private async Task <bool> HasNoLatLong() { try { bool flag = false; foreach (var prop in AppContext.AppContext.LstSriproperty) { if (prop.Status == SyncStatus.New) { if ((prop.RequestGroups[0].Records[0].Record.Latitude == null && prop.RequestGroups[0].Records[0].Record.Longitude == null) || (prop.RequestGroups[0].Records[0].Record.Latitude == 0 && prop.RequestGroups[0].Records[0].Record.Longitude == 0)) { await SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("New Case has No Location for Case", "The address for " + prop.Address.ShortAddress + " does not have a location. Please correct this and try again", "Ok"); flag = true; break; } } } return(flag); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); return(false); } }
public async void PostionSelected(double selectedLatitude, double selectedLongitude) { try { //API Call await AppData.API.UtilityByCoordinates(selectedLatitude, selectedLongitude); if (AddNewCaseView.UtilityAddressesByCoord == null) { return; } //Close Map Page await CloseView(); //Open Add Case View AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLatitude = selectedLatitude; AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLongitude = selectedLongitude; AddNewCaseView.isAddressChanged = true; if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(FullMapView.NewCaseAddView = new AddNewCaseView(selectedLatitude, selectedLatitude)); } else { FullMapView.NewCaseAddView.UpdateLatLong(selectedLatitude, selectedLongitude); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Name OnSave /// /// <summary> Saves the search results and dismisses the popup on clicking Save button. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> </param> /// /// <param name="e"> event arguments</param> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// private void OnSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!Lbl_SearchSave.IsEnabled) { return; } if (!_isSelected) { SplitView.CenterPopupContent.DismisPopup(); } else { SplitView.CenterPopupContent.DismisPopup(); SplitView.Instace().FilterCheckAvailable(true); AppData.PropertyModel.SaveSearchResults(); SplitView.HubMaster.FindByName <Label>("LblSearchHint").IsVisible = false; AppData.PropertyModel.SearchResults.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Name SaveClick /// /// <summary> Executed when the save button is clicked. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void SaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception error; AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedAction.Action.ActualDateTime = Dtp_CompletedDate.Date + Tmp_CompletedDate.Time; AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedAction.Action.Hours = AppContext.AppContext.RevertHt(Pkr_TimeTakenHours.Items[Pkr_TimeTakenHours.SelectedIndex], Pkr_TimeTakenMinutes.Items[Pkr_TimeTakenMinutes.SelectedIndex]); var officeDetails = _groupedOffice.SelectedValue?.Split('-'); if (officeDetails != null) { var officer = officeDetails[0].Remove(officeDetails[0].Length - 1); AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedAction.Action.Officer = officer; } var legislationDetails = VisitActionDetailsViewCell.GroupedLegislation.SelectedValue?.Split('-'); if (legislationDetails != null) { var legislation = legislationDetails[0].Remove(legislationDetails[0].Length - 1); AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedAction.Action.LegislationType = legislation; } AppData.PropertyModel.SaveAction(out error); // AppData.PropertyModel.SaveVisit(out error); if (error == null) { SplitView.Instace().Navigation.PopModalAsync(); AppContext.AppContext.RefreshList.Invoke(sender, e); } else { throw error; } }
/// <summary> /// To set the height of popup height /// </summary> /// <param name="count"></param> /// <returns></returns> private double GetHeight(int count) { var minHeight = count * GroupedListView.GroupedListViewCellHeight + GroupedListView.GroupedListViewPadding; double maxHeight = SplitView.Instace().Height * 0.55; return(maxHeight < minHeight ? maxHeight : minHeight); }
private double GetHeight(int count, int groupedCount) { int minHeight; double maxHeight; int headerHeight = 40; if (count == 1) { minHeight = (count * AddressesNearbyView.CellHeight + groupedCount) + headerHeight + 80; } else { minHeight = count * AddressesNearbyView.CellHeight + groupedCount + headerHeight;//for two counts => 160 = 1*40+40 } if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { maxHeight = SplitView.Instace().Height * 0.7; } else { maxHeight = SplitView.Instace().Height * 0.5; } return(maxHeight < minHeight ? maxHeight : minHeight); }
protected override void OnResume() { try { // Handle when your app resumes if (AppData.LastActivity != null) { if (AppData.LastActivity.HasValue && DateTime.Now > AppData.LastActivity.Value.AddMinutes(2)) { if (App.Current.MainPage.ToString() != "ServiceRequest.Pages.LoginPage" && !SplitView.Instace().Navigation.ModalStack.Contains(AppContext.AppContext.LoginPage)) { AppData.MainModel.CurrentUser.LoginAction = LoginActions.Existing; AppContext.AppContext.IsForLockScreen = true; LockScreen.ClosePopups(); // SplitView.DisplayLockScreen.Invoke(); LockScreen.CheckLockScreen(); } ClosePopups(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Raises the Case touch up inside event. /// </summary> /// <param name="cellIndex">Case index.</param> public async void OnCellTouchUpInside(int cellIndex) { try { if (AppData.SyncInProgress) { await SplitView.DisplayAlert("Sync In Progress", "Please wait for the sync to finish before taking further actions.", "OK", null); } else { if (AppContext.AppContext.NewRecordInProgress) { await SplitView.DisplayAlert("New Record creation is in progress", "Please save or cancel new sevice record to proceed", "OK", null); } else { var touchedEntry = MEntries[cellIndex]; bool isTouchingToClose = touchedEntry.IsOpen; var entriesToClose = MEntries.Where(e => e.IsOpen); foreach (var entry in entriesToClose) { InspectionCellView.CurrentUnifiedItem = null; InspectionCellView.DeSelectItem(); CloseCase(entry); // CloseAllEntries(); entry.IsOpen = false; Update(entry.Index, entry.IsOpen); } if (!isTouchingToClose) { await SplitView.Instace().Clear(); OpenCase(touchedEntry); touchedEntry.IsOpen = true; Update(touchedEntry.Index, touchedEntry.IsOpen); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { await SplitView.Instace() .PushRightContent(SplitView.PropertySummary = new PropertySummary()); } else { await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(new PropertySummary()); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the OnNotesTapped event /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private async void OnNotesTapped() { try { await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(new PropertyNotesView()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the OnDocumentsTapped event /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private async void OnDocumentsTapped() { try { await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(new DocumentListView()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Functions ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Name BackImageTapped /// /// <summary> handles the navigation to the previous page. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="sender"> </param> /// <param name="e">event arguments</param> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// private async void BackImageTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { await SplitView.Instace().PopRightContent(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
private async void SkipLocationClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { await CloseView(); await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(FullMapView.NewCaseAddView = new AddNewCaseView()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Name BtnIncomplete_OnClicked /// /// <summary> /// Handles operation for clicking on InComplete button. /// </summary> /// /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// private async void BtnIncomplete_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ChangeButton(AppData.PropertyModel.Filter = FilterMode.Incomplete); PopupLayout.DismisPopup(); await SplitView.Instace().Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
public async void SetExpandCollapse(bool selected, int presentCaseIndex) { try { if (MEntries.Count != 0) { var imgCollapse = MEntries[presentCaseIndex]?.Cell.FindByName <Image>("Img_Collapse"); var imgExpand = MEntries[presentCaseIndex]?.Cell.FindByName <Image>("Img_Expand"); var glInspectionCell = MEntries[presentCaseIndex]?.Cell.FindByName <StackLayout>("Main_Layout"); var mainGridCaselist = MEntries[presentCaseIndex]?.Cell.FindByName <Grid>("Main_Grid"); var caseCell = MEntries[presentCaseIndex]?.Cell; var inspectionlist = MEntries[presentCaseIndex]?.View.FindByName <ListView>("Lstvw_Inspections"); if (mainGridCaselist != null) { var mainLayoutHeight = mainGridCaselist.HeightRequest; if (imgExpand != null && imgCollapse != null && glInspectionCell != null) { imgExpand.IsVisible = selected; if (imgExpand.IsVisible) { caseCell.HeightRequest = 55; //Set the casecelllist view height SplitView.Instace().FilterCheckAvailable(false); //Toenable and Disable the filter } else { await SplitView.Instace().Clear(); //Disposing Map instance AppContext.AppContext.MapView?.DisposeMap(); GC.Collect(0, GCCollectionMode.Forced); // AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedRecord = null; // To set the selected record summary details as null AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedProperty = null; caseCell.HeightRequest = mainLayoutHeight; //Set the casecelllist view height inspectionlist.SelectedItem = null; SplitView.Instace().FilterCheckAvailable(true); } imgCollapse.IsVisible = !selected; glInspectionCell.BackgroundColor = selected ? Color.White : Styles.WindowBackground; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
private async void OnLblDeleteVisitTapped() { try { if (await LockScreen.ToDisplayAlert(SplitView.Instace(), "Delete Service Record", "Are you sure you want to delete this service record?", "Yes", "No")) { InspectionCellViewCell.OnDelete(InspectionCellView.CurrentUnifiedItem); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
private async void Nrequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (AppData.SyncInProgress) { await SplitView.DisplayAlert("Sync In Progress", "Please wait for the sync to finish before taking further actions.", "OK", null); } else if (!AppData.ConfigModel.IsNotEmpty) { await SplitView.DisplayAlert("No data", "Please download the data to proceed", "OK", null); } else { UserPosition = await SplitView.Fullmapview.GetCurrentLocation(); if (Reachability.InternetConnectionStatus() == ReachabilityNetworkStatus.NotReachable) { await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(NewCaseAddView = new AddNewCaseView()); } else { if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { PointOnMapView = new AndroidMapView(); } else { PointOnMapView = new WindowsMapView(); } await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(AddNewCasePointOnMapView = new AddNewCasePointOnMapView(PointOnMapView, UserPosition)); } if (Device.OS != TargetPlatform.Android) { var t = Task.Run(async delegate { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); AddNewCasePointOnMapView.MoveToPosition?.Invoke(); return(42); }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// On tapped in visits data /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private async void Visits_Tapped(object s, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { var data = e.Item as CreateVisitsList; AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedVisit = null; IndexMapping iMap; iMap = AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedRecord.IndexMap; iMap = new IndexMapping(iMap.Property, iMap.RequestGroup, iMap.Record, 0, data.VisitListIndex); var Details = AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedRecord.Record.Record.Inspections[0].Visits[data.VisitListIndex]; AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedVisit = new SelectedVisit(Details, iMap, false); await SplitView.Instace().Navigation.PushModalAsync(new VisitActionPage()); }
private async void SlowConnectionAlert() { try { var currentPage = SplitView.Instace().GetCurrentView(); if (currentPage.GetType() == typeof(AddNewCasePointOnMapView)) { await SplitView.DisplayAlert("Slow Connection", "If your map is taking a while to load it could be due to a slow internet connection. \nPlease click 'Skip' in the bottom right of the screen to set the location later or wait for the map to appear.", "Ok", null); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Public Constructor /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// /// /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Name RequestErrorPopup /// <summary> /// Constructor fires when the param type is RequestResponseEventArgs /// </summary> /// <param name="responseArgs"> Request Response Args.</param> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// public RequestErrorPopup(RequestResponseEventArgs responseArgs) { InitializeComponent(); m_oResponseArgs = responseArgs; TapGestures(); SetContent(); // EdUserInfo.Text = UserInfoPlaceholder; EdUserInfo.TextColor = Styles.WindowBackgroundDark; this.Done += () => { SplitView.CenterPopupContent.DismisPopup(); SendMail(); SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("Mail Sent", "The mail has sent successfully", "Ok"); }; }
private async Task CloseView() { try { await SplitView.Instace().PopRightContent(); _mapview.DisposeMap(); GC.Collect(0, GCCollectionMode.Forced); AddNewCaseView.EditLocInstance = null; //AppContext.AppContext.NewRecordInProgress = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Public Constructor public ParagraphViewCell() { try { InitializeComponent(); var typeGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); Lbl_Type.GestureRecognizers.Add(typeGestureRecognizer); typeGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (sender, args) => { var objSender = sender as Label; AppContext.AppContext.IsTypeList = true; UpdateCellText(sender, ParagraphView.ParaViewModel.TypeList, 250, 150); AppContext.AppContext.IsTypeList = false; if (objSender != null) { objSender.PropertyChanged += Lbl_TypePropertyChanged; } }; var paragraphGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); Lbl_Paragraph.GestureRecognizers.Add(paragraphGestureRecognizer); paragraphGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (sender, args) => { var objSender = sender as Label; int width = (int)(SplitView.Instace().Width * 0.4); AppContext.AppContext.IsParalist = true; UpdateCellText(sender, ParagraphView.ParaViewModel.GetParaDescList(ParagraphView.ParaViewModel.ParagraphList), 100, width); AppContext.AppContext.IsParalist = false; if (objSender != null) { objSender.PropertyChanged += Lbl_ParagraphPropertyChanged; } }; var imgDeleteGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); Img_Delete.GestureRecognizers.Add(imgDeleteGestureRecognizer); imgDeleteGestureRecognizer.Tapped += OnDelete; _typedPara = null; BindingContextChanged += OnBindingContextChanged; } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
private void Lbl_Moblie_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { try { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (Lbl_Moblie.Text.Length <= 12) { if (Regex.Match(Lbl_Moblie.Text, @"^[0-9_ ]*$").Success) { foreach (char text in Lbl_Moblie.Text) { sb.Append(text); } } else { sb.Append(mobile); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { DependencyService.Get <IDisplayAlertPopup>().OnlyDigits(); } else { SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("Warning", "Phone numbers can not contain letters or special characters", "OK"); } } } else { sb.Append(mobile); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { DependencyService.Get <IDisplayAlertPopup>().Exceed12(); } else { SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("Warning", "Length should not exceed 12 digits", "OK"); } } Lbl_Moblie.Text = sb.ToString(); mobile = Lbl_Moblie.Text; } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
private void Lbl_Name_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { try { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (Lbl_Name.Text.Length <= 50) { if (Regex.Match(Lbl_Name.Text, @"^[a-zA-Z_ \\s]*$").Success) { foreach (char c in Lbl_Name.Text) { sb.Append(c); } } else { sb.Append(name); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { DependencyService.Get <IDisplayAlertPopup>().InvalidCharacter(); } else { SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("Warning", "You have entered invalid character", "OK"); } } } else { sb.Append(name); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { DependencyService.Get <IDisplayAlertPopup>().ExceedLength(); } else { SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("Warning", "Length should not exceed 50 digits", "OK"); } } Lbl_Name.Text = sb.ToString(); name = Lbl_Name.Text; } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// To set the height of popup height /// </summary> /// <param name="count"></param> /// <param name="groupedCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> private double GetHeight(int count, int groupedCount) { int minHeight; double maxHeight; minHeight = count * GroupedListView.GroupedListViewCellHeight + groupedCount; if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { maxHeight = SplitView.Instace().Height * 0.7; } else { maxHeight = SplitView.Instace().Height * 0.5; } return(maxHeight < minHeight ? maxHeight : minHeight); }
/// #endregion /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Functions and Methods /// private void OnSaveTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Lbl_Name.Text)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Lbl_Email.Text)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(Lbl_Email.Text, @"\A(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\Z", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { SaveDetails(); } else { if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { DependencyService.Get <IDisplayAlertPopup>().ValidMail(); } else { SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("Wrong E-Mail Format", "Please Enter a vaild Mail-id", "OK"); } } } else { SaveDetails(); } } else { if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { DependencyService.Get <IDisplayAlertPopup>().Filldetails(); } else { SplitView.Instace().DisplayAlert("Warning", "Please fill the name", "OK"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
public async void PostionSelected(double selectedLatitude, double selectedLongitude) { try { if (AppData.MainModel.Environment == OnSiteEnvironments.Sales) { if (await SplitView.DisplayAlert("Demo Mode", "For security reasons in demo mode the address is not checked. When live you will be able to set to a validated addresses", "Ok", null)) { await CloseView(); AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLatitude = selectedLatitude; AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLongitude = selectedLongitude; await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(FullMapView.NewCaseAddView = new AddNewCaseView(selectedLatitude, selectedLatitude)); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { FullMapView.NewCaseAddView.UpdateLatLong(selectedLatitude, selectedLongitude); } } } else { //API Call await AppData.API.UtilityByCoordinates(selectedLatitude, selectedLongitude); if (AddNewCaseView.UtilityAddressesByCoord == null) { return; } //Close Map Page await CloseView(); AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLatitude = selectedLatitude; AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLongitude = selectedLongitude; //Open Add Case View await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(FullMapView.NewCaseAddView = new AddNewCaseView(selectedLatitude, selectedLongitude)); //if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) // AppContext.AppContext.LoadMapPin(selectedLatitude, selectedLongitude); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
public static async Task AssistTakePhoto() { string[] button = { "Camera", "Photo Library", "Cancel" }; string option = await SplitView.Instace().DisplayActionSheet("Select your option", null, null, button); if (option == "Photo Library") { await SelectPhoto(); } else if (option == "Camera") { await TakePhoto(); } else { AppContext.AppContext.ImageSource = null; } }
private async void OnCancelTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { await CloseView(); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(FullMapView.NewCaseAddView = new AddNewCaseView()); // AppContext.AppContext.LoadMapPin(AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLatitude, AppContext.AppContext.SelectedNewLongitude); } _cts.Cancel(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
//private void CheckMatchaddress() //{ // try // { // if (Reachability.InternetConnectionStatus() != ReachabilityNetworkStatus.NotReachable && // !AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedProperty.HasValidCoords && AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedProperty.Latitude == null && AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedProperty.Longitude == null) // { // Lbl_MatchAddress.IsVisible = true; // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); // } //} private async void BackImageTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { View currentView; var recordsLst = HubMasterView.CaseListView.MEntries[CaseListControl.SectionIndex]?.View.FindByName <ListView>("Lstvw_Inspections"); if (recordsLst != null) { recordsLst.SelectedItem = null; } do { await SplitView.Instace().PopRightContent(); InspectionCellView.DeSelectItem(); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { if (AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedProperty.HasValidCoords) { SplitView.PropertySummary.FindByName <Grid>("Gl_CaseSummary") .Children.Add((AndroidMapView)SplitView.MapView, 0, 0); var googleMapPin = MapViewModel.GetCustomePin(); if (googleMapPin != null) { SplitView.MapView?.LoadPin(googleMapPin); } AndroidMapView.HideLocator(); } } //await SplitView.Instace().PushRightContent(new PropertySummary()); currentView = SplitView.Instace().GetCurrentView(); } while (currentView.ToString() != "ServiceRequest.Views.PropertySummary"); AppData.PropertyModel.SelectedRecord = null; } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }
public async Task ReloadPropertyData() { try { await SplitView.Instace().Clear(); //on loading property list record progress must stopp AppContext.AppContext.NewRecordInProgress = false; FullMapView.AddNewCasePointOnMapView = null; // AppData.PropertyModel.UpdatePropertyList(); Filter_List(); SplitView.Instace().FilterCheckAvailable(true); // To Enable Filter Image SplitView.HubMaster.FindByName <Label>("LblSearchHint").IsVisible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracking.LogTrace(ex.ToString()); } }