Example #1
        public void WhenDestroyed(DestructionInfo info)
            // rare cases were gameObject is destroyed for some reason and then the method is called
            if (gameObject == null)

            Inventory.ServerSpawnPrefab(powerControlModule, powerControlSlot, ReplacementStrategy.Cancel);
            Inventory.ServerSpawnPrefab(powerCell, powerCellSlot, ReplacementStrategy.Cancel);

            SpawnResult frameSpawn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(APCFrameObj, SpawnDestination.At(gameObject));

            if (frameSpawn.Successful == false)
                Logger.LogError($"Failed to spawn frame! Is {this} missing references in the inspector?", Category.Construction);

            GameObject frame = frameSpawn.GameObject;

            frame.GetComponent <APCFrame>().ServerInitFromComputer(this);

            var Directional = frame.GetComponent <Directional>();

            if (Directional != null)
                Directional.FaceDirection(gameObject.GetComponent <Directional>().CurrentDirection);

            _ = Despawn.ServerSingle(gameObject);

Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Finish cooking the microwaved meal.
    /// </summary>
    private void FinishCooking()
        spriteRenderer.sprite = SPRITE_OFF;
        if (isServer)
            GameObject  mealPrefab = CraftingManager.Meals.FindOutputMeal(meal);
            SpawnResult result     = Spawn.ServerPrefab(mealPrefab, GetComponent <RegisterTile>().WorldPosition, transform.parent);

            //If the resulting meal has a stackable component, set the amount to mealCount to ensure that food in = food out.
            Stackable stck = result.GameObject.GetComponent <Stackable>();

            if (stck != null && mealCount != 0)
                //Get difference between new item's initial amount and the amount held by mealCount (amount of ingredient).
                int stckChanger = mealCount - stck.Amount;

                //If stckChanger is 0, do nothing.
                //If stckChanger is positive, add to stack.
                if (stckChanger > 0)
                else if (stckChanger < 0)
                    //If stckChanger is positive, remove stack.
        meal      = null;
        mealCount = 0;
Example #3
        public void WhenDestroyed(DestructionInfo info)
            //drop all our contents
            ItemStorage itemStorage = null;

            // rare cases were gameObject is destroyed for some reason and then the method is called
            if (gameObject == null)

            itemStorage = GetComponent <ItemStorage>();

            if (itemStorage != null)

            SpawnResult frameSpawn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(CommonPrefabs.Instance.MachineFrame, SpawnDestination.At(gameObject));

            if (!frameSpawn.Successful)
                Logger.LogError($"Failed to spawn frame! Is {this} missing references in the inspector?", Category.Construction);

            GameObject frame = frameSpawn.GameObject;

            frame.GetComponent <MachineFrame>().ServerInitFromComputer(this);


Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Server-side only. Performs the spawn and syncs it to all clients.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static SpawnResult Server(SpawnInfo info, bool AutoOnSpawnServerHook = true)
        if (info == null)
            Logger.LogError("Cannot spawn, info is null", Category.ItemSpawn);

        Logger.LogTraceFormat("Server spawning {0}", Category.ItemSpawn, info);

        List <GameObject> spawnedObjects = new List <GameObject>();

        for (int i = 0; i < info.Count; i++)
            var result = info.SpawnableToSpawn.SpawnAt(info.SpawnDestination);

            if (result.Successful)
                //apply scattering if it was specified
                if (info.ScatterRadius != null)
                    foreach (var spawned in spawnedObjects)
                        var cnt           = spawned.GetComponent <CustomNetTransform>();
                        var scatterRadius = info.ScatterRadius.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                        if (cnt != null)
                            cnt.SetPosition(info.SpawnDestination.WorldPosition + new Vector3(Random.Range(-scatterRadius, scatterRadius), Random.Range(-scatterRadius, scatterRadius)));

        //fire hooks for all spawned objects
        SpawnResult spawnResult = null;

        if (spawnedObjects.Count == 1)
            spawnResult = SpawnResult.Single(info, spawnedObjects[0]);
            spawnResult = SpawnResult.Multiple(info, spawnedObjects);

        if (AutoOnSpawnServerHook)

Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs the specified spawn locally, for this client only. Must not be called on
    /// networked objects (objects with NetworkIdentity), or you will get unpredictable behavior.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static SpawnResult Client(SpawnInfo info)
        if (info == null)
            Logger.LogError("Cannot spawn, info is null", Category.ItemSpawn);

        if (info.SpawnableToSpawn is IClientSpawnable clientSpawnable)
            List <GameObject> spawnedObjects = new List <GameObject>();
            for (var i = 0; i < info.Count; i++)
                var result = clientSpawnable.ClientSpawnAt(info.SpawnDestination);
                if (result.Successful)

            if (spawnedObjects.Count == 1)
                return(SpawnResult.Single(info, spawnedObjects[0]));

            return(SpawnResult.Multiple(info, spawnedObjects));
            Logger.LogErrorFormat("Cannot spawn {0} client side, spawnable does not" +
                                  " implement IClientSpawnable", Category.ItemSpawn, info);
Example #6
        public void Dispense(GameObject objectPrefab, PipeLayer pipeLayer, Color pipeColor)
            if (MachineOperating || securable.IsAnchored == false)

            this.RestartCoroutine(SetMachineOperating(), ref animationRoutine);
            SpawnResult spawnResult = Spawn.ServerPrefab(objectPrefab, objectBehaviour.AssumedWorldPositionServer());

            if (spawnResult.Successful)
                spawnResult.GameObject.GetComponent <PipeItem>()?.SetColour(pipeColor);

                newPipe = new PipeObjectSettings
                    pipeObject = spawnResult.GameObject,
                    pipeColor  = pipeColor
                Logger.LogError($"Failed to spawn an object from {name}! Is GUI_{name} missing reference to object prefab?",
Example #7
    public void ServerPerformInteraction(InventoryApply interaction)
        //is the target item chopable?
        ItemAttributesV2 attr       = interaction.TargetObject.GetComponent <ItemAttributesV2>();
        Ingredient       ingredient = new Ingredient(attr.ArticleName);
        GameObject       cut        = CraftingManager.Logs.FindRecipe(new List <Ingredient> {

        if (cut != null)

            SpawnResult spwn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(CraftingManager.Logs.FindOutputMeal(cut.name),
                                                  SpawnDestination.At(), 1);

            if (spwn.Successful)
                //foreach (GameObject obj in spwn.GameObjects)
                //	Inventory.ServerAdd(obj,interaction.TargetSlot);

                Inventory.ServerAdd(spwn.GameObject, interaction.TargetSlot);
            Chat.AddExamineMsgFromServer(interaction.Performer, "You can't chop this.");
Example #8
    public void ServerPerformInteraction(InventoryApply interaction)
        //is the target item cuttable?
        ItemAttributesV2 attr       = interaction.TargetObject.GetComponent <ItemAttributesV2>();
        Ingredient       ingredient = new Ingredient(attr.ArticleName);
        GameObject       roll       = CraftingManager.Roll.FindRecipe(new List <Ingredient> {

        if (roll)

            SpawnResult spwn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(CraftingManager.Roll.FindOutputMeal(roll.name),
                                                  SpawnDestination.At(), 1);

            if (spwn.Successful)
                Inventory.ServerAdd(spwn.GameObject, interaction.TargetSlot);
            Chat.AddExamineMsgFromServer(interaction.Performer, "You can't roll this out.");
Example #9
        public void Dispense(GameObject objectPrefab, PipeLayer pipeLayer, Color pipeColor)
            if (MachineOperating || securable.IsAnchored == false)

            this.RestartCoroutine(SetMachineOperating(), ref animationRoutine);
            SpawnResult spawnResult = Spawn.ServerPrefab(objectPrefab, objectBehaviour.AssumedWorldPositionServer());

            if (spawnResult.Successful == false)
                    $"Failed to spawn an object from {name}! " +
                    $"Is {nameof(UI.Objects.Atmospherics.GUI_PipeDispenser)} missing reference to object prefab?",

            foreach (var spriteHandler in spawnResult.GameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteHandler>())

            if (spawnResult.GameObject.TryGetComponent <PipeItem>(out var pipe))
                pipe.Colour = pipeColor;
        //Force use through Fail
        protected DefaultEntitySpawnDetails(SpawnResult failureReason)
            if (failureReason == SpawnResult.Success)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Provided {nameof(SpawnResult)} was successful but should have been a failure.");

            Result = failureReason;
Example #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a new player character and transfers the connection's control into the new body.
    /// If existingMind is null, creates the new mind and assigns it to the new body.
    /// Fires server and client side player spawn hooks.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connection">connection to give control to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="occupation">occupation of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="characterSettings">settings of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="existingMind">existing mind to transfer to the new player, if null new mind will be created
    /// and assigned to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="spawnPos">world position to spawn at</param>
    /// <param name="naked">If spawning a player, should the player spawn without the defined initial equipment for their occupation?</param>
    /// <param name="willDestroyOldBody">if true, indicates the old body is going to be destroyed rather than pooled,
    /// thus we shouldn't send any network message which reference's the old body's ID since it won't exist.</param>
    /// <returns>the spawned object</returns>
    private static GameObject ServerSpawnInternal(NetworkConnection connection, Occupation occupation, CharacterSettings characterSettings,
                                                  Mind existingMind, Vector3Int?spawnPos = null, bool naked = false, bool willDestroyOldBody = false)
        //determine where to spawn them
        if (spawnPos == null)
            Transform spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(occupation.JobType);
            if (spawnTransform == null)
                    "Unable to determine spawn position for connection {0} occupation {1}. Cannot spawn player.",
                    connection.address, occupation.DisplayName);

            spawnPos = spawnTransform.transform.position.CutToInt();

        //create the player object
        var newPlayer       = ServerCreatePlayer(spawnPos.GetValueOrDefault());
        var newPlayerScript = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();

        //get the old body if they have one.
        var oldBody = existingMind?.GetCurrentMob();

        //transfer control to the player object
        ServerTransferPlayer(connection, newPlayer, oldBody, EVENT.PlayerSpawned, characterSettings, willDestroyOldBody);

        if (existingMind == null)
            //create the mind of the player
            Mind.Create(newPlayer, occupation);
            //transfer the mind to the new body

        var ps = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();
        var connectedPlayer = PlayerList.Instance.Get(connection);

        connectedPlayer.Name = ps.playerName;
        connectedPlayer.Job  = ps.mind.occupation.JobType;

        //fire all hooks
        var info = SpawnInfo.Player(occupation, characterSettings, CustomNetworkManager.Instance.humanPlayerPrefab,
                                    SpawnDestination.At(spawnPos), naked: naked);

        Spawn._ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult.Single(info, newPlayer));

Example #12
        private void SpawnContagionSpot(SymptomManifestation symptomManifestation, Vector3 position)
            SpawnResult spawnResult = Spawn.ServerPrefab(contagionPrefab, position, null, null, 1, null, true);

            if (spawnResult.Successful)
                spawnResult.GameObject.GetComponent <Contagion>().Sickness = symptomManifestation.SicknessAffliction.Sickness;
Example #13
        public static GameObject SpawnVirtualContainer(Vector3Int worldPosition)
            SpawnResult virtualContainerSpawn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(Instance.VirtualContainerPrefab, worldPosition);

            if (!virtualContainerSpawn.Successful)
                    "Failed to spawn disposal virtual container! " +
                    $"Is {nameof(DisposalsManager)} missing reference to {nameof(Instance.VirtualContainerPrefab)}?");
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// NOTE: For internal lifecycle system use only.
 /// Fires all the server side spawn hooks for the given spawn and messages all clients telling them to fire their
 /// client-side hooks. Should only be called after object becomes networked / known by clients.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 public static void _ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult result)
     //fire server hooks
     foreach (var spawnedObject in result.GameObjects)
         var comps = spawnedObject.GetComponentsInChildren <IServerSpawn>();
         foreach (var comp in comps)
Example #15
    private void PerformCut(InventoryApply interaction, GameObject cut)

        SpawnResult spwn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(CraftingManager.Cuts.FindOutputMeal(cut.name),
                                              SpawnDestination.At(), 1);

        if (spwn.Successful)
            Inventory.ServerAdd(spwn.GameObject, interaction.TargetSlot);
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Inform all clients about this spawn event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result">results of the spawn that was already performed server side</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static void SendToAll(SpawnResult result)
     foreach (var spawnedObject in result.GameObjects)
         SpawnMessage msg = new SpawnMessage
             SpawnedObject = spawnedObject.NetId(),
             ClonedFrom    = result.SpawnInfo.SpawnType == SpawnType.Clone ? result.SpawnInfo.ClonedFrom.NetId() : NetId.Invalid
        public DefaultEntitySpawnDetails(GameObject gameObject)
            if (gameObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(gameObject), $"Provided {nameof(gameObject)} {nameof(GameObject)} argument must not be null.");

            EntityGameObject = gameObject;

            //alaways success if provided game object
            Result = SpawnResult.Success;
Example #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a ghost for the indicated mind's body and transfers the connection's control to it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="conn"></param>
    /// <param name="oldBody"></param>
    /// <param name="characterSettings"></param>
    /// <param name="occupation"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static void ServerSpawnGhost(Mind forMind)
        //determine where to spawn the ghost
        var body         = forMind.GetCurrentMob();
        var settings     = body.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().characterSettings;
        var connection   = body.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().connectionToClient;
        var registerTile = body.GetComponent <RegisterTile>();

        if (registerTile == null)
            Logger.LogErrorFormat("Cannot spawn ghost for body {0} because it has no registerTile", Category.ItemSpawn,

        Vector3Int spawnPosition = body.GetComponent <ObjectBehaviour>().AssumedWorldPositionServer().RoundToInt();

        if (spawnPosition == TransformState.HiddenPos)
            //spawn ghost at occupation location if we can't determine where their body is
            Transform spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(forMind.occupation.JobType);
            if (spawnTransform == null)
                Logger.LogErrorFormat("Unable to determine spawn position for occupation {1}. Cannot spawn ghost.", Category.ItemSpawn,

            spawnPosition = spawnTransform.transform.position.CutToInt();

        var matrixInfo      = MatrixManager.AtPoint(spawnPosition, true);
        var parentNetId     = matrixInfo.NetID;
        var parentTransform = matrixInfo.Objects;

        //using parentTransform.rotation rather than Quaternion.identity because objects should always
        //be upright w.r.t.  localRotation, NOT world rotation
        var ghost = Object.Instantiate(CustomNetworkManager.Instance.ghostPrefab, spawnPosition, parentTransform.rotation,

        ghost.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().registerTile.ServerSetNetworkedMatrixNetID(parentNetId);


        ServerTransferPlayer(connection, ghost, body, EVENT.GhostSpawned, settings);

        //fire all hooks
        var info = SpawnInfo.Ghost(forMind.occupation, settings, CustomNetworkManager.Instance.ghostPrefab,
                                   SpawnDestination.At(spawnPosition, parentTransform));

        Spawn._ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult.Single(info, ghost));
Example #19
        private bool SpawnGunInHand(ConnectedPlayer caster)
            SpawnResult result = Spawn.ServerPrefab(gunPrefab, caster.Script.WorldPos);

            if (result.Successful)
                GameObject firstGun = result.GameObject;
                ItemSlot   bestSlot = caster.Script.ItemStorage.GetBestHandOrSlotFor(firstGun);
                Inventory.ServerAdd(firstGun, bestSlot);


            Logger.LogError($"Failed to spawn {gunPrefab} for {this}!");
Example #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs the specified spawn locally, for this client only.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static SpawnResult Client(SpawnInfo info)
        if (info == null)
            Logger.LogError("Cannot spawn, info is null", Category.ItemSpawn);

        if (info.SpawnableToSpawn is IClientSpawnable clientSpawnable)
            List <GameObject> spawnedObjects = new List <GameObject>();
            for (var i = 0; i < info.Count; i++)
                var result = clientSpawnable.ClientSpawnAt(info.SpawnDestination);
                if (result.Successful)

            //fire client side lifecycle hooks
            foreach (var spawnedObject in spawnedObjects)
                var hooks = spawnedObject.GetComponents <IClientSpawn>();
                if (hooks != null)
                    foreach (var hook in hooks)

            if (spawnedObjects.Count == 1)
                return(SpawnResult.Single(info, spawnedObjects[0]));

            return(SpawnResult.Multiple(info, spawnedObjects));
            Logger.LogErrorFormat("Cannot spawn {0} client side, spawnable does not" +
                                  " implement IClientSpawnable", Category.ItemSpawn, info);
Example #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns an assistant dummy
    /// </summary>
    public static void ServerSpawnDummy()
        Transform spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(JobType.ASSISTANT);

        if (spawnTransform != null)
            var dummy = ServerCreatePlayer(spawnTransform.position.RoundToInt());

            ServerTransferPlayer(null, dummy, null, EVENT.PlayerSpawned, new CharacterSettings());

            //fire all hooks
            var info = SpawnInfo.Player(OccupationList.Instance.Get(JobType.ASSISTANT), new CharacterSettings(), CustomNetworkManager.Instance.humanPlayerPrefab,
            Spawn._ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult.Single(info, dummy));
Example #22
    /// <summary>
    /// NOTE: For internal lifecycle system use only.
    /// Fires all the server side spawn hooks for the given spawn and messages all clients telling them to fire their
    /// client-side hooks. Should only be called after object becomes networked / known by clients.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="result"></param>
    public static void _ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult result)
        //fire server hooks
        foreach (var spawnedObject in result.GameObjects)
            var comps = spawnedObject.GetComponents <IServerSpawn>();
            if (comps != null)
                foreach (var comp in comps)

        //fire client hooks
Example #23
	void ServerInit(MatrixInfo matrixInfo)
		SpawnResult traySpawn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(trayPrefab, DrawerWorldPosition);
		if (!traySpawn.Successful)
			throw new MissingReferenceException($"Failed to spawn tray! Is {name} prefab missing reference to tray prefab?");
		tray = traySpawn.GameObject;

		traySpriteHandler = tray.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteHandler>();
		trayTransform = tray.GetComponent<CustomNetTransform>();
		trayBehaviour = tray.GetComponent<ObjectBehaviour>();
		trayBehaviour.parentContainer = drawerPushPull;
		trayBehaviour.VisibleState = false;

		// These two will sync drawer state/orientation and render appropriate sprite
		drawerState = DrawerState.Shut;
		drawerOrientation = directional.CurrentDirection;
Example #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs the specified spawn locally, for this client only.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static SpawnResult Client(SpawnInfo info)
        if (info == null)
            Logger.LogError("Cannot spawn, info is null", Category.ItemSpawn);
        List <GameObject> spawnedObjects = new List <GameObject>();

        for (var i = 0; i < info.Count; i++)
            if (info.SpawnableType == SpawnableType.Cloth)
                Logger.LogErrorFormat("Spawning cloths on client side is not currently supported. {0}", Category.ItemSpawn, info);

            bool isPooled;             // not used for Client-only instantiation
            var  go = PoolInstantiate(info.PrefabUsed, info.WorldPosition, info.Rotation, info.Parent, out isPooled);


        //fire client side lifecycle hooks
        foreach (var spawnedObject in spawnedObjects)
            var hooks = spawnedObject.GetComponents <IClientSpawn>();
            if (hooks != null)
                foreach (var hook in hooks)

        if (spawnedObjects.Count == 1)
            return(SpawnResult.Single(info, spawnedObjects[0]));

        return(SpawnResult.Multiple(info, spawnedObjects));
    public void ServerPerformInteraction(InventoryApply interaction)
        //is the target item another ingredient?
        ItemAttributesV2 attr       = interaction.TargetObject.GetComponent <ItemAttributesV2>();
        ItemAttributesV2 selfattr   = interaction.UsedObject.GetComponent <ItemAttributesV2>();
        Ingredient       ingredient = new Ingredient(attr.ArticleName);
        Ingredient       self       = new Ingredient(selfattr.ArticleName);
        GameObject       cut        = CraftingManager.SimpleMeal.FindRecipe(new List <Ingredient> {
            ingredient, self
        GameObject cut2 = CraftingManager.SimpleMeal.FindRecipe(new List <Ingredient> {
            self, ingredient

        if (cut)

            SpawnResult spwn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(CraftingManager.SimpleMeal.FindOutputMeal(cut.name),
                                                  SpawnDestination.At(), 1);

            if (spwn.Successful)
                Inventory.ServerAdd(spwn.GameObject, interaction.TargetSlot);
        else if (cut2)

            SpawnResult spwn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(CraftingManager.SimpleMeal.FindOutputMeal(cut2.name),
                                                  SpawnDestination.At(), 1);

            if (spwn.Successful)
                Inventory.ServerAdd(spwn.GameObject, interaction.TargetSlot);
Example #26
    /// <summary>
    /// Finish cooking the microwaved meal.
    /// </summary>
    private void FinishCooking()
        spriteRenderer.sprite = SPRITE_OFF;

        if (isServer && mealCount > 0)
            GameObject mealPrefab    = CraftingManager.Meals.FindOutputMeal(meal);
            Vector3Int spawnPosition = GetComponent <RegisterTile>().WorldPosition;

            SpawnResult result = Spawn.ServerPrefab(mealPrefab, spawnPosition, transform.parent);
            Stackable   stck   = result.GameObject.GetComponent <Stackable>();

            if (stck != null)               // If the meal has a stackable component, set the correct number of meals
                int mealDeficit = mealCount - stck.InitialAmount;

                while (mealDeficit > 0)
                    mealDeficit = stck.ServerIncrease(mealDeficit);

                    if (mealDeficit > 0)
                        result       = Spawn.ServerPrefab(mealPrefab, spawnPosition, transform.parent);
                        stck         = result.GameObject.GetComponent <Stackable>();
                        mealDeficit -= stck.InitialAmount;

                if (mealDeficit < 0)                 // Reduce the stack if our last spawned stackable results in too many meals
            else if (mealCount > 1)             // Spawn non-stackable meals
                Spawn.ServerPrefab(mealPrefab, spawnPosition, transform.parent, count: mealCount - 1);
        meal      = null;
        mealCount = 0;
Example #27
    void ServerInit(MatrixInfo matrixInfo)
        SpawnResult traySpawn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(trayPrefab, DrawerWorldPosition);

        if (!traySpawn.Successful)
            Logger.LogError($"Failed to spawn tray! Is {name} prefab missing reference to {nameof(traySpawn)} prefab?");
        tray = traySpawn.GameObject;

        tray.GetComponent <InteractableDrawerTray>().parentDrawer = this;
        traySpriteHandler             = tray.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteHandler>();
        trayTransform                 = tray.GetComponent <CustomNetTransform>();
        trayBehaviour                 = tray.GetComponent <ObjectBehaviour>();
        trayBehaviour.parentContainer = drawerPushPull;
        trayBehaviour.VisibleState    = false;

    private void Flip()
        SpawnResult flippedObjectSpawn = Spawn.ServerPrefab(flippedObject, gameObject.RegisterTile().WorldPositionServer);

        if (flippedObjectSpawn.Successful)
            if (flippedObjectSpawn.GameObject.TryGetComponent(out Directional directional))
                var initialOrientation = directional.CurrentDirection;

                $"Failed to spawn {name}'s flipped version! " +
                $"Is {name} missing reference to {nameof(flippedObject)} prefab?");
Example #29
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns an assistant dummy
    /// </summary>
    public static void ServerSpawnDummy(Transform spawnTransform = null)
        if (spawnTransform == null)
            spawnTransform = SpawnPoint.GetRandomPointForJob(JobType.ASSISTANT);
        if (spawnTransform != null)
            var dummy = ServerCreatePlayer(spawnTransform.position.RoundToInt());

            CharacterSettings randomSettings = CharacterSettings.RandomizeCharacterSettings();

            ServerTransferPlayer(null, dummy, null, Event.PlayerSpawned, randomSettings);

            //fire all hooks
            var info = SpawnInfo.Player(OccupationList.Instance.Get(JobType.ASSISTANT), randomSettings, CustomNetworkManager.Instance.humanPlayerPrefab,
            Spawn._ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult.Single(info, dummy));
Example #30
    IEnumerator SpawnEnemiesNow()
        foreach (SpawnArea area in spawnAreas)
            for (int i = 0; i < area.numberToSpawn; i++)
                float y = area.spawnLocation.position.y;
                ScaleToYaxis(y, area.typeOfStatDrop);

                if (y < 20f) // easy
                    ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(1, area.typeOfStatDrop);
                else if (y > 20f && y < 80f) // moderate
                    ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(1.5f, area.typeOfStatDrop);
                else if (y > 80f && y < 170f) // hard
                    ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(3f, area.typeOfStatDrop);
                else if (y > 170f)
                    ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(4f, area.typeOfStatDrop);

                if (area.typeOfEnemy == TypeOfEnemy.Skeleton)
                    SpawnResult result = new SpawnResult();
                    var skeleton = CreateSkeleton(area.prefab, area.spawnLocation.position + new Vector3(i, i, 0f),
                        HP_Median, Atk_Median, Def_Median,
                        AmountOfStatToGive, area.typeOfStatDrop);
                    skeleton.Spawner = this;
                    result.enemy = skeleton;  //polymorphism, reference this skeleton to compare later
                    result.source = area;   // reference this area values for respawning
                    spawnResults.Add(result); // add enemy to the list of spawned enemies

                if (area.townSkeleton)
                    yield return new WaitForSeconds(UnityEngine.Random.Range(2f, 5f));
            yield return null;
Example #31
    IEnumerator SpawnEnemiesNow()
        for (int u = 0; u < spawnAreas.Count; u++)
            for (int i = 0; i < spawnAreas[u].numberToSpawn; i++)
                int r1 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
                switch (r1)
                    case 1: spawnAreas[u].typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.HP; break;
                    case 2: spawnAreas[u].typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.ATK; break;
                    case 3: spawnAreas[u].typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.DEF; break;
                    default: spawnAreas[u].typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.HP; break;

                float y = spawnAreas[u].spawnLocation.position.y;
                //ScaleToYaxis(y, spawnAreas[u]);

                SpawnArea tempArea = new SpawnArea();
                if (y < 20f) // easy
                    tempArea = ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(1, spawnAreas[u]);
                else if (y > 20f && y < 80f) // moderate
                    tempArea = ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(2f, spawnAreas[u]);
                else if (y > 80f && y < 170f) // hard
                    tempArea = ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(3f, spawnAreas[u]);
                else if (y > 170f)
                    tempArea = ScaleEnemyToWeaponType(4f, spawnAreas[u]);

                if (spawnAreas[u].typeOfEnemy == TypeOfEnemy.Skeleton)
                    SpawnResult result = new SpawnResult();
                    var skeleton = CreateSkeleton(spawnAreas[u].prefab, spawnAreas[u].spawnLocation.position + new Vector3(i, i, 0f),
                        HP_Median, Atk_Median, Def_Median,
                        tempArea.amountOfStatToGive, spawnAreas[u].typeOfStatDrop);
                    skeleton.Spawner = this;
                    result.enemy = skeleton;  
                    result.source = spawnAreas[u];  
                    spawnResults.Add(result); // add enemy to the list of spawned enemies
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.05f);
            yield return null;
Example #32
    IEnumerator RespawnEnemy(SpawnResult sr)
        float r = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30f, 120f);
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(r);

        int r1 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
        switch (r1)
            case 1: sr.source.typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.HP; break;
            case 2:
            case 3: sr.source.typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.ATK; break;
            case 4: sr.source.typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.DEF; break;
            default: sr.source.typeOfStatDrop = TypeOfStatIncrease.HP; break;

        float y = sr.source.spawnLocation.position.y;
        ScaleToYaxis(y, sr.source);

        if (sr.source.typeOfEnemy == TypeOfEnemy.Skeleton)
            SpawnResult result = new SpawnResult();
            var skeleton = CreateSkeleton(sr.source.prefab, sr.source.spawnLocation.position,
                HP_Median, Atk_Median, Def_Median,
                AmountOfStatToGive, sr.source.typeOfStatDrop);
            skeleton.Spawner = this;
            result.enemy = skeleton;  //polymorphism, reference this skeleton to compare later
            result.source = sr.source;   // reference this area values for respawning
            spawnResults[spawnResults.IndexOf(sr)] = result; // assign new enemy into dead enemy's index in the list  
Example #33
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a new player character and transfers the connection's control into the new body.
    /// If existingMind is null, creates the new mind and assigns it to the new body.
    /// Fires server and client side player spawn hooks.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connection">connection to give control to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="occupation">occupation of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="characterSettings">settings of the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="existingMind">existing mind to transfer to the new player, if null new mind will be created
    /// and assigned to the new player character</param>
    /// <param name="spawnPos">world position to spawn at</param>
    /// <param name="spawnItems">If spawning a player, should the player spawn without the defined initial equipment for their occupation?</param>
    /// <param name="willDestroyOldBody">if true, indicates the old body is going to be destroyed rather than pooled,
    /// thus we shouldn't send any network message which reference's the old body's ID since it won't exist.</param>
    /// <returns>the spawned object</returns>
    private static GameObject ServerSpawnInternal(NetworkConnection connection, Occupation occupation, CharacterSettings characterSettings,
                                                  Mind existingMind, Vector3Int?spawnPos = null, bool spawnItems = true, bool willDestroyOldBody = false)
        //determine where to spawn them
        if (spawnPos == null)
            Transform spawnTransform;
            //Spawn normal location for special jobs or if less than 2 minutes passed
            if (GameManager.Instance.stationTime < ARRIVALS_SPAWN_TIME || occupation.LateSpawnIsArrivals == false)
                spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(occupation.JobType);
                spawnTransform = GetSpawnForLateJoin(occupation.JobType);
                //Fallback to assistant spawn location if none found for late join
                if (spawnTransform == null && occupation.JobType != JobType.NULL)
                    spawnTransform = GetSpawnForJob(JobType.ASSISTANT);

            if (spawnTransform == null)
                    "Unable to determine spawn position for connection {0} occupation {1}. Cannot spawn player.",
                    connection.address, occupation.DisplayName);

            spawnPos = spawnTransform.transform.position.CutToInt();

        //create the player object
        var newPlayer       = ServerCreatePlayer(spawnPos.GetValueOrDefault());
        var newPlayerScript = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();

        //get the old body if they have one.
        var oldBody = existingMind?.GetCurrentMob();

        //transfer control to the player object
        ServerTransferPlayer(connection, newPlayer, oldBody, EVENT.PlayerSpawned, characterSettings, willDestroyOldBody);

        if (existingMind == null)
            //create the mind of the player
            Mind.Create(newPlayer, occupation);
            //transfer the mind to the new body

        var ps = newPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>();
        var connectedPlayer = PlayerList.Instance.Get(connection);

        connectedPlayer.Name = ps.playerName;
        connectedPlayer.Job  = ps.mind.occupation.JobType;

        //fire all hooks
        var info = SpawnInfo.Player(occupation, characterSettings, CustomNetworkManager.Instance.humanPlayerPrefab,
                                    SpawnDestination.At(spawnPos), spawnItems: spawnItems);

        Spawn._ServerFireClientServerSpawnHooks(SpawnResult.Single(info, newPlayer));
