Example #1
     * Fills the screen with slots and adds more slots at both ends in order to create
     * the illusion of an endless stream of slots. The left-hand side has more slots,
     * because the start animation of the spinner first moves the slots to the right
     * before spinning at the desired speed to the left.
     * **/
    private void CreateSlots()
        m_spinnerSlotsCount = (int)(Screen.width / (Screen.height / 4f)) + 5;         // adding enough slots to fill the screen on both sides
        m_spinnerSlotWidth  = (Screen.height / 4f);
        m_spinnerSlotHeight = m_spinnerSlotWidth;
        m_deathPosition     = new Vector2(((Screen.width / 2f * -1) - 3 * m_spinnerSlotWidth), 0);      // higher offset to the left for the start of the spinning animation
        m_spawnPosition     = new Vector2(((Screen.width / 2f * -1) - 3 * m_spinnerSlotWidth) + m_spinnerSlotsCount * m_spinnerSlotWidth, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_spinnerSlotsCount; i++)
            m_gameObjectCache       = Instantiate(slotPrefab);
            m_spinnerSlotCache      = m_gameObjectCache.GetComponent <SpinnerSlot> ();
            m_spinnerSlotCache.name = "SpinnerSlot_" + i;

            m_spinnerSlotCache.index = i;

            m_spinnerSlotCache.SetSize(new Vector2(m_spinnerSlotWidth, m_spinnerSlotHeight));
            m_spinnerSlotCache.SetPosition(new Vector2(m_deathPosition.x + i * m_spinnerSlotWidth, 0));


        m_leftMostSpinnerSlot = m_spinnerSlots [0];
Example #2
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (m_spinning)
            if (!m_braking && iTween.Count(gameObject) == 0)
                // spinner finished start animation and is now at desired speed
                // state of the button is handled
                spinStopButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Stop";
                spinStopButton.interactable = true;
            // moving all spinner slots synchronized
            for (int i = 0; i < m_spinnerSlotsCount; i++)
                m_spinnerSlotCache = m_spinnerSlots [i];

                m_positionCache    = m_spinnerSlotCache.GetPosition();
                m_positionCache.x -= m_currentSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            // when a spinner has reached the spot marked for death, it will be respawned at the right-most end of the spinner slots
            // no fixed spawn position is computed, because the offset between the right-most spinner and the spawn point
            // varies depending on the current speed of the spinner
            if (m_leftMostSpinnerSlot.GetPosition().x <= m_deathPosition.x)
                int leftMostSlotIndex = m_spinnerSlots.IndexOf(m_leftMostSpinnerSlot);
                int indexOfNextSlot   = leftMostSlotIndex + 1;
                if (indexOfNextSlot == m_spinnerSlotsCount)
                    indexOfNextSlot = 0;

                m_leftMostSpinnerSlot.SetPosition(new Vector2(GetLastSpinnerSlot().GetPosition().x + m_spinnerSlotWidth, 0));
                m_leftMostSpinnerSlot = m_spinnerSlots [indexOfNextSlot];
            // when the spinner is slowed down to a certain point at which the movement
            // is not visible to the human eye, it will stop interpolating between values
            if (m_braking && m_currentSpeed <= BRAKING_SPEED_THRESHOLD)
                m_spinning = false;
                m_braking  = false;
                m_winningSlot = FindCenterSlot();

                m_currentSpeed = 0;

                // state of the button is handled
                spinStopButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Spin";
                spinStopButton.interactable = true;