Example #1
        public void Has_enough_mana()
            _player.Level      = 45;
            _player.Attributes = new Attributes()
                Attribute = new Dictionary <EffectLocation, int>
                    { EffectLocation.Mana, 100 }

            var spell = new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name = "chill touch",
                Cost = new SkillCost()
                    Table = new Dictionary <Cost, int>
                        { Cost.Mana, 10 }

            Assert.True(_spell.ManaCheck(spell, _player));
Example #2
        public void Not_enough_mana()
            _player.Level      = 45;
            _player.Attributes = new Attributes()
                Attribute = new Dictionary <EffectLocation, int>
                    { EffectLocation.Mana, 0 }

            _Spells.Cost.Table[Cost.Mana] = 100;

            var spell = new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name = "chill touch",
                Cost = new SkillCost()
                    Table = new Dictionary <Cost, int>
                        { Cost.Mana, 100 }

            Assert.False(_spell.ManaCheck(spell, _player));
            _writer.Verify(w => w.WriteLine(It.Is <string>(s => s == "You don't have enough mana."), "mob"), Times.Once);
Example #3
        public void Does_spell_affect_character()
            _player.Status = CharacterStatus.Status.Standing;
            var spell = new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name         = "Magic missile",
                ValidTargets = ValidTargets.TargetPlayerRoom | ValidTargets.TargetFightVictim

Example #4
        public Item.Item CheckTargetItem(Spell.Model.Spell spell, string target, Room room, Player player)
            var item = GetTargetItem(target, player);

            if (item == null)
                _writer.WriteLine("You can't find that item on you.", player.ConnectionId);

Example #5
        public void message_for_cast_on_self()
            var spell = new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name         = "Magic missile",
                ValidTargets = ValidTargets.TargetPlayerRoom | ValidTargets.TargetFightVictim

            _player.Status = CharacterStatus.Status.Standing;
            _player.Gender = "Male";
            _target.Id     = Guid.NewGuid();
            _player.Id     = _target.Id;

            _spell.ReciteSpellCharacter(_player, _target, spell);
            _writer.Verify(w => w.WriteLine(It.Is <string>(s => s == "Malleus closes his eyes and utters the words, 'Magic missile'.")), Times.Once);
Example #6
        public void message_for_cast_on_self()
            var spell = new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name         = "Magic missile",
                ValidTargets = ValidTargets.TargetPlayerRoom | ValidTargets.TargetFightVictim

            var room = new Room();

            _player.Status       = CharacterStatus.Status.Standing;
            _player.Gender       = "Male";
            _target.Id           = Guid.NewGuid();
            _player.Id           = _target.Id;
            _player.ConnectionId = _target.Id.ToString();
            _player.ClassName    = "Mage";
            _player.Attributes.Attribute[EffectLocation.Mana] = 500;

            _spell.ReciteSpellCharacter(_player, _target, spell, room);
            _writer.Verify(w => w.WriteLine(It.Is <string>(s => s == "You close your eyes and utter the words, 'Magic missile'."), _player.ConnectionId), Times.Once);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the target object of the spell
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spell">The Spell being cast</param>
        /// <param name="target">Target comes from the command param. cast enchant sword</param>
        /// <param name="room">Room the player is in</param>
        /// <param name="player">The PC casting the spell</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Item.Item ReturnTargetObject(Spell.Model.Spell spell, string target, Room room, Player player)
            // casting spell on item in inventory or worn
            // example spells, cast enchant sword, cast light sword
            if ((spell.ValidTargets & ValidTargets.TargetObjectInventory) != 0 || (spell.ValidTargets & ValidTargets.TargetObjectEquipped) != 0)
                return(CheckTargetItem(spell, target, room, player));

            // TODO: unsure on these:

            //if ((spell.ValidTargets & ValidTargets.TargetObjectRoom) != 0 )
            //    return CheckTargetItem(spell, target, room, player);

            //if ((spell.ValidTargets & ValidTargets.TargetObjectWorld) != 0)
            //    return CheckTargetItem(spell, target, room, player);

Example #8
        public void message_for_cast_on_not_self()
            var room  = new Room();
            var spell = new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name         = "Magic missile",
                ValidTargets = ValidTargets.TargetPlayerRoom | ValidTargets.TargetFightVictim

            _player.Status       = CharacterStatus.Status.Standing;
            _player.Gender       = "Male";
            _target.Name         = "Bob";
            _target.ClassName    = "Mage";
            _target.Id           = Guid.NewGuid();
            _player.Id           = Guid.NewGuid();
            _player.ConnectionId = "abc";
            _target.ConnectionId = "bcd";

            _spell.ReciteSpellCharacter(_player, _target, spell, room);
            _writer.Verify(w => w.WriteLine(It.Is <string>(s => s == "You look at Bob and utter the words, 'Magic missile'."), _player.ConnectionId), Times.Once);

            _writer.Verify(w => w.WriteLine(It.Is <string>(s => s == "Malleus looks at you and utters the words, 'Magic missile'."), _target.ConnectionId), Times.Once);
Example #9
        public SpellTests()
            _Spells = new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name   = "Ogre strength",
                Effect = new Effect.Effect()
                    Modifier = new EffectModifier()
                        Value          = 10,
                        PositiveEffect = true
                    Location = EffectLocation.Strength,
                    Name     = "OgreStrength",
                    Duration = new EffectModifier()
                        Value          = 10,
                        PositiveEffect = true,
                    Accumulate = true,
                    Id         = 1
                Damage = new Dice()
                    DiceRoll    = 1,
                    DiceMinSize = 10,
                    DiceMaxSize = 10
                Description = "Makes you strong as an ogre",
                Rounds      = 1,
                SpellGroup  = new Sphere()
            _player = new Player()
                Name       = "Malleus",
                ClassName  = "Paladin",
                Status     = CharacterStatus.Status.Standing,
                Attributes = new Attributes()
                    Attribute = new Dictionary <EffectLocation, int>
                        { EffectLocation.Mana, 250 },
                        { EffectLocation.Strength, 0 }
                Spells = new List <Spell.Model.Spell>(),
                Skills = new List <SkillList>()

            _player.Spells.Add(new Spell.Model.Spell()
                Name = "chill touch",
                Cost = new SkillCost()
                    Table = new Dictionary <Cost, int>
                        { Cost.Mana, 10 }
            _target = new Player()
                Attributes = new Attributes()
                    Attribute = new Dictionary <EffectLocation, int>
                        { EffectLocation.Strength, 0 },
                        { EffectLocation.Hitpoints, 2500 },
            _room   = new Room();
            _writer = new Mock <IWriteToClient>();
            _damage = new Mock <IDamage>();
            _spellTargetCharacter = new Mock <ISpellTargetCharacter>();
            _cache          = new Mock <ICache>();
            _updateClientUI = new Mock <IUpdateClientUI>();
            _mobScript      = new Mock <IMobScripts>();
            _spell          = new Spells(_writer.Object, _spellTargetCharacter.Object, _cache.Object, _damage.Object, _updateClientUI.Object, _mobScript.Object);

            var newSkill = new Skill.Model.Skill
                Name = "magic missile",
                Id   = 1,