Example #1
            internal EventStoreSqlBuilder(SqlIdentifier identifier)
                this.identifier = identifier;

                var delimitedName = identifier.Delimit();

#pragma warning disable SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation

                CreateSchema = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = '{identifier.SchemaName}' )",
                    $"    EXECUTE( 'CREATE SCHEMA {identifier.Delimit( SchemaName )};' );",

                Load = Statement(
                    "SELECT Type, Revision, Message",
                    $"FROM {delimitedName}",
                    "WHERE AggregateId = @AggregateId",
                    "ORDER BY Version, Sequence;");

                Save = Statement(
                    $"INSERT INTO {delimitedName}( AggregateId, Version, Sequence, Type, Revision, Message )",
                    "VALUES( @AggregateId, @Version, @Sequence, @Type, @Revision, @Message );");

#pragma warning restore SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation
Example #2
            internal SnapshotSqlBuilder(SqlIdentifier identifier)
                this.identifier = identifier;

                var delimitedName = identifier.Delimit();
                var name          = identifier.AsIdentifierName();

#pragma warning disable SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation

                CreateSchema = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = '{identifier.SchemaName}' )",
                    $"    EXECUTE( 'CREATE SCHEMA {identifier.Delimit( SchemaName )};' );",

                Load = Statement(
                    "SELECT TOP(1) Type, Version, Snapshot",
                    $"FROM {delimitedName}",
                    "WHERE AggregateId = @AggregateId",
                    "GROUP BY Type, Version, Snapshot",
                    "HAVING Version = MAX(Version);");

                Save = Statement(
                    $"INSERT INTO {delimitedName}( AggregateId, Version, Type, Snapshot )",
                    "VALUES( @AggregateId, @Version, @Type, @Snapshot );");

#pragma warning restore SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation
Example #3
            internal MessageQueueSqlBuilder(SqlIdentifier identifier, SqlIdentifier subscriptionIdentifier, SqlIdentifier subscriptionQueueIdentifier)
                var delimitedName     = identifier.Delimit();
                var indexName         = "IX_" + identifier.AsIdentifierName();
                var triggerIdentifier = new SqlIdentifier(identifier.SchemaName, "AfterInsertInto" + identifier.AsIdentifierName(ObjectName));

#pragma warning disable SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation

                CreateSchema = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = '{identifier.SchemaName}' )",
                    $"    EXECUTE( 'CREATE SCHEMA {identifier.Delimit( SchemaName )};' );",

                CreateTable = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID( '{identifier.SchemaName}' ) AND name = '{identifier.ObjectName}' )",
                    $"    CREATE TABLE {delimitedName}",
                    "    (",
                    "        ,EnqueueTime DATETIME2 NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETUTCDATE())",
                    "        ,DueTime DATETIME2 NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETUTCDATE())",
                    "        ,Type NVARCHAR(256) NOT NULL",
                    "        ,Revision INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(1)",
                    "        ,Message VARBINARY(MAX) NOT NULL",
                    "    );",

                CreateIndex = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = '{indexName}' )",
                    $"    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX {indexName}",
                    $"    ON {delimitedName}( EnqueueTime, MessageId );",

                Enqueue = Statement(
                    $"INSERT INTO {delimitedName}( EnqueueTime, DueTime, Type, Revision, Message )",
                    "VALUES( @EnqueueTime, @DueTime, @Type, @Revision, @Message );");

                CreateTrigger = Statement(
                    $"CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER {triggerIdentifier.Delimit()} ON {delimitedName} FOR INSERT AS",
                    "SET NOCOUNT ON;",
                    $"INSERT INTO {subscriptionQueueIdentifier.Delimit()}",
                    "     s.SubscriptionId",
                    "    ,i.MessageId",
                    "    ,i.EnqueueTime",
                    "    ,0 -- DequeueAttempts",
                    "    ,i.DueTime",
                    "    ,i.Type",
                    "    ,i.Revision",
                    "    ,i.Message",
                    $"     {subscriptionIdentifier.Delimit()} s",
                    "    ,INSERTED i;",

#pragma warning restore SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation
Example #4
            internal SubscriptionQueueSqlBuilder(SqlIdentifier identifier, SqlIdentifier subscriptionIdentifier)
                var delimitedName  = identifier.Delimit();
                var identifierName = identifier.AsIdentifierName();
                var indexName      = "IX_" + identifier.AsIdentifierName();

#pragma warning disable SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation

                CreateSchema = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = '{identifier.SchemaName}' )",
                    $"    EXECUTE( 'CREATE SCHEMA {identifier.Delimit( SchemaName )};' );",

                CreateTable = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID( '{identifier.SchemaName}' ) AND name = '{identifier.ObjectName}' )",
                    $"    CREATE TABLE {delimitedName}",
                    "    (",
                    "         SubscriptionId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL",
                    "        ,MessageId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL",
                    "        ,EnqueueTime DATETIME2 NOT NULL",
                    "        ,DequeueAttempts INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)",
                    "        ,DueTime DATETIME2 NOT NULL",
                    "        ,Type NVARCHAR(256) NOT NULL",
                    "        ,Revision INT NOT NULL",
                    "        ,Message VARBINARY(MAX) NOT NULL",
                    $"        ,CONSTRAINT PK_{identifierName} PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( SubscriptionId, MessageId )",
                    $"        ,CONSTRAINT FK_{identifierName}_{subscriptionIdentifier.AsIdentifierName( ObjectName )} FOREIGN KEY ( SubscriptionId )",
                    $"             REFERENCES {subscriptionIdentifier.Delimit()} ( SubscriptionId ) ON DELETE CASCADE",
                    "    );",

                CreateIndex = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = '{indexName}' )",
                    $"    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX {indexName}",
                    $"    ON {delimitedName}( DueTime, DequeueAttempts );",

                Enqueue = $"INSERT INTO {delimitedName} VALUES( @SubscriptionId, @MessageId, @EnqueueTime, @DequeueAttempts, @DueTime, @Type, @Revision, @Message );";

                Dequeue = Statement(
                    $"DELETE FROM {delimitedName}",
                    "OUTPUT DELETED.MessageId, DELETED.EnqueueTime, DELETED.DequeueAttempts, DELETED.DueTime,",
                    "    DELETED.Type, DELETED.Revision, DELETED.Message",
                    "WHERE MessageId IN (",
                    "    SELECT TOP(1) MessageId",
                    $"    FROM {delimitedName} WITH (XLOCK, ROWLOCK, READPAST)",
                    "    WHERE DueTime <= @DueTime",
                    "    ORDER BY DequeueAttempts );");

#pragma warning restore SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation
Example #5
            internal SubscriptionSqlBuilder(SqlIdentifier identifier, SqlIdentifier messageQueueIdentifier, SqlIdentifier subscriptionQueueIdentifier)
                var delimitedName     = identifier.Delimit();
                var triggerIdentifier = new SqlIdentifier(identifier.SchemaName, "AfterInsertInto" + identifier.AsIdentifierName(ObjectName));

#pragma warning disable SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation

                CreateSchema = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = '{identifier.SchemaName}' )",
                    $"    EXECUTE( 'CREATE SCHEMA {identifier.Delimit( SchemaName )};' );",

                CreateTable = Statement(
                    $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID( '{identifier.SchemaName}' ) AND name = '{identifier.ObjectName}' )",
                    $"    CREATE TABLE {delimitedName}",
                    "    (",
                    "        ,CreationTime DATETIME2 NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETUTCDATE())",
                    "    );",

                CreateTrigger = Statement(
                    $"CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER {triggerIdentifier.Delimit()} ON {delimitedName} FOR INSERT AS",
                    "SET NOCOUNT ON;",
                    $"INSERT INTO {subscriptionQueueIdentifier.Delimit()}",
                    "     i.SubscriptionId",
                    "    ,mq.MessageId",
                    "    ,mq.EnqueueTime",
                    "    ,0 -- DequeueAttempts",
                    "    ,mq.DueTime",
                    "    ,mq.Type",
                    "    ,mq.Revision",
                    "    ,mq.Message",
                    "    INSERTED i",
                    $"    INNER JOIN {messageQueueIdentifier.Delimit()} mq ON mq.EnqueueTime >= i.CreationTime;",

                CreateSubscription = Statement(
                    $"MERGE {delimitedName} AS target",
                    "USING ( SELECT @SubscriptionId, @CreationTime ) AS source ( SubscriptionId, CreationTime )",
                    "ON target.SubscriptionId = source.SubscriptionId",
                    "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN",
                    "    INSERT ( SubscriptionId, CreationTime )",
                    "    VALUES ( source.SubscriptionId, source.CreationTime );");

                DeleteSubscription = $"DELETE FROM {delimitedName} WHERE SubscriptionId = SubscriptionId;";

#pragma warning restore SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation
Example #6
            internal string CreateTable(string keyDataType)
                var name = identifier.AsIdentifierName();

#pragma warning disable SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation

                           $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID( '{identifier.SchemaName}' ) AND name = '{identifier.ObjectName}' )",
                           $"    CREATE TABLE {identifier.Delimit()}",
                           "    (",
                           $"         AggregateId {keyDataType} NOT NULL",
                           "        ,Version INT NOT NULL",
                           "        ,Sequence INT NOT NULL",
                           "        ,RecordedOn DATETIME2 NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETUTCDATE())",
                           "        ,Type NVARCHAR(256) NOT NULL",
                           "        ,Revision INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(1)",
                           "        ,Message VARBINARY(MAX) NOT NULL",
                           $"        ,CONSTRAINT PK_{name} PRIMARY KEY( AggregateId, Version, Sequence )",
                           $"        ,CONSTRAINT CK_{name}_Version CHECK( Version >= 0 )",
                           $"        ,CONSTRAINT CK_{name}_Sequence CHECK( Sequence >= 0 )",
                           "    );",

#pragma warning restore SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation
Example #7
        internal SqlBuilder(SqlIdentifier identifier)
            var delimitedName = identifier.Delimit();
            var indexName     = "IX_" + identifier.AsIdentifierName();

#pragma warning disable SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation

            CreateSchema = Statement(
                $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = '{identifier.SchemaName}' )",
                $"    EXECUTE( 'CREATE SCHEMA {identifier.Delimit( SchemaName )};' );",

            CreateTable = Statement(
                $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID( '{identifier.SchemaName}' ) AND name = '{identifier.ObjectName}' )",
                $"    CREATE TABLE {delimitedName}",
                "    (",
                "        ,DataType NVARCHAR(256) NOT NULL",
                "        ,Data VARBINARY(MAX) NOT NULL",
                "        ,PropertyName NVARCHAR(90) NOT NULL",
                "        ,PropertyValue VARBINARY(200) NOT NULL",
                "        ,Created DATETIME2 NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETUTCDATE())",
                "        ,Modified DATETIME2 NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETUTCDATE())",
                "        ,Completed BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)",
                "    );",

            CreateIndex = Statement(
                $"IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = 'IX_{indexName}' )",
                $"    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_{indexName}",
                $"    ON {delimitedName}( DataType, PropertyName, PropertyValue );",

            QueryById = Statement(
                "SELECT TOP(1) DataType, Data",
                $"FROM {delimitedName}",
                "WHERE SagaId = @SagaId AND Completed = 0;");

            QueryByProperty = Statement(
                "SELECT TOP(1) Data",
                $"FROM {delimitedName}",
                "WHERE DataType = @DataType",
                "  AND PropertyName = @PropertyName",
                "  AND PropertyValue = @PropertyValue",
                "  AND Completed = 0;");

            Store = Statement(
                $"MERGE {delimitedName} AS target",
                "USING ( SELECT @SagaId, @DataType, @Data, @PropertyName, @PropertyValue ) AS source ( SagaId, DataType, Data, PropertyName, PropertyValue )",
                "ON target.SagaId = source.SagaId",
                "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE",
                "    SET Data = source.Data, Modified = GETUTCDATE()",
                "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN",
                "    INSERT ( SagaId, DataType, Data, PropertyName, PropertyValue )",
                "    VALUES ( source.SagaId, source.DataType, source.Data, source.PropertyName, source.PropertyValue );");

            Completed = Statement(
                $"UPDATE {delimitedName}",
                "SET Completed = 1, Modified = GETUTCDATE()",
                "WHERE SagaId = @SagaId;");

#pragma warning restore SA1137 // Elements should have the same indentation