Example #1
        public unsafe int GetHashCode(StringSegment str)
            if (_buffer == null || _buffer.Length < str.Length)
                _buffer = new char[Bits.NextPowerOf2(str.Length)];

            for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                _buffer[i] = char.ToUpperInvariant(str.String[str.Start + i]);

            fixed(char *p = _buffer)
                return((int)Hashing.XXHash32.CalculateInline((byte *)p, str.Length * sizeof(char)));
Example #2
        public unsafe int GetHashCode(StringSegment str)
            if (_buffer == null || _buffer.Length < str.Length)
                _buffer = new char[Bits.NextPowerOf2(str.Length)];

            for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                _buffer[i] = char.ToUpperInvariant(str.Buffer[str.Offset + i]);

            fixed(char *p = _buffer)
                //PERF: JIT will remove the corresponding line based on the target architecture using dead code removal.
                if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                    return((int)Hashing.XXHash32.CalculateInline((byte *)p, str.Length * sizeof(char)));
                return((int)Hashing.XXHash64.CalculateInline((byte *)p, (ulong)str.Length * sizeof(char)));