Example #1
    private void OnRespawn(Vector3 respawnPosition, Spawnable.RespawnReason reason)
        if (
            reason == Spawnable.RespawnReason.Death &&
            (!DebugSettings.Instance.DebugMode || !DebugSettings.Instance.DisableRevivalMinigame)
            var instance = Instantiate(playerGhostPrefab, respawnPosition, Quaternion.identity)
                           .GetComponentInChildren <PlayerGhost>();

            instance.Register(_player, transform.position);
     * <summary>
     * This method is called, if this object also has a <see cref="Spawnable"/> component and its
     * <see cref="Spawnable.OnRespawn"/> event is triggered.
     * We use this event to manually check for platform contacts on respawn, since the physics event functions of
     * <see cref="Chasm"/> may be called before the event functions of this behavior.
     * However, we have to register contacts with <see cref="Platform"/> before <see cref="Chasm"/> does, so we directly
     * do it on respawn using this method.
     * </summary>
    private void OnRespawn(Vector3 respawnPosition, Spawnable.RespawnReason reason)
        var colliderList  = new List <Collider2D>();
        var contactFilter = new ContactFilter2D();


        _collider.OverlapCollider(contactFilter, colliderList);

        foreach (var collider in colliderList)
Example #3
    public void OnRespawn(Vector3 respawnPosition, Spawnable.RespawnReason reason)
        // if the player carries another player, release
        if (CarriesSomeone())
            ThrowThrowable(_carriedThrowable, Vector2.zero);
        // if the player is carried by another player, release
        else if (_throwable.IsBeingCarried)
            _throwable.Carrier.ThrowThrowable(_throwable, Vector2.zero);

        if (_data.HealthPoints <= 0)