Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method opens a file from a specified file path. It does this by creating a
        /// new spreadsheet with the specified contents and updating the visuals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">Name of file being opened</param>
        private void OpenFile(string FileName)
            //Clears the spreadsheet and updates the previous row/column
            transformedCol = transformedRow = 0;

            //Imports the spreadsheet and records the text. The title of the form is set equal to the file name.
            mainSpreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(FileName, SpreadsheetCellIsValid, SpreadsheetCellNormalizer, "ps6");
            this.FileName   = FileName;
            Text            = Path.GetFileName(FileName);

            //Updates the visuals of each nonempty cell
            foreach (string cell in mainSpreadsheet.GetNamesOfAllNonemptyCells().ToList())
                int rowToChange       = Int32.Parse(cell.Substring(1)) - 1;
                int letterToNumberCol = char.ToUpper(cell[0]) - 65;

                if (mainSpreadsheet.GetCellValue(cell) is FormulaError)
                    SpreadsheetGrid.SetValue(letterToNumberCol, rowToChange, "Formula Error");
                    SpreadsheetGrid.SetValue(letterToNumberCol, rowToChange, mainSpreadsheet.GetCellValue(cell).ToString());

            //Resets the selection and text boxes.
            SpreadsheetGrid.SetSelection(0, 0);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Undo Method
        /// This method undoes one change made in the spreadsheet if the keys
        /// CONTROL and Z are clicked at the same time. Undoing will also only
        /// occur when the variable 'possibleToUndo' is true.
        /// The spreadsheet will select the previously selected cell and update its
        /// contents to its previous contents. Then re-update the cell entirely as
        /// to make sure dependencies are also updated.
        /// 'possibleToUndo' will be reset to false. So undoing is only possible once
        /// until another change is made.
        /// </summary>
        private void SpreadsheetWindow_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Z && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control && possibleToUndo)
                string previousCellName = SelectedCellName(previousCol, previousRow);
                mainSpreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(previousCellName, previousContents);
                SpreadsheetGrid.SetSelection(previousCol, previousRow);


                UpdateCells(previousCol, previousRow);

                possibleToUndo = false;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a specified cell and it's dependencies.
        /// If it's empty, it just returns out of this method.
        /// This also catches any exceptions that occur
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="col">Column of the cell that's being updated</param>
        /// <param name="row">Row of the cell that's being updated</param>
        private void UpdateCells(int col, int row)
            string cellName = SelectedCellName(col, row);

                IList <string> dependencies = mainSpreadsheet.SetContentsOfCell(cellName, CellContentsBox.Text);

                foreach (string cell in dependencies)
                    int rowToChange       = Int32.Parse(cell.Substring(1)) - 1;
                    int letterToNumberCol = char.ToUpper(cell[0]) - 65;

                    //Sets the visuals to the string "Formula Error" if the value is a FormulaError
                    if (mainSpreadsheet.GetCellValue(cell) is FormulaError)
                        SpreadsheetGrid.SetValue(letterToNumberCol, rowToChange, "Formula Error");
                        SpreadsheetGrid.SetValue(letterToNumberCol, rowToChange, mainSpreadsheet.GetCellValue(cell).ToString());

                SpreadsheetGrid.SetSelection(col, row);

                // Visual change in cell
                string cellValue = mainSpreadsheet.GetCellValue(cellName).ToString();


                //Adds an asterisk to the title if the file has changed
                if (mainSpreadsheet.Changed)
                    Text = Path.GetFileName(FileName) + "*";
            //Catches any exceptions while updating the value and creates a dialog to show it.
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured while trying to change the contents of a cell", "Contents of Cell Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Example #4
 public SpreadsheetColumnExt(SpreadsheetGrid grid, SfSpreadsheet spreadsheet) : base(grid)
     this.grid        = grid;
     this.spreadsheet = spreadsheet;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles any key inputs.
        ///    -The Enter key updates the value of a cell.
        ///    -The arrow keys update the value and then move the selection.
        ///    -Ctrl + Z undos the last change that has been made.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyCode">Code of the key that's been pressed</param>
        /// <param name="keyModifier">Modifier of the key that's been pressed</param>
        private void HandleKeys(Keys keyCode, Keys keyModifier)
            SpreadsheetGrid.GetSelection(out int col, out int row);

            //Enter Key
            if (keyCode == Keys.Enter)
                UpdateCells(col, row);

            //Up Arrow Key
            if (keyCode == Keys.Up)
                UpdateCells(col, row);
                string cellName = SelectedCellName(col, row);

                //Only moves up if the row isn't at 0
                if (row != 0)
                    transformedCol = col;
                    transformedRow = row - 1;
                    SpreadsheetGrid.SetSelection(col, row - 1);
                    cellName = SelectedCellName(col, row - 1);


            //Down Arrow Key
            if (keyCode == Keys.Down)
                UpdateCells(col, row);
                string cellName = SelectedCellName(col, row);
                if (row != 98)
                    transformedCol = col;
                    transformedRow = row + 1;
                    SpreadsheetGrid.SetSelection(col, row + 1);
                    cellName = SelectedCellName(col, row + 1);


            //Left Arrow Key
            if (keyCode == Keys.Left)
                UpdateCells(col, row);
                string cellName = SelectedCellName(col, row);
                if (col != 0)
                    transformedCol = col - 1;
                    transformedRow = row;
                    SpreadsheetGrid.SetSelection(col - 1, row);
                    cellName = SelectedCellName(col - 1, row);


            //Right Arrow Key
            if (keyCode == Keys.Right)
                UpdateCells(col, row);
                string cellName = SelectedCellName(col, row);
                if (col != 25)
                    transformedCol = col + 1;
                    transformedRow = row;
                    SpreadsheetGrid.SetSelection(col + 1, row);
                    cellName = SelectedCellName(col + 1, row);


            CellContentsBox.SelectionStart = CellContentsBox.Text.Length + 1;