Example #1
 //Set how we're going to behave.
 //For convenience, we're just going to assume we're in a Wave
 //    and acta lie it.
 //Offset is a little offset from the targetPositions, so we don't have
 //    waves all over each other.
 public void SetWaveAI(SpawnTDS.Wave parent, Vector3 offset)
     //This actually gets called before Start, apparently.
     this.wave = parent;
     this.offset = offset;
     this.nextFire = 10000;//Time.time + Random.Range(0f, this.wave.at.fireInterval);
Example #2
 // This is specially for switching the asteroid spawner on
 void W(SpawnTDS.FormationType f)
     waveList.Add(new SpawnTDS.Wave(f));
Example #3
 /** Temporary(?) Elite control. It tries to follow what's in the wave. */
 public void DoWave(SpawnTDS.Wave w)
     this.wave = w;
     this.entryState = EntryState.Spawned;
Example #4
 /** This is where I do things. Basic "define what you want and it's dealt with here */
 void W(SpawnTDS.FormationType f, SpawnTDS.EntryBehavior en, SpawnTDS.LoiterBehavior l, SpawnTDS.AttackType a, SpawnTDS.ExitTrigger ext, SpawnTDS.ExitBehavior exb, float timeTillNextWave)
     // This will do things.
     waveList.Add(new SpawnTDS.Wave(f, en, l, a, ext, exb, timeTillNextWave));