Example #1
        private static SparseTwinIndex <float> CreateData()
            var firstIndex  = new[] { 1, 1, 2, 2 };
            var secondIndex = new[] { 1, 2, 1, 2 };
            var data        = new[] { 0.25f, 0.75f, 2f, 2f };

            return(SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, data));
        private void LoadAgeDist()
            List <AgeDist> ageDistributions = new List <AgeDist>();
            var            ageCategories    = AgeCategories.Count;

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(AgeDistributionFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= ageCategories + 1)
                        float[] ageD = new float[ageCategories];
                        reader.Get(out int zone, 0);
                        for (int i = 1; i < reader.NumberOfCurrentCells; i++)
                            reader.Get(out ageD[i - 1], i);
                        ageDistributions.Add(new AgeDist {
                            Zone = zone, Percentages = ageD
            int numberOfSetZones = 0;

            foreach (var ageDist in ageDistributions)
                if (!PDZoneMap.TryGetValue(ageDist.Zone, out List <int> pd))
                    throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, "In " + Name + " we were unable to find a planning district for the zone number '" + ageDist.Zone + "' while loading the age distribution.");
                numberOfSetZones += pd.Count;

            var elements         = ageDistributions.Count;
            var first            = new int[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var second           = new int[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var d                = new float[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var validAgeCategory = AgeCategories.ValidIndexies().ToArray();
            int soFar            = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++)
                var zones = PDZoneMap[ageDistributions[i].Zone];
                foreach (var zone in zones)
                    for (int j = 0; j < ageCategories; j++)
                        first[soFar]  = zone;
                        second[soFar] = validAgeCategory[j];
                        d[soFar]      = ageDistributions[i].Percentages[j];
            AgeRates = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(first, second, d);
Example #3
        public void SparseTwinIndexTest()
            var    length = 1000000;
            Random r      = new Random();

            int[]   baseData = new int[length];
            int[][] position = GeneratePositions(2, length);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                baseData[i] = r.Next();
            var sparseData = SparseTwinIndex <int> .CreateTwinIndex(position[0], position[1], baseData);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (baseData[i] != sparseData[position[0][i], position[1][i]])
                    Assert.Fail($"{baseData[i]} != {sparseData[position[0][i], position[1][i]]}");
Example #4
        public void SparseTwinIndexTest()
            var    length = 1000000;
            Random r      = new Random();

            int[]   BaseData = new int[length];
            int[][] Position = GeneratePositions(2, length);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                BaseData[i] = r.Next();
            var sparseData = SparseTwinIndex <int> .CreateTwinIndex(Position[0], Position[1], BaseData);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (BaseData[i] != sparseData[Position[0][i], Position[1][i]])
                    Assert.Fail(String.Format("{0} != {1}", BaseData[i], sparseData[Position[0][i], Position[1][i]]));
Example #5
        private SparseTwinIndex <float> CreateSparseData(List <int> zoneNumbers, int sparseLength, List <float>[] dataColumns)
            var numberOfZoneEntries = zoneNumbers.Count;
            var entries             = numberOfZoneEntries * sparseLength;
            var first  = new int[entries];
            var second = new int[entries];
            var data   = new float[entries];
            int pos    = 0;

            for (int dataEntry = 0; dataEntry < numberOfZoneEntries; dataEntry++)
                var zoneNumber = zoneNumbers[dataEntry];
                var dataRow    = dataColumns[dataEntry];
                for (int k = 0; k < sparseLength; k++)
                    first[pos]  = zoneNumber;
                    second[pos] = this.SparseSpace[k];
                    data[pos]   = dataRow[k];
            return(SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(first, second, data));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the network from a 211 file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName211"></param>
        public void LoadNetwork(string fileName211)
            Dictionary <int, Node>             nodes = new Dictionary <int, Node>();
            Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, Link> links = new Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, Link>();

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName211))
                string line = null;

                // run until we get to the link information
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] parts = line.Split(SplitCharacters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        var numberOfParts = parts.Length;
                        if (numberOfParts >= 3 && parts[0].Length > 0)
                            int offset = -1;
                            if (parts[0][0] == 'a')
                                offset = 0;
                            else if (parts[0][0] == 'c')
                            Node node = new Node();
                            if (offset == -1)
                                node.IsCentroid = false;
                                node.IsCentroid = (parts[0].Length >= 2 && parts[0] == "a*");
                            node.Number = int.Parse(parts[1 + offset]);
                            node.X      = float.Parse(parts[2 + offset]);
                            node.Y      = float.Parse(parts[3 + offset]);
                            if (numberOfParts > 4 + offset)
                                node.USER1 = int.Parse(parts[4 + offset]);
                                if (numberOfParts > 5 + offset)
                                    node.USER2 = int.Parse(parts[5 + offset]);
                                    if (numberOfParts > 6 + offset)
                                        node.NodeType = int.Parse(parts[6 + offset]);
                                        node.Modified = false;
                                        if (parts.Length > 7 + offset)
                                            node.NodeLabel = parts[7 + offset];
                                            node.NodeLabel = node.Number.ToString();
                            nodes.Add(node.Number, node);
                    catch { }
                    if (line != null && line.StartsWith("t links"))

                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        string[] parts = line.Split(SplitCharacters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (parts.Length > 7)
                            Link link;
                            link.I        = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                            link.J        = int.Parse(parts[2]);
                            link.Length   = float.Parse(parts[3]);
                            link.Modes    = parts[4].ToLower().ToCharArray();
                            link.LinkType = int.Parse(parts[5]);
                            link.Lanes    = float.Parse(parts[6]);
                            link.VDF      = float.Parse(parts[7]);
                            // We don't load [8]
                            link.Speed    = float.Parse(parts[9]);
                            link.Capacity = float.Parse(parts[10]);
                            link.Modified = false;
                            links.Add(new Pair <int, int>(link.I, link.J), link);
                    catch { }

            // Now that we have loaded the data it is time to create the sparse structures
            var numberOfLinks = links.Count;
            var first         = new int[numberOfLinks];
            var second        = new int[numberOfLinks];
            var data          = new Link[numberOfLinks];
            int i             = 0;

            foreach (var l in links.Values)
                first[i]  = l.I;
                second[i] = l.J;
                data[i]   = l;
            if (nodes.Values.Count == 0)
                this.Nodes = null;
                this.Nodes = SparseArray <Node> .CreateSparseArray((n => n.Number), nodes.Values.ToArray());
            if (numberOfLinks == 0)
                this.Links = null;
                this.Links = SparseTwinIndex <Link> .CreateTwinIndex(first, second, data);
        private void LoadStudentDist()
            List <StudentDist> studentData = new List <StudentDist>();

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(StudentDistributionFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                float[] data = new float[4];

                while (reader.NextLine())
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && i < reader.NumberOfCurrentCells; i++)
                        reader.Get(out data[i], i);
                    studentData.Add(new StudentDist
                        Zone             = (int)data[0],
                        AgeCat           = (int)data[1],
                        EmploymentStatus = (int)data[2],
                        Chance           = data[3]
            studentData.Sort(delegate(StudentDist first, StudentDist second)
                if (first.Zone > second.Zone)
                if (first.Zone == second.Zone)
                    if (first.AgeCat > second.AgeCat)
                    if (first.AgeCat == second.AgeCat)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus > second.EmploymentStatus)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus == second.EmploymentStatus)
            // Employment is now sorted Zone,Age,EmploymentStatus
            SchoolRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTwinIndex <float> >();
            var start             = 0;
            var stop              = 0;
            var studentDataLength = studentData.Count;

            int[]   firstIndex;
            int[]   secondIndex;
            float[] d;
            int     numberOfElements;

            for (int i = 1; i < studentDataLength; i++)
                if (studentData[i].Zone == studentData[i - 1].Zone)
                    stop = i;
                    numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
                    firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements];
                    secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements];
                    d = new float[numberOfElements];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                        var data = studentData[start + j];
                        firstIndex[j]  = data.AgeCat;
                        secondIndex[j] = data.EmploymentStatus;
                        d[j]           = data.Chance;
                    foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[studentData[i - 1].Zone])
                        SchoolRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
                    start = i;
            numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
            firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements];
            secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements];
            d = new float[numberOfElements];
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                firstIndex[j]  = studentData[start + j].AgeCat;
                secondIndex[j] = studentData[start + j].EmploymentStatus;
                d[j]           = studentData[start + j].Chance;
            foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[studentData[studentDataLength - 1].Zone])
                SchoolRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
        private void LoadEmploymentDist()
            List <EmploymentDist> employment = new List <EmploymentDist>();

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(EmploymentDistributionFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                float[] data = new float[5];
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells < 5)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && i < reader.NumberOfCurrentCells; i++)
                        reader.Get(out data[i], i);
                    employment.Add(new EmploymentDist {
                        AgeCat = (int)data[1], Zone = (int)data[0], NonWork = data[2], FullTime = data[3], PartTime = data[4]
            employment.Sort(delegate(EmploymentDist first, EmploymentDist second)
                if (first.Zone > second.Zone)
                if (first.Zone == second.Zone)
                    if (first.AgeCat > second.AgeCat)
                    if (first.AgeCat == second.AgeCat)
            EmploymentStatusRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTwinIndex <float> >();
            int start            = 0;
            int stop             = 0;
            var employmentLength = employment.Count;

            int[]   firstIndex;
            int[]   secondIndex;
            float[] d;
            int     numberOfElements;

            for (var i = 1; i < employmentLength; i++)
                if (employment[i].Zone == employment[i - 1].Zone)
                    stop = i;
                    numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
                    firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
                    secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
                    d = new float[numberOfElements * 3];
                    for (var j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                        var ageCat = employment[start + j].AgeCat;
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            firstIndex[j * 3 + k]  = ageCat;
                            secondIndex[j * 3 + k] = k;
                        d[j * 3]     = employment[start + j].NonWork;
                        d[j * 3 + 1] = employment[start + j].FullTime;
                        d[j * 3 + 2] = employment[start + j].PartTime;
                    foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[employment[i - 1].Zone])
                        EmploymentStatusRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
                    start = i;
            numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
            firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
            secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
            d = new float[numberOfElements * 3];
            for (var j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    firstIndex[j * 3 + k]  = employment[start + j].AgeCat;
                    secondIndex[j * 3 + k] = k;
                d[j * 3]     = employment[start + j].NonWork;
                d[j * 3 + 1] = employment[start + j].FullTime;
                d[j * 3 + 2] = employment[start + j].PartTime;
            foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[employment[employmentLength - 1].Zone])
                EmploymentStatusRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
Example #9
        private void LoadStudentDist()
            List <StudentDist> studentData = new List <StudentDist>();
            List <int>         zones;

            using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(GetFullPath(StudentDistributionFile)))
                int     length;
                float[] data = new float[4];
                if (StudentDistributionFileHeader)
                    // burn the header
                while ((length = reader.LoadLine()) > 2)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && i < length; i++)
                        reader.Get(out data[i], i);
                    studentData.Add(new StudentDist
                        Zone             = (int)data[0],
                        AgeCat           = (int)data[1],
                        EmploymentStatus = (int)data[2],
                        Chance           = data[3]
            studentData.Sort(delegate(StudentDist first, StudentDist second)
                if (first.Zone > second.Zone)
                if (first.Zone == second.Zone)
                    if (first.AgeCat > second.AgeCat)
                    if (first.AgeCat == second.AgeCat)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus > second.EmploymentStatus)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus == second.EmploymentStatus)
            // Employment is now sorted Zone,Age,EmploymentStatus
            SchoolRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTwinIndex <float> >();
            var start             = 0;
            var stop              = 0;
            var studentDataLength = studentData.Count;

            int[]   firstIndex;
            int[]   secondIndex;
            float[] d;
            int     numberOfElements;

            for (int i = 1; i < studentDataLength; i++)
                if (studentData[i].Zone == studentData[i - 1].Zone)
                    stop = i;
                    numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
                    firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements];
                    secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements];
                    d = new float[numberOfElements];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                        var data = studentData[start + j];
                        firstIndex[j]  = data.AgeCat;
                        secondIndex[j] = data.EmploymentStatus;
                        d[j]           = data.Chance;
                    if (PdZoneMap.TryGetValue(studentData[i - 1].Zone, out zones))
                        foreach (var z in zones)
                            SchoolRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
                    start = i;
            numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
            firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements];
            secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements];
            d = new float[numberOfElements];
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                firstIndex[j]  = studentData[start + j].AgeCat;
                secondIndex[j] = studentData[start + j].EmploymentStatus;
                d[j]           = studentData[start + j].Chance;
            if (PdZoneMap.TryGetValue(studentData[studentDataLength - 1].Zone, out zones))
                foreach (var z in zones)
                    SchoolRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
Example #10
        private void LoadEmploymentDist()
            List <int>            zones;
            List <EmploymentDist> employment = new List <EmploymentDist>();

            using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(GetFullPath(EmploymentDistributionFile)))
                int     length;
                float[] data = new float[5];
                if (EmploymentDistributionFileHeader)
                    // burn the header
                while (!reader.EndOfFile)
                    if ((length = reader.LoadLine()) < 5)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && i < length; i++)
                        reader.Get(out data[i], i);
                    employment.Add(new EmploymentDist {
                        AgeCat = (int)data[1], Zone = (int)data[0], NonWork = data[2], FullTime = data[3], PartTime = data[4]
            employment.Sort(delegate(EmploymentDist first, EmploymentDist second)
                if (first.Zone > second.Zone)
                if (first.Zone == second.Zone)
                    if (first.AgeCat > second.AgeCat)
                    if (first.AgeCat == second.AgeCat)
            EmploymentStatusRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTwinIndex <float> >();
            var start            = 0;
            var stop             = 0;
            var employmentLength = employment.Count;

            int[]   firstIndex;
            int[]   secondIndex;
            float[] d;
            int     numberOfElements;

            for (int i = 1; i < employmentLength; i++)
                if (employment[i].Zone == employment[i - 1].Zone)
                    stop = i;
                    numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
                    firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
                    secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
                    d = new float[numberOfElements * 3];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                        var ageCat = employment[start + j].AgeCat;
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            firstIndex[j * 3 + k]  = ageCat;
                            secondIndex[j * 3 + k] = k;
                        d[j * 3]     = employment[start + j].NonWork;
                        d[j * 3 + 1] = employment[start + j].FullTime;
                        d[j * 3 + 2] = employment[start + j].PartTime;
                    if (PdZoneMap.TryGetValue(employment[i - 1].Zone, out zones))
                        foreach (var z in zones)
                            EmploymentStatusRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
                    start = i;
            numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
            firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
            secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
            d = new float[numberOfElements * 3];
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    firstIndex[j * 3 + k]  = employment[start + j].AgeCat;
                    secondIndex[j * 3 + k] = k;
                d[j * 3]     = employment[start + j].NonWork;
                d[j * 3 + 1] = employment[start + j].FullTime;
                d[j * 3 + 2] = employment[start + j].PartTime;
            if (PdZoneMap.TryGetValue(employment[employmentLength - 1].Zone, out zones))
                foreach (var z in zones)
                    EmploymentStatusRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
Example #11
        private void LoadAgeDist()
            List <AgeDist> ageDistributions = new List <AgeDist>();
            var            ageCategories    = AgeCategories.Count;

            using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(GetFullPath(AgeDistributionFile)))
                int length;
                if (AgeDistributionFileHeader)
                    // burn the header
                while ((length = reader.LoadLine()) > ageCategories)
                    float[] ageD = new float[ageCategories];
                    reader.Get(out int zone, 0);
                    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
                        reader.Get(out ageD[i - 1], i);
                    ageDistributions.Add(new AgeDist {
                        Zone = zone, Percentages = ageD
            int numberOfSetZones = 0;

            foreach (var ageDist in ageDistributions)
                if (PdZoneMap.TryGetValue(ageDist.Zone, out List <int> temp))
                    numberOfSetZones += temp.Count;

            var elements         = ageDistributions.Count;
            var first            = new int[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var second           = new int[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var d                = new float[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var validAgeCategory = AgeCategories.ValidIndexies().ToArray();
            int soFar            = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++)
                if (PdZoneMap.TryGetValue(ageDistributions[i].Zone, out List <int> zones))
                    foreach (var zone in zones)
                        for (int j = 0; j < ageCategories; j++)
                            first[soFar]  = zone;
                            second[soFar] = validAgeCategory[j];
                            d[soFar]      = ageDistributions[i].Percentages[j];
            AgeRates = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(first, second, d);