0)
                                    //    if (j == 0)
                                    //    {
                                    //        btIndex += " <li class='current'><em>1</em></li>";
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        btIndex += " <li><em>" + ((j / (liCount * rowCount)) + 1) + "</em></li>";
                                    //    }

                                    if (j % rowCount == 0)
                                        if ((j / rowCount) % liCount == 0)
                                            strBrandType += @"<table align='center'  width='95%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
                                        strBrandType += @"<tr>";
                                    if (j >= dt3.Rows.Count)
                                        strBrandType += string.Format(@" <td width='90' height='90' align='center' valign='middle'></td>");
                                        string fTemp  = dt3.Rows[j]["brandTypeImg"].ToString();
                                        int    fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                        string fName  = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);
                                        strBrandType += string.Format(@" <td width='90' height='90' align='center' valign='middle'><img src='{0}' width='100' height='45' onclick='showThis({1});' /></td>",
                                                                      "../images/" + fName, dt3.Rows[j]["id"].ToString());
                                    if (j % rowCount == rowCount - 1)
                                        strBrandType += @"</tr>";
                                        if ((j / rowCount) % liCount == liCount - 1)
                                            strBrandType += @"</table>";
                            DataTable dt4 = ds.Tables[2];
                            if (dt4 != null && dt4.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (int j = 0; j < dt4.Rows.Count; j++)
                                    string fTemp  = dt4.Rows[j]["brandLogo"].ToString();
                                    int    fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                    string fName  = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);
                                    strBrand += string.Format(@"<div style='float:left' width='192' class='allType type{1}' height='192' align='center' valign='middle'><img src='{0}' onclick='loadPanelDescJump({2},{3});showPanel();' width='182' height='160' class='box-shadow' /></div>"
                                                              , "../images/" + fName, dt4.Rows[j]["brandTypeId"].ToString(), dt4.Rows[j]["id"].ToString(), dt4.Rows[j]["floorLevel"].ToString());
                                //int rowCount = 7;  //默认一行10列
                                //int btTemp = dt4.Rows.Count % rowCount;
                                //int Count = btTemp == 0 ? (dt4.Rows.Count / rowCount) : (dt4.Rows.Count / rowCount) + 1;
                                //for (int j = 0; j < Count * rowCount; j++)
                                //    if (j % rowCount == 0)
                                //    {
                                //        strBrand += @"<tr>";
                                //    }
                                //    if (j >= dt4.Rows.Count)
                                //    {
                                //        strBrand += string.Format(@"<td width='192' height='192' align='center' valign='middle'></td>");
                                //    }
                                //    else
                                //    {
                                //        string fTemp = dt4.Rows[j]["brandLogo"].ToString();
                                //        int fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                //        string fName = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);
                                //        strBrand += string.Format(@"<td width='192' class='allType type{1}' height='192' align='center' valign='middle'><img src='{0}' onclick='loadPanelDesc({2});showPanel();' width='182' height='160' class='box-shadow' /></td>"
                                //             , "../images/" + fName, dt4.Rows[j]["brandTypeId"].ToString(), dt4.Rows[j]["id"].ToString());

                                //        //复制品牌图片文件,此处复制的全
                                //        string fOld = context.Server.MapPath(@"../brandTemplate/" + fName).Replace(@"\", "/");
                                //        string fNew = context.Server.MapPath(@"../release/" + id + "/images/" + fName).Replace(@"\", "/");
                                //        if (File.Exists(fOld))
                                //        {
                                //            File.Copy(fOld, fNew, true);
                                //        }

                                //    }
                                //    if (j % rowCount == rowCount - 1)
                                //    {
                                //        strBrand += @"</tr>";
                                //    }
                            code = code.Replace("*btIndex", btIndex);
                            code = code.Replace("*floorLevel", floorLevel);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandType", strBrandType);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brand", strBrand);
                            code = code.Replace("//*thisClientFloorLevel", thisClientFloorLevel);
                            writeFile(oldFile, code);


                            #region 处理vr.html页面

                            string vrString = "";
                            oldFile      = toPath + "vr.html";
                            code         = readFile(oldFile);
                            strBrandType = "";
                            strBrand     = "";

                            dt3 = ds.Tables[1];
                            if (dt3 != null && dt3.Rows.Count > 0)
                                int rowCount = 4;  //默认一行10列
                                int btTemp   = dt3.Rows.Count % rowCount;
                                int Count    = btTemp == 0 ? dt3.Rows.Count / rowCount : (dt3.Rows.Count / rowCount) + 1;
                                for (int j = 0; j < Count * rowCount; j++)
                                    if (j % rowCount == 0)
                                        strBrandType += @"<tr>";
                                    if (j >= dt3.Rows.Count)
                                        strBrandType += string.Format(@" <td width='90' height='90' align='center' valign='middle'></td>");
                                        string fTemp  = dt3.Rows[j]["brandTypeImg"].ToString();
                                        int    fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                        string fName  = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);
                                        strBrandType += string.Format(@" <td width='90' height='90' align='center' valign='middle'><img src='{0}' width='100' height='45' onclick='showThis({1});' /></td>",
                                                                      "../images/" + fName, dt3.Rows[j]["id"].ToString());
                                    if (j % rowCount == rowCount - 1)
                                        strBrandType += @"</tr>";
                            DataTable dt5 = ds.Tables[3];
                            if (dt5 != null && dt5.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (int j = 0; j < dt5.Rows.Count; j++)
                                    string fTemp  = dt5.Rows[j]["brandLogo"].ToString();
                                    int    fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                    string fName  = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);
                                    strBrand += string.Format(@"<div style='float:left' width='192' class='allType type{1}' height='192' align='center' valign='middle'><img src='{0}' onclick='loadPanelDescJump({2},{3});showPanel();' width='182' height='160' class='box-shadow' /></div>"
                                                              , "../images/" + fName, dt5.Rows[j]["brandTypeId"].ToString(), dt5.Rows[j]["id"].ToString(), dt5.Rows[j]["floorLevel"].ToString());

                                //int rowCount = 5;  //默认一行10列
                                //int btTemp = dt5.Rows.Count % rowCount;
                                //int Count = btTemp == 0 ? (dt5.Rows.Count / rowCount) : (dt5.Rows.Count / rowCount) + 1;
                                //for (int j = 0; j < Count * rowCount; j++)
                                //    if (j % rowCount == 0)
                                //    {
                                //        strBrand += @"<tr>";
                                //    }
                                //    if (j >= dt5.Rows.Count)
                                //    {
                                //        strBrand += string.Format(@"<td width='192' height='192' align='center' valign='middle'></td>");
                                //    }
                                //    else
                                //    {
                                //        string fTemp = dt5.Rows[j]["brandLogo"].ToString();
                                //        int fIndex = fTemp.LastIndexOf('/');
                                //        string fName = fTemp.Substring(fIndex + 1);
                                //        strBrand += string.Format(@"<td width='192' class='allType type{1}' height='192' align='center' valign='middle'><img src='{0}' onclick='loadPanelDesc({2});showPanel();' width='182' height='160' class='box-shadow' /></td>"
                                //             , "../images/" + fName, dt5.Rows[j]["brandTypeId"].ToString(), dt5.Rows[j]["id"].ToString());
                                //    }
                                //    if (j % rowCount == rowCount - 1)
                                //    {
                                //        strBrand += @"</tr>";
                                //    }
                            code = code.Replace("*floorLevel", floorLevel);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandType", strBrandType);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brand", strBrand);
                            code = code.Replace("//*thisClientFloorLevel", thisClientFloorLevel);
                            writeFile(oldFile, code);
                if (true)
                    msg = "suc";
                    msg = "数据库连接超时或出现未知错误";
                JavaScriptSerializer javascriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
Example #15
        private void BuildHTML(HttpContext context)
            string msg = "";
            string sql = "";
            int    id  = context.Request["id"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(context.Request["id"].ToString()); //projectId
            string thisClientFloorLevel = context.Request["floorLevel"].ToString();

            if (id == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisClientFloorLevel))
                msg = "";
                //第一步复制文件  *floorLevel 1,2,3,4当前的楼层  *f1,2,3,4 指左侧导航的标记
                string sourcePath = context.Server.MapPath("../WebTemp/");
                string toPath     = context.Server.MapPath("../release/" + id + "/f" + thisClientFloorLevel + "/");
                CopyDirectory(sourcePath, toPath);
                Dictionary <string, object> sqlparams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                sql = "select floorLevel from fv_floor where projectid=" + id + " order by floorLevel";
                DataTable dt = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams).Tables[0];
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //查找需要展示的信息 for  floor.html   0
                    sql = "select a.id,a.fvUrl,a.areaPoints,a.floorLevel,a.brandDesc,a.brandName from fv_projectbrand a " +
                          " where a.projectid=" + id + " and a.floorLevel is not null;";
                    //品类展示   1
                    sql += "select id,brandTypeName from fv_projectbrandtype where projectId=" + id + " limit 24 ;";
                    //品牌展示   2
                    sql += "select id,brandName,fvUrl,brandDesc,floorlevel from fv_projectbrand where isShowWay=1 and projectId=" + id + "  limit 12 ;";
                    //取全景展示的品牌   3
                    sql += "select id,brandName,fvUrl,brandDesc,floorlevel from fv_projectbrand where fvUrl<>'' and fvUrl is not null and floorLevel is not null and projectId=" + id + "  limit 48 ;";
                    //取到品牌的路径 for f.html  4
                    sql += "select b.projectBrandId,b.walkWay,a.IsClient,a.floorLevel from fv_client a,fv_walkway b where a.id=b.fromClientId and a.projectId=" + id + "; ";
                    //取C to lift 路径 for f.html  5
                    sql += "select a.floorLevel,a.nextPointName from fv_client a where a.isClient=1 and a.projectId=" + id;

                    DataSet   ds  = SqlManage.Query(sql, sqlparams);
                    DataTable dt2 = ds.Tables[0];
                    if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string floorLevel = dt.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                            #region 处理floor页面
                            string oldFile = toPath + "floor.html";
                            string newFile = toPath + "floor" + floorLevel + ".html";
                            File.Copy(oldFile, newFile, true);
                            string code = readFile(newFile);
                            code = code.Replace("*floorLevel", floorLevel);
                            for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++)
                                code = code.Replace("*f" + j, (j.ToString() == floorLevel ? "f" + j + "s" : "f" + j));
                            string    fvString   = "";
                            string    descString = "";
                            string    areaString = "";
                            DataRow[] dr         = dt2.Select("floorLevel=" + floorLevel);
                            foreach (DataRow item in dr)
                                fvString   += string.Format("Arrayfv['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["fvUrl"].ToString());
                                descString += string.Format("ArrayDesc['{0}'] = '{1}';", item["id"].ToString(), item["brandDesc"].ToString().Replace("*空格*", "&nbsp;").Replace("*换行*", "<br/>"));
                                string areaCodes = item["areaPoints"].ToString().Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace(";", ",").Trim();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaCodes))
                                    areaString += string.Format(" <area onclick='loadPanelDesc({0});showPanel();' shape='polygon' coords='{1}' alt='{2}' title='{2}'>"
                                                                , item["id"].ToString(), areaCodes, item["brandName"].ToString());
                            code = code.Replace("//*fvString", fvString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*descString", descString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*areaString", areaString);
                            code = code.Replace("//*thisClientFloorLevel", thisClientFloorLevel);

                            writeFile(newFile, code);

                            #region 处理f页面
                            string brandWalkway = "";
                            oldFile = toPath + "f.html";
                            newFile = toPath + "f" + floorLevel + ".html";
                            File.Copy(oldFile, newFile, true);
                            code = readFile(newFile);
                            DataTable dtF = ds.Tables[4];
                            if (dtF != null && dtF.Rows.Count > 0)
                                dr = dtF.Select("floorLevel=" + floorLevel);
                                foreach (DataRow item in dr)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["walkWay"].ToString().Trim()))
                                        brandWalkway += string.Format("ArrayBrand['{0}'] = '{1}';",
                                                                      item["projectBrandId"].ToString() + "_" + item["IsClient"].ToString(), item["walkWay"].ToString());
                            DataTable dtF2 = ds.Tables[5];
                            if (dtF2 != null && dtF2.Rows.Count > 0)
                                dr = dtF2.Select("floorLevel=" + floorLevel);
                                if (dr.Length > 0)
                                    brandWalkway += string.Format("ArrayBrand['CTOL'] = '{0}';", dr[0]["nextPointName"].ToString());  //nextPointName
                            code = code.Replace("*floorLevel", floorLevel);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandWalkway", brandWalkway);
                            writeFile(newFile, code);

                            oldFile = toPath + "PhonePath.html";
                            code    = readFile(oldFile);
                            code    = code.Replace("//*thisClientFloorLevel", thisClientFloorLevel);
                            writeFile(oldFile, code);

                            #region 处理brand.html页面

                            string brandGuide1_6       = "";
                            string brandGuide7_12      = "";
                            string brandTypeGuide1_12  = "";
                            string brandTypeGuide13_24 = "";
                            oldFile = toPath + "brand.html";
                            code    = readFile(oldFile);
                            DataTable dt3 = ds.Tables[1];
                            if (dt3 != null && dt3.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (dt3.Rows.Count < 12)
                                    brandTypeGuide13_24 = "<div class='col-md-1'><a class='btn' href='#' role='button'>&nbsp;</a></div>"; //加内容占一行
                                for (int k = 0; k < dt3.Rows.Count; k++)
                                    if (k < 12)
                                        brandTypeGuide1_12 += string.Format("<div class='col-md-1'><a class='btn btn-success' href='#' role='button'>{0}</a></div>", dt3.Rows[k]["brandTypeName"].ToString());
                                        brandTypeGuide13_24 += string.Format("<div class='col-md-1'><a class='btn btn-success' href='#' role='button'>{0}</a></div>", dt3.Rows[k]["brandTypeName"].ToString());
                            DataTable dt4 = ds.Tables[2];
                            if (dt4 != null && dt4.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (int k = 0; k < dt4.Rows.Count; k++)
                                    if (k < 6)
                                        brandGuide1_6 += string.Format("<div class='col-md-2'><img onclick=\"window.location='floor{1}.html?projectId={0}';\"  style='width:190px;height:190px;' src='brandImg/logo{0}.jpg' alt='...' class='img-circle'></div>", dt4.Rows[k]["id"].ToString(), dt4.Rows[k]["floorlevel"].ToString());
                                        brandGuide7_12 += string.Format("<div class='col-md-2'><img onclick=\"window.location='floor{1}.html?projectId={0}';\"  style='width:190px;height:190px;' src='brandImg/logo{0}.jpg' alt='...' class='img-circle'></div>", dt4.Rows[k]["id"].ToString(), dt4.Rows[k]["floorlevel"].ToString());
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandGuide1_6", brandGuide1_6);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandGuide7_12", brandGuide7_12);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandTypeGuide1_12", brandTypeGuide1_12);
                            code = code.Replace("//*brandTypeGuide13_24", brandTypeGuide13_24);
                            writeFile(oldFile, code);


                            #region 处理vr.html页面

                            string vrString = "";
                            oldFile = toPath + "vr.html";
                            code    = readFile(oldFile);
                            DataTable dt5 = ds.Tables[3];
                            if (dt5 != null && dt5.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (int l = 0; l < dt5.Rows.Count; l++)
                                    if (l % 6 == 0 && l > 0)
                                        vrString += "<div class='row'><div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div><div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div> <div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div><div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div><div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div> <div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div>  <div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div>   <div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div> <div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div>  <div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div>div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div>   <div class='col-md-1'>&nbsp;</div>    </div>";
                                    if (l % 6 == 0)
                                        vrString += "<div class='row'>";
                                    vrString += string.Format("<div class='col-md-2'><img onclick=\"window.location='floor{1}.html?projectId={0}';\"  style='width:190px;height:190px;' src='brandImg/logo{0}.jpg' alt='...' class='img-circle'></div>", dt5.Rows[l]["id"].ToString(), dt5.Rows[l]["floorlevel"].ToString());
                                    if (l % 6 == 5 || l == dt5.Rows.Count - 1)
                                        vrString += "</div>";
                            code = code.Replace("//*vrString", vrString);
                            writeFile(oldFile, code);
                if (true)
                    msg = "suc";
                    msg = "数据库连接超时或出现未知错误";
                JavaScriptSerializer javascriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();