private async Task EventHandlerMenuCategory (SpringboardButton btn)
			Boolean isSecondLevel = false;
			Categories c = Global.K_Categories.First (x => x.IDCategory == btn.Tag && x.IDLanguage == Global.currentLanguage);
			if (c.IDCategoryFather == null)
				isSecondLevel = true;

			foreach (SpringboardButton btnTmp in  (b2.Children[0] as Grid).Children) {
				if (btnTmp.HasFocus) {
					btnTmp.HasFocus = false;
					btnTmp.ManageFocus ();
			if (b3.IsVisible) {
				foreach (SpringboardButton btnTmp in  (b3.Children[0] as Grid).Children) {
					if (btnTmp.HasFocus) {
						btnTmp.HasFocus = false;
						btnTmp.ManageFocus ();

			//focus button
			btn.HasFocus = true;
			btn.ManageFocus ();

			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) //20150719
				await b2.RotateTo (0, 10, Easing.Linear);

			//determine the number of lines
			//var tq = await sqliteHelper.sqlite_GetTableQueryFromExistingLocalTable<Categories> (Global.databaseName);
			var n = Global.K_Categories.Where (x => x.IDCategoryFather != null && x.IDCategoryFather == btn.Tag && x.IDLanguage == Global.currentLanguage).ToList ().Count;
			if (n > 0) {
				var hMenu = this.Height;
				hMenu += 1;

				if (n < 4)
					this.b3H = (hMenu / 2) - 140;
				if (n >= 4 && n <= 6)
					this.b3H = (hMenu / 2) - 70;
				if (n >= 7)
					this.b3H = (hMenu / 2);

				//b3 b2 b1 (b3);
				// (b2);
				b3.HeightRequest = b3H; (b3, new Point (0, hMenu - b3H)); 
				// (b2, new Point (0, hMenu - b2H)); (b2);

				await createMenu (b3, MenuKindEnum.Level3CatChild, btn.Tag);

				b1.IsVisible = false;
				b2.IsVisible = true;
				b3.IsVisible = true;
				await b2.TranslateTo (0, 0);
				await b3.TranslateTo (0, -this.b2H);
			} else {
				//await DisplayAlert ("Messaggio", "Open Poi list", "OK");
				if (b3.IsVisible && isSecondLevel) {
					//b3 b2
					b3.IsVisible = false;
					b1.IsVisible = true;
					await b2.TranslateTo (0, -this.b1H);
				PosList myPosList = null;
				try {
					//if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
					//await Global.getGPSPositionForIOS ();
					myPosList = new  PosList (btn.SpringboardLabel.Text, btn.Tag, 0, false);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					Int32 aaaaa = 1;

				if (btn.Tag == 118 || btn.Tag == 166) { //20150617
					var request = WebRequest.Create ("") as HttpWebRequest;
					request.Method = "GET";
					DateTime dataUltimoAggiornamentoServerData;
					using (var response = await request.GetResponseAsync ()) {
						Stream st = response.GetResponseStream ();
						StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (st);
						string body = reader.ReadToEnd ();
						Int32 i = body.IndexOf ("Data ultimo aggiornamento:|");
						string dataUltimoAggiornamentoServerString = body.Substring (i + 27, 19);
						DateTime.TryParseExact (dataUltimoAggiornamentoServerString, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", null, DateTimeStyles.None, out dataUltimoAggiornamentoServerData);
					DateTime dataUltimoAggiornamentoClientData;
					string pathLog = currentPlataform.getLocalDatabasePath ();
					var arrbyteLog = currentPlataform.readfile (System.IO.Path.Combine (pathLog, "imagolight.log"));
					var str = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (arrbyteLog, 0, arrbyteLog.Length);
					string dataUltimoAggiornamentoClientString = str.Split ('|') [1].Substring (0, 19);
					DateTime.TryParseExact (dataUltimoAggiornamentoClientString, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", null, DateTimeStyles.None, out dataUltimoAggiornamentoClientData);
					if (dataUltimoAggiornamentoServerData > dataUltimoAggiornamentoClientData) {
					var updateAvailable = await IsThereAnUpdate ();
					if (updateAvailable) {
						var dresult = await this.DisplayAlert ("Aggiornamento", "E' disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento. Vuoi scaricare le nuove informazioni", "Si", "No");
						if (dresult) {
							await Update ();
							await DisplayAlert ("Messaggio", "Aggiornamento completato.", "OK");
					} else {
						await DisplayAlert ("Messaggio", "Nessun aggiornamento disponibile.", "OK");

				if (btn.Tag == 121 || btn.Tag == 171) {
					string url = "";
					//url = "";

					var web = new  UICustomWebView (url);
					if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
						NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton (web, false);
					await Navigation.PushAsync (web);
				if (btn.Tag == 119 || btn.Tag == 169) {
					string versione_build = "versione: " + this.currentPlataform.getApplicationVersion () + "; build: " + currentPlataform.getApplicationBuild () + "";
					await DisplayAlert ("Imago" + " " + Global.PositionChangedNumber.ToString (), versione_build, "OK");
				if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
					NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton (myPosList, false);
				await Navigation.PushAsync (myPosList, true);

		private async Task EventHandlerMenuMacro (SpringboardButton btn)
			foreach (SpringboardButton btnTmp in  (b1.Children[0] as Grid).Children) {
				if (btnTmp.HasFocus) {
					btnTmp.HasFocus = false;
					btnTmp.ManageFocus ();

			//focus button
			btn.HasFocus = true;
			btn.ManageFocus ();
			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) //20150719
				await b2.RotateTo (0, 10, Easing.Linear);

			//determine the number of lines
			//var tq = await sqliteHelper.sqlite_GetTableQueryFromExistingLocalTable<MacroCategories> (Global.databaseName);
			MacroCategories m = Global.k_MacroCategories.Where (x => x.IDMacroCategory == btn.Tag).ToList () [0];
			//var tq2 = await sqliteHelper.sqlite_GetTableQueryFromExistingLocalTable<Categories> (Global.databaseName);
			var n = Global.K_Categories.Where (x => x.IDMacroCategory == btn.Tag && x.IDCategoryFather == null && x.IDLanguage == Global.currentLanguage).ToList ().Count;
			var hMenu = this.Height;
			hMenu += 1;

			if (n < 4)
				this.b2H = (hMenu / 2) - 140;
			if (n >= 4 && n <= 6)
				this.b2H = (hMenu / 2) - 70;
			if (n >= 7)
				this.b2H = (hMenu / 2);

			//b3 b2 b1 (b3); (b2);
			b2.HeightRequest = b2H; (b3, new Point (0, hMenu - b3H)); (b2, new Point (0, hMenu - b2H)); (b1);
			if (btn.Tag == 99 || btn.Tag == 101) {
				//string p = Global.currentPosition.Latitude.ToString () + " - " + Global.currentPosition.Longitude.ToString ();
				//await DisplayAlert ("Numero di cambi posizione", Global.PositionChangedNumber.ToString () + " - " + p, "OK");
			if (btn.Tag == 103 || btn.Tag == 94) {
				var map = new Map ();
				if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
					NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton (map, false);
				Navigation.PushAsync (map);
				if (b2.IsVisible) {
					b2.IsVisible = false;
					await b2.TranslateTo (0, -this.b1H);
			await createMenu (b2, MenuKindEnum.Level2CatFather, btn.Tag);
			b2.IsVisible = true;
			b3.IsVisible = false;

			await b2.TranslateTo (0, -this.b1H);
