// Because all of these tests were written assuming open drive coordinates, but our geometry is in // Unity coordinates, rather than re-write all the test cases, we just convert from OpenDRIVE to Unity here static Geometry ConstructGeometryFromOpenDriveCoordinates( GeometryKind geometryKind, float headingDegrees, float length, float sAbsolute, float x, float z, ArcData arcData = default, SpiralData spiralData = default, Poly3Data poly3Data = default, ParamPoly3Data paramPoly3Data = default) { var pose = OpenDriveMapElementFactory.FromOpenDriveGlobalToUnity(math.radians(headingDegrees), x, z); return(ConstructGeometry(geometryKind, pose, length, sAbsolute, arcData, spiralData, poly3Data, paramPoly3Data)); }
static Geometry ConstructGeometry( GeometryKind geometryKind, RigidTransform pose, float length, float sAbsolute, ArcData arcData = default, SpiralData spiralData = default, Poly3Data poly3Data = default, ParamPoly3Data paramPoly3Data = default) { return(new Geometry() { length = length, sRoad = sAbsolute, startPose = pose, geometryKind = geometryKind, arcData = arcData, spiralData = spiralData, poly3Data = poly3Data, paramPoly3Data = paramPoly3Data }); }
// Because all of these tests were written assuming open drive coordinates, but our geometry is in // Unity coordinates, rather than re-write all the test cases, we just convert from OpenDRIVE to Unity here static Geometry ConstructGeometryFromOpenDriveCoordinates( float headingDegrees, float length, float sAbsolute, float x, float z, GeometryKind geometryKind, ArcData arcData = default, SpiralData spiralData = default, Poly3Data poly3Data = default, ParamPoly3Data paramPoly3Data = default) { var pose = OpenDriveMapElementFactory.FromOpenDriveGlobalToUnity(math.radians(headingDegrees), x, z); return(new Geometry() { length = length, sRoad = sAbsolute, startPose = pose, geometryKind = geometryKind, arcData = arcData, spiralData = spiralData, poly3Data = poly3Data, paramPoly3Data = paramPoly3Data }); }