Example #1
        public List <ShareSpace> getSubSpaces(ShareSpace parentSpace)
            List <ShareSpace> shareSubSpaces = new List <ShareSpace>();
            SpaceApi          spaceApi       = new SpaceApi(session.GetApiClient());
            PaginationRecord  pg             = new PaginationRecord();

            pg.Limit = 10;
            pg.Page  = "F";

            FolderOptionsRecord options = new FolderOptionsRecord();

            options.SortDir = "DESC";

            GetSubSpacesResult subSpacesResult = spaceApi.GetSubSpaces(parentSpace.Key, pg.ToJson(), parentSpace.Key, options.ToJson(), null, "myvmoso");

            if (subSpacesResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                List <SpaceV2Record> subSpaces = subSpacesResult.Folders;
                foreach (SpaceV2Record subSpace in subSpaces)
                    ShareSpace childSpace = new ShareSpace(subSpace.Key, subSpace.DisplayName, subSpace);
                log.Error("Error accesing subspaces for parent space " + parentSpace.Name);
Example #2
        public List <ShareSpace> GetRootSpaces()
            log.Debug("Getting root spaces...");
            SpaceApi spaceApi = new SpaceApi(session.GetApiClient());

            GetSpacesResult getSpacesResult = spaceApi.GetSpaces(CUSTOM_SPACE_TAG);

            if (getSpacesResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                List <SpaceV2Record> spaces      = getSpacesResult.Folders;
                List <ShareSpace>    shareSpaces = new List <ShareSpace>();
                foreach (SpaceV2Record space in spaces)
                    if (space.NameKey.Equals(CORPORATE_SPACE) || space.NameKey.Equals(CUSTOM_SPACE) || space.NameKey.Equals(MUTUAL_SPACE) || space.NameKey.Equals(PUBLIC_SPACE))
                        ShareSpace shareSpace = new ShareSpace(space.Key, space.DisplayName, space);
                        shareSpaces.Insert(0, shareSpace);

                throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting root spaces. Rc=" + getSpacesResult.Hdr.Rc);
Example #3
        public ShareFileItem createFile(FileInfo fileInfo, String title, String description, List <String> spaceKeys, Bitmap icon)
                FileRecord fileRecord = VmosoFileUtils.uploadFile(session, fileInfo.FullName, title, description, true);

                if (spaceKeys != null)
                    SpaceApi          spaceApi    = new SpaceApi(session.GetApiClient());
                    ShareObjectInput  shareInput  = new ShareObjectInput(null, spaceKeys, null);
                    ShareObjectResult shareResult = spaceApi.ShareObject(fileRecord.Key, shareInput);
                    if (shareResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                        FileApi        fileApi        = new FileApi(session.GetApiClient());
                        ViewFileResult viewFileResult = fileApi.ViewFile(fileRecord.Key);
                        if (viewFileResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                            fileRecord = viewFileResult.File;
                            throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting created link. Rc=" + viewFileResult.Hdr.Rc);
                        throw new Exception("Vmoso error sharing link. Rc=" + shareResult.Hdr.Rc);

                ShareFileItem item = new ShareFileItem(fileRecord.Name, fileRecord.Description);
                item.Key      = fileRecord.Key;
                item.FileInfo = fileInfo;
                item.Record = fileRecord;

                List <ShareSpace> itemSpaces = new List <ShareSpace>();
                foreach (DisplayRecord spaceDisplayRecord in fileRecord.Destinations)
                    ShareSpace space = new ShareSpace(spaceDisplayRecord.Key, spaceDisplayRecord.DisplayName, null);

                item.Spaces = itemSpaces;
            } catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error creating file", ex);
Example #4
        public ShareLinkItem createBookmarkAsDocument(Uri link, String title, String description, List <String> spaceKeys, Bitmap icon)
            try {
                DocumentApi documentApi = new DocumentApi(session.GetApiClient());

                LinkV2Record linkRecord = new LinkV2Record();
                linkRecord.Link  = link.ToString();
                linkRecord.Title = title;
                linkRecord.Text  = description;
                linkRecord.Type  = "link";

                CreateDocumentInput  createDocumentInput  = new CreateDocumentInput(linkRecord);
                CreateDocumentResult createDocumentResult = documentApi.CreateDocument(createDocumentInput);
                if (createDocumentResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                    DocumentV2Record createdDocument = createDocumentResult.Document;
                    LinkV2Record     createdLink     = null;

                    if (spaceKeys != null)
                        SpaceApi          spaceApi    = new SpaceApi(session.GetApiClient());
                        ShareObjectInput  shareInput  = new ShareObjectInput(null, spaceKeys, null);
                        ShareObjectResult shareResult = spaceApi.ShareObject(createdDocument.Key, shareInput);
                        if (shareResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                            LinkApi       linkApi       = new LinkApi(session.GetApiClient());
                            GetLinkResult getLinkResult = linkApi.GetLink(createdDocument.Key);
                            if (getLinkResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                                createdLink = getLinkResult.Link;
                                throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting created link. Rc=" + getLinkResult.Hdr.Rc);
                            throw new Exception("Vmoso error sharing link. Rc=" + shareResult.Hdr.Rc);

                    ShareLinkItem item = new ShareLinkItem(createdLink.Title, createdLink.Text);
                    item.Key    = createdLink.Key;
                    item.Link   = new Uri(createdLink.Link);
                    item.Record = createdLink;

                    List <ShareSpace> itemSpaces = new List <ShareSpace>();
                    foreach (DisplayRecord spaceDisplayRecord in createdLink.Destinations)
                        ShareSpace space = new ShareSpace(spaceDisplayRecord.Key, spaceDisplayRecord.DisplayName, null);

                    item.Spaces = itemSpaces;
                    throw new Exception("Vmoso error creating link. Rc=" + createDocumentResult.Hdr.Rc);
            } catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Vmoso error creating link", ex);
Example #5
        public ShareLinkItem updateBookmark(String key, Uri link, String title, String description, List <String> spaceKeys, Bitmap icon)
                LinkApi     linkApi     = new LinkApi(session.GetApiClient());
                DocumentApi documentApi = new DocumentApi(session.GetApiClient());

                GetLinkResult getLinkResult = linkApi.GetLink(key);
                if (getLinkResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                    LinkV2Record existingLink = getLinkResult.Link;
                    existingLink.Link  = link.ToString();
                    existingLink.Title = title;
                    existingLink.Text  = description;
                    existingLink.Type  = "link";

                    //UpdateLinkInput updateLinkInput = new UpdateLinkInput(existingLink);
                    //UpdateLinkResult updateLinkResult = linkApi.UpdateLink(key, updateLinkInput);

                    UpdateDocumentInput  updateDocumentInput  = new UpdateDocumentInput(existingLink);
                    UpdateDocumentResult updateDocumentResult = documentApi.UpdateDocument(key, updateDocumentInput);

                    if (updateDocumentResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                        DocumentV2Record updatedDocument = updateDocumentResult.Document;

                        SpaceApi spaceApi = new SpaceApi(session.GetApiClient());

                        // Remove spaces
                        foreach (DisplayRecord destination in updatedDocument.Destinations)
                            if (!spaceKeys.Contains(destination.Key))
                                List <String> itemKeysToRemove = new List <String>()
                                RemoveObjectsInput  removeObjectsInput  = new RemoveObjectsInput(destination.Key, itemKeysToRemove);
                                RemoveObjectsResult removeObjectsResult = spaceApi.RemoveObjects(destination.Key, removeObjectsInput);
                                if (removeObjectsResult.Hdr.Rc != 0)
                                    throw new Exception("Vmoso error removing bookmark from space. Rc=" + removeObjectsResult.Hdr.Rc);

                        if (spaceKeys.Count > 0)
                            ShareObjectInput  shareInput  = new ShareObjectInput(null, spaceKeys, null);
                            ShareObjectResult shareResult = spaceApi.ShareObject(updatedDocument.Key, shareInput);
                            if (shareResult.Hdr.Rc != 0)
                                throw new Exception("Vmoso error sharing bookmark. Rc=" + shareResult.Hdr.Rc);

                        getLinkResult = linkApi.GetLink(updatedDocument.Key);
                        if (getLinkResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                            LinkV2Record  updatedLink = getLinkResult.Link;
                            ShareLinkItem item        = new ShareLinkItem(updatedLink.Title, updatedLink.Text);
                            item.Key    = updatedLink.Key;
                            item.Link   = new Uri(updatedLink.Link);
                            item.Record = updatedLink;

                            List <ShareSpace> itemSpaces = new List <ShareSpace>();
                            foreach (DisplayRecord spaceDisplayRecord in updatedLink.Destinations)
                                ShareSpace space = new ShareSpace(spaceDisplayRecord.Key, spaceDisplayRecord.DisplayName, null);

                            item.Spaces = itemSpaces;
                            throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting updated link. Rc=" + getLinkResult.Hdr.Rc);
                        throw new Exception("Vmoso error updating link. Rc=" + updateDocumentResult.Hdr.Rc);
                    throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting link to update. Rc=" + getLinkResult.Hdr.Rc);
            } catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting link to update", ex);
Example #6
        public ShareFileItem updateFile(String key, FileInfo fileInfo, String title, String description, List <String> spaceKeys, Bitmap icon)
                FileApi fileApi = new FileApi(session.GetApiClient());

                ViewFileResult viewFileResult = fileApi.ViewFile(key);

                if (viewFileResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                    FileRecord existingFile = viewFileResult.File;
                    existingFile.Name        = title;
                    existingFile.Description = description;

                    UpdateFileInput  updateFileInput  = new UpdateFileInput(existingFile, null);
                    UpdateFileResult updateFileResult = fileApi.UpdateFile(key, updateFileInput);

                    if (updateFileResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                        FileRecord updatedFile = updateFileResult.Updated;

                        SpaceApi spaceApi = new SpaceApi(session.GetApiClient());

                        // Remove spaces
                        foreach (DisplayRecord destination in updatedFile.Destinations)
                            if (!spaceKeys.Contains(destination.Key))
                                List <String> itemKeysToRemove = new List <String>()
                                RemoveObjectsInput  removeObjectsInput  = new RemoveObjectsInput(destination.Key, itemKeysToRemove);
                                RemoveObjectsResult removeObjectsResult = spaceApi.RemoveObjects(destination.Key, removeObjectsInput);
                                if (removeObjectsResult.Hdr.Rc != 0)
                                    throw new Exception("Vmoso error removing file from space. Rc=" + removeObjectsResult.Hdr.Rc);

                        if (spaceKeys.Count > 0)
                            ShareObjectInput  shareInput  = new ShareObjectInput(null, spaceKeys, null);
                            ShareObjectResult shareResult = spaceApi.ShareObject(updatedFile.Key, shareInput);
                            if (shareResult.Hdr.Rc != 0)
                                throw new Exception("Vmoso error sharing file. Rc=" + shareResult.Hdr.Rc);

                        viewFileResult = fileApi.ViewFile(updatedFile.Key);
                        if (viewFileResult.Hdr.Rc == 0)
                            updatedFile = viewFileResult.File;
                            ShareFileItem item = new ShareFileItem(updatedFile.Name, updatedFile.Description);
                            item.Key      = updatedFile.Key;
                            item.FileInfo = fileInfo;
                            item.Record   = updatedFile;

                            List <ShareSpace> itemSpaces = new List <ShareSpace>();
                            foreach (DisplayRecord spaceDisplayRecord in updatedFile.Destinations)
                                ShareSpace space = new ShareSpace(spaceDisplayRecord.Key, spaceDisplayRecord.DisplayName, null);

                            item.Spaces = itemSpaces;
                            throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting updated file. Rc=" + viewFileResult.Hdr.Rc);
                        throw new Exception("Vmoso error updating file. Rc=" + updateFileResult.Hdr.Rc);
                    throw new Exception("Vmoso error getting file to update. Rc=" + viewFileResult.Hdr.Rc);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Vmoso updating file", ex);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes client properties.
 /// </summary>
 private void Initialize()
     AlbumApi               = new AlbumApi(this);
     AnmmarApi              = new AnmmarApi(this);
     AnnouncementApi        = new AnnouncementApi(this);
     AssessmentsMessages    = new AssessmentsMessages(this);
     AttendanceApi          = new AttendanceApi(this);
     AuthorizationApi       = new AuthorizationApi(this);
     BadgeApi               = new BadgeApi(this);
     BehaviourApi           = new BehaviourApi(this);
     CalendarApi            = new CalendarApi(this);
     CertificateApi         = new CertificateApi(this);
     ClassApi               = new ClassApi(this);
     ConfigurationMangerApi = new ConfigurationMangerApi(this);
     CopyApi                 = new CopyApi(this);
     CourseApi               = new CourseApi(this);
     CourseCatalogueApi      = new CourseCatalogueApi(this);
     CourseGroupAuthors      = new CourseGroupAuthors(this);
     CourseImageApi          = new CourseImageApi(this);
     CourseRequestsApi       = new CourseRequestsApi(this);
     CoursesProgress         = new CoursesProgress(this);
     DiscussionApi           = new DiscussionApi(this);
     EduShareApi             = new EduShareApi(this);
     EvaluationApi           = new EvaluationApi(this);
     EventApi                = new EventApi(this);
     FileApi                 = new FileApi(this);
     FormsTemplatesApi       = new FormsTemplatesApi(this);
     GradeApi                = new GradeApi(this);
     GradeBookApi            = new GradeBookApi(this);
     HelpApi                 = new HelpApi(this);
     IenApi                  = new IenApi(this);
     InvitationApi           = new InvitationApi(this);
     InviteApi               = new InviteApi(this);
     LanguageApi             = new LanguageApi(this);
     LearningObjectivesApi   = new LearningObjectivesApi(this);
     LearningPathApi         = new LearningPathApi(this);
     LTILMSConsumerApi       = new LTILMSConsumerApi(this);
     MaterialApi             = new MaterialApi(this);
     MaterialSeenByUser      = new MaterialSeenByUser(this);
     MembersApi              = new MembersApi(this);
     MentorApi               = new MentorApi(this);
     NotificationsApi        = new NotificationsApi(this);
     OfferApi                = new OfferApi(this);
     Office365               = new Office365(this);
     OfficeAddInApi          = new OfficeAddInApi(this);
     Onenote                 = new Onenote(this);
     OrganizationUserAPI     = new OrganizationUserAPI(this);
     OutcomesApi             = new OutcomesApi(this);
     PointsApi               = new PointsApi(this);
     PollApi                 = new PollApi(this);
     PrerequisitesApi        = new PrerequisitesApi(this);
     QtiInteroperability     = new QtiInteroperability(this);
     QuestionBankApi         = new QuestionBankApi(this);
     ReflectionApi           = new ReflectionApi(this);
     RelatedCoursesApi       = new RelatedCoursesApi(this);
     ReportApi               = new ReportApi(this);
     RoleManagementApi       = new RoleManagementApi(this);
     ScheduleVisitApi        = new ScheduleVisitApi(this);
     SchoolTypeApi           = new SchoolTypeApi(this);
     SessionApi              = new SessionApi(this);
     SpaceApi                = new SpaceApi(this);
     StudentApi              = new StudentApi(this);
     SubjectApi              = new SubjectApi(this);
     SystemAdministrationApi = new SystemAdministrationApi(this);
     SystemReportsApi        = new SystemReportsApi(this);
     TagsApi                 = new TagsApi(this);
     Themes                  = new Themes(this);
     TimeTableApi            = new TimeTableApi(this);
     ToolConsumerProfileApi  = new ToolConsumerProfileApi(this);
     TourApi                 = new TourApi(this);
     TrackApi                = new TrackApi(this);
     TrainingPlanApi         = new TrainingPlanApi(this);
     UserApi                 = new UserApi(this);
     UserProfileApi          = new UserProfileApi(this);
     UserProgressApi         = new UserProgressApi(this);
     UserSettingsApi         = new UserSettingsApi(this);
     WallApi                 = new WallApi(this);
     BaseUri                 = new System.Uri("https://xwinji.azurewebsites.net");
     SerializationSettings   = new JsonSerializerSettings
         Formatting            = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented,
         DateFormatHandling    = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat,
         DateTimeZoneHandling  = Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc,
         NullValueHandling     = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore,
         ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize,
         ContractResolver      = new ReadOnlyJsonContractResolver(),
         Converters            = new  List <JsonConverter>
             new Iso8601TimeSpanConverter()
     DeserializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
         DateFormatHandling    = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat,
         DateTimeZoneHandling  = Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc,
         NullValueHandling     = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore,
         ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize,
         ContractResolver      = new ReadOnlyJsonContractResolver(),
         Converters            = new List <JsonConverter>
             new Iso8601TimeSpanConverter()