static void Main() { SportCar sc1 = new SportCar("Silvia", -1230, 4.25, 440, "RWD", "Drift"); SportCar sc2 = new SportCar("Impreza", 1380, 4.43, 506, "4WD", "Drag Racing"); Plane p1 = new Plane("Boeing", 290000, 73.9, 9000, 60.9); Console.WriteLine("Information about the car \"sc1\""); sc1.ShowDim(); sc1.ShowDrive(); sc1.ShowRaceType(); Console.WriteLine("HorsePower per (kg / 1000): {0}", sc1.HpPerTon()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Information about the car \"sc2\""); sc2.ShowDim(); sc2.ShowDrive(); sc2.ShowRaceType(); Console.WriteLine("HorsePower per (kg / 1000): {0}", sc2.HpPerTon()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Information about the plane \"p1\""); p1.ShowDim(); p1.ShowWings(); Console.ReadLine(); }