//private static bool IsValid(int firstRow, int lastRow, int firstColumn, int lastColumn)
        //    if (lastRow < 0 || lastRow > LAST_ROW_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    if (firstRow < 0 || firstRow > LAST_ROW_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }

        //    if (lastColumn < 0 || lastColumn > LAST_COLUMN_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    if (firstColumn < 0 || firstColumn > LAST_COLUMN_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    return true;

	 * Validate the range limits against the supplied version of Excel
	 * @param ssVersion the version of Excel to validate against
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the range limits are outside of the allowed range
        public void Validate(SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            ValidateRow(_firstRow, ssVersion);
            ValidateRow(_lastRow, ssVersion);
            ValidateColumn(_firstCol, ssVersion);
            ValidateColumn(_lastCol, ssVersion);
Example #2
        public static bool IsColumnWithnRange(String colStr, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            String lastCol       = ssVersion.LastColumnName;
            int    lastColLength = lastCol.Length;

            int numberOfLetters = colStr.Length;

            if (numberOfLetters > lastColLength)
                // "Sheet1" case etc
                return(false); // that was easy
            if (numberOfLetters == lastColLength)
                //if (colStr.ToUpper().CompareTo(lastCol) > 0)
                if (string.Compare(colStr.ToUpper(), lastCol, StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0)
                // apparent column name has less chars than max
                // no need to check range
Example #3
        protected void verifySpreadsheetVersion(SpreadsheetVersion expected)
            IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, wb.SpreadsheetVersion);
Example #4
        //private static bool IsValid(int firstRow, int lastRow, int firstColumn, int lastColumn)
        //    if (lastRow < 0 || lastRow > LAST_ROW_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    if (firstRow < 0 || firstRow > LAST_ROW_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }

        //    if (lastColumn < 0 || lastColumn > LAST_COLUMN_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    if (firstColumn < 0 || firstColumn > LAST_COLUMN_INDEX)
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    return true;

         * Validate the range limits against the supplied version of Excel
         * @param ssVersion the version of Excel to validate against
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the range limits are outside of the allowed range
        public void Validate(SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            ValidateRow(_firstRow, ssVersion);
            ValidateRow(_lastRow, ssVersion);
            ValidateColumn(_firstCol, ssVersion);
            ValidateColumn(_lastCol, ssVersion);
Example #5
        private static NameType ValidateNamedRangeName(String str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            Regex colMatcher = new Regex(COLUMN_REF_PATTERN);

            if (colMatcher.IsMatch(str))
                Group colStr = colMatcher.Matches(str)[0].Groups[1];
                if (IsColumnWithnRange(colStr.Value, ssVersion))
            Regex rowMatcher = new Regex(ROW_REF_PATTERN);

            if (rowMatcher.IsMatch(str))
                Group rowStr = rowMatcher.Matches(str)[0].Groups[1];
                if (IsRowWithnRange(rowStr.Value, ssVersion))
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, NAMED_RANGE_NAME_PATTERN))
Example #6
        public void TestMaxFunctionArguments_bug46729()
            String[] func = { "COUNT", "AVERAGE", "MAX", "MIN", "OR", "SUBTOTAL", "SKEW" };

            SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion = _testDataProvider.GetSpreadsheetVersion();
            IWorkbook          wb        = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook();
            ICell cell = wb.CreateSheet().CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0);

            String fmla;

            foreach (String name in func)
                fmla             = CreateFunction(name, 5);
                cell.CellFormula = (/*setter*/ fmla);

                fmla             = CreateFunction(name, ssVersion.MaxFunctionArgs);
                cell.CellFormula = (/*setter*/ fmla);

                    fmla             = CreateFunction(name, ssVersion.MaxFunctionArgs + 1);
                    cell.CellFormula = (/*setter*/ fmla);
                    Assert.Fail("Expected FormulaParseException");
                catch (NPOI.SS.Formula.FormulaParseException e)
                    Assert.IsTrue(e.Message.StartsWith("Too many arguments to function '" + name + "'"));
 public static AreaReference GetWholeColumn(SpreadsheetVersion version, String start, String end)
     if (null == version)
     return(new AreaReference(start + "$1:" + end + "$" + version.MaxRows, version));
 public static AreaReference GetWholeRow(SpreadsheetVersion version, String start, String end)
     if (null == version)
     return(new AreaReference("$A" + start + ":$" + version.LastColumnName + end, version));
Example #9
  * Used to decide whether a name of the form "[A-Z]*[0-9]*" that appears in a formula can be
  * interpreted as a cell reference.  Names of that form can be also used for sheets and/or
  * named ranges, and in those circumstances, the question of whether the potential cell
  * reference is valid (in range) becomes important.
  * <p/>
  * Note - that the maximum sheet size varies across Excel versions:
  * <p/>
  * <blockquote><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"
  *                 summary="Notable cases.">
  *   <tr><th>Version </th><th>File Format </th>
  *      <th>Last Column </th><th>Last Row</th></tr>
  *   <tr><td>97-2003</td><td>BIFF8</td><td>"IV" (2^8)</td><td>65536 (2^14)</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>2007</td><td>BIFF12</td><td>"XFD" (2^14)</td><td>1048576 (2^20)</td></tr>
  * </table></blockquote>
  * POI currently targets BIFF8 (Excel 97-2003), so the following behaviour can be observed for
  * this method:
  * <blockquote><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"
  *                 summary="Notable cases.">
  *   <tr><th>Input    </th>
  *       <th>Result </th></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"A", "1"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"a", "111"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"A", "65536"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"A", "65537"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"iv", "1"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"IW", "1"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"AAA", "1"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"a", "111"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"Sheet", "1"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  * </table></blockquote>
  * @param colStr a string of only letter characters
  * @param rowStr a string of only digit characters
  * @return <c>true</c> if the row and col parameters are within range of a BIFF8 spreadsheet.
 public static bool CellReferenceIsWithinRange(String colStr, String rowStr, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
     if (!IsColumnWithnRange(colStr, ssVersion))
     return(IsRowWithnRange(rowStr, ssVersion));
Example #10
         * Create an area ref from a string representation.  Sheet names containing special Chars should be
         * delimited and escaped as per normal syntax rules for formulas.<br/>
         * The area reference must be contiguous (i.e. represent a single rectangle, not a Union of rectangles)
        public AreaReference(String reference, SpreadsheetVersion version)
            _version = (null != version) ? version : DEFAULT_SPREADSHEET_VERSION;
            if (!IsContiguous(reference))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "References passed to the AreaReference must be contiguous, " +
                          "use generateContiguous(ref) if you have non-contiguous references");

            String[] parts = SeparateAreaRefs(reference);

            String part0 = parts[0];

            if (parts.Length == 1)
                // TODO - probably shouldn't initialize area ref when text is really a cell ref
                // Need to fix some named range stuff to get rid of this
                _firstCell = new CellReference(part0);

                _lastCell     = _firstCell;
                _isSingleCell = true;
            if (parts.Length != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Bad area ref '" + reference + "'");
            String part1 = parts[1];

            if (IsPlainColumn(part0))
                if (!IsPlainColumn(part1))
                    throw new Exception("Bad area ref '" + reference + "'");
                // Special handling for whole-column references
                // Represented internally as x$1 to x$65536
                //  which is the maximum range of rows

                bool firstIsAbs = CellReference.IsPartAbsolute(part0);
                bool lastIsAbs  = CellReference.IsPartAbsolute(part1);

                int col0 = CellReference.ConvertColStringToIndex(part0);
                int col1 = CellReference.ConvertColStringToIndex(part1);

                _firstCell    = new CellReference(0, col0, true, firstIsAbs);
                _lastCell     = new CellReference(0xFFFF, col1, true, lastIsAbs);
                _isSingleCell = false;
                // TODO - whole row refs
                _firstCell    = new CellReference(part0);
                _lastCell     = new CellReference(part1);
                _isSingleCell = part0.Equals(part1);
Example #11
        public void IsRowWithinRange()
            SpreadsheetVersion ss = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007;

            Assert.IsFalse(CellReference.IsRowWithinRange("0", ss), "1 before first row");
            Assert.IsTrue(CellReference.IsRowWithinRange("1", ss), "first row");
            Assert.IsTrue(CellReference.IsRowWithinRange("1048576", ss), "last row");
            Assert.IsFalse(CellReference.IsRowWithinRange("1048577", ss), "1 beyond last row");
Example #12
        public static NameType ClassifyCellReference(String str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int len = str.Length;

            if (len < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Empty string not allowed");
            char firstChar = str[0];

            switch (firstChar)
            case '.':
            case '_':

                if (!Char.IsLetter(firstChar) && !Char.IsDigit(firstChar))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid first char (" + firstChar
                                                + ") of cell reference or named range.  Letter expected");
            if (!Char.IsDigit(str[len - 1]))
                // no digits at end of str
                return(ValidateNamedRangeName(str, ssVersion));
            Regex cellRefPatternMatcher = new Regex(CELL_REF_PATTERN);

            if (!cellRefPatternMatcher.IsMatch(str))
                return(ValidateNamedRangeName(str, ssVersion));
            MatchCollection matches      = cellRefPatternMatcher.Matches(str);
            string          lettersGroup = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
            string          digitsGroup  = matches[0].Groups[2].Value;

            if (CellReferenceIsWithinRange(lettersGroup, digitsGroup, ssVersion))
                // valid cell reference
            // If str looks like a cell reference, but is out of (row/col) range, it is a valid
            // named range name
            // This behaviour is a little weird.  For example, "IW123" is a valid named range name
            // because the column "IW" is beyond the maximum "IV".  Note - this behaviour is version
            // dependent.  In BIFF12, "IW123" is not a valid named range name, but in BIFF8 it is.
            if (str.IndexOf(ABSOLUTE_REFERENCE_MARKER) >= 0)
                // Of course, named range names cannot have '$'
Example #13
        public void IsColWithinRange()
            SpreadsheetVersion ss = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007;

            Assert.IsTrue(CellReference.IsColumnWithinRange("", ss), "(empty)");
            Assert.IsTrue(CellReference.IsColumnWithinRange("A", ss), "first column (A)");
            Assert.IsTrue(CellReference.IsColumnWithinRange("XFD", ss), "last column (XFD)");
            Assert.IsFalse(CellReference.IsColumnWithinRange("XFE", ss), "1 beyond last column (XFE)");
Example #14
        private static NameType ClassifyCellReference(String str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int len = str.Length;

            if (len < 1)
            return(CellReference.ClassifyCellReference(str, ssVersion));
Example #15
         * Create an instance for shifting sheets.
         * For example, this will be called on {@link org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook#setSheetOrder(String, int)}
        private FormulaShifter(int srcSheetIndex, int dstSheetIndex)
            _externSheetIndex = _firstMovedIndex = _lastMovedIndex = _amountToMove = -1;
            _sheetName        = null;
            _version          = null;

            _srcSheetIndex = srcSheetIndex;
            _dstSheetIndex = dstSheetIndex;
            _mode          = ShiftMode.SheetMove;
Example #16
        private static void CheckBounds(int cellIndex)
            SpreadsheetVersion exceL2007 = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007;
            int lastColumnIndex          = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007.LastColumnIndex;

            if (cellIndex < 0 || cellIndex > lastColumnIndex)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid column index (" + (object)cellIndex + ").  Allowable column range for " + exceL2007.ToString() + " is (0.." + (object)lastColumnIndex + ") or ('A'..'" + exceL2007.LastColumnName + "')");
        private static NameType ClassifyCellReference(string str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int len = str.Length;

            if (len < 1)
            return(CellReference.ClassifyCellReference(str, ssVersion));
Example #18
 private static void ConfirmCrInRange(bool expResult, String colStr, String rowStr,
                                      SpreadsheetVersion sv)
     if (expResult == CellReference.CellReferenceIsWithinRange(colStr, rowStr, sv))
     throw new AssertionException("expected (c='" + colStr + "', r='" + rowStr + "' to be "
                                  + (expResult ? "within" : "out of") + " bounds for version " + sv.ToString());
Example #19
         * Creates an area ref from a pair of Cell References.
        public AreaReference(CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight)
            _version = DEFAULT_SPREADSHEET_VERSION;

            bool swapRows = topLeft.Row > botRight.Row;
            bool swapCols = topLeft.Col > botRight.Col;

            if (swapRows || swapCols)
                int  firstRow;
                int  lastRow;
                int  firstColumn;
                int  lastColumn;
                bool firstRowAbs;
                bool lastRowAbs;
                bool firstColAbs;
                bool lastColAbs;
                if (swapRows)
                    firstRow    = botRight.Row;
                    firstRowAbs = botRight.IsRowAbsolute;
                    lastRow     = topLeft.Row;
                    lastRowAbs  = topLeft.IsRowAbsolute;
                    firstRow    = topLeft.Row;
                    firstRowAbs = topLeft.IsRowAbsolute;
                    lastRow     = botRight.Row;
                    lastRowAbs  = botRight.IsRowAbsolute;
                if (swapCols)
                    firstColumn = botRight.Col;
                    firstColAbs = botRight.IsColAbsolute;
                    lastColumn  = topLeft.Col;
                    lastColAbs  = topLeft.IsColAbsolute;
                    firstColumn = topLeft.Col;
                    firstColAbs = topLeft.IsColAbsolute;
                    lastColumn  = botRight.Col;
                    lastColAbs  = botRight.IsColAbsolute;
                _firstCell = new CellReference(firstRow, firstColumn, firstRowAbs, firstColAbs);
                _lastCell  = new CellReference(lastRow, lastColumn, lastRowAbs, lastColAbs);
                _firstCell = topLeft;
                _lastCell  = botRight;
            _isSingleCell = false;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// throws RuntimeException if the bounds are exceeded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellIndex"></param>
        private static void CheckBounds(int cellIndex)
            SpreadsheetVersion v = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007;
            int maxcol           = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007.LastColumnIndex;

            if (cellIndex < 0 || cellIndex > maxcol)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid column index (" + cellIndex
                                            + ").  Allowable column range for " + v.DefaultExtension + " is (0.."
                                            + maxcol + ") or ('A'..'" + v.LastColumnName + "')");
Example #21
        public void TestExcel2007()
            SpreadsheetVersion v = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007;

            Assert.AreEqual(1 << 14, v.MaxColumns);
            Assert.AreEqual(v.MaxColumns - 1, v.LastColumnIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(1 << 20, v.MaxRows);
            Assert.AreEqual(v.MaxRows - 1, v.LastRowIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(255, v.MaxFunctionArgs);
            Assert.AreEqual(Int32.MaxValue, v.MaxConditionalFormats);
            Assert.AreEqual("XFD", v.LastColumnName);
Example #22
        public void TestExcel97()
            SpreadsheetVersion v = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97;

            Assert.AreEqual(1 << 8, v.MaxColumns);
            Assert.AreEqual(v.MaxColumns - 1, v.LastColumnIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(1 << 16, v.MaxRows);
            Assert.AreEqual(v.MaxRows - 1, v.LastRowIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, v.MaxFunctionArgs);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, v.MaxConditionalFormats);
            Assert.AreEqual("IV", v.LastColumnName);
Example #23
         * Runs a bounds check for row numbers
         * @param row
        private static void ValidateRow(int row, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int maxrow = ssVersion.LastRowIndex;

            if (row > maxrow)
                throw new ArgumentException("Maximum row number is " + maxrow);
            if (row < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Minumum row number is 0");
Example #24
         * Runs a bounds check for column numbers
         * @param column
        private static void ValidateColumn(int column, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int maxcol = ssVersion.LastColumnIndex;

            if (column > maxcol)
                throw new ArgumentException("Maximum column number is " + maxcol);
            if (column < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Minimum column number is 0");
Example #25
        public static bool IsRowWithnRange(String rowStr, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int rowNum = Int32.Parse(rowStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (rowNum < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid rowStr '" + rowStr + "'.");
            if (rowNum == 0)
                // execution Gets here because caller does first pass of discriminating
                // potential cell references using a simplistic regex pattern.
            return(rowNum <= ssVersion.MaxRows);
Example #26
  * is the reference for a whole-column reference,
  *  such as C:C or D:G ?
 public static bool IsWholeColumnReference(SpreadsheetVersion version, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight)
     if (null == version)
         version = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97; // how the code used to behave.
     // These are represented as something like
     //   C$1:C$65535 or D$1:F$0
     // i.e. absolute from 1st row to 0th one
     if (topLeft.Row == 0 && topLeft.IsRowAbsolute &&
         (botRight.Row == version.LastRowIndex) && botRight.IsRowAbsolute)
Example #27
        protected bool AdjustRegionRelativeReference(Ptg[] ptgs, CellReference target, CellRangeAddressBase region)
            if (!region.IsInRange(target))
                throw new ArgumentException(target + " is not within " + region);

            //return adjustRegionRelativeReference(ptgs, target.getRow() - region.getFirstRow(), target.getCol() - region.getFirstColumn());

            int deltaRow    = target.Row;
            int deltaColumn = target.Col;

            bool shifted = false;

            foreach (Ptg ptg in ptgs)
                // base class for cell reference "things"
                if (ptg is RefPtgBase)
                    RefPtgBase reference = (RefPtgBase)ptg;
                    // re-calculate cell references
                    SpreadsheetVersion version = _workbook.GetSpreadsheetVersion();
                    if (reference.IsRowRelative)
                        int rowIndex = reference.Row + deltaRow;
                        if (rowIndex > version.MaxRows)
                            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(version.Name + " files can only have " + version.MaxRows + " rows, but row " + rowIndex + " was requested.");
                        reference.Row = rowIndex;
                        shifted       = true;
                    if (reference.IsColRelative)
                        int colIndex = reference.Column + deltaColumn;
                        if (colIndex > version.MaxColumns)
                            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(version.Name + " files can only have " + version.MaxColumns + " columns, but column " + colIndex + " was requested.");
                        reference.Column = colIndex;
                        shifted          = true;
Example #28
        public void TestAddMerged()
            IWorkbook wb    = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook();
            ISheet    sheet = wb.CreateSheet();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sheet.NumMergedRegions);
            SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion = _testDataProvider.GetSpreadsheetVersion();

            CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(0, 1, 0, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sheet.NumMergedRegions);

                region = new CellRangeAddress(-1, -1, -1, -1);
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // TODO           Assert.AreEqual("Minimum row number is 0.", e.Message);
                region = new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, ssVersion.LastColumnIndex + 1);
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Maximum column number is " + ssVersion.LastColumnIndex, e.Message);
                region = new CellRangeAddress(0, ssVersion.LastRowIndex + 1, 0, 1);
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("Maximum row number is " + ssVersion.LastRowIndex, e.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sheet.NumMergedRegions);
Example #29
        public void TestAddMerged()
            Workbook wb    = GetTestDataProvider().CreateWorkbook();
            Sheet    sheet = wb.CreateSheet();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sheet.NumMergedRegions);
            SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion = GetTestDataProvider().GetSpreadsheetVersion();

            CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(0, 1, 0, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, sheet.NumMergedRegions);

                region = new CellRangeAddress(-1, -1, -1, -1);
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                region = new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, ssVersion.LastColumnIndex + 1);
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                region = new CellRangeAddress(0, ssVersion.LastRowIndex + 1, 0, 1);
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sheet.NumMergedRegions);
Example #30
         * Create an instance for Shifting row.
         * For example, this will be called on {@link NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFSheet#ShiftRows(int, int, int)} }
        private FormulaShifter(int externSheetIndex, String sheetName, int firstMovedIndex, int lastMovedIndex, int amountToMove,
                               ShiftMode mode, SpreadsheetVersion version)
            if (amountToMove == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("amountToMove must not be zero");
            if (firstMovedIndex > lastMovedIndex)
                throw new ArgumentException("firstMovedIndex, lastMovedIndex out of order");
            _externSheetIndex = externSheetIndex;
            _sheetName        = sheetName;
            _firstMovedIndex  = firstMovedIndex;
            _lastMovedIndex   = lastMovedIndex;
            _amountToMove     = amountToMove;
            _mode             = mode;
            _version          = version;

            _srcSheetIndex = _dstSheetIndex = -1;
Example #31
        public void TestBadRowNumber()
            SpreadsheetVersion v97   = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97;
            SpreadsheetVersion v2007 = SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007;

            ConfirmCrInRange(true, "A", "1", v97);
            ConfirmCrInRange(true, "IV", "65536", v97);
            ConfirmCrInRange(false, "IV", "65537", v97);
            ConfirmCrInRange(false, "IW", "65536", v97);

            ConfirmCrInRange(true, "A", "1", v2007);
            ConfirmCrInRange(true, "XFD", "1048576", v2007);
            ConfirmCrInRange(false, "XFD", "1048577", v2007);
            ConfirmCrInRange(false, "XFE", "1048576", v2007);

            if (CellReference.CellReferenceIsWithinRange("B", "0", v97))
                throw new AssertionException("Identified bug 47312a");

            ConfirmCrInRange(false, "A", "0", v97);
            ConfirmCrInRange(false, "A", "0", v2007);
 private static NameType ClassifyCellReference(String str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
     int len = str.Length;
     if (len < 1)
         return NameType.BadCellOrNamedRange;
     return CellReference.ClassifyCellReference(str, ssVersion);
Example #33
 public SharedFormula(SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
     _columnWrappingMask = ssVersion.LastColumnIndex; //"IV" for .xls and  "XFD" for .xlsx
     _rowWrappingMask = ssVersion.LastRowIndex;
Example #34
         * Create the formula Parser, with the string that is To be
         *  Parsed against the supplied workbook.
         * A later call the Parse() method To return ptg list in
         *  rpn order, then call the GetRPNPtg() To retrive the
         *  Parse results.
         * This class is recommended only for single threaded use.
         * If you only have a usermodel.HSSFWorkbook, and not a
         *  model.Workbook, then use the convenience method on
         *  usermodel.HSSFFormulaEvaluator
        public FormulaParser(String formula, IFormulaParsingWorkbook book, int sheetIndex)
            formulaString = formula;
            pointer = 0;
            this._book = book;

            _ssVersion = book == null ? SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97 : book.GetSpreadsheetVersion();
            formulaLength = formulaString.Length;
            _sheetIndex = sheetIndex;
 private static NameType ClassifyCellReference(String str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
     int len = str.Length;
     if (len < 1)
         return NameType.BAD_CELL_OR_NAMED_RANGE;
     return CellReference.ClassifyCellReference(str, ssVersion);
	 * Runs a bounds check for row numbers
	 * @param row
        private static void ValidateRow(int row, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int maxrow = ssVersion.LastRowIndex;
            if (row > maxrow) throw new ArgumentException("Maximum row number is " + maxrow);
            if (row < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Minumum row number is 0");
  * Runs a bounds check for column numbers
  * @param column
 private static void ValidateColumn(int column, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
     int maxcol = ssVersion.LastColumnIndex;
     if (column > maxcol) throw new ArgumentException("Maximum column number is " + maxcol);
     if (column < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Minimum column number is 0");
Example #38
 public static NameType ClassifyCellReference(String str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
     int len = str.Length;
     if (len < 1)
         throw new ArgumentException("Empty string not allowed");
     char firstChar = str[0];
     switch (firstChar)
         case '.':
         case '_':
             if (!Char.IsLetter(firstChar) && !Char.IsDigit(firstChar))
                 throw new ArgumentException("Invalid first char (" + firstChar
                         + ") of cell reference or named range.  Letter expected");
     if (!Char.IsDigit(str[len - 1]))
         // no digits at end of str
         return ValidateNamedRangeName(str, ssVersion);
     Regex cellRefPatternMatcher = new Regex(CELL_REF_PATTERN);
     if (!cellRefPatternMatcher.IsMatch(str))
         return ValidateNamedRangeName(str, ssVersion);
     MatchCollection matches = cellRefPatternMatcher.Matches(str);
     string lettersGroup = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
     string digitsGroup = matches[0].Groups[2].Value;
     if (CellReferenceIsWithinRange(lettersGroup, digitsGroup, ssVersion))
         // valid cell reference
         return NameType.Cell;
     // If str looks like a cell reference, but is out of (row/col) range, it is a valid
     // named range name
     // This behaviour is a little weird.  For example, "IW123" is a valid named range name
     // because the column "IW" is beyond the maximum "IV".  Note - this behaviour is version
     // dependent.  In BIFF12, "IW123" is not a valid named range name, but in BIFF8 it is.
     if (str.IndexOf(ABSOLUTE_REFERENCE_MARKER) >= 0)
         // Of course, named range names cannot have '$'
         return NameType.BadCellOrNamedRange;
     return NameType.NamedRange;
Example #39
        private static NameType ValidateNamedRangeName(String str, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            Regex colMatcher = new Regex(COLUMN_REF_PATTERN);

            if (colMatcher.IsMatch(str))
                Group colStr = colMatcher.Matches(str)[0].Groups[1];
                if (IsColumnWithnRange(colStr.Value, ssVersion))
                    return NameType.Column;
            Regex rowMatcher = new Regex(ROW_REF_PATTERN);
            if (rowMatcher.IsMatch(str))
                Group rowStr = rowMatcher.Matches(str)[0].Groups[1];
                if (IsRowWithnRange(rowStr.Value, ssVersion))
                    return NameType.Row;
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(str, NAMED_RANGE_NAME_PATTERN))
                return NameType.BadCellOrNamedRange;
            return NameType.NamedRange;
Example #40
        public static bool IsColumnWithnRange(String colStr, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            String lastCol = ssVersion.LastColumnName;
            int lastColLength = lastCol.Length;

            int numberOfLetters = colStr.Length;
            if (numberOfLetters > lastColLength)
                // "Sheet1" case etc
                return false; // that was easy
            if (numberOfLetters == lastColLength)
                //if (colStr.ToUpper().CompareTo(lastCol) > 0)
                if (string.Compare(colStr.ToUpper(), lastCol, StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0)
                    return false;
                // apparent column name has less chars than max
                // no need to check range
            return true;
Example #41
        public static bool IsRowWithnRange(String rowStr, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
            int rowNum = Int32.Parse(rowStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (rowNum < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid rowStr '" + rowStr + "'.");
            if (rowNum == 0)
                // execution Gets here because caller does first pass of discriminating
                // potential cell references using a simplistic regex pattern.
                return false;
            return rowNum <= ssVersion.MaxRows;
Example #42
  * Used to decide whether a name of the form "[A-Z]*[0-9]*" that appears in a formula can be 
  * interpreted as a cell reference.  Names of that form can be also used for sheets and/or
  * named ranges, and in those circumstances, the question of whether the potential cell 
  * reference is valid (in range) becomes important.
  * <p/>
  * Note - that the maximum sheet size varies across Excel versions:
  * <p/>
  * <blockquote><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" 
  *                 summary="Notable cases.">
  *   <tr><th>Version </th><th>File Format </th>
  *   	<th>Last Column </th><th>Last Row</th></tr>
  *   <tr><td>97-2003</td><td>BIFF8</td><td>"IV" (2^8)</td><td>65536 (2^14)</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>2007</td><td>BIFF12</td><td>"XFD" (2^14)</td><td>1048576 (2^20)</td></tr>
  * </table></blockquote>
  * POI currently targets BIFF8 (Excel 97-2003), so the following behaviour can be observed for
  * this method:
  * <blockquote><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" 
  *                 summary="Notable cases.">
  *   <tr><th>Input    </th>
  *       <th>Result </th></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"A", "1"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"a", "111"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"A", "65536"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"A", "65537"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"iv", "1"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"IW", "1"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"AAA", "1"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"a", "111"</td><td>true</td></tr>
  *   <tr><td>"Sheet", "1"</td><td>false</td></tr>
  * </table></blockquote>
  * @param colStr a string of only letter characters
  * @param rowStr a string of only digit characters
  * @return <c>true</c> if the row and col parameters are within range of a BIFF8 spreadsheet.
 public static bool CellReferenceIsWithinRange(String colStr, String rowStr, SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion)
     if (!IsColumnWithnRange(colStr, ssVersion))
         return false;
     return IsRowWithnRange(rowStr, ssVersion);