Example #1
        //internal List<BlobInfo> BlobInfo;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        internal void CrsrInit(GatewayAdapterCursor dbCrsr, SQLiteGateway gtwyObj)
            SQL3Dbd pSQL3Dbd = null;
            int     segs     = 0;

            PosKey = null;

            InUse          = true;
            XtraPoskeyCnt  = 0;
            XtraSortkeyCnt = 0;

            SQLiteGateway = gtwyObj;

            /* assign the gateway cursor id to the DB_CRSR structure */

            SQLiteGateway.DbdTbl.TryGetValue(dbCrsr.Definition.DataSourceDefinition, out pSQL3Dbd);

            Logger.Instance.WriteDevToLog(string.Format("CrsrInit(): >>>>> GTWY cursor cnt = %d", SQLiteGateway.GatewayCursorTbl.Count));

            Output = null;
            Input  = null;
            Ranges = new Sql3Sqldata(SQLiteGateway);

            StartPos = new Sql3Sqldata(SQLiteGateway);

            SearchKey = null;
            Key       = null;
            Update    = null;

            GcurrInput  = null;
            GcurrOutput = null;
            StmtRanges  = null;

            /* for cascading startpos */
            /* not direct sql */
            this.PosKey = SQLiteGateway.FindPoskey(dbCrsr.Definition.DataSourceDefinition);


            if (pSQL3Dbd != null)
                /* if there is a key */
                if (dbCrsr.Definition.Key != null)
                    segs = dbCrsr.Definition.Key.Segments.Count + 1;

                /* fix bug #210900 - when no key selected - use the poskey segs */
                else if (this.PosKey != null)
                    segs = PosKey.Segments.Count;
                    segs = 1;

                Logger.Instance.WriteDevToLog(string.Format("CrsrInit(): segs in startpos = {0}", segs));
                StmtStartpos = new List <string>(segs);

                for (int i = 0; i < segs; i++)

            StmtOrderBy     = null;
            StmtOrderByRev  = null;
            StmtInsert      = null;
            StmtDelete      = null;
            StmtUpdate      = null;
            StmtWhereKey    = null;
            StmtFields      = null;
            StmtKeyFields   = null;
            StmtExtraFields = null;
            StmtAllTables   = null;

            JoinStmtBuiltWithInnerJoin = false;
            StmtAllTablesUpdLock       = null;

            StmtAllTablesWithOtimizer = null;

            SourceDbh      = null;
            DbhPrefix      = null;
            StmtJoinCond   = null;
            StmtJoinRanges = null;
            StmtSqlRng     = null;
            /* created for optimizer hints in join tables but will be use always */
            StmtAllTablesWithOtimizer = null;

            StmtJoinCond   = null;
            StmtJoinRanges = null;
            StmtSqlRng     = null;
            OuterJoin      = false;

            if (dbCrsr.CursorType != CursorType.Join)
                NullIndicator = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < dbCrsr.Definition.DataSourceDefinition.Fields.Count; i++)

            /* sql3_stmt structures */
            /* Stmt allocation will be done on demand */

            SReadA     = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("ReadA", crsr_hdl);  */
            sReadD     = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("ReadD", crsr_hdl);  */
            SRngA      = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("RngA", crsr_hdl);   */
            SRngD      = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("RngD", crsr_hdl);   */
            SStrt      = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("Strt", crsr_hdl);   */
            SGCurr     = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("Gcurr", crsr_hdl);  */
            SGCurrlock = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT;
            SGKey      = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("Gkey", crsr_hdl);   */
            SInsert    = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("Ins", crsr_hdl);    */
            SUpdate    = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("Upd", crsr_hdl);    */
            SDelete    = SqliteConstants.NULL_STMT; /*  sql3_stmt_alloc ("Del", crsr_hdl);    */

            /* indexes to SQL3_CURSOR 's */
            /* Cusror allocation will also be done on demand */

            CRead   = SqliteConstants.NULL_CURSOR; /* sql3_cursor_alloc ("Read", crsr_hdl);  */
            CRange  = SqliteConstants.NULL_CURSOR; /* sql3_cursor_alloc ("Range", crsr_hdl); */
            CGcurr  = SqliteConstants.NULL_CURSOR; /* sql3_cursor_alloc ("Gcurr", crsr_hdl); */
            CGkey   = SqliteConstants.NULL_CURSOR; /* sql3_cursor_alloc ("Gkey", crsr_hdl);  */
            CInsert = SqliteConstants.NULL_CURSOR;

            LastPos = new DbPos(true);
            CurrPos = new DbPos(true);

            Logger.Instance.WriteDevToLog("CrsrInit(): <<<<< ");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// SQL3LogSqlda()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlda"></param>
        /// <param name="desc"></param>
        public static void SQL3LogSqlda(Sql3Sqldata sqlda, string desc)
            int    i = 0;
            int    fldLen;
            string fullDate = string.Empty;
            string tmp;

            Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("SQLDA {0}", desc), true);
            Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("name = {0}", sqlda.name), true);
            Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqln = {0}", sqlda.Sqln), true);
            Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqld = {0}", sqlda.Sqld), true);

            for (i = 0; i < sqlda.Sqln; i++)
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqlname.data = {1} ---------------------------", i, sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlName), true);
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqltype = {1}", i, sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlType), true);
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqllen = {1}", i, sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen), true);
                tmp = sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlData == null ? "null" : sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlData.ToString();

                switch (sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlType)
                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_DATE:
                    if ((sqlda.SqlVars[i].dateType != DateType.DATETIME_TO_CHAR &&
                         sqlda.SqlVars[i].dateType != DateType.DATETIME4_TO_CHAR))
                        /*  olga for right print of internal date  11.05.97*/
                        /* Bugfix - 420702 - esqlc_date_crack should be called to convert date*/

                        sqlda.SQLiteGateway.SQLiteLow.LibDateCrack(tmp, out fullDate, fullDate.Length, sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen, null);
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = {1}", i, fullDate), true);


                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_STR:
                    if (sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen < 40)
                        fldLen = (int)sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen;
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = {1}", i, sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlData), true);
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = {1}", i, sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlData), true);

                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_WSTR:
                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_BSTR:

                    if (sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen < 40)
                        fldLen = (int)sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen;
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = {1}", i, tmp), true);
                        fldLen = sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen > 40 ? 40 : sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen;
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = {1} (TRUNCATED TO 40)", i, tmp), true);

                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_UI1:
                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_I2:
                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_I4:
                    switch (sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen)
                    case 1:
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = :{1}: (integer)", i, tmp), true);

                    case 2:
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = :{1}: (integer)", i, tmp), true);

                    case 4:
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = :{1}: (integer)", i, tmp), true);

                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_R4:
                case Sql3Type.SQL3TYPE_R8:
                    switch (sqlda.SqlVars[i].SqlLen)
                    case 4:
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = :{1}: (float)", i, tmp), true);

                    case 8:
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog(string.Format("sqlvar[{0}].sqldata = :{1}: (double)", i, tmp), true);