private void getBuilding(String lid, String trnDate, String amount, String description, String reference, String period, String code, bool alloc, DateTime dt, String oldReference) { String sql = "SELECT Building, Code, AccNumber, Contra, DataPath FROM tblBuildings WHERE (Code = '" + code + "') "; DataSet ds = utils.getData(sql, null); if (!alloc) { trnDate = dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); } if ((ds != null) && (ds.Tables.Count > 0) && (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; String sql2 = "INSERT INTO tblExport (lid, trnDate, amount, building, code, description, reference, accnumber, contra, datapath, period, una)"; sql2 += " VALUES('" + lid + "', '" + trnDate + "', '" + amount + "', '" + dr["Building"].ToString() + "', '" + code + "', '" + description + "', '" + reference; sql2 += "', '" + dr["AccNumber"].ToString() + "', '" + dr["Contra"].ToString() + "', '" + dr["DataPath"].ToString() + "', '" + period + "', '" + alloc.ToString() + "');"; sql2 += "INSERT INTO tblMatch(statementRef, astroRef) VALUES('" + oldReference + "','" + reference + "')"; //lblError.Text = sql2; String sqlReply = utils.executeQuery(sql2, null); if (sqlReply == "") { SqlDataSource5.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); SqlDataSource5.DataBind(); GridView5.DataBind(); SqlDataSource1.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); SqlDataSource1.DataBind(); GridView6.DataBind(); } else { lblError.Text = sqlReply; } } }
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "Inner") { DataView mydata = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = mydata; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } else if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "Left") { DataView mydata = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = mydata; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } else if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "Right") { DataView mydata = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = mydata; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } else { DataView mydata = (DataView)SqlDataSource6.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = mydata; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnSorgula_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); if (dv.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRowView drow in dv) { lblMessage.Text = "Hasta bulundu!"; txtName.Text = drow["name"].ToString(); txtSurname.Text = drow["surname"].ToString(); txtBirth.Text = drow["birth_year"].ToString(); listInsurance.SelectedValue = drow["insurance_id"].ToString(); pnlHastaForm.Visible = true; } } else { lblMessage.Text = "Hasta kayıtlı değil."; txtName.Text = ""; txtSurname.Text = ""; txtBirth.Text = ""; listInsurance.SelectedIndex = 0; pnlHastaForm.Visible = true; } }
protected void getData() { DataView stud_Address = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in stud_Address) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblSadd.Text = row["Address1"].ToString(); lblSadd1.Text = row["Address2"].ToString(); lblPost.Text = row["Postcode"].ToString(); lblCity.Text = row["City"].ToString(); lblState.Text = row["State"].ToString(); } DataView parentF = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in parentF) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblFname.Text = row["Name"].ToString(); lblFOcc.Text = row["Occupation"].ToString(); lblFsalary.Text = row["Salary"].ToString(); lblphone.Text = row["Contact"].ToString(); } DataView parentAdd = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in parentAdd) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblFadd.Text = row["Address1"].ToString(); lblFpost.Text = row["Postcode"].ToString(); lblFstate.Text = row["State"].ToString(); lblFcity.Text = row["City"].ToString(); } DataView parentM = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in parentM) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblMname.Text = row["Name"].ToString(); lblMOcc.Text = row["Occupation"].ToString(); lblMsalary.Text = row["Salary"].ToString(); } DataView stud_Acad = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in stud_Acad) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblSIns.Text = row["Name_of_Institution"].ToString(); lblSGrad.Text = row["Date"].ToString(); lblcgpa.Text = row["CGPA"].ToString(); lblField.Text = row["Field_of_Study"].ToString(); } }
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int rowIdx = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); GridViewRow gvr = GridView1.Rows[rowIdx]; int id = 0; int.TryParse(gvr.Cells[1].Text, out id); String lid = gvr.Cells[2].Text; if (e.CommandName == "allocate") { try { String building = (gvr.FindControl("cmbBuilding") as DropDownList).SelectedValue; String reference = (gvr.FindControl("txtRef") as TextBox).Text; DateTime trnDate = DateTime.Now; String amt = gvr.Cells[5].Text; String description = gvr.Cells[4].Text; int period = int.Parse((gvr.FindControl("cmbPeriod") as DropDownList).SelectedValue); bool alloc = false; DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(gvr.Cells[3].Text); String build = building; String b2 = (building == "UNA" ? "" : building); String oldReference = description; if (period != 0 && reference != "") { String sql = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblUnallocated WHERE lid = " + lid + ")"; sql += " UPDATE tblUnallocated SET amount = '" + amt + "', building = '" + building + "', allocatedDate = '" + trnDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "', allocated = 'True', allocatedCode = '" + b2 + "', reference = '" + reference + "', period = " + period + " WHERE (lid = " + lid + ")"; sql += " ELSE "; sql += " INSERT INTO tblUnallocated(lid, trnDate, building, amount, description, reference, period, allocatedDate, allocatedCode, trustpost)"; sql += " VALUES(" + lid + ", '" + gvr.Cells[3].Text + "', '" + building + "', " + amt.ToString() + ", '" + description + "', '" + reference + "', " + period.ToString(); sql += ", '" + trnDate + "', '" + b2 + "', 'False');"; sql += " UPDATE tblLedgerTransactions SET allocate = 'True' WHERE id = " + lid; String sqlReply = utils.executeQuery(sql, null); if (sqlReply == "") { getBuilding(lid, trnDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), amt, description, reference, period.ToString(), building, alloc, dt, oldReference); } else { lblError.Text = sqlReply; } } } catch { } } else if (e.CommandName == "Remove") { String DeleteCommand = "DELETE FROM tblUnallocated WHERE id = " + id.ToString() + "; DELETE FROM tblLedgerTransactions WHERE id = " + lid; utils.executeQuery(DeleteCommand, null); SqlDataSource5.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); SqlDataSource5.DataBind(); GridView1.DataBind(); } SqlDataSource6.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); GridView1.DataBind(); }
protected void Button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataTable dt = dv.ToTable(); Label2.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); SqlDataSource8.Delete(); SqlDataSource5.Delete(); Response.Redirect("~/UserPage/UserElectricityServices.aspx"); }
protected void btn2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String Year = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; String sqlx = "SELECT DISTINCT UnitType FROM SchoolTable WHERE Year='" + Year + "'"; SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = sqlx; DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count; i++) { String uType = (String)dv[i][0]; String Sql = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='" + uType + "' AND Year='" + Year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = Sql; DataView dv1 = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int uName = (int)dv1[0][0]; String msqlx = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='" + uType + "' AND Year='" + Year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = msqlx; DataView dv2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int sName = (int)dv2[0][0]; float rf = float.Parse(txtEnterRegistrationFeesForStudent.Text); float t1 = sName * rf; String msql = "select count(FullName) from UnitLeaderTable where UnitType='" + uType + "' AND Year='" + Year + "' AND SupportingLeader='false' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource4.SelectCommand = msql; DataView dv3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int ulName = (int)dv3[0][0]; String msqlv = "select count(FullName) from UnitLeaderTable where UnitType='" + uType + "' AND Year='" + Year + "' AND SupportingLeader='true' AND Status='Activated'"; int sut; DataView dv4 = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); if (dv4.Count == 1) { sut = (int)dv4[0][0]; } else { sut = 0; } float urs = float.Parse(txtEnterFeesForUnitLeader.Text); float total = (ulName + sut) * urs; int mtotal = sName + ulName + sut; float rtotal = t1 + total; String query = "INSERT INTO UnitInformation (UnitType, TotalUnits, TotalStudent, StudentRegistrationFees, StudentTotalFees, TotalUnitLeader, TotalSupportingLeader, UnitLeaderRegistrationFees, UnitLeaderTotalFees, TotalMembers, TotalFees, Year) VALUES('" + uType + "'," + uName + "," + sName + "," + rf + "," + t1 + "," + ulName + "," + sut + "," + urs + "," + total + "," + mtotal + "," + rtotal + ",'" + Year + "')"; SqlDataSource6.InsertCommand = query; int n = SqlDataSource6.Insert(); } Response.Write("<script>alert('Data inserted successfully...')</script>"); CleartextBoxes(this); }
protected void SignInBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool corrPassw = false; bool corrName = false; RError.Text = ""; SqlDataSource4.InsertParameters["ime"].DefaultValue = RIme.Text; SqlDataSource4.InsertParameters["priimek"].DefaultValue = RPriimek.Text; SqlDataSource4.InsertParameters["username"].DefaultValue = RUsername.Text; SqlDataSource4.InsertParameters["admin"].DefaultValue = "0"; DataView obstaja = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); if (RUsername.Text.Equals("")) { RError.Text = RError.Text + "Vstavite uporabniško ime "; } else if (!(obstaja[0][0].ToString()).Equals("0")) { RError.Text = RError.Text + "Uporabnik s tem imenom ze obstaja, prosimo uporabite drugega. "; } else { corrName = true; } if (RGeslo1.Text.Equals(RGeslo2.Text) && Regex.IsMatch(RGeslo1.Text, @"(?=.*[A-Z].*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9].*[0-9])(?=.*[?.*!:]+).{8,}")) { corrPassw = true; using (MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create()) { string password = GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, RGeslo1.Text); SqlDataSource4.InsertParameters["geslo"].DefaultValue = password; } } else { RError.Text = RError.Text + "Gesla se ne ujameta ali ali ni veljavno geslo, vnesite znova "; RGeslo1.Text = ""; RGeslo2.Text = ""; } if (corrName && corrPassw) { SqlDataSource4.Insert(); RError.Text = "Vaš uporabniški račun je bil uspešno ustvarjen!"; } }
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (DropDownList1.SelectedValue) { case "Inner": { DataView myData = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = myData; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } break; case "Left Outer": { DataView myData = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = myData; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } break; case "Right Outer": { DataView myData = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = myData; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } break; case "Full Outer": { DataView myData = (DataView)SqlDataSource6.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); GridView3.DataSource = myData; GridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = true; GridView3.DataBind(); } break; } }
protected void GridView2_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { if (DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "fb_id").ToString() == Session["fb_id"].ToString() || Session["user_group"].ToString() == "1") { } else { e.Row.Cells[6].Text = ""; e.Row.Cells[7].Text = ""; } if ((e.Row.RowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) > 0) { SqlDataSource5.SelectParameters["id"].DefaultValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList1")).SelectedValue; SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DropDownList DdlCountry = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList2"); // bind DropDown manually DdlCountry.DataBind(); DdlCountry.SelectedValue = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "id1").ToString(); SqlDataSource6.SelectParameters["id"].DefaultValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList1")).SelectedValue; SqlDataSource6.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DropDownList DdlCountry2 = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList3"); // bind DropDown manually DdlCountry2.DataBind(); DdlCountry2.SelectedValue = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "id2").ToString(); SqlDataSource7.SelectParameters["id"].DefaultValue = ((DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList1")).SelectedValue; SqlDataSource7.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DropDownList DdlCountry3 = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList4"); // bind DropDown manually DdlCountry3.DataBind(); DdlCountry3.SelectedValue = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "id3").ToString(); } } }
protected void timer1_tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (0 > DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Parse(Session["timeout"].ToString()))) //{ //Aggiorna tabella SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT timestamp, pressione, temperatura, umidita, idsensore_ambientale FROM misura_ambientale WHERE idsensore_ambientale IN (SELECT idsensore FROM sensore_ambientale WHERE idluogo = (SELECT idluogo FROM palestra WHERE nome_centro = '" + DropDownList2.SelectedValue + "')) ORDER BY idmisura DESC LIMIT 20 "; SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = "SELECT indice_attività, timestamp FROM misura_actigrafo WHERE idactigrafo = '" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "' AND timestamp BETWEEN timestamp(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)) AND timestamp(NOW()) "; SqlDataSource5.SelectCommand = "SELECT nome, cognome FROM utente WHERE actigrafo_idactigrafo = '" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'"; SqlDataSource6.SelectCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT idsensore FROM storico_errore WHERE idsensore IN (SELECT idsensore FROM sensore_ambientale WHERE idluogo = (SELECT idluogo FROM palestra WHERE nome_centro = '" + DropDownList2.SelectedValue + "')) AND TIMESTAMP BETWEEN TIMESTAMP (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)) AND TIMESTAMP (NOW()) ORDER BY iderrore DESC LIMIT 1"; SqlDataSource7.SelectCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM storico_errore WHERE idsensore IN (SELECT idsensore FROM sensore_ambientale WHERE idluogo = (SELECT idluogo FROM palestra WHERE nome_centro = '" + DropDownList2.SelectedValue + "')) AND TIMESTAMP BETWEEN TIMESTAMP (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)) AND TIMESTAMP (NOW()) ORDER BY iderrore DESC LIMIT 1 "; SqlDataSource8.SelectCommand = "SELECT timestamp, pressione, temperatura, umidita, idsensore_ambientale FROM misura_ambientale WHERE idsensore_ambientale IN (SELECT idsensore FROM sensore_ambientale WHERE idluogo = (SELECT idluogo FROM palestra WHERE nome_centro = '" + DropDownList2.SelectedValue + "')) ORDER BY idmisura DESC LIMIT 1 "; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView2.DataBind(); Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); DataSourceSelectArguments sr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataSourceSelectArguments sr_2 = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataSourceSelectArguments sr_3 = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); //DataSourceSelectArguments sr_3 = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); //DataView dv_3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource7.Select(sr_3); DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(sr); DataView dv_2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource7.Select(sr_2); DataView dv_3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(sr_3); DataTable dt = dv_3.ToTable(); if (dv.Count != 0) { Chart1.Series["Series1"].Name = dv[0][0].ToString() + " " + dv[0][1].ToString(); Chart1.Legends[0].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 15F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); } if (dv_2.Count != 0) { alarmLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; alarmLabel.Font.Size = 32; if (dv_2.Count < 2) { alarmLabel.Text = "Rilevate anomalie su " + dv_2.Count + " sensore ambientale"; } else { alarmLabel.Text = "Rilevate anomalie su " + dv_2.Count + " sensori ambientali"; } } else { alarmLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; alarmLabel.Font.Size = 12; alarmLabel.Text = "Nessuna anomalia rilevata"; } if (dv_3.Count > 0) { int num = int.Parse(dv_3[dv_3.Count - 1][0].ToString()); if (num == 1) { Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Models/Fermo.png"; } else if (num == 2) { Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Models/Lento.png"; } else if (num == 3) { Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Models/Moderato.png"; } else if (num == 4) { Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Models/Veloce.png"; } else if (num == 5) { Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Models/Vigoroso.png"; } } // ((Int32)DateTime.Parse(Session["timeout"].ToString()).Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes).ToString(); //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label2.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("D"); Label14.Text = ""; Label16.Text = ""; Label33.Text = ""; Label34.Text = ""; Label35.Text = ""; Label36.Text = ""; Label24.Text = ""; Label47.Text = ""; DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Table.Rows) { Cname = (string)dv.Table.Rows[x][0]; Cadd = (string)dv.Table.Rows[x][1]; Ccomp = (string)dv.Table.Rows[x][2]; Label14.Text = Label14.Text + Cname; Label33.Text = Label33.Text + Cadd; Label34.Text = Label34.Text + Ccomp; Label16.Text = Label16.Text + Cname; Label35.Text = Label35.Text + Cadd; Label36.Text = Label36.Text + Ccomp; Label24.Text = Label24.Text + Cname; } Venue.Text = ""; VAdd.Text = ""; N.Text = ""; Label37.Text = ""; DataView dv1 = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dr in dv1.Table.Rows) { Vname = (string)dv1.Table.Rows[x][0]; Vadd = (string)dv1.Table.Rows[x][1]; Ename = (string)dv1.Table.Rows[x][2]; Edate = (DateTime)dv1.Table.Rows[x][3]; Venue.Text = Venue.Text + Vname; VAdd.Text = VAdd.Text + Vadd; N.Text = N.Text + Ename; Label37.Text = Edate.ToString("D"); } Label40.Text = ""; Label41.Text = ""; Label43.Text = ""; Label44.Text = ""; Label42.Text = ""; Label1.Text = ""; DataView dv2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dr in dv2.Table.Rows) { RF = (double)dv2.Table.Rows[x][0]; Total = (double)dv2.Table.Rows[x][4]; OE = (double)dv2.Table.Rows[x][1]; PB = (double)dv2.Table.Rows[x][2]; RPH = (double)dv2.Table.Rows[x][3]; DL = (DateTime)dv2.Table.Rows[x][5]; Label40.Text = Label40.Text + RF.ToString("n2"); Label41.Text = Label41.Text + Total.ToString("n2"); Label43.Text = Label43.Text + OE.ToString("n2"); Label44.Text = Label44.Text + PB.ToString("n2"); Label42.Text = Label42.Text + RPH.ToString("n2"); Label1.Text = DL.ToString("D"); } Label45.Text = ""; DataView dv3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dr in dv3.Table.Rows) { Edate = (DateTime)dv3.Table.Rows[x][0]; Estime = (TimeSpan)dv3.Table.Rows[x][1]; Eetime = (TimeSpan)dv3.Table.Rows[x][2]; Label45.Text = Edate.ToString("D") + ' ' + ConvertMode(Estime.ToString()) + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + ConvertMode(Eetime.ToString()); } Label46.Text = ""; DataView dv4 = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dr in dv4.Table.Rows) { Aname = (string)dv4.Table.Rows[x][0]; Ades = (string)dv4.Table.Rows[x][3]; qty = (int)dv4.Table.Rows[x][1]; Label46.Text = Label46.Text + ' ' + Ades + ' ' + qty.ToString() + ' ' + "pcs" + ", "; x++; } Label3.Text = ""; Label4.Text = ""; string check = Label46.Text; int lg = check.Length; if (x > 0) { Label3.Text = "<li> Amenity- "; check = check.Substring(0, lg - 2); Label46.Text = check + ";"; Label4.Text = "</li>"; } Label47.Text = ""; DataView dv5 = (DataView)SqlDataSource6.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dr in dv5.Table.Rows) { Fname = (string)dv5.Table.Rows[y][0]; Fdes = (string)dv5.Table.Rows[y][1]; Label47.Text = Label47.Text + Fname + ' ' + Fdes + ", "; y++; } string check2 = Label47.Text; int lg2 = check2.Length; Label5.Text = ""; Label6.Text = ""; if (y > 0) { Label5.Text = "<li> Facility- "; check2 = check2.Substring(0, lg2 - 2); Label47.Text = check2 + ";"; Label6.Text = "</li>"; } Label48.Text = ""; DataView dv6 = (DataView)SqlDataSource7.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dr in dv6.Table.Rows) { Fname = (string)dv6.Table.Rows[z][0]; Fdes = (string)dv6.Table.Rows[z][1]; Label48.Text = Label48.Text + Mname + ' ' + Mdes + ", "; z++; } string check3 = Label48.Text; int lg3 = check3.Length; if (lg3 != 0) { check3 = check3.Substring(0, lg3 - 2); Label48.Text = check3 + ";"; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String tc = txtTc.Text; String name = txtName.Text; String surname = txtSurname.Text; String birth = txtBirth.Text; String ins = listInsurance.SelectedValue; if (lblMessage.Text.Equals("Hasta kayıtlı değil.")) { SqlCommand cmdSave = new SqlCommand("insert into patients (tc,name,surname,birth_year,insurance_type) " + "VALUES ('" + tc + "','" + name + "','" + surname + "'," + birth + "," + ins + ")", baglantı); int rowsAffected = cmdSave.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rowsAffected == 1) { lblMessage.Text = "Hasta Kaydedildi! "; } else { lblMessage.Text = "Bişeyler yanlış gitti!"; return; } } String doc_id = listDoctors.SelectedValue; String patient_id = "0"; DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); if (dv.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRowView drow in dv) { patient_id = drow["id"].ToString(); } } else { lblMessage.Text = "Hata"; } String date = Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); String time = rButtonsHours.SelectedValue.ToString() + ":00"; SqlCommand cmdAppointment = new SqlCommand("insert into appointments (doctor_id,patient_id,date,time)" + "VALUES (" + doc_id + "," + patient_id + ",convert(date,'" + date + "'),convert(time,'" + time + "'));", baglantı); int rowsAffected1 = 0; try { rowsAffected1 = cmdAppointment.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rowsAffected1 == 1) { lblMessage.Text += "Randevu girildi! "; } else { lblMessage.Text = "Bişeyler yanlış gitti!"; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void redirectToPendingPage() { string strSQL2 = "SELECT count(*) from dbo.projects where d_id = '" + lblDivisionCode.Text + "' and pj_code = '" + lblProjectCode.Text + "' and pj_status = '" + Request.QueryString["status"] + "'"; SqlDataSource5.SelectCommand = strSQL2; SqlDataSource5.DataBind(); DataView dv2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRow dRow in dv2.Table.Rows) { if (dRow["pj_name"] != null && dRow["pj_yut_id"] != null && dRow["pj_relateDept"] != null && dRow["pj_year"] != null && dRow["pj_budget"] != null && dRow["pj_integrateProject"] != null) { if (dRow["pj_filter_q1"] == null || dRow["pj_filter_q2"] == null) { Response.Redirect("project_filter.aspx"); } else if (dRow["pj_background"] == null || dRow["pj_urgency"] == null || dRow["pj_risk_info"] == null || dRow["pj_risk_reduction1"] == null || dRow["pj_risk_reduction2"] == null || dRow["pj_risk_eval1"] == null || dRow["pj_risk_eval2"] == null || dRow["pj_risk_eval3"] == null) { Response.Redirect("project_basicinfo.aspx"); } else if (dRow["pj_category"] == null) { Response.Redirect("project_category.aspx"); } else if (dRow["pj_type"] == null) { Response.Redirect("project_type.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("project_pickquestion.aspx"); } } else { //populate data to each fields on this page if (dRow["pj_name"] != null) { txtProjectName.Text = dRow["pj_name"].ToString(); } if (dRow["pj_budget"] != null) { txtBudget.Text = dRow["pj_budget"].ToString(); } if (dRow["pj_integrateProject"] != null) { txtIntegrate.Text = dRow["pj_integrateProject"].ToString(); } if (dRow["pj_relateDept"] != null) { txtRelate.Text = dRow["pj_relateDept"].ToString(); } if (dRow["pj_year"] != null) { ddlYear.SelectedValue = dRow["pj_year"].ToString(); } if (dRow["pj_yut_id"] != null) { ddlYudtasad.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(dRow["pj_yut_id"].ToString()); } } } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv = dv[0]; Table1.Rows[1].Cells[0].Text = drv["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv1 = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv1 = dv1[0]; Table1.Rows[1].Cells[1].Text = drv1["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv2 = dv2[0]; Table1.Rows[1].Cells[2].Text = drv2["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv3 = dv3[0]; Table1.Rows[1].Cells[3].Text = drv3["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv5 = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv5 = dv5[0]; Table2.Rows[1].Cells[0].Text = drv5["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv6 = (DataView)SqlDataSource6.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv6 = dv6[0]; Table2.Rows[1].Cells[1].Text = drv6["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv7 = (DataView)SqlDataSource7.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv7 = dv7[0]; Table2.Rows[1].Cells[2].Text = drv7["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv8 = (DataView)SqlDataSource8.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv8 = dv8[0]; Table2.Rows[1].Cells[3].Text = drv8["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv9 = (DataView)SqlDataSource9.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv9 = dv9[0]; Table3.Rows[1].Cells[0].Text = drv9["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv10 = (DataView)SqlDataSource10.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv10 = dv10[0]; Table3.Rows[1].Cells[1].Text = drv10["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv11 = (DataView)SqlDataSource11.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv11 = dv11[0]; Table3.Rows[1].Cells[2].Text = drv11["BUGS"].ToString(); DataView dv12 = (DataView)SqlDataSource12.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataRowView drv12 = dv12[0]; Table3.Rows[1].Cells[3].Text = drv12["BUGS"].ToString(); }
protected void GridView5_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int rowIdx = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); GridViewRow gvr = GridView5.Rows[rowIdx]; int id = 0; int.TryParse(gvr.Cells[1].Text, out id); String lid = gvr.Cells[2].Text; if (e.CommandName == "allocate") { try { String building = (gvr.FindControl("cmbBuilding") as DropDownList).SelectedValue; String reference = (gvr.FindControl("txtRef") as TextBox).Text; DateTime trnDate = DateTime.Now; String amt = (gvr.FindControl("txtAmount") as TextBox).Text; String description = gvr.Cells[4].Text; int period = int.Parse((gvr.FindControl("cmbPeriod") as DropDownList).SelectedValue); DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(gvr.Cells[3].Text); String b2 = (building == "UNA" ? "" : building); String oldReference = description; if (period != 0 && reference != "") { String sql = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblUnallocated WHERE lid = " + lid + ")"; sql += " UPDATE tblUnallocated SET amount = '" + amt + "', allocatedDate = '" + trnDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "', allocated = 'True', allocatedCode = '" + b2 + "', "; sql += " reference = '" + reference + "', period = " + period + " WHERE (lid = " + lid + ")"; sql += " ELSE "; sql += " INSERT INTO tblUnallocated(lid, trnDate, amount, description, reference, period, allocatedDate, allocatedCode, trustpost)"; sql += " VALUES(" + lid + ", '" + gvr.Cells[3].Text + "', " + amt.ToString() + ", '" + description + "', '" + reference + "', " + period.ToString(); sql += ", '" + trnDate + "', '" + b2 + "', 'False');"; sql += " UPDATE tblLedgerTransactions SET allocate = 'True' WHERE id = " + lid; //lblError.Text = sql; String sqlReply = utils.executeQuery(sql, null); if (sqlReply == "" && b2 != "") { getBuilding(lid, trnDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), amt, description, reference, period.ToString(), building, true, dt, oldReference); } else { lblError.Text = sqlReply; } } else { lblError.Text = "----"; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; } } else if (e.CommandName == "Remove") { int counter = 0; DataSet ds = utils.getData("SELECT count(*) as dupes FROM tblUnallocated WHERE lid = " + lid, null); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { counter = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dupes"].ToString()); } String DeleteCommand = "DELETE FROM tblUnallocated WHERE id = " + id.ToString() + ";"; if (counter < 2) { DeleteCommand += " DELETE FROM tblLedgerTransactions WHERE id = " + lid; } utils.executeQuery(DeleteCommand, null); SqlDataSource5.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); SqlDataSource5.DataBind(); GridView5.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String y = "select DISTINCT [Year] from SchoolTable"; SqlDataSource9.SelectCommand = y; DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource9.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count; i++) { if (dv[i][0] != DBNull.Value) { String year = (String)dv[i][0]; String sql1 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Cub' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = sql1; DataView dv1 = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int cub = (int)dv1[0][0]; String sql2 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Scout' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = sql2; DataView dv2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int scout = (int)dv2[0][0]; String sql3 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Rover' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = sql3; DataView dv3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int rover = (int)dv3[0][0]; String sql4 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Bulbul' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource4.SelectCommand = sql4; DataView dv4 = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int bulbul = (int)dv4[0][0]; String sql5 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Guide' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource5.SelectCommand = sql5; DataView dv5 = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int guide = (int)dv5[0][0]; String sql6 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Ranger' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource6.SelectCommand = sql6; DataView dv6 = (DataView)SqlDataSource6.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int ranger = (int)dv6[0][0]; String sql7 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Bunny' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource7.SelectCommand = sql7; DataView dv7 = (DataView)SqlDataSource7.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int bunny = (int)dv7[0][0]; int total = cub + scout + rover + bulbul + guide + ranger + bunny; String sql9 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Cub' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource9.SelectCommand = sql9; DataView dv9 = (DataView)SqlDataSource9.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int cub1 = (int)dv9[0][0]; String sql10 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Scout' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource10.SelectCommand = sql10; DataView dv10 = (DataView)SqlDataSource10.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int scout1 = (int)dv10[0][0]; String sql11 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Rover' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource11.SelectCommand = sql11; DataView dv11 = (DataView)SqlDataSource11.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int rover1 = (int)dv11[0][0]; String sql12 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Bulbul' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource12.SelectCommand = sql12; DataView dv12 = (DataView)SqlDataSource12.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int bulbul1 = (int)dv12[0][0]; String sql13 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Guide' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource13.SelectCommand = sql13; DataView dv13 = (DataView)SqlDataSource13.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int guide1 = (int)dv13[0][0]; String sql14 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Ranger' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource14.SelectCommand = sql14; DataView dv14 = (DataView)SqlDataSource14.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int ranger1 = (int)dv14[0][0]; String sql15 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Bunny' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource15.SelectCommand = sql15; DataView dv15 = (DataView)SqlDataSource15.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int bunny1 = (int)dv7[0][0]; int total1 = cub1 + scout1 + rover1 + bulbul1 + guide1 + ranger1 + bunny1; String sql16 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource16.SelectCommand = sql16; DataView dv16 = (DataView)SqlDataSource16.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int unit = (int)dv16[0][0]; String sql17 = "select SUM(khTotalContri) from SchoolTable where Year='" + year + "'"; SqlDataSource17.SelectCommand = sql17; DataView dv17 = (DataView)SqlDataSource17.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int amt; if (dv17[0][0] != DBNull.Value) { amt = (int)dv17[0][0]; } else { amt = 0; } String sql18 = "select count(SchoolName) from SchoolTable where Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource18.SelectCommand = sql18; DataView dv18 = (DataView)SqlDataSource18.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int sch = (int)dv18[0][0]; String sql19 = "select count(SchoolName) from SchoolTable where SchoolType='PrimarySchool' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource19.SelectCommand = sql19; DataView dv19 = (DataView)SqlDataSource19.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int sch1 = (int)dv19[0][0]; String sql20 = "select count(SchoolName) from SchoolTable where SchoolType='SecondarySchool' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'"; SqlDataSource20.SelectCommand = sql20; DataView dv20 = (DataView)SqlDataSource20.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); int sch2 = (int)dv20[0][0]; int total3 = sch1 + sch2; String update = "Select * from StatisticalData where Year='" + year + "'"; SqlDataSource21.SelectCommand = update; DataView dv21 = (DataView)SqlDataSource21.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); if (dv21.Count != 0) { String query = "update StatisticalData set Cub=" + cub + ", Scout=" + scout + ", Rover=" + rover + ", Bulbul=" + bulbul + ", Guide=" + guide + ", Ranger=" + ranger + ", Bunny=" + bunny + ", Total=" + total + ", Cub1=" + cub1 + ", Scout1=" + scout1 + ", Rover1=" + rover1 + ", Bulbul1=" + bulbul1 + ", Guide1=" + guide1 + ", Ranger1=" + ranger1 + ", Bunny1=" + bunny1 + ", Total1=" + total1 + ", TotalUnits=" + unit + ", CollectedFees=" + amt + ", TotalParticipatedSchools=" + sch + ", PrimarySchool=" + sch1 + ", SecondarySchool=" + sch2 + ", TotalMembers=" + total3 + " where Year='" + year + "'"; SqlDataSource22.UpdateCommand = query; int n = SqlDataSource22.Update(); } else { String insert1 = "insert into StatisticalData (Year, Cub, Scout, Rover, Bulbul, Guide, Ranger, Bunny, Total, Cub1, Scout1, Rover1, Bulbul1, Guide1, Ranger1, Bunny1, Total1, TotalUnits, CollectedFees, TotalParticipatedSchools, PrimarySchool, SecondarySchool, TotalMembers) Values('" + year + "'," + cub + "," + scout + "," + rover + "," + bulbul + "," + guide + "," + ranger + "," + bunny + "," + total + "," + cub1 + "," + scout1 + "," + rover1 + "," + bulbul1 + "," + guide1 + "," + ranger1 + "," + bunny1 + "," + total1 + "," + unit + "," + amt + "," + sch + "," + sch1 + "," + sch2 + "," + total3 + ")"; SqlDataSource8.InsertCommand = insert1; int n1 = SqlDataSource8.Insert(); } } } Server.Transfer("Statistical2.aspx"); }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataView d1 = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); DataView d2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); DataView d4 = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); DataView d3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); DataView d5 = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); DataView dv = (DataView)Sqlds.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); if (d1.Count != 0 && d2.Count == 0) { Session.Add("SchoolName", d3[0][4]); Session.Add("UnitName", d3[0][3]); Session.Add("Year", d3[0][1]); Session.Add("UnitType", d3[0][2]); Session.Add("EmailId", d3[0][5]); Session.Add("pwd", d3[0][6]); Session.Add("SchoolType", d3[0][0]); Server.Transfer("admission2.aspx"); } else if (d2.Count != 0 && d4.Count == 0) { Session.Add("SchoolName", d3[0][4]); Session.Add("UnitName", d3[0][3]); Session.Add("Year", d3[0][1]); Session.Add("UnitType", d3[0][2]); Session.Add("EmailId", d3[0][5]); Session.Add("pwd", d3[0][6]); Server.Transfer("admission3.aspx"); } else if (d4.Count != 0 && dv.Count == 0) { Server.Transfer("RegistrationFormPrint.aspx"); } else if (txtUsername.Text == "admin" && txtPwd.Text == "admin") { Server.Transfer("Authentication.aspx"); } else if (d5.Count == 1) { Session.Add("District", d5[0][0]); Server.Transfer("Admin2.aspx"); } else { if (dv.Count == 1) { if (dv[0][0] != DBNull.Value) { DataView dv1 = (DataView)SqldsYear.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments()); String y = (String)dv1[0][0]; String s1 = y.Substring(0, 4); String s = y.Substring(4); String y1 = (String)DateTime.Today.Year.ToString(); String n = y1.Insert(4, s); if (y1 != s1) { int year1 = int.Parse(s1) + 1; int year = int.Parse(y1); DateTime n1 = new DateTime(year, 3, 31); if (year == year1) { if (DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() == n1.Month.ToString() && DateTime.Today.Date.ToString() == n1.Date.ToString()) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Login Successfully...')</script>"); HttpCookie c1, c2; c1 = new HttpCookie("userid", txtUsername.Text); c2 = new HttpCookie("pwd", txtPwd.Text); c1.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); c2.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); Response.AppendCookie(c1); Response.AppendCookie(c2); Server.Transfer("Schooldashboard.aspx"); Session.Add("EmailId", txtUsername.Text); Session.Add("pwd", txtPwd.Text); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Your EmailId or Password has been expired...please register again')</script>"); return; } } } else { if (y == n) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Login Successfully...')</script>"); HttpCookie c1, c2; c1 = new HttpCookie("userid", txtUsername.Text); c2 = new HttpCookie("pwd", txtPwd.Text); c1.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); c2.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); Response.AppendCookie(c1); Response.AppendCookie(c2); Server.Transfer("Schooldashboard.aspx"); Session.Add("EmailId", txtUsername.Text); Session.Add("pwd", txtPwd.Text); } } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Invalid Username or Password...')</script>"); } } } }
protected void btnEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { strEmail = txtEmail.Text; DataSourceSelectArguments srUserID_IDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserID_IDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(srUserID_IDStr); if (dvUserID_IDStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_ID = dvUserID_IDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserID_SSOStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserID_SSOStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource14.Select(srUserID_SSOStr); if (dvUserID_SSOStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_SSO = dvUserID_SSOStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srTokenUser = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvTokenUser = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(srTokenUser); if (dvTokenUser.Count != 0) { strTokenUser = dvTokenUser[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srTokenPassStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvTokenPassStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource12.Select(srTokenPassStr); if (dvTokenPassStr.Count != 0) { strTokenPass = dvTokenPassStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgTempStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgTempStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource110.Select(srOrgTempStr); if (dvOrgTempStr.Count != 0) { strOrgTemp = dvOrgTempStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgTempIDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgTempIDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource118.Select(srOrgTempIDStr); if (dvOrgTempIDStr.Count != 0) { strOrgTempID = dvOrgTempIDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgTempNameStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgTempNameStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource124.Select(srOrgTempNameStr); if (dvOrgTempNameStr.Count != 0) { strOrgTempName = dvOrgTempNameStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgIDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgIDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource111.Select(srOrgIDStr); if (dvOrgIDStr.Count != 0) { strOrgID = dvOrgIDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgAccessRequestedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgAccessRequestedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource112.Select(srOrgAccessRequestedStr); if (dvOrgAccessRequestedStr.Count != 0) { strOrgAccessRequested = dvOrgAccessRequestedStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgModAccessRequestedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgModAccessRequestedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource113.Select(srOrgModAccessRequestedStr); if (dvOrgModAccessRequestedStr.Count != 0) { strOrgModAccessRequested = dvOrgModAccessRequestedStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgLicAccessRequestedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgLicAccessRequestedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource114.Select(srOrgLicAccessRequestedStr); if (dvOrgLicAccessRequestedStr.Count != 0) { strOrgLicAccessRequested = dvOrgLicAccessRequestedStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgMembershipUserIDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgMembershipUserIDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource115.Select(srOrgMembershipUserIDStr); if (dvOrgMembershipUserIDStr.Count != 0) { strOrgMembershipUserID = dvOrgMembershipUserIDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserPasswordExpiryDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserPasswordExpiryDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource116.Select(srUserPasswordExpiryDt); if (dvUserPasswordExpiryDt.Count != 0) { strDateUserPasswordExpiry = dvUserPasswordExpiryDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserPasswordChangedDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserPasswordChangedDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource126.Select(srUserPasswordChangedDt); if (dvUserPasswordChangedDt.Count != 0) { strDateUserPasswordChanged = dvUserPasswordChangedDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserPasswordResetTokenDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserPasswordResetTokenDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource122.Select(srUserPasswordResetTokenDt); if (dvUserPasswordResetTokenDt.Count != 0) { strDatePasswordResetToken = dvUserPasswordResetTokenDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srDateRegisteredDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvDateRegisteredDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource121.Select(srDateRegisteredDt); if (dvDateRegisteredDt.Count != 0) { strDateRegistered = dvDateRegisteredDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserTempDetailsStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserTempDetailsStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource117.Select(srUserTempDetailsStr); if (dvUserTempDetailsStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_TempID = dvUserTempDetailsStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrganisationRequestStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrganisationRequestStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource119.Select(srOrganisationRequestStr); if (dvOrganisationRequestStr.Count != 0) { strOrganisationRequest = dvOrganisationRequestStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserID_UPMStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserID_UPMStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource120.Select(srUserID_UPMStr); if (dvUserID_UPMStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_UPM = dvUserID_UPMStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srEventTypeRejectedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvEventTypeRejectedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource123.Select(srEventTypeRejectedStr); if (dvEventTypeRejectedStr.Count != 0) { strEventTypeRejected = dvEventTypeRejectedStr[0][0].ToString(); } dtDateToday = DateTime.Now; /* * Password expiry notification and countdown * */ dtDateUserPasswordExpiry = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDateUserPasswordExpiry)) { dtDateUserPasswordExpiry = DateTime.ParseExact(strDateUserPasswordExpiry, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); dtDateUserPasswordExpiryForSubtraction = DateTime.ParseExact(strDateUserPasswordExpiry, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (dtDateUserPasswordExpiry != null && dtDateToday > dtDateUserPasswordExpiry && strOrgID != "7c310be0-c20f-de11-b526-0022642a33b2") { divPasswordExpiry.Visible = true; lblPasswordExpiry.Text = "EDEN password has expired"; lblPasswordExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divPasswordExpiry.Visible = false; } /* * Registration expiry * */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDateRegistered)) { dtDateRegistered = DateTime.ParseExact(strDateRegistered, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tsDateRegistrationValidTimeRemaining = dtDateRegistered.AddHours(+24).Subtract(DateTime.Now); } if (strUserID_SSO == null && dtDateRegistered != null && strDateRegistered != null && dtDateRegistered < DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = true; lblRegistrationExpiry.Text = "<i>Registration token has expired.</i> <br />- User's registration must be deleted to allow re-registration"; lblRegistrationExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO == null && dtDateRegistered != null && strDateRegistered != null && dtDateRegistered > DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = true; lblRegistrationExpiry.Text = "Registration token is valid.<br />- The account verification link can be copied and emailed to the user if the notification has been blocked or re-routed. <br/>- This link is valid until " + dtDateRegistered.AddHours(+24) + ". Remaining time: <b>" + tsDateRegistrationValidTimeRemaining.ToString(@"hh\:mm") + "</b> hours"; lblRegistrationExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } if (dtDateRegistered == null) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } /* * Password reset token expiry * */ //dtDatePasswordResetToken=''; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDatePasswordResetToken)) { dtDatePasswordResetToken = DateTime.ParseExact(strDatePasswordResetToken, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tsDatePasswordResetTokenTimeRemaining = dtDatePasswordResetToken.AddHours(+24).Subtract(DateTime.Now); } if (strUserID_SSO != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken != null && strDatePasswordResetToken != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken < DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = true; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Text = "<br /><i>Password reset token has expired.</i> <br />- The user will need to be begin the password reset process again and generate a new token."; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken > DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = true; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Text = "<br />Password reset token is valid.<br />- The password reset token can be copied and emailed to the user.<br/>- This token is valid until " + dtDatePasswordResetToken.AddHours(+24) + ". Remaining time: <b>" + tsDatePasswordResetTokenTimeRemaining.ToString(@"hh\:mm") + "</b> hours (after which the user will need to be begin the password reset process again and generate a new token)."; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } if (dtDatePasswordResetToken == null) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO == null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser == null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divEmailNotFound.Visible = true; lblEmailNotFound.Text = "Email address not found"; lblEmailNotFound.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divEmailNotFound.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO == null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserNoConfirmationClicked.Visible = true; lblUserNoConfirmationClicked.Text = "Status: User has not clicked confirmation email and signed in"; lblUserNoConfirmationClicked.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserNoConfirmationClicked.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 1: User has clicked confirmation email, but has not selected an organisation"; lblUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID != null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserConfirmSignedStep2.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedStep2.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 2: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet added their personal and contact details"; lblUserConfirmSignedStep2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedStep2.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strTokenUser != null ) { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 2: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet added their personal and contact details"; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strEventTypeRejected != "Organisation Membership Request Rejected" ) { divUserConfirmSignedStep3.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedStep3.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 3: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet selected a module and submitted the access request"; lblUserConfirmSignedStep3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedStep3.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } //if (strUserID_SSO != null && strOrgID == null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null) if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest == null && strEventTypeRejected == null ) { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 3: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet selected a module and submitted the access request"; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest != null ) { divUserNewOrgCreate.Visible = true; lblUserNewOrgCreate.Text = "Status: User has selected a module and requested to register a <i>new</i> organisation on EDEN. The request is now with the EPA for approval"; lblUserNewOrgCreate.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserNewOrgCreate.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserRegCompleteNoApproval.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserRegCompleteNoApproval.Text = "Status: User has selected an organisation, selected a module and submitted the access request. The org admin(s) can now process this request"; lblUserRegCompleteNoApproval.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserRegCompleteNoApproval.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } //if (strUserID_SSO != null && strOrgID == null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null) if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.Visible = true; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.Text = "Status: User has selected an organisation, selected a module and submitted the access request. The org admin(s) can now process this request"; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.Visible = false; } if (strOrgModAccessRequested != null && strOrgID != null) { divModuleAccessPending.Visible = true; lblModuleAccessPending.Text = "Status: One or more module access requests by this user currently Pending Approval"; lblModuleAccessPending.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divModuleAccessPending.Visible = false; } if (strOrgID != null) { divUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_TempID != null) { divPasswordExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strOrgModAccessRequested != null && strOrgLicAccessRequested != null) { GridView16.Visible = true; GridView17.Visible = false; } if (strOrgModAccessRequested == strOrgLicAccessRequested) { GridView16.Visible = true; GridView17.Visible = true; } if (strOrgMembershipUserID == null) { GridView23.Visible = true; } else { GridView23.Visible = false; } if (strOrgMembershipUserID == null) { GridView22.Visible = true; } else { GridView22.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO == null & strTokenUser != null) { divVerificationLink.Visible = true; } else { divVerificationLink.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null) { divVerificationLink.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null) { divUserExternalLinks.Visible = true; } else { divUserExternalLinks.Visible = false; } if (strTokenPass == null) { divPasswordReset.Visible = false; } else { divPasswordReset.Visible = true; } /* * EPA Users */ if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser == null && strTokenPass == null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgModAccessRequested == null && strOrgLicAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest == null && strEventTypeRejected == null ) { divUserEPAStep1.Visible = true; lblUserEPAStep1.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 1: EPA user has signed up, but has not selected an organisation"; lblUserEPAStep1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserEPAStep1.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserEPAStep2.Visible = true; lblUserEPAStep2.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 2: EPA user has selected organisation, but has not yet added their personal and contact details"; lblUserEPAStep2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserEPAStep2.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserEPAStep3.Visible = true; lblUserEPAStep3.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 3: EPA user has added their personal and contact details, but has not yet selected a module"; lblUserEPAStep3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserEPAStep3.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null ) { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.Visible = true; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.Text = "EPA user has selected an organisation, selected a module and submitted the access request. The EPA org admin(s) can now process this request"; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser == null && strTokenPass == null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgModAccessRequested == null && strOrgLicAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest == null && strEventTypeRejected == "Organisation Rejected" ) { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = true; lblUserRejectedLA.Text = "Status: User has signed up, but the organisation has been <b>rejected</b><br /> - This email address must be manually deleted from the SSO to be used again to register."; lblUserRejectedLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strEventTypeRejected == "Organisation Rejected" ) { divOrgRejected.Visible = true; lblOrgRejected.Text = "Status: User has signed up, but the <b>organisation creation request</b> has been <b>rejected</b><br /> - This email address must be manually deleted from the SSO to be used again to register."; lblOrgRejected.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divOrgRejected.Visible = false; } if ( strEventTypeRejected == "Organisation Membership Request Rejected" ) { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = true; lblUserRejectedLA.Text = "Status: User has signed up, but the <b>organisation membership request</b> has been <b>rejected</b><br /> - This email address must be manually deleted from the SSO to be used again to register."; lblUserRejectedLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = false; } if ( strEventTypeRejected == "Module Authorisation Rejected" ) { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = true; lblUserRejectedLA.Text = "Status: User's organisation access has been approved, but a module authorisation request has been rejected. (This may have been rectified - please check the notifications below).<br />"; lblUserRejectedLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = false; } tsDatePasswordExpiryLessDatePasswordReset = dtDateUserPasswordExpiryForSubtraction - dtDatePasswordResetToken; int passwordReset_Expiry_DifferenceInDays = tsDatePasswordExpiryLessDatePasswordReset.Days; if (tsDatePasswordExpiryLessDatePasswordReset.Days == 90) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = false; } divTokens.Visible = true; divSeperatorCurrent.Visible = true; divSeperatorPending.Visible = true; divSeperatorLicences.Visible = true; divSeperatorTokens.Visible = true; txtCopyVerificationLink.Text = "" + strUserID_ID + "&token=" + strTokenUser; txtCopyPasswordResetLink.Text = "" + strUserID_SSO + "&token=" + strTokenPass; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView2.DataBind(); GridView3.DataBind(); GridView4.DataBind(); GridView5.DataBind(); GridView6.DataBind(); GridView7.DataBind(); GridView8.DataBind(); GridView9.DataBind(); GridView10.DataBind(); GridView11.DataBind(); GridView12.DataBind(); GridView13.DataBind(); GridView14.DataBind(); GridView15.DataBind(); GridView16.DataBind(); GridView17.DataBind(); GridView18.DataBind(); GridView19.DataBind(); GridView20.DataBind(); GridView21.DataBind(); GridView22.DataBind(); GridView23.DataBind(); GridView24.DataBind(); }
protected void getData() { DataView studentInfo = (DataView)sqlStudent.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in studentInfo) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblName.Text = row["Name"].ToString(); lblSign.Text = row["Name"].ToString(); lblPhone.Text = row["Contact"].ToString(); lblEmail.Text = row["Email"].ToString(); lblNation.Text = row["Nationality"].ToString(); lblRel.Text = row["Religion"].ToString(); lblIC.Text = row["IC_Passport"].ToString(); lblDob.Text = row["DOB"].ToString(); lblplace.Text = row["State_Birth"].ToString(); lblmatric.Text = row["Matrix_No"].ToString(); lblMStatus.Text = row["Description"].ToString(); } DataView studAdd = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in studAdd) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblAdd.Text = row["Address1"].ToString() + " " + row["Address2"].ToString() + ", " + row["Postcode"].ToString() + ", " + row["City"].ToString() + ", " + row["State"].ToString(); lblAdd1.Text = row["Address1"].ToString() + " " + row["Address2"].ToString() + ", " + row["Postcode"].ToString() + ", " + row["City"].ToString() + ", " + row["State"].ToString(); } DataView parentInfo = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in parentInfo) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblguard1.Text = row["Name"].ToString(); lblIC1.Text = row["IC"].ToString(); lblNation1.Text = row["Nationality"].ToString(); lblSalary1.Text = row["Salary"].ToString(); lblphone1.Text = row["Contact"].ToString(); lblocc1.Text = row["Occupation"].ToString(); } DataView parentInfo2 = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in parentInfo2) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblguard2.Text = row["Name"].ToString(); lblIC2.Text = row["IC"].ToString(); lblNation2.Text = row["Nationality"].ToString(); lblSalary2.Text = row["Salary"].ToString(); lblphone2.Text = row["Contact"].ToString(); lblocc2.Text = row["Occupation"].ToString(); } DataView publish = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); foreach (DataRowView drv in publish) { DataRow row = drv.Row; lblpaper.Text = row["title"].ToString(); lblTypeAutho.Text = row["type_authorship"].ToString(); lblType.Text = row["type"].ToString(); lblimpact.Text = row["impact_factor"].ToString(); lblStatusPaper.Text = row["status_paper"].ToString(); lblAuthor.Text = row["authors"].ToString(); lbldate.Text = row["Date_publication"].ToString(); } }