void AddTeam(SportsTeam tpl, Dashboard cats) { TreeIter iter = store.AppendValues (tpl.TeamName, null); foreach (Player p in tpl.List) { store.AppendValues (iter, p.Name, p); } }
public void Setup() { // Initialize LongoMath.Core by using a type, this will call the module initialization var st = new SportsTeam (); VFS.SetCurrent (new FileSystem ()); Initialize (); }
public static void AddTeam(SportsTeam sportsTeam) { using (var context = new FantasyFootballContext()) { context.SportsTeam.Add(sportsTeam); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void SetFilter(EventsFilter filter, ProjectLongoMatch project) { this.local = project.LocalTeamTemplate; this.visitor = project.VisitorTeamTemplate; localTeam.Name = local.TeamName; visitorTeam.Name = visitor.TeamName; this.filter = filter; FillTree (); }
public void TestColor() { SportsTeam t = new SportsTeam (); Assert.AreEqual (t.Color, t.Colors [0]); t.ActiveColor = -1; Assert.AreEqual (t.Color, t.Colors [0]); t.ActiveColor = t.Colors.Length + 1; Assert.AreEqual (t.Color, t.Colors [0]); t.ActiveColor = 1; Assert.AreEqual (t.Color, t.Colors [1]); }
/// <summary> /// Migrate the specified team to the current version format. /// </summary> /// <param name="team">team.</param> public static void Migrate (SportsTeam team) { /* Apply all the migration steps starting from the current version*/ switch (team.Version) { case 0: Migrate0 (team); break; default: return; } Migrate (team); }
public TeamStats(ProjectLongoMatch project, EventsFilter filter, TeamType team) { this.project = project; this.filter = filter; this.team = team; if (team == TeamType.LOCAL) { this.template = project.LocalTeamTemplate; } else { this.template = project.VisitorTeamTemplate; } PlayersStats = new List<PlayerStats> (); foreach (PlayerLongoMatch p in this.template.List) { PlayersStats.Add (new PlayerStats (project, filter, p)); } }
public IActionResult SportsTeamHtml(int id) { SportsTeam team = new SportsTeam(id); team.gatewayHtml = team.GenerateTeamProductHtml(); GatewayPageProductBoxModel gatewayModel = new GatewayPageProductBoxModel(); //gatewayModel.name = return(Json(new { success = true, h1 = team.h1, message = team.gatewayHtml })); }
#pragma warning disable 0618 public static void Migrate0 (SportsTeam team, IDictionary<string, Guid> teamNameToID = null) { if (team.Version != 0) { return; } if (teamNameToID == null) { teamNameToID = new Dictionary<string, Guid> (); } if (team.ID == Guid.Empty) { Guid id; if (!teamNameToID.TryGetValue (team.Name, out id)) { teamNameToID [team.Name] = id = Guid.NewGuid (); } team.ID = id; } team.Version = 1; }
public IActionResult GatewayCatalogProducts(string type, int id) { switch (type) { case "sportsTeam": GatewayPageProductCategoriesModel teamProductBlocks = new GatewayPageProductCategoriesModel(); var iProductService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve <IProductService>(); var iCategoryService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve <ICategoryService>(); IList <Category> teamCategoryProducts = iCategoryService.GetAllCategoriesByParentCategoryId(id); foreach (var category in teamCategoryProducts) { SportsTeam customExtendedCategoryData = new SportsTeam(category.Id); IPagedList <ProductCategory> productCategoryList = iCategoryService.GetProductCategoriesByCategoryId(category.Id); Product featuredProductData = iProductService.GetProductById(customExtendedCategoryData.featuredProductId); GatewayPageProductBoxModel productBox = new GatewayPageProductBoxModel(); productBox.name = category.Name; productBox.mainPicturePath = customExtendedCategoryData.mainPicturePath; productBox.width = featuredProductData.Width; productBox.length = featuredProductData.Length; productBox.designCount = productCategoryList.Count; productBox.price = (int)featuredProductData.Price; productBox.isFeatured = customExtendedCategoryData.isFeatured; productBox.featuredProductId = customExtendedCategoryData.featuredProductId; productBox.productLink = customExtendedCategoryData.SeName; teamProductBlocks.productBoxes.Add(productBox); } return(View("GatewayCategoryProducts", teamProductBlocks)); default: return(View()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var team = new SportsTeam(); team.Name = "St. Louis Cardinals"; team.Sport = "Baseball"; team.Colors = "Red and White"; team.Championships = 11; Console.WriteLine(team); team = new SportsTeam(); team.Name = "Green Bay Packers"; team.Sport = "FootBall"; team.Colors = "Green and Gold"; team.Championships = 4; Console.WriteLine(team); var car = new Vehicle("VolksWagen", "2012"); car.SUV("Robby Bourne"); Console.WriteLine(car); }
public static void TestDatabase() { bool isRunning = true; while (isRunning) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("1. Add a Player"); Console.WriteLine("2. Add a Team"); Console.WriteLine("3. View Database"); Console.WriteLine("4. Clear Database"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit"); var response = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (response) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Adding a new Player"); BasePlayer newPlayer = new BasePlayer(); Console.Write("League Team: "); newPlayer.LeagueTeam = GetLeagueId(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Name: "); newPlayer.Name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Team: "); newPlayer.Team = GetTeamId(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Position: "); newPlayer.Position = (int)PositionToEnum(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Status: "); newPlayer.Status = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Bye Week: "); newPlayer.Bye = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Fantasy Points: "); newPlayer.FanPts = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch ((Position)newPlayer.Position) { case Position.QB: case Position.WR: case Position.RB: case Position.TE: Console.Write("Passing Yards (Yds): "); newPlayer.PassingYards = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Passing Touchdowns (TD): "); newPlayer.PassingTouchdowns = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Interceptions (Int): "); newPlayer.PassingInterceptions = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Rushing Attempts (Att): "); newPlayer.RushingAttempts = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Rushing Yards (Yds): "); newPlayer.RushingYards = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Rushing Touchdowns (TD): "); newPlayer.RushingTouchdowns = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Targets (Tgt): "); newPlayer.Targets = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Receptions (Rec): "); newPlayer.Receptions = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Receiving Yards (Yds): "); newPlayer.ReceivingYards = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Receiving Touchdowns (TD): "); newPlayer.ReceivingTouchdowns = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Return Touchdowns (TD): "); newPlayer.ReturnTouchdowns = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("2 Point Conversions (2PT): "); newPlayer.TwoPointConversions = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Fumbles Lost (LOST): "); newPlayer.Fumbles = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); break; case Position.K: Console.Write("0-19: "); newPlayer.FieldGoals019 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("20-29: "); newPlayer.FieldGoals2029 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("30-39: "); newPlayer.FieldGoals3039 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("40-49: "); newPlayer.FieldGoals4049 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("50+: "); newPlayer.FieldGoals50 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Made: "); newPlayer.Made = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); break; case Position.DEF: Console.Write("Points Allowed (Pts vs.): "); newPlayer.PointsAllowed = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Sack: "); newPlayer.Sack = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Safety (Safe): "); newPlayer.Safety = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Interceptions (Int): "); newPlayer.Interceptions = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Fumble Recovery (Fum Rec): "); newPlayer.FumbleRecovery = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Touchdowns (TD): "); newPlayer.Touchdowns = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Block Kick (Blk Kick): "); newPlayer.BlockKick = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns (TD): "); newPlayer.KickoffAndPuntReturnTouchdown = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); break; } AddPlayer(newPlayer); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Adding a new Team"); var newTeam = new SportsTeam(); Console.Write("Name: "); newTeam.Name = Console.ReadLine(); AddTeam(newTeam); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Players:"); foreach (var player in GetPlayers()) { Console.WriteLine(player.Name); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Sports Teams:"); foreach (var team in GetTeams()) { Console.WriteLine(team.Name); } break; case 4: ClearDatabase(); break; case 5: isRunning = false; break; } } }
void HandlePlayersSubstitutionEvent(SportsTeam team, PlayerLongoMatch p1, PlayerLongoMatch p2, SubstitutionReason reason, Time time) { tagger.Substitute (p1, p2, team); if (team.ID == homeTeam.ID) { homeTeam.List.Swap (p1, p2); } else { awayTeam.List.Swap (p1, p2); } }
void LoadTeams(ProjectLongoMatch project, List<PlayerLongoMatch> homeFieldPlayers, List<PlayerLongoMatch> homeBenchPlayers, List<PlayerLongoMatch> awayFieldPlayers, List<PlayerLongoMatch> awayBenchPlayers) { List<PlayerLongoMatch> homeTeamPlayers, awayTeamPlayers; if (homeFieldPlayers != null) { homeTeamPlayers = homeFieldPlayers.Concat (homeBenchPlayers).ToList (); homeTeam = new SportsTeam { Colors = project.LocalTeamTemplate.Colors, ActiveColor = project.LocalTeamTemplate.ActiveColor, ID = project.LocalTeamTemplate.ID, Formation = project.LocalTeamTemplate.Formation, List = new ObservableCollection<Player> (homeTeamPlayers) }; } if (awayFieldPlayers != null) { awayTeamPlayers = awayFieldPlayers.Concat (awayBenchPlayers).ToList (); awayTeam = new SportsTeam { Colors = project.VisitorTeamTemplate.Colors, ActiveColor = project.VisitorTeamTemplate.ActiveColor, ID = project.VisitorTeamTemplate.ID, Formation = project.VisitorTeamTemplate.Formation, List = new ObservableCollection<Player> (awayTeamPlayers) }; } tagger.LoadTeams (homeTeam, awayTeam, project.Dashboard.FieldBackground); }
public void LoadTeams(SportsTeam homeTeam, SportsTeam awayTeam, Image background) { int[] homeF = null, awayF = null; int playerSize, colSize, border; this.homeTeam = homeTeam; this.awayTeam = awayTeam; this.background = background; NTeams = 0; if (background != null) { field.Height = background.Height; field.Width = background.Width; } else { field.Width = 300; field.Height = 250; } ResetSelection (); ClearPlayers (); homePlayingPlayers = awayPlayingPlayers = null; lastTime = null; homePlayers = new List<SportsPlayerObject> (); awayPlayers = new List<SportsPlayerObject> (); if (homeTeam != null) { homeTeam.UpdateColors (); homePlayingPlayers = GetPlayers (homeTeam.StartingPlayersList, TeamType.LOCAL); homeBenchPlayers = GetPlayers (homeTeam.BenchPlayersList, TeamType.LOCAL); homePlayers.AddRange (homePlayingPlayers); homePlayers.AddRange (homeBenchPlayers); homeF = homeTeam.Formation; if (homeTeam.Shield == null) { homeButton.BackgroundImage = Resources.LoadImage (StyleConf.DefaultShield); } else { homeButton.BackgroundImage = homeTeam.Shield; } NTeams++; } if (awayTeam != null) { awayTeam.UpdateColors (); awayPlayingPlayers = GetPlayers (awayTeam.StartingPlayersList, TeamType.VISITOR); awayBenchPlayers = GetPlayers (awayTeam.BenchPlayersList, TeamType.VISITOR); awayPlayers.AddRange (awayPlayingPlayers); awayPlayers.AddRange (awayBenchPlayers); awayF = awayTeam.Formation; if (awayTeam.Shield == null) { awayButton.BackgroundImage = Resources.LoadImage (StyleConf.DefaultShield); } else { awayButton.BackgroundImage = awayTeam.Shield; } NTeams++; } colSize = ColumnSize; playerSize = colSize * 90 / 100; BenchWidth (colSize, field.Height, playerSize); field.LoadTeams (background, homeF, awayF, homePlayingPlayers, awayPlayingPlayers, playerSize, NTeams); homeBench.BenchPlayers = homeBenchPlayers; awayBench.BenchPlayers = awayBenchPlayers; homeBench.Height = awayBench.Height = field.Height; border = App.Current.Style.TeamTaggerBenchBorder; if (homeTeam == null || awayTeam == null) { if (homeTeam != null) { homeBench.Position = new Point (border, 0); field.Position = new Point (border + homeBench.Width + border, 0); } else { field.Position = new Point (border, 0); awayBench.Position = new Point (border + field.Width + border, 0); } } else { homeBench.Position = new Point (border, 0); field.Position = new Point (homeBench.Width + 2 * border, 0); awayBench.Position = new Point (awayBench.Width + field.Width + 3 * border, 0); } Update (); }
public void Substitute(PlayerLongoMatch p1, PlayerLongoMatch p2, SportsTeam team) { if (team == homeTeam) { Substitute (homePlayers.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Player == p1), homePlayers.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Player == p2), homePlayingPlayers, homeBenchPlayers); } else { Substitute (awayPlayers.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Player == p1), awayPlayers.FirstOrDefault (p => p.Player == p2), awayPlayingPlayers, awayBenchPlayers); } }
void HandlePlayersSubstitutionEvent(SportsTeam team, PlayerLongoMatch p1, PlayerLongoMatch p2, SubstitutionReason reason, Time time) { App.Current.EventsBroker.Publish<PlayerSubstitutionEvent> ( new PlayerSubstitutionEvent { Team = team, Player1 = p1, Player2 = p2, SubstitutionReason = reason, Time = time } ); }
List<ProjectLongoMatch> CreateProjects() { PlayerLongoMatch andoni = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Andoni" }; PlayerLongoMatch jorge = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Jorge" }; PlayerLongoMatch victor = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Victor" }; PlayerLongoMatch josep = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Josep" }; PlayerLongoMatch davide = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Davide" }; PlayerLongoMatch saray = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Saray" }; PlayerLongoMatch ivan = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Ivan" }; PlayerLongoMatch adria = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "Adria" }; SportsTeam devteam = new SportsTeam { Name = "DevTeam" }; SportsTeam qateam = new SportsTeam { Name = "QA" }; devteam.List.AddRange (new List<PlayerLongoMatch> { andoni, jorge, victor, josep, davide }); qateam.List.AddRange (new List<PlayerLongoMatch> { saray, ivan, adria }); DashboardLongoMatch dashbaord = DashboardLongoMatch.DefaultTemplate (5); var projects = new List<ProjectLongoMatch> (); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ProjectLongoMatch p = new ProjectLongoMatch (); p.Dashboard = dashbaord.Clone (); p.LocalTeamTemplate = devteam; p.VisitorTeamTemplate = qateam; p.Description = new ProjectDescription (); foreach (var player in devteam.List.Concat (qateam.List)) { foreach (var button in p.Dashboard.List.OfType<AnalysisEventButton> ()) { TimelineEventLongoMatch evt = p.AddEvent (button.EventType, new Time (0), new Time (10), new Time (5), null) as TimelineEventLongoMatch; evt.Players.Add (player); if (qateam.List.Contains (player)) { evt.Teams.Add (qateam); } else { evt.Teams.Add (devteam); } } } projects.Add (p); storage.Store (p); } return projects; }
public ProjectLongoMatch() { Dashboard = new DashboardLongoMatch (); LocalTeamTemplate = new SportsTeam (); VisitorTeamTemplate = new SportsTeam (); }
public void TestPlayingPlayers() { SportsTeam t = new SportsTeam (); PlayerLongoMatch p1, p2, p3; t.Name = "test"; t.TeamName = "team"; Assert.AreEqual (t.PlayingPlayersList.Count, 0); p1 = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "P1", Playing = true }; p2 = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "P2", Playing = false }; p3 = new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "P3", Playing = true }; t.List.Add (p1); Assert.AreEqual (t.PlayingPlayersList.Count, 1); t.List.Add (p2); Assert.AreEqual (t.PlayingPlayersList.Count, 1); t.List.Add (p3); Assert.AreEqual (t.PlayingPlayersList.Count, 2); Assert.AreEqual (t.PlayingPlayersList [0], p1); Assert.AreEqual (t.PlayingPlayersList [1], p3); }
public int GetScore(SportsTeam team) { return EventsByTeam (team).Where (e => e.EventType is ScoreEventType). Sum (e => (e.EventType as ScoreEventType).Score.Points); }
public SubstitutionEvent SubsitutePlayer(SportsTeam team, PlayerLongoMatch playerIn, PlayerLongoMatch playerOut, SubstitutionReason reason, Time subsTime) { LineupEvent lineup; SubstitutionEvent se; lineup = Timeline.OfType<LineupEvent> ().FirstOrDefault (); if (lineup == null) { throw new SubstitutionException (Catalog.GetString ("No lineup events found")); } if (subsTime < lineup.EventTime) { throw new SubstitutionException (Catalog.GetString ("A substitution can't happen before the lineup event")); } se = new SubstitutionEvent (); se.EventType = SubstitutionsEventType; se.In = playerIn; se.Out = playerOut; se.Reason = reason; se.EventTime = subsTime; se.Teams.Add (team); Timeline.Add (se); return se; }
public void Substitute(PlayerLongoMatch p1, PlayerLongoMatch p2, SportsTeam team) { tagger.Substitute (p1, p2, team); }
public void SetTeam(SportsTeam template, IEnumerable<TimelineEventLongoMatch> plays) { Dictionary<Player, TreeIter> playersDict = new Dictionary<Player, TreeIter> (); Log.Debug ("Updating teams models with template:" + template); team = new TreeStore (typeof(object)); foreach (var player in template.List) { /* Add a root in the tree with the option name */ var iter = team.AppendValues (player); playersDict.Add (player, iter); Log.Debug ("Adding new player to the model: " + player); } foreach (var play in plays) { foreach (var player in play.Players) { if (playersDict.ContainsKey (player)) { team.AppendValues (playersDict [player], new object[1] { play }); Log.Debug ("Adding new play to player: " + player); } } } playerstreeview.Model = team; playerstreeview.Colors = true; playerstreeview.Project = Project; }
void HandlePlayersSubstitutionEvent(SportsTeam team, PlayerLongoMatch p1, PlayerLongoMatch p2, SubstitutionReason reason, Time time) { team.List.Swap (p1, p2); teamtagger.Substitute (p1, p2, team); Edited = true; }
void HandlePlayersSubstitutionEvent(SportsTeam team, PlayerLongoMatch p1, PlayerLongoMatch p2, SubstitutionReason reason, Time time) { widget?.ReDraw (); if (PlayersSubstitutionEvent != null) { PlayersSubstitutionEvent (team, p1, p2, reason, time); } }
public void TestSerialization() { SportsTeam t = new SportsTeam (); Utils.CheckSerialization (t); t.Name = "test"; t.TeamName = "team"; t.Shield = Utils.LoadImageFromFile (); t.List.Add (new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "P1" }); t.List.Add (new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "P2" }); t.List.Add (new PlayerLongoMatch { Name = "P3" }); Utils.CheckSerialization (t); SportsTeam newt = Utils.SerializeDeserialize (t); Assert.AreEqual (t.ID, newt.ID); Assert.AreEqual (t.Name, newt.Name); Assert.AreEqual (t.TeamName, newt.TeamName); Assert.AreEqual (t.Shield.Width, 16); Assert.AreEqual (t.Shield.Height, 16); Assert.AreEqual (t.Players.Count, newt.Players.Count); Assert.AreEqual (t.Players [0].Name, newt.Players [0].Name); Assert.AreEqual (t.Players [1].Name, newt.Players [1].Name); Assert.AreEqual (t.Players [2].Name, newt.Players [2].Name); }
public void CurrentLineup(Time currentTime, out List<PlayerLongoMatch> homeFieldPlayers, out List<PlayerLongoMatch> homeBenchPlayers, out List<PlayerLongoMatch> awayFieldPlayers, out List<PlayerLongoMatch> awayBenchPlayers) { SportsTeam homeTeam, awayTeam; List<PlayerLongoMatch> homeTeamPlayers, awayTeamPlayers; homeTeamPlayers = Lineup.HomeStartingPlayers.Concat (Lineup.HomeBenchPlayers).ToList (); awayTeamPlayers = Lineup.AwayStartingPlayers.Concat (Lineup.AwayBenchPlayers).ToList (); foreach (var ev in Timeline.OfType<SubstitutionEvent> (). Where (e => e.EventTime <= currentTime)) { if (ev.In != null && ev.Out != null) { if (ev.Teams.Contains (LocalTeamTemplate)) { homeTeamPlayers.Swap (ev.In, ev.Out); } else { awayTeamPlayers.Swap (ev.In, ev.Out); } } } homeTeam = new SportsTeam { Formation = LocalTeamTemplate.Formation, List = new ObservableCollection<Player> (homeTeamPlayers) }; awayTeam = new SportsTeam { Formation = VisitorTeamTemplate.Formation, List = new ObservableCollection<Player> (awayTeamPlayers) }; homeFieldPlayers = homeTeam.StartingPlayersList; homeBenchPlayers = homeTeam.BenchPlayersList; awayFieldPlayers = awayTeam.StartingPlayersList; awayBenchPlayers = awayTeam.BenchPlayersList; }
public void TestCopyOverwrite() { TemplatesService ts = new TemplatesService (storage); ts.Start (); ITeamTemplatesProvider teamtemplateprovider = ts.TeamTemplateProvider; SportsTeam teamB = SportsTeam.DefaultTemplate (5); teamB.Name = "B"; teamB.TeamName = "Template B"; teamB.FormationStr = "1-4"; teamB.List [0].Name = "Paco"; teamtemplateprovider.Save (teamB); SportsTeam teamA = new SportsTeam (); teamA.Name = "A"; teamA.TeamName = "Template A"; teamA.FormationStr = "1-4-3-3"; teamtemplateprovider.Save (teamA); SportsTeam auxdelete = teamA; teamtemplateprovider.Copy (teamB, "A"); teamtemplateprovider.Delete (auxdelete); teamA = teamtemplateprovider.Templates [0]; Assert.AreEqual (4, teamtemplateprovider.Templates.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("A", teamA.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("Template B", teamA.TeamName); Assert.AreEqual (teamB.List.Count, teamA.List.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("1-4", teamA.FormationStr); Assert.AreEqual ("Paco", teamA.List [0].Name); }
public IEnumerable<TimelineEventLongoMatch> EventsByTeam(SportsTeam team) { var timelineEventsLongomatch = new ObservableCollection<TimelineEventLongoMatch> (); foreach (var timeLineEvent in Timeline) { timelineEventsLongomatch.Add (timeLineEvent as TimelineEventLongoMatch); } return timelineEventsLongomatch.Where (e => e.Teams.Contains (team) || e.Players.Intersect (team.List).Any ()); }
public void LoadTeams(SportsTeam homeTeam, SportsTeam awayTeam, Image background) { tagger.LoadTeams (homeTeam, awayTeam, background); widget?.ReDraw (); }