Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the specified force to surrounding game objects that match the targeting layers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Instance">Game object to center the application of force radius on.</param>
        /// <param name="Target">Target game objects to apply force to.</param>
        public void Apply(GameObject Instance, SpawnTarget Target)
            if (Enabled)  // physics enabled?
                // find all colliders within the blast radius
                LayerMask TargetLayers;
                switch (Target)
                case SpawnTarget.Friend:
                    TargetLayers = (1 << GlobalFuncs.targetingLayerMaskFriend.value) | (1 << GlobalFuncs.targetingLayerMaskPhysics);

                case SpawnTarget.Enemy:
                    TargetLayers = (1 << GlobalFuncs.targetingLayerMaskEnemy.value) | (1 << GlobalFuncs.targetingLayerMaskPhysics);

                    TargetLayers = (1 << GlobalFuncs.targetingLayerMaskAll.value) | (1 << GlobalFuncs.targetingLayerMaskPhysics);
                Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(Instance.transform.position, Radius, TargetLayers);

                // process all found
                foreach (Collider hit in colliders)
                    Rigidbody rb = hit.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();                                            // attempt grab the rigid body
                    if (rb)                                                                                   // found a rigid body to apply force to?
                        rb.AddExplosionForce(Force, Instance.transform.position, Radius, UpwardsForce, Mode); // explode
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawn to a specific position, rotation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Position">Position to spawn to.</param>
        /// <param name="Rotation">Direction of rotation to spawn to.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichTarget">Target layers to pass to the spawned game object.</param>
        /// <returns>The instance of the game object that was instantiated.</returns>
        public GameObject Spawn(Vector3 Position, Quaternion Rotation, SpawnTarget WhichTarget)
            Target = WhichTarget;
            GameObject goInstance;

            if (GlobalFuncs.MAGICAL_POOL && !DoNotPool)
                if (PoolSlotId > 0)                                                                               // pool slot already found
                    goInstance = GlobalFuncs.TheMagicalPool().GatherFromPool(PoolSlotId - 1, Position, Rotation); // load from the pool
                    goInstance = GlobalFuncs.TheMagicalPool().GatherFromPool(ref PoolSlotId, Prefab, Position, Rotation, WhichTarget);  // load from the pool
                goInstance = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Prefab, Position, Rotation);     // load from the prefab
                goInstance.SetActive(false);                                                 // disable
                GlobalFuncs.SetComponentTagsSlotsAndLayers(ref goInstance, WhichTarget, -1); // update the components
            SetSpawnOptions(ref goInstance, PhysicsForceOptions);                            // set the options
            return(goInstance);                                                              // pass the spawned object back for potential modification
Example #3
        protected Bullet Spawn()
            Bullet b = _spawningDelegate(this);

Example #4
 public PreviewBackCombinatorInfo(SpawnTarget spawnTarget, LayoutTracker paren, List <int> path, Action place, Action highlight, Action unHighlight)
     this.highlight   = highlight;
     this.unHighlight = unHighlight;
     this.spawnTarget = spawnTarget;
     this.paren       = paren;
     this.path        = path;
     this.place       = place;
Example #5
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     inZone         = false;
     gMan           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager> ();
     sMan           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SubManager").GetComponent <SpawnTarget> ();
     currentTimeing = captureTime;
     checkpoint     = captureTime / 2;
     //zoneHealthBar = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("ZoneCompletionBar").GetComponent<Image> ();
     //zoneHealthBar.fillAmount = 0;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise a new pool slot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WhichSlotID">ID of this pool slot.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichPrefab">Prefab to instantiate.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichInitialSize">Minimum/initial pool size.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichMaxSize">Maximum pool size.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichTarget">Targeting to apply to the instance.</param>
        public MagicPoolItem(int WhichSlotID, GameObject WhichPrefab, int WhichInitialSize, int WhichMaxSize, SpawnTarget WhichTarget)
            // initialise
            iSlotID     = WhichSlotID;
            Prefab      = WhichPrefab;
            InitialSize = WhichInitialSize;
            MaxSize     = WhichMaxSize;
            Target      = WhichTarget;

            // create initial instances
Example #7
 public Sum <PreviewInfo, Unit> FreshPreview(SpawnTarget spawnTarget, List <Transform> targets)
     if (targets.Count > 0)
         return(MakeDrop(spawnTarget, targets[0]).Match(_ => Sum <PreviewInfo, Unit> .Inr(new Unit()), sum =>
                                                        Sum <PreviewInfo, Unit> .Inl(sum)));
         return(Sum <PreviewInfo, Unit> .Inr(new Unit()));
Example #8
    private void Start()
        instance      = this;
        newTargetList = new List <GameObject>();
        lineList      = new List <LineRenderer>();
        PickColor     = new Vector4();

        isSetStart  = false;
        isSetTarget = false;

        scale = new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the pool slot id for the specified prefab, creating a new pool slot if not found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Prefab">Prefab to search the pool for.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichTarget">Target filter to search the pool for.</param>
        /// <returns>ID of the pool slot.</returns>
        public int iFindPoolSlotID(GameObject Prefab, SpawnTarget WhichTarget)
            MagicPoolItem mpiFound = PooledMagic.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Prefab == Prefab && i.Target == WhichTarget);  // search slots for the prefab

            if (mpiFound != null)
            {                             // found?
                return(mpiFound.iSlotID); // return the slot index
            {                                                                                                                   // nope
                PooledMagic.Add(new MagicPoolItem(PooledMagic.Count, Prefab, DefaultInitialSize, DefaultMaxSize, WhichTarget)); // create new slot
                return(PooledMagic.Count - 1);                                                                                  // return new slot index
Example #10
    void UnPlace()
        var           pos   = transform.position;
        List <int>    index = GetComponent <LayoutTracker>().index;
        SymbolManager sm    = GetComponentInParent <SymbolManager>();
        SpawnTarget   sp    = GetComponentInParent <SpawnTarget>();
        var           lt    = sm.RemoveAtAndReturn(index.Skip(1).ToList(), sm.GetComponentInChildren <LayoutTracker>());

        lt.transform.SetParent(GetComponentInParent <Canvas>().transform, true);
        lt.enabled         = false;
        transform.position = pos;
        LayoutRebuilder.MarkLayoutForRebuild(sm.GetComponent <RectTransform>());
Example #11
    void PlaceMe()
        if (myDraggableType == DraggableHolder.DraggableType.LeftPane)
            duplicate.enabled = true;

        var lt = GetComponent <LayoutTracker>();

        lt.root    = lt.GetComponentInParent <SymbolManager>().skeletonRoot;
        lt.enabled = true;
        LayoutRebuilder.MarkLayoutForRebuild(lt.GetComponentInParent <Canvas>().GetComponent <RectTransform>());

        SpawnTarget sp = GetComponentInParent <SpawnTarget>();

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawn from a transform at a specific time, called repeatedly during an animator state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SpawnPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="Time"></param>
        /// <param name="Animator"></param>
        /// <param name="WhichTarget"></param>
        /// <returns>Reference to the instance of the instantiated game object</returns>
        public GameObject Spawn(Transform SpawnPoint, float Time, Animator Animator, SpawnTarget WhichTarget)
            if (Time < 0.1 && SpawnedSoFar >= NumberToSpawn)                      // at the start of the animation and not already reset the counter
                SpawnedSoFar = 1;                                                 // reset (1 rather than zero to avoid undesired instant spawn
                fSpawnRate   = ((SpawnEndTime - SpawnStartTime) / NumberToSpawn); // cache
            else if (SpawnedSoFar < NumberToSpawn + 1)                            // still more instances to spawn
                if (Time > (SpawnStartTime + (fSpawnRate * SpawnedSoFar)))        // time for the next spawn
                    SpawnedSoFar += 1;                                            // count number spawned

                    if (Prefab)                                                   // only spawn if the prefab is set
                        if (UseRootTransform)                                     // spawn from the animator base
                            goSpawnedParticle = Spawn(Animator.rootPosition, Quaternion.identity, WhichTarget);
                        else  // use the magic spawn point
                            goSpawnedParticle = Spawn(SpawnPoint, WhichTarget);  // create the spawn instance

                    if (PlayOnSpawn && SourceOfAudio && SourceOfAudio.isActiveAndEnabled) // play audio?
                        if (!SourceOfAudio.isPlaying)                                     // ignore if already playing
                            SourceOfAudio.clip = PlayOnSpawn;                             // set the clip
                            SourceOfAudio.Play();                                         // play the clip

                    return(goSpawnedParticle);  // return a reference to the instance
            return(null);  // drop out clean
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Gather from the magical pool when the pool slot id is unknown (or needs creating) by direct position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Slot">Pool slot ID return by reference.</param>
 /// <param name="Prefab">Prefab to find.</param>
 /// <param name="Position">Position to move the gathered game object to.</param>
 /// <param name="Rotation">Rotation to set the gathered game object to.</param>
 /// <param name="WhichTarget">Target filter to search the pool for.</param>
 /// <returns>Game object gathered from the pool.</returns>
 public GameObject GatherFromPool(ref int Slot, GameObject Prefab, Vector3 Position, Quaternion Rotation, SpawnTarget WhichTarget)
     Slot = iFindPoolSlotID(Prefab, WhichTarget) + 1;
     if (GlobalFuncs.DEBUGGING_MESSAGES)
         Debug.Log("Gathering magic from the pool id " + Slot + " for " + Prefab.name);
     return(GatherFromPool(Slot - 1, Position, Rotation));
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Gather from the magical pool when the pool slot id is unknown (or needs creating) by transform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Slot">Pool slot ID return by reference.</param>
 /// <param name="Prefab">Prefab to find.</param>
 /// <param name="SpawnPoint">Transform to move the gathered game object to.</param>
 /// <param name="WhichTarget">Target filter to search the pool for.</param>
 /// <returns>Game object gathered from the pool.</returns>
 public GameObject GatherFromPool(ref int Slot, GameObject Prefab, Transform SpawnPoint, SpawnTarget WhichTarget)
     Slot = iFindPoolSlotID(Prefab, WhichTarget) + 1;
     if (GlobalFuncs.DEBUGGING_MESSAGES)
         Debug.Log("Gathering magic from the pool id " + Slot + " for " + Prefab.name);
     return(GatherFromPool(Slot - 1, SpawnPoint));
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Use to set the targeting on various components before making active
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Called per spell when pooling is disabled however when pooling is enabled
        /// a master instance is created for cloning of each spell and the targeting is only set once
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="MasterInstance"></param>
        /// <param name="Target"></param>
        /// <param name="SlotID"></param>
        public static void SetComponentTagsSlotsAndLayers(ref GameObject MasterInstance, SpawnTarget Target, int SlotID)
            // grab target tag list
            string[]  TargetTags;
            LayerMask TargetLayers;

            string[]  InverseTargetTags;
            LayerMask InverseTargetLayers;

            switch (Target)
            case SpawnTarget.Friend:
                TargetTags          = targetingTagsFriend;
                TargetLayers        = targetingLayerMaskFriend;
                InverseTargetTags   = targetingTagsEnemy;
                InverseTargetLayers = targetingLayerMaskEnemy;

            case SpawnTarget.Enemy:
                TargetTags          = targetingTagsEnemy;
                TargetLayers        = targetingLayerMaskEnemy;
                InverseTargetTags   = targetingTagsFriend;
                InverseTargetLayers = targetingLayerMaskFriend;

                InverseTargetTags   = TargetTags = targetingTagsAll;
                InverseTargetLayers = TargetLayers = targetingLayerMaskAll;

            // set magic projectile target, tags, layers
            MagicProjectile[] allmProjectile = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <MagicProjectile>();
            foreach (MagicProjectile mProjectile in allmProjectile)
                mProjectile.Target      = Target;
                mProjectile.iPoolSlotID = SlotID + 1;
                switch (Target)
                case SpawnTarget.Friend:
                    mProjectile.HeatSeekTags   = targetingTagsFriend;
                    mProjectile.HeatSeekLayers = targetingLayerMaskFriend;

                case SpawnTarget.Enemy:
                    mProjectile.HeatSeekTags   = targetingTagsEnemy;
                    mProjectile.HeatSeekLayers = targetingLayerMaskEnemy;

                    mProjectile.HeatSeekTags   = targetingTagsAll;
                    mProjectile.HeatSeekLayers = targetingLayerMaskAll;

            // target and slot for teleport
            MagicTeleport mt = MasterInstance.GetComponentInChildren <MagicTeleport>();

            if (mt)
                mt.Target       = Target;
                mt.PoolSlotID   = SlotID + 1;
                mt.TargetLayers = TargetLayers;
                mt.TargetTags   = TargetTags;

            // vobjectdamage  target tags
            vObjectDamage[] allVDamage = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <vObjectDamage>();
            foreach (vObjectDamage vd in allVDamage)
                vd.tags = TargetTags.ToList();

            // targeting for physics
            MagicProjectilePhysics[] allmPhysics = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <MagicProjectilePhysics>();
            foreach (MagicProjectilePhysics mpp in allmPhysics)
                mpp.TargetLayers = Target;

            // and heal
            MagicHeal[] allHeal = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <MagicHeal>();
            foreach (MagicHeal mh in allHeal)
                mh.HealTargetLayers = InverseTargetLayers;
                mh.HealTargetTags   = InverseTargetTags;

            // same for magic damage
            MagicObjectDamage[] allmDamage = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <MagicObjectDamage>();
            foreach (MagicObjectDamage md in allmDamage)
                md.AOETarget = Target;

            // slot for DestroyAndSpawn
            DestroyGameObjectAndSpawn[] allmDOS = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <DestroyGameObjectAndSpawn>();
            foreach (DestroyGameObjectAndSpawn dos in allmDOS)
                dos.iPoolSlotID = SlotID + 1;
                dos.Target      = Target;

            // slot for DestroyAndSpawn
            DelayedSpawn[] allmDS = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <DelayedSpawn>();
            foreach (DelayedSpawn ds in allmDS)
                ds.iPoolSlotID = SlotID + 1;

            // same for collectible
            CollectableItem[] allmCI = MasterInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <CollectableItem>();
            foreach (CollectableItem ci in allmCI)
                ci.iPoolSlotID = SlotID + 1;
Example #16
        }  // trigger all spawns in the array

        /// <summary>
        /// Spawn with the minimum options aka basic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Prefab">Prefab to spawn.</param>
        /// <param name="HowMany">Number of instances.</param>
        /// <param name="Where">Transform to center the spawns at.</param>
        /// <param name="Radius">Random radius options.</param>
        /// <param name="Target">Spawn targeting.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <GameObject> SpawnBasic(GameObject Prefab, int HowMany, Transform Where, RandomSphereOptions Radius, SpawnTarget Target)
            // set up
            var retunedSpawns = new List <GameObject>();

            if (HowMany <= 0)
                HowMany = 1;

            // generate instances
            for (int i = 0; i < HowMany; i++)
                var soSpawnMe = new SpawnerOptionsDelayedSequence();
                soSpawnMe.Prefab              = Prefab;
                soSpawnMe.NumberToSpawn       = 1;
                soSpawnMe.RandomSphere        = Radius;
                soSpawnMe.PhysicsForceOptions = new PhysicsOptions();
                soSpawnMe.RandomRotate        = new RandomRotateOptions();
                retunedSpawns.Add(soSpawnMe.Spawn(Where, Target));

            // all done
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawn a list of prefabs via a derived spawner options list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Spawns">List of the prefabs to spawn.</param>
        /// <param name="Delay">Initial delay.</param>
        /// <param name="NoneSequential">Spawn copies of each in the spawn array in a blocks until no more</param>
        /// <param name="SpawnPoint">Transform to spawn at.</param>
        /// <param name="DestroyWhenFinished">Destroy parent when spawning complete.</param>
        /// <param name="DestroyPoolSlotID">Pool slot to return the parent to if parent was pooled.</param>
        /// <param name="FaceSpawnPoint">Force spawned game objects to face the spawn point.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichTarget">Targeting selection.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerator SpawnAllDelayed(List <SpawnerOptionsDelayedSequence> Spawns, float Delay, bool NoneSequential,
                                                  Transform SpawnPoint, GameObject DestroyWhenFinished, int DestroyPoolSlotID, bool FaceSpawnPoint, SpawnTarget WhichTarget)
            // wait for x seconds before starting
            if (Delay > 0)
            {                                            // not instant?
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Delay)); // wait

            // spawn the list
            if (NoneSequential)
            { // process the list instances elm 0-x looped until no more to spawn
                bool bFoundMore = true;
                int  iNext      = 0;
                while (bFoundMore)
                {                                                                                // process until no more
                    bFoundMore = false;                                                          // exit loop
                    iNext     += 1;                                                              // number to spawn test increment
                    foreach (SpawnerOptionsDelayedSequence soSpawnMe in Spawns)
                    {                                                                            // process all spawnables
                        if (soSpawnMe.NumberToSpawn >= iNext)
                        {                                                                        // spawn another instance
                            bFoundMore = true;                                                   // loop again
                            if (FaceSpawnPoint)
                            {                                                                    // rotate to face spawn point
                                GameObject goSpawned = soSpawnMe.Spawn(SpawnPoint, WhichTarget); // create instance
                                goSpawned.transform.LookAt(SpawnPoint);                          // rotate to source
                            {                                             // nope, just spawn
                                soSpawnMe.Spawn(SpawnPoint, WhichTarget); // create instance
                            if (soSpawnMe.SourceOfAudio && soSpawnMe.PlayOnSpawn)
                            {                                                             // play audio?
                                if (!soSpawnMe.SourceOfAudio.isPlaying)
                                {                                                         // ignore if already playing
                                    soSpawnMe.SourceOfAudio.clip = soSpawnMe.PlayOnSpawn; // set the clip
                                    soSpawnMe.SourceOfAudio.Play();                       // play the clip
                            if (soSpawnMe.DelayTillNext > 0)
                            {                                                              // delay enabled?
                                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(soSpawnMe.DelayTillNext)); // wait
            {                                                                                // sequential
                foreach (SpawnerOptionsDelayedSequence soSpawnMe in Spawns)
                {                                                                            // process all spawnables
                    for (int i = 0; i < soSpawnMe.NumberToSpawn; i++)
                    {                                                                        // process desired number
                        if (FaceSpawnPoint)
                        {                                                                    // rotate to face spawn point
                            GameObject goSpawned = soSpawnMe.Spawn(SpawnPoint, WhichTarget); // create instance
                            goSpawned.transform.LookAt(SpawnPoint);                          // rotate to source
                        {                                             // nope, just spawn
                            soSpawnMe.Spawn(SpawnPoint, WhichTarget); // create instance
                        if (soSpawnMe.DelayTillNext > 0)
                        {                                                              // delay enabled?
                            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(soSpawnMe.DelayTillNext)); // wait

            // optional destruction
            if (DestroyWhenFinished)
            {                                                                     // destruction prefab specified?
                ReturnToThePoolOrDestroy(DestroyPoolSlotID, DestroyWhenFinished); // attempt pooled returned
        }  // trigger all spawns in the array
Example #18
    private Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> MakeDrop(SpawnTarget spawnTarget, Transform target) //left is on failure, right is on success
        var parenTracker = target.GetComponent <LayoutTracker>();

        List <int> index = parenTracker.index;

        var my_term = myCombinator == null
            ? Shrub <Sum <Combinator, Variable> > .Node(new List <Shrub <Sum <Combinator, Variable> > >())
            : Shrub <Sum <Combinator, Variable> > .Leaf(Sum <Combinator, Variable> .Inl(myCombinator));

        if (!target.GetComponentInParent <DraggableHolder>())
            return(Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inl(DestroyMe));

        if (spawnTarget && !spawnTarget.NoBackApplication.val) //Back application
            if (myCombinator == null)
            { //You are a parenthesis
                int my_index;
                for (my_index = 0; my_index < target.childCount; my_index++)
                    if (transform.position.x < target.GetChild(my_index).position.x - target.GetChild(my_index).localScale.x / 4f)

                if (true /*my_index != target.childCount*/)
                    return(Util.BackApplyParen(spawnTarget.goal, index.Skip(1).ToList(), my_index).Match(t =>
                        List <IHighlightable> selected = new List <IHighlightable>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < my_index; i++)
                            selected = selected.Concat(target.GetChild(i).GetComponentsInChildren <IHighlightable>()).ToList();
                        PreviewRedundantParenInfo prp = new PreviewRedundantParenInfo(index, my_index, () =>
                            spawnTarget.addParens(index.Skip(1).ToList(), my_index, GetComponent <LayoutTracker>(), t);

                            foreach (IHighlightable highlightable in selected)
                            myDraggableType = DraggableHolder.DraggableType.RedundantParens;
                        }, () =>
                            foreach (IHighlightable highlightable in selected)
                        }, () =>
                            foreach (IHighlightable highlightable in selected)
                        return Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inr(PreviewInfo.In2(prp));
                    }, _ =>
                        return Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inl(DestroyMe);
                    return(Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inl(DestroyMe));
            { //You not are a parenthesis
                HighlightParen hightligher = parenTracker.GetComponent <HighlightParen>();
                return(Util.BackApply(spawnTarget.goal, myCombinator, index.Skip(1).ToList()).Match(t =>

                                                                                                    Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inr(PreviewInfo.In1(new PreviewBackCombinatorInfo(spawnTarget, parenTracker, index, () => {

                    spawnTarget.unApply(t, GetComponent <LayoutTracker>(), myCombinator, index.Skip(1).ToList());

                    myDraggableType = DraggableHolder.DraggableType.NoDragging;
                }, hightligher.select, hightligher.unselect)))

                                                                                                    , _ => Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inl(DestroyMe)));
        else if (!spawnTarget && !NoForwardMode.val && target.GetComponentInParent <DraggableHolder>() && target.GetComponentInParent <DraggableHolder>().myType == DraggableHolder.DraggableType.Proposal) //forward application
            if (evaluationMode.val)
                return(Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inl(DestroyMe));

            int my_index;
            for (my_index = 0; my_index < target.childCount; my_index++)
                if (transform.position.x < target.GetChild(my_index).position.x)
            var sm = target.GetComponentInParent <SymbolManager>();
            return(Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inr(
                       PreviewInfo.In0(new PreviewForwardInfo(sm, index, target, my_index, () => {
                //if (pushUndoProposalTerm) {
                //	pushUndoProposalTerm.Invoke(sm.readTerm());
                //} else {
                //	Debug.LogError("pushUndoProposalTerm is null in DraggableSpell: " + this);
                sm.Insert(index.Skip(1).Append(my_index).ToList(), my_term);

                // paren = AccessTransfrom(topTracker, paren_index);

                transform.SetParent(target, true);
                myDraggableType = DraggableHolder.DraggableType.Proposal;
            }, UnPlace))
        return(Sum <Action, PreviewInfo> .Inl(DestroyMe));