Example #1
        void _kernel(SpanTensor2 <Pixel.RGB24> src, SpanTensor2 <Pixel.Luminance8> dst)
            // src & dst dimensions must be 512x512

            var workingTensor = _Session.GetInputTensor <float>(0)
                                .VerifyDimensions(3, 512, 512);

            SpanTensor.Copy(src.DownCast <Byte>(), workingTensor[0], workingTensor[1], workingTensor[2], MultiplyAdd.CreateMul(255).GetInverse());

            // increase image contrast (optional)
            var imagePreprocessor = new ImageProcessor <Pixel.RGB96F>();

            imagePreprocessor.ColorTransform = MultiplyAdd.CreateAdd(-0.5f).ConcatMul(1.7f);



            var result = _Session.GetOutputTensor <float>(0)
                         .VerifyDimensions(1, 512, 512)

            SpanTensor.Copy(result, dst.Cast <Byte>(), MultiplyAdd.CreateMul(255));
Example #2
            // https://github.com/Kazuhito00/YuNet-ONNX-TFLite-Sample/blob/main/yunet/yunet_onnx.py

            // MIN_SIZES = [[10, 16, 24], [32, 48], [64, 96], [128, 192, 256]]
            // STEPS = [8, 16, 32, 64]
            // VARIANCE = [0.1, 0.2]

            public static SpanTensor2 <System.Numerics.Vector4> priorbox(
                int feature_width, int feature_height,
                int img_width, int img_height,
                int step, int num_sizes,
                float[] pWinSizes)
                var outputData = new SpanTensor2 <System.Numerics.Vector4>(feature_height, feature_width);

                for (int r = 0; r < outputData.Dimensions[1]; r++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < outputData.Dimensions[0]; c++)
                        for (int s = 0; s < num_sizes; s++)
                            float min_size_ = pWinSizes[s];

                            float center_x = (c + 0.5f) * step;
                            float center_y = (r + 0.5f) * step;
                            var   xmin     = (center_x - min_size_ / 2f) / img_width;
                            var   ymin     = (center_y - min_size_ / 2f) / img_height;
                            var   xmax     = (center_x + min_size_ / 2f) / img_width;
                            var   ymax     = (center_y + min_size_ / 2f) / img_height;

                            outputData[c, r] = new System.Numerics.Vector4(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);

Example #3
        public static unsafe BitmapSampler <TPixel> From(SpanTensor2 <TPixel> tensor, ColorEncoding encoding)
            var w = tensor.BitmapSize.Width;
            var h = tensor.BitmapSize.Height;
            var b = MMARSHALL.Cast <TPixel, byte>(tensor.Span);
            var e = encoding;

            return(new BitmapSampler <TPixel>(b, w * sizeof(TPixel), w, h, e));
Example #4
 public TensorBitmap(SpanTensor2 <T> tensor, ColorEncoding encoding)
     _ChannelX = tensor.Span;
     _ChannelY = default;
     _ChannelZ = default;
     _ChannelW = default;
     _Channels = 1;
     _Width    = tensor.Dimensions[1];
     _Height   = tensor.Dimensions[0];
     _Encoding = encoding;
Example #5
        public void Filter(SpanBitmap srcImage, ref MemoryBitmap <Pixel.Luminance8> dstImage)
            var srcTensor = new SpanTensor2 <Pixel.RGB24>(srcImage.Height, srcImage.Width);

            srcTensor.AsSpanBitmap().AsTypeless().SetPixels(0, 0, srcImage);

            var stats = srcTensor.Statistics as Statistics.Vector3;

            var dstTensor = new SpanTensor2 <Pixel.Luminance8>(srcImage.Height, srcImage.Width);

            // use a fixed 512x512 kernel to iterate through the image, processing small chunks
            srcTensor.CopyTo(dstTensor, new TensorSize2(512, 512), _kernel, new TensorIndices2(32, 32));

            // copy the tensor data back to the dst image
            dstTensor.AsTensorBitmap(Tensors.Imaging.ColorEncoding.L).CopyTo(ref dstImage);
Example #6
        // https://github.com/atksh/onnx-facial-lmk-detector

        public static                     FullStackFaceInfo[] Parse(SpanTensor1 <float> scores, SpanTensor2 <Int64> bboxes, SpanTensor3 <Pixel.BGR24> align_imgs, SpanTensor3 <Int64> lmks)
            var result = new FullStackFaceInfo[scores.Dimensions[0]];

            for (int i = 0; i < scores.Dimensions[0]; ++i)
                result[i].Score = scores[i];

                var bbox = bboxes[i];
                result[i].BoundingBox = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)bbox[0], (int)bbox[1], (int)bbox[2], (int)bbox[3]);

                MemoryBitmap <Pixel.BGR24> bmp = default;
                align_imgs[i].AsTensorBitmap(Tensors.Imaging.ColorEncoding.RGB).CopyTo(ref bmp);
                result[i].AlignedImage = bmp;

                var lmarks = lmks[i].ToArray();

Example #7
        public static void DrawPixelLine <TPixel>(this SpanTensor2 <TPixel> bitmap, XY a, XY b, TPixel color)
            where TPixel : unmanaged
            var bounds = bitmap.Dimensions;

            var ab = b - a;

            if (Math.Abs(ab.X) <= 1 && Math.Abs(ab.Y) <= 1)
            // can't loop; draw a single pixel
                int x = (int)a.X;
                int y = (int)a.Y;

                if (bounds.ContainsIndices(y, x))
                    bitmap[y].Span[x] = color;


            if (Math.Abs(ab.X) > Math.Abs(ab.Y))
            // loop from left to right
                var ptr = a;
                var max = b.X;

                if (ab.X < 0)
                    ab = -ab; ptr = b; max = a.X;

                var d = new XY(1, ab.Y / ab.X);

                while (ptr.X <= max)
                    int x = (int)ptr.X;
                    int y = (int)ptr.Y;

                    if (bounds.ContainsIndices(y, x))
                        bitmap[y].Span[x] = color;

                    ptr += d;
            // loop from top to bottom
                var ptr = a;
                var max = b.Y;

                if (ab.Y < 0)
                    ab = -ab; ptr = b; max = a.Y;

                var d = new XY(ab.X / ab.Y, 1);

                while (ptr.Y <= max)
                    int x = (int)ptr.X;
                    int y = (int)ptr.Y;

                    if (bounds.ContainsIndices(y, x))
                        bitmap[y].Span[x] = color;

                    ptr += d;