override protected void DoCreate() { if (Nest.buffers == null) { throw new Exception("buffers == null"); } this.buffers = Nest.buffers; buffers.frame = this; buffers.list.SelectedChange += OnTabSelected; tabBar = new TabBar <Buffer>(buffers.list, Buffer.StringOf); tabBar.CloseClick += OnCloseClick; tabBar.TabDoubleClick += OnTabDoubleClick; tabBar.NewTabDoubleClick += OnNewTabDoubleClick; Controls.Add(tabBar); splitLine = new SplitLine(); Controls.Add(splitLine); KeyMap frameKeyMap = new KeyMap(); frameKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Tab, Keys.Control, new KeyAction("&View\\Switch tab", DoTabDown, DoTabModeChange, false))); { KeyAction action = new KeyAction("&View\\Close tab", DoCloseTab, null, false); frameKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Control | Keys.W, null, action)); frameKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Control | Keys.F4, null, action)); } frameKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Tab, null, new KeyAction("&Edit\\Snippets\\Apply snippet", Snippets_DoApply, null, false))); frameKeyMap.AddItem(new KeyItem(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Tab, null, new KeyAction("&Edit\\Snippets\\Autocomplete snippet", Snippets_DoAutocomplete, null, false))); textBox = new MulticaretTextBox(); textBox.ViShortcut += OnViShortcut; textBox.KeyMap.AddAfter(KeyMap); textBox.KeyMap.AddAfter(frameKeyMap); textBox.KeyMap.AddAfter(DoNothingKeyMap, -1); textBox.FocusedChange += OnTextBoxFocusedChange; textBox.Controller = GetEmptyController(); Controls.Add(textBox); InitResizing(tabBar, splitLine); tabBar.MouseDown += OnTabBarMouseDown; OnTabSelected(); }
private async Task <AuthenticationResult> SendAuthCommand(string command) { AuthenticationResult result = default(AuthenticationResult); await WriteLineAsync(command).ConfigureAwait(false); SplitLine reply = await ReadLineAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (reply[0] == "OK") { result.IsAuthenticated = true; result.Guid = reply[1] != string.Empty ? Guid.ParseExact(reply[1], "N") : Guid.Empty; if (_socket.SupportsFdPassing) { await WriteLineAsync("NEGOTIATE_UNIX_FD").ConfigureAwait(false); reply = await ReadLineAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); result.SupportsFdPassing = reply[0] == "AGREE_UNIX_FD"; } await WriteLineAsync("BEGIN").ConfigureAwait(false); return(result); } else if (reply[0] == "REJECTED") { return(result); } else { await WriteLineAsync("ERROR").ConfigureAwait(false); return(result); } }
public SplitLine SplitLine() { splitLine = new SplitLine(); return(splitLine); }
private SplitLine ParseLine(string Line) { SplitLine sl = new SplitLine(); sl.Valid = false; Regex rx; Match m; // is it dos format? rx = new Regex(@"(?<Date>[0-9|-]{8})\s*(?<Time>[0-9|:|AM|PM]*)\s*(?<Size>[0-9" + @"|\<|\>|DIR]*)\s*(?<Name>.*)\r", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); m = rx.Match(Line); if (m.Success) { sl.Valid = true; if (m.Groups["Size"].Value == "<DIR>") { sl.Dir = true; sl.FileSize = 0; } else { sl.Dir = false; sl.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups["Size"].Value); } sl.FileName = m.Groups["Name"].Value; sl.FileDate = m.Groups["Date"].Value; sl.FileTime = m.Groups["Time"].Value; } else { // is it unix format? rx = new Regex(@"(?<Dir>.{1}).{9}\s*[0-9]*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*(?<Size>[0-9]*)\s*(?" + @"<Month>[a-z|A-Z]{3})\s*(?<Day>[0-9]*)\s*(?<Time>[0-9|:]*)\s*(" + @"?<Name>.*)\r", RegexOptions.None); m = rx.Match(Line); if (m.Success) { sl.Valid = true; if (m.Groups["Dir"].Value == "d") { sl.Dir = true; } else { sl.Dir = false; } sl.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups["Size"].Value); sl.FileName = m.Groups["Name"].Value; if (m.Groups["Time"].Value.IndexOf(':') == -1) { sl.FileDate = m.Groups["Day"].Value + " " + m.Groups["Month"].Value + " " + m.Groups["Time"].Value; sl.FileTime = ""; } else { sl.FileDate = m.Groups["Day"].Value + " " + m.Groups["Month"].Value + " " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); sl.FileTime = m.Groups["Time"].Value; } } } return(sl); }
/// Return a list of files & Directories from the file system. public void GetDirList(DirList dl) { Socket cSocket; int bytes; char seperator = Convert.ToChar("\n"); string[] mess; m_sMes = ""; /// Check to see if you are logged on to the FTP server. if (!m_bLoggedIn) { Login(); } cSocket = CreateDataSocket(); /// Send an FTP command. SendCommand("LIST -AL"); if (!(m_iRetValue == 150 || m_iRetValue == 125)) { MessageString = m_sReply; throw new IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4)); } m_sMes = ""; while (true) { Array.Clear(m_aBuffer, 0, m_aBuffer.Length); bytes = cSocket.Receive(m_aBuffer, m_aBuffer.Length, 0); m_sMes += ASCII.GetString(m_aBuffer, 0, bytes); if (bytes < m_aBuffer.Length) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } mess = m_sMes.Split(seperator); cSocket.Close(); ReadReply(); if (m_iRetValue != 226) { MessageString = m_sReply; throw new IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4)); } if (mess.Length > 0) { foreach (string tmpstr in mess) { if (tmpstr != "") { DirFile lf; SplitLine sl = ParseLine(tmpstr); if (sl.Valid) { if (sl.Dir) { lf = new DirFile(sl.FileName, sl.FileDate, sl.FileTime, true, 0); } else { lf = new DirFile(sl.FileName, sl.FileDate, sl.FileTime, false, sl.FileSize); } dl.Add(lf); } } } } }
public DataTable GetDataCSV196(string ruta196) { try { String LineaTexto = String.Empty; String nombre_archivo196; DataTable dtReporte196 = new DataTable("Reporte196"); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Unidad de Negocio", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Fecha", typeof(DateTime)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("PPU", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Tipo de GPS", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Servicio", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Sentido", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Intervalo", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Operativo", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("KM Intervalo", typeof(Double)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("KM del viaje en intervalo", typeof(Double)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Fecha Inicio Viaje", typeof(DateTime)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Fecha Fin Viaje", typeof(DateTime)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Tiempo de este viaje", typeof(Double)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Tiempo total de viaje del intervalo", typeof(Double)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Tiempo de Viaje", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Inicio y Fin de Ruta", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("120 Minutos Antes", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("120 Minutos Despues", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("PC cada 2 Km", typeof(String)); dtReporte196.Columns.Add("Igual Servicio", typeof(String)); String[] SplitLine;; Int32 intContador = 0; nombre_archivo196 = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(ruta196); label1.Text = nombre_archivo196; if (System.IO.File.Exists(ruta196) == true) { Int32 contColumnas = 0; var objReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(ruta196); while (objReader.Peek() != -1) { LineaTexto = objReader.ReadLine(); SplitLine = LineaTexto.Split(';'); contColumnas = SplitLine.Count(); if (intContador > 7) { Dictionary <String, String> diccionario = new Dictionary <string, string>(); diccionario.Add("I", "Ida"); diccionario.Add("IDA", "Ida"); diccionario.Add("R", "Ret"); diccionario.Add("RETORNO", "Ret"); diccionario.Add("REGRESO", "Ret"); String unidad_negocio = SplitLine[0].Trim(); String PPU = SplitLine[2].Trim(); String GPS = SplitLine[3].Trim(); String Servicio = SplitLine[4].Replace(" ", "").ToUpper(); String Sentido = SplitLine[5].Trim().ToUpper(); String Intervalo = SplitLine[6].Trim(); String Operativo = SplitLine[7].Trim(); String tiempos_viaje = SplitLine[14]; String Inicio_fin_ruta = SplitLine[15]; String min_120_antes = SplitLine[16]; String min_120_despues = SplitLine[17]; String pc_cada2km = SplitLine[18]; String igual_servicio = SplitLine[19]; ///Creamos las filas en el DataTable DataRow NuevaFila = dtReporte196.NewRow(); NuevaFila[0] = unidad_negocio; if (IsDate(SplitLine[1])) { NuevaFila[1] = Convert.ToDateTime(SplitLine[1]); } NuevaFila[2] = PPU; NuevaFila[3] = GPS; NuevaFila[4] = Servicio; NuevaFila[5] = Sentido; NuevaFila[6] = Intervalo; NuevaFila[7] = Operativo; if (IsNumeric(SplitLine[8])) { NuevaFila[8] = SplitLine[8]; } if (IsNumeric(SplitLine[9])) { NuevaFila[9] = SplitLine[9]; } if (IsDate(SplitLine[10])) { NuevaFila[10] = Convert.ToDateTime(SplitLine[10]); } if (IsDate(SplitLine[11])) { NuevaFila[11] = Convert.ToDateTime(SplitLine[11]); } if (IsNumeric(SplitLine[12])) { NuevaFila[12] = SplitLine[12]; } if (IsNumeric(SplitLine[13])) { NuevaFila[13] = SplitLine[13]; } NuevaFila[14] = tiempos_viaje; NuevaFila[15] = Inicio_fin_ruta; NuevaFila[16] = min_120_antes; NuevaFila[17] = min_120_despues; NuevaFila[18] = pc_cada2km; NuevaFila[19] = igual_servicio; dtReporte196.Rows.Add(NuevaFila); } intContador = intContador + 1; } objReader.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No Existe el Archivo"); } return(dtReporte196); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(null); } }
private SplitLine ParseLine(string Line) { SplitLine sl = new SplitLine(); sl.Valid = false; Regex rx; Match m; // is it dos format? rx = new Regex(@"(?<Date>[0-9|-]{8})\s*(?<Time>[0-9|:|AM|PM]*)\s*(?<Size>[0-9" + @"|\<|\>|DIR]*)\s*(?<Name>.*)\r", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); m = rx.Match(Line); if (m.Success) { sl.Valid = true; if (m.Groups["Size"].Value == "<DIR>") { sl.Dir = true; sl.FileSize = 0; } else { sl.Dir = false; sl.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups["Size"].Value); } sl.FileName = m.Groups["Name"].Value; sl.FileDate = m.Groups["Date"].Value; sl.FileTime = m.Groups["Time"].Value; } else { // is it unix format? rx = new Regex(@"(?<Dir>.{1}).{9}\s*[0-9]*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*(?<Size>[0-9]*)\s*(?" + @"<Month>[a-z|A-Z]{3})\s*(?<Day>[0-9]*)\s*(?<Time>[0-9|:]*)\s*(" + @"?<Name>.*)\r", RegexOptions.None); m = rx.Match(Line); if (m.Success) { sl.Valid = true; if (m.Groups["Dir"].Value == "d") { sl.Dir = true; } else { sl.Dir = false; } sl.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups["Size"].Value); sl.FileName = m.Groups["Name"].Value; if (m.Groups["Time"].Value.IndexOf(':') == -1) { sl.FileDate = m.Groups["Day"].Value + " " + m.Groups["Month"].Value + " " + m.Groups["Time"].Value; sl.FileTime = ""; } else { sl.FileDate = m.Groups["Day"].Value + " " + m.Groups["Month"].Value + " " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); sl.FileTime = m.Groups["Time"].Value; } } } return sl; }