Example #1
        static void GenerateMap()
            mapBar = new ProgressBar("Generating Map... ", MapWidth, 20, 0, 1);
            map = new byte[MapWidth, MapHeight, MapLength];

            for (int x = 0; x < MapWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < MapHeight; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < MapLength; z++)
                        // FUTURE TODO make map generate using perlin noise
                        #region BasicMapGeneration
                        if (y < 4) // stone // 1.5% metal 98.5% stone
                            if (Extra.Chance(1.5f))
                                map[x, y, z] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Metal;
                                map[x, y, z] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Stone;
                        else if (y == 4)           // dirt(surface) // 2.5% pond 2.5% farmland 95% dirt
                            if (map[x, y, z] == 0) // if its empty
                                if (Extra.Chance(5f))
                                    if (Extra.Chance(50f))
                                        // pond center
                                        map[x, y, z] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Water;                    // pond outsides
                                        map[x, y, SpecialMath.Modulus(z + 1, MapLength)] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Water;
                                        map[x, y, SpecialMath.Modulus(z - 1, MapLength)] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Water;
                                        map[SpecialMath.Modulus(x + 1, MapWidth), y, z]  = (byte)Blocks.Block.Water;
                                        map[SpecialMath.Modulus(x - 1, MapWidth), y, z]  = (byte)Blocks.Block.Water;
                                        map[x, y, z] = (byte)Blocks.Block.FarmLand; // TODO add to farmLands
                                    map[x, y, z] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Dirt;
                        else if (y == 5) // trees // 2.5% trees 97.5% air
                            if (Extra.Chance(2.5f))
                                // tree D:
                                map[x, y, z]     = (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree; // trunk 1
                                map[x, y + 1, z] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree; // trunk 2

                                // leaf algo. :D !!!
                                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                                            map[SpecialMath.Modulus(x + i, MapWidth), y + j, SpecialMath.Modulus(z + k, MapLength)] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree;
Example #2
        // Tim's working neurons' order: ear, 64*(4)eyes, 6*(4)hairs, turn_left, turn_right, turn_up, turn_down, arm1/arm2, attack/interact, operand, mouth, move forward, move backward, move left, move right, jump.

        public void CalculateState()
            // BIG BAD TODO make all update happen in UpdateState()

            int nPtr = 0;

            //*sensing: ear, 64*(4)eyes, 6*(4)hairs
            // TODO ear

            // vvv OPTIMIZE vvv still has TODO
            #region Hairs
            byte[] blockNeurons;
            blockNeurons = SpecialMath.NibbleToNeurons(Game.map[SpecialMath.Modulus(x + 1, Game.MapWidth), y, z]); // TODO add index of player with offset (TODO implement dir)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    nn.neurons[nPtr + j].value = blockNeurons[j];
                nPtr += 4;

            blockNeurons = SpecialMath.NibbleToNeurons(Game.map[SpecialMath.Modulus(x - 1, Game.MapWidth), y, z]); // TODO add index of player with offset
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    nn.neurons[nPtr + j].value = blockNeurons[j];
                nPtr += 4;

            blockNeurons = SpecialMath.NibbleToNeurons(Game.map[x, SpecialMath.Modulus(y + 1, Game.MapHeight), z]); // TODO add index of player with offset
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    nn.neurons[nPtr + j].value = blockNeurons[j];
                nPtr += 4;

            blockNeurons = SpecialMath.NibbleToNeurons(Game.map[x, SpecialMath.Modulus(y - 1, Game.MapHeight), z]); // TODO add index of player with offset
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    nn.neurons[nPtr + j].value = blockNeurons[j];
                nPtr += 4;

            blockNeurons = SpecialMath.NibbleToNeurons(Game.map[x, y, SpecialMath.Modulus(z + 1, Game.MapLength)]); // TODO add index of player with offset
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    nn.neurons[nPtr + j].value = blockNeurons[j];
                nPtr += 4;

            blockNeurons = SpecialMath.NibbleToNeurons(Game.map[x, y, SpecialMath.Modulus(z - 1, Game.MapLength)]); // TODO add index of player with offset
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    nn.neurons[nPtr + j].value = blockNeurons[j];
                nPtr += 4;

            // vvv TODO
            #region Eyes

            //*nn iteration (lol ez)

            //*interaction: turn_LR, turn_UD, arm1/arm2, attack/interact, operand, mouth
            #region Directions
            float turn_LR = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;
            float turn_UD = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;

            dir    = Extra.DirectionCycle(dir, true && turn_LR >= 0);
            subdir = Extra.SubDirectionCycle(subdir, true && turn_UD >= 0);

            // TODO dropping / special grabbing
            #region Interaction
            // evaluate coord
            int[] coord    = Extra.DirectionToCoordinate(dir, subdir);
            int[] timcoord = new int[] { x, y, z };
            int[] limits   = new int[] { Game.MapWidth, Game.MapHeight, Game.MapLength };

            int[] targetcoord = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                targetcoord[i] = SpecialMath.Modulus(coord[i] + timcoord[i], limits[i]);

            // big switch part
            bool       ARM  = false; // if right arm or left arm
            float      fARM = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;
            bool       AI   = false; // attack or interact
            float      fAI  = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;
            Items.Item armItem;

            // evaluate ARM, AI and armItem
            ARM     = true && fARM >= 0;
            AI      = true && fAI >= 0;
            armItem = ARM ? right : left;

            // switch statement
            switch (AI)
            case true:     // attack // still has TODO
                switch (Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]])
                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Air:         // TODO attack player

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Stone:
                    if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.WoodPickaxe || armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.MetalPickaxe)
                        Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Stone, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);
                        Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Dirt:
                    Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Dirt, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);
                    Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree:
                    Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Tree, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);
                    Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Metal:
                    if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.WoodPickaxe || armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.MetalPickaxe)
                        Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Metal, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);
                        Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Table:
                    Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Table, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);
                    Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Stack:
                    Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Stack, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    int index = Items.Stack.FindIndex(Game.stacks, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);
                    if (Game.stacks[index].items.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Game.stacks[index].items.Count; i++)
                            Drop(Game.stacks[index].items[i], targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Water:         // useless lol

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.FarmLand:
                    Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.FarmLand, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;
                    Game.farmLands.RemoveAt(Items.FarmLand.FindIndex(Game.farmLands, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]));

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Planks:
                    Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Planks, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);
                    Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Air;

            case false:     // interact
                // evaluate operand
                byte operand = 0;
                operand = SpecialMath.FloatToByte(new float[4] {
                    nn.neurons[nPtr].value, nn.neurons[nPtr + 1].value, nn.neurons[nPtr + 2].value, nn.neurons[nPtr + 3].value
                nPtr += 4;

                switch (Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]])
                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Air:         // place block
                    // check if block is supported
                    bool supported = false;

                    byte[] blocks = new byte[6];
                    blocks[0] = Game.map[SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[0] + 1, Game.MapWidth), targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]];
                    blocks[1] = Game.map[SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[0] - 1, Game.MapWidth), targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]];
                    blocks[2] = Game.map[targetcoord[0], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] + 1, Game.MapHeight), targetcoord[2]];
                    blocks[3] = Game.map[targetcoord[0], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] - 1, Game.MapHeight), targetcoord[2]];
                    blocks[4] = Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[2] + 1, Game.MapLength)];
                    blocks[5] = Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[2] - 1, Game.MapLength)];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        if (blocks[i] != 0 && blocks[i] != 5)
                            supported = true;

                    // place block
                    if (supported == true && (byte)armItem.item <= 9)
                        Game.map[targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]] = (byte)armItem.item;

                        switch ((byte)armItem.item) // handle stack and farmLand
                        case 6:                     // stack
                            Game.stacks.Add(new Items.Stack(new List <Items.Item>(), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]));

                        case 8:             // farmland
                            Game.farmLands.Add(new Items.FarmLand(targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]));

                        Use(ARM, 1);         // use 1 item


                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Stone:         // useless lol

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Dirt:         // try plant tree with FarmFood

                    if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.FarmFood)
                        // plant tree
                        if (Game.map[targetcoord[0], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] + 1, Game.MapHeight), targetcoord[2]] == 0)
                            Game.map[targetcoord[0], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] + 1, Game.MapHeight), targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree;         // trunk 1
                        if (Game.map[targetcoord[0], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] + 2, Game.MapHeight), targetcoord[2]] == 0)
                            Game.map[targetcoord[0], SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] + 2, Game.MapHeight), targetcoord[2]] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree;         // trunk 2
                        // leaf algo (:D)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                                    if (Game.map[SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[0] + i, Game.MapWidth), SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] + j + 1, Game.MapHeight), SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[2] + k, Game.MapLength)] == 0)
                                        Game.map[SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[0] + i, Game.MapWidth), SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[1] + j + 1, Game.MapHeight), SpecialMath.Modulus(targetcoord[2] + k, Game.MapLength)] = (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree;

                        Use(ARM, 1);         // use 1 FarmFood

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Tree:         // useless lol

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Table:         // crafting with operand
                    switch (operand)
                    case 9:             // Planks
                        if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.Tree && armItem.count >= 1)
                            Use(ARM, 1); Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.Planks, 4, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    case 10:             // WoodPickaxe
                        if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.Planks && armItem.count >= 2)
                            Use(ARM, 2); Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.WoodPickaxe, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    case 12:             // MetalPickaxe
                        if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.Metal && armItem.count >= 2)
                            Use(ARM, 2); Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.MetalPickaxe, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    case 13:             // WoodWeapon
                        if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.Planks && armItem.count >= 1)
                            Use(ARM, 1); Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.WoodWeapon, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    case 14:             // MetalWeapon
                        if (armItem.item == Items.ItemEnum.Metal && armItem.count >= 1)
                            Use(ARM, 1); Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.MetalWeapon, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Stack:         // grabbing/inserting
                    Items.Stack stack = Items.Stack.Find(Game.stacks, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    if (operand < 8)
                    {         // grab
                        Drop(stack.Grab(), x, y, z); PickUp();
                    {         // insert
                        stack.Insert(armItem); Use(ARM, armItem.count);

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Water:         // useless lol

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.FarmLand:         // give FarmFood if grown
                    Items.FarmLand farmLand = Items.FarmLand.Find(Game.farmLands, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                    if (farmLand.grown == true)
                        Drop(new Items.Item(Items.ItemEnum.FarmFood, 1, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]), targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2]);

                        Game.farmLands[Items.FarmLand.FindIndex(Game.farmLands, targetcoord[0], targetcoord[1], targetcoord[2])].Reset();

                case (byte)Blocks.Block.Planks:         // useless lol

            // TODO Mouth

            //*movement: move_left, move_right, move_forward, move_backward, jump

            #region Movement
            // evaluate moveLeft, moveRight, moveFoward, moveBackward and jump
            float moveLeft      = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;
            float moveRight     = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;
            float moveForward   = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;
            float moveBackward  = nn.neurons[nPtr].value; nPtr++;
            float jump          = nn.neurons[nPtr].value;
            bool  bJump         = true && jump >= 0;
            bool  moveSide      = true && moveLeft > moveRight;
            bool  moveStraight  = true && moveForward > moveBackward;
            bool  bMoveSide     = (true && moveLeft >= 0) ^ (true && moveRight >= 0);
            bool  bMoveStraight = (true && moveForward >= 0) ^ (true && moveBackward >= 0);

            // TODO jumping
            if (bJump)                                                                                    // jump
                if (Game.map[x, SpecialMath.Modulus(y + 1, Game.MapHeight), z] == (byte)Blocks.Block.Air) // atleast level 1
                    if (Game.map[x, SpecialMath.Modulus(y + 2, Game.MapHeight), z] == (byte)Blocks.Block.Air)
                        y = SpecialMath.Modulus(y + 2, Game.MapHeight);                                                                                       // level 2
                        y = SpecialMath.Modulus(y + 1, Game.MapHeight);  // level 1

            // horizontal movement
            DIR movementDir = dir;

            if (bMoveStraight && !moveStraight) // alpha flip (0)
                switch (movementDir)
                case DIR.NORTH:
                    movementDir = DIR.SOUTH;

                case DIR.SOUTH:
                    movementDir = DIR.NORTH;

                case DIR.EAST:
                    movementDir = DIR.WEST;

                case DIR.WEST:
                    movementDir = DIR.EAST;

            int[] alpha = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }; // no offset
            if (bMoveStraight)
                alpha = Extra.MovementDirectionToCoordinate(movementDir);                // alpha coordinate (1)
            if (bMoveSide)
                movementDir = Extra.DirectionCycle(movementDir, moveSide); // beta cycle (2)
            int[] beta = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };                            // no offset
            if (bMoveSide)
                beta = Extra.MovementDirectionToCoordinate(movementDir); // beta coordinate (3)
            int[] final = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };                         // initializing
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                final[i] = alpha[i] + beta[i];               // final result (unofficial 4)
            if (Game.map[final[0], final[1], final[2]] != 0) // can move
                x = final[0]; z = final[2];


            #region Gravity
            if (Game.map[x, SpecialMath.Modulus(y - 1, Game.MapHeight), z] == (byte)Blocks.Block.Air) // can fall
                y = SpecialMath.Modulus(y - 1, Game.MapHeight);                                       // fall
                falling = true;
            else // on ground
                if (falling) // just landed
                    falling = false;
                    hp     -= fall > 2 ? fall - 2 : 0;

            #region DeathCheck
            if (hp <= 0) // died
                dead = true;
                // remove from tims